Africa Unit Test Review Sheet

Africa Unit Test Review Sheet
General Topics and Terms:
Geography of Africa ~
 plateaus (Great Rift Valley)
 Savannas
 Mountains: Atlas Mtns., Mt. Kilimanjaro
 Sahel
 Lakes: Lake Victoria
 Sahara
 Rivers: Nile, Congo
 desertification
Mineral Resources in Africa ~
 be able to identify these
Control over South Africa ~
 Shaka and Zulu
 Boers/Dutch
 British
 Great Trek
 Boer War
8 Key Historical Periods in Africa’s history ~
 Bantu Migrations
 Rise of Islam
 West African Trading Kingdoms
 Swahili Trading States
 Turkish Empire
 Slave Trade
 European Colonialism
 African Independence
European Colonialism/Imperialism of Africa ~
 colonialism/imperialism
 causes
 Cecil Rhodes
 King Leopold II of Belgium
 Berlin Conference
 Dr. Livingstone
Social Darwinism
Apartheid in South Africa ~
 apartheid
 causes
 examples of apartheid
 enforcement of apartheid
 end of apartheid
 Nelson Mandela, F.W. de Klerk
Slave trade in Africa ~
 internal vs. external
 causes and effects
Contemporary Issues in Africa ~
 Blood Diamonds
 Human Trafficking/Slavery in 21st century
 Aids, Hunger, Poverty
 Civil Wars
 African Union
Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Describe Africa’s various landscapes
Historical Time Periods:
1. Place, in order, the 8 time periods
Slave Trade:
1. What were the causes and effects of the slave trade on Africans?
1. How was the institution of slavery different/the same in the 1400/1700’s in comparison to
today’s institution of slavery?
2. What industries (today) are involved in slave labor? What are the working conditions? How
do people/children get lured into becoming slaves?
European Colonialism:
1. What were the reasons for European imperialism of Africa? (main reason?)
3. How were the Europeans able to imperialize/colonize Africa so easily?
4. What were the positive and negative effects of European imperialism of Africa?
5. What were the effects of the Berlin Conference?
Apartheid in South Africa:
1. What were the living conditions of whites, blacks, coloreds/Asians under the apartheid system
in South Africa?
2. How did historic events in South Africa contribute to the apartheid system?
3. What resistance was there to the apartheid system in South Africa?
4. What were the two main reasons for why the South African govt. finally decided to end the
system of apartheid?
5. Who were leaders and/or supporters of the anti-apartheid movement?
Contemporary Problems:
1. Identify the contemporary problems facing Africans today