June 1, 2011 - Hubbard County


June 1, 2011




A regular meeting of the Hubbard County Board of Commissioners was held on June 1,

2011, at 9:00 a.m. with all the Commissioners and County Coordinator, Debbie Thompson present.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Gregory D. Larson in the Coordinator’s

Office due to a scheduled temporary power outage by the electric company.

On motion of Ms. Grell, seconded by Mr. Robinson and carried unanimously, the agenda was approved, as presented.

On motion of Mr. Johannsen, seconded by Ms. Grell and carried unanimously, the minutes of the regular meeting held on May 18, 2011, were approved, as submitted.

There was no public input.

Auditor/Treasurer: On motion of Mr. Johannsen, seconded by Mr. Robinson and carried unanimously, the payment of the regular bills and the auditor’s warrants dated May 20 and May 27,

2011, were approved as submitted.

Auditor/Treasurer, Pam Heeren presented the departmental overtime report for May, 2011.

On motion of Mr. Devine, seconded by Mr. Johannsen and carried unanimously, the resignation of Deputy Treasurer, Sara Graham was accepted, with regrets; a letter of appreciation for service to Hubbard County was authorized and the re-filling of the position was approved, per proper procedure.

On motion of Mr. Devine, seconded by Ms. Grell and carried unanimously, the utilization of Auditor/Treasurer personnel overtime was authorized as needed, pending the re-filling of the vacant position, with a report to the board.

Ms. Heeren presented the following quotes received for license bureau counter remodel project: John Schrader, Lake George, MN - $905 (provided construction of current counter) and

Jerry Eischens Cabinetry Inc., Park Rapids, MN – between $616 - $816 (final cost dependent on review as the project was completed, unknown match to current counter availability and unknown availability for completion of the project). Discussion followed. On motion of Mr. Robinson, seconded by Mr. Johannsen and carried unanimously, the underlined quote for the project listed in bold above was approved based on known expense amount and known previous workmanship experience.

The power was restored to the courthouse at 9:11 a.m. and the meeting was moved to the regular board room located on the lower level of the courthouse at 9:21 a.m.

Public Works: On motion of Mr. Devine, seconded by Mr. Robinson and carried unanimously, the payment to the Motor Vehicle Deputy Registrar in the amount of $1,417.32 was


approved, by auditors warrant for the new Natural Resource Management pickup tax and license, with payment to be from departmental budgeted monies.

On motion of Ms. Grell, seconded by Mr. Johannsen and carried unanimously, the final payment to Polk County in the amount of $23,228.71 was approved for SP 88-070-003 (Hubbard

County Project SP 29-070-001), District 2 six inch edge line striping project.

On motion of Mr. Johannsen, seconded by Mr. Devine and carried unanimously, Fish Hook

River Public Fishing Pier cooperative agreement with the Department of Natural Resources was approved, as recommended by the Land Commissioner, the signature of same by the Chairman and

Land Commissioner was authorized and the installation of the recycled current pier on Newman

Lake was approved, as recommended by the Parks & Recreation Board.

On motion of Mr. Robinson, seconded by Mr. Johannsen and carried unanimously, the following resolution was adopted:

R ESOLUTION N O . 06011101




, the County of Hubbard is planning to implement County State Aid Street

Project(s) in 2011 which will require State Aid funds in excess of those available in its State Aid

Regular/Municipal Construction Account, and



, said County is prepared to proceed with the construction of said project(s) through the use of an advance from the County State Aid Construction Fund to supplement the available funds in their State Aid Regular/Municipal Construction Account, and



, the advance is based on the following determination of estimated expenditures:

Account Balance as of date May 31, 2011 $ 1,526,265.88

Less estimated disbursements:

Project # SAP 29-637-001

Project # SAP 29-603-009

$ 1,394,000

$ 850,000

Project # SP 29-070-001

Project #_______________

Bond Principle (if any)

Project Finals (overruns-if any)


Total Estimated Disbursements

Advance Amount (amount in excess of acct balance)



$ 7,000



$ 2,251,000

$ 800,000

W HEREAS , repayment of the funds so advanced will be made in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 162.08, Subd. 5 & 7 and Minnesota Rules, Chapter 8820, and


W HEREAS , the County acknowledges advance funds are released on a first-come-firstserve basis and this resolution does not guarantee the availability of funds.

N OW , T HEREFORE , B E I T R ESOLVED : That the Commissioner of Transportation be and is hereby requested to approve this advance for financing approved County State Aid Highway

Project(s) of the County of Hubbard in an amount up to $ 800,000 in accordance with Minnesota

Rules 8820.1500, Subp. 9. I hereby authorize repayments from subsequent accruals to the

Regular/Municipal Construction Account of said County from future year allocations until fully repaid.

