Apartheid in South Africa during the 1800s * 1900s - English-11-M

Apartheid in South Africa
during the 1800s – 1900s
: Raiza and Bella
What was the Apartheid?
“A system of racial segregation
enforced by the National Party
governments of south Africa
between 1948- 1994”
About the Apartheid
Racial segregation in South Africa began in colonial times.
However, apartheid as an official policy was introduced
following the general election of 1948
This new legislation classified inhabitants into four racial groups
(native, white, colored and Asian).
Non- white political representation was completely abolished
during the 1970 along with black people being deprived of
their citizenship.
The government segregated education, medial care, beaches
and other public services and provided black people with
services inferior to whites.
Reforms to apartheid in the 1980s failed to quell the
mounting opposition and in 1990 President Fredrick Willem
de Klerk began negotiations to end apartheid.
The multi-racial democratic elections during 1994 was won
by the African National Congress under Nelson Mandela.
The traces of apartheid still shape South African policies and
How does it relate to the
 Many
Africans were forced to leave their
homes because of a policy of resettlement.
 Women
were treated much differently from
men and were deprived of an education
and the right to own homes.
 Not
all whites were treated the same.
There were those who were white and those who were honorary
 Rankism
“abusive, discriminatory or exploitative behaviour towards
people because of their rank in a particular hierarchy.”
 Being
Coloured is one thing and being
Black is another
Being coloured means you’re mixed. Being black means you’re
from tribes found in different parts of South Africa.