
Name: ______________________________
Period ____
MA 7 Notes
Fingerspelling and Numbers
Do any stores have name signs, or do I fingerspell everything? p. 35
Most store names should be fingerspelled, though there are some name signs used in local areas.
...When a name sign is used, it tends to be followed with the fingerspelled name so everyone in the
conversation knows the context. Remember that fingerspelling is used for names, including grocery
stores, clothing stores, and brand names.
It takes me a long time to fingerspell. Can I just abbreviate? p. 39
Hearing signers often seek ways to avoid fingerspelling, usually by inventing signs or
abbreviations. It is understandable since fingerspelling well takes a lot of time and practice.
Modifying the language so it is easier for you disrespects ASL and the people who use the
language. Using fingerspelling at the appropriate times and doing it well shows you take ASL
Accent Steps p. 107
When using spatial organization to group information, you don't need to make the group sign
repeatedly. Before signing the information, shift your shoulders towards the area where you first
established the group.
ASL Up Close p. 262
American Sign Language has a visual way of organizing information into groups of related
thoughts, actions, or details. This grouping is called spatial organization, this uses shouldershifting and the group sign to separate details into related groups.
Deaf Culture Minute p. 264
Deaf people wake up to a flashing light or vibration.
Did You Know p. 269
For closed captioning to work each word and sound is keyed into a program that is then attached to
the original material.
MA 7 Notes
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Name: ______________________________
Period ____
MA 7 Notes
Since the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990, captioning has become
increasingly available and is now common...
ASL Up Close p. 273
The movement parameter changes nouns into verbs. Many ASL nouns and verbs share every
parameter except movement. These signs are called noun-verb pairs.
Nouns: Typically have a double back-and-forth movement
Verbs: Typically have one solid movement, or a wider back-and-forth movement.
Focus: The Sign Language Continuum p. 276-277
American Sign Language (ASL) – A visual language as unique as French or German. ASL
exists independent of English and has its own complex grammar and syntax. Like other
languages, ASL cannot be matched or translated sign-for-sign into another language
Pidgin Signed English (PSE) – ASL signs in English word order... English words matched
to every sign.
English Codes – These codes aim to show every word, prefix, and suffix in spoken English
using signs borrowed from ASL or by creating new ones. These are not languages and
cannot exist separate from English. Signing Exact English (SEE) is one code. Manually
Coded English refers to any code representing the English language.
Why have PSE or English codes in the first place?
All manually coded English systems were created to help Deaf people learn English.
So what does the sign language continuum mean?
The sign language continuum means there is a wide variety of signing among people... As an ASL
student, it is important to remember you are learning a foreign language... If you become fluent in
ASL, you will be able to move along the continuum from ASL to SEE and back... Those who learn
PSE tend to struggle to understand or sign ASL.
Deaf Culture Note p. 281
ASL Turn-Taking Strategies Include:
closing signals
MA 7 Notes
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Name: ______________________________
Period ____
MA 7 Notes
Question-Marker & WH-Face
using the hold on sign to ask someone to pause or wait.
Moving your hands to signal to the person signing that you wish to communicate
using the go on sign to ask someone to continue signing after an interruption...
I Want to know... p. 282
Wondering why signs have more than one meaning most likely results from matching one English
word to just one ASL sign. Rather than thinking this way, try to understand the meaning of the
concept... Some signs have very subtle differences that may have been overlooked.
Clothing, dress, and to wear all share the same concept (and sign.)
When the meaning of a single sign or word changes depending on how it is used in a sentence, then
the sign's meaning depends on context. For example the signs shirt & to volunteer.
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