Sheriff: On motion of Mr. Robinson, seconded by Mr. Devine and carried unanimously, the 2012 – 2013 STS Budget/contract (07/01/11 to 06/30/13) was approved, as recommended by the Sheriff and the Chairman and Coordinator were authorized to sign same.

Sheriff, Cory Aukes presented the following quotes received for purchases as listed: one squad car Nelson Auto Center, Fergus Falls, MN - $23,493 (Dodge Charger); Bemidji Chrysler

Center, Bemidji, MN - $24,959 (Dodge Charger) and Thielen Motors Inc., Park Rapids, MN -

$27,476 (Chevrolet Caprice) and two pickups to be used as squad cars Walker Ford, Walker,

MN - $24,560.65 (Ford F-150); Park Rapids Ford, Park Rapids, MN - $24,896 (Ford F-150);

Nelson Auto, Fergus Falls, MN – 25,894 (Ford F150) and Thielen Motors, Inc., Park Rapids, MN -

$26,263 (Chevrolet 1500). Discussion followed regarding the use of a pick-up vs an auto for a squad car. On motion of Mr. Robinson, seconded by Mr. Johannsen and carried unanimously, the purchases listed in bold above were approved for the following amounts respectively with payment to be from designated unallocated monies: $23,493 and $24,560.65 each plus tax.

On motion of Mr. Robinson, seconded by Mr. Johannsen and carried unanimously, the following resolution was adopted:

R ESOLUTION N O . 06011102



, Minnesota Statutes §465.03 provides for acceptance of gifts by the County by resolution of the County Board adopted by a two-thirds majority of the Board and expressing the terms of the gift, and



, Hubbard County's Sheriff's Department has received gifts as follows:

Name Amount Donation

Itasca Mantrap Co-op

Itasca Mantrap Co-op

500.00 Explorer Program Donation

500.00 Canine Program

Itasca Mantrap Co-op 500.00 Night to Unite Program

Itasca Mantrap Co-op 300.00 Jail Education Program

N OW , T HEREFORE , B E I T R ESOLVED , that the aforesaid gifts are hereby gratefully accepted.

On motion of Mr. Devine, seconded by Ms. Grell and carried unanimously, the expenditure of up to $187,500 in matching State of Minnesota Allied Radio Matrix for Emergency Response

(ARMER) infrastructure funds, was approved as recommended by the Sheriff, to be paid from


designated unallocated dollars.

On motion of Mr. Johannsen, seconded by Mr. Robinson and carried unanimously, the expenditure of up to $20,000 as matching ARMER funds in the event additional grant dollars become available was approved, as recommended by the Sheriff, to be paid from designated unallocated dollars.

Sheriff Aukes reported the filling of the vacant Sergeant position by Road Deputy, Chad

Olson effective June 5, 2011.

Emergency Management Officer, Brian Halbasch reported the National Weather Service from Grand Forks, ND had determined the presence of a EF1 tornado in Hubbard County on the evening of May 30, 2011.

Community Health Services: Community Health Director, RaeAnn Mayer and

Headwaters Regional Development Commission (HRDC) AICP Physical Planner, Matthew

Dyrdahl presented information regarding the Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) work completed and activities planned to advocate for a healthier Hubbard County.

On motion of Mr. Devine, seconded by Mr. Johannsen and carried unanimously, the following resolution was adopted:





. 06011103













, the Headwaters Regional Development Commission (HRDC) began working on Active Living in the Bemidji Area in 2008 and developed a region-wide approach with the completion of an Active Living Strategic Plan in July 2010, in partnership with the North

Country Health Board via the Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP); and

W HEREAS , the HRDC and the SHIP Community Leadership Team utilized information gathered from public engagement meetings and a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses,

Opportunities, and Threats) to develop an Active Living Vision, Goals, Objectives, and

Strategies that could be embraced by Hubbard County; and



, physical inactivity, poor nutrition, and smoking are all leading causes of increased rates of obesity and preventable (chronic) illness; and


Active Living principles support economic development and “livable” communities by providing safe and convenient connections to destinations, including school, home, work, recreation land, and retail by improving the environment for pedestrians and bicyclists; and



, the County believes that communities and streets designed with all people in mind will be in the best interests of the health, safety and welfare of the County its residents, and, specifically will result in quality of place, sustainable and responsible land use, cost effectiveness, health benefits, transportation options, accessibility, equity, safety, and convenience; and


T HEREFORE , B E I T R ESOLVED , the County supports the regional Active Living Vision:

Through deliberate, collective action, the Headwaters Region will be a place:

Where there exists a mutual respect among all modes of transportation.

That has been recognized nationally as a safe and healthy place to live.

That is accessible for bicyclists and pedestrians as it is for motor vehicles.

Where physical activity is safe, easy, accessible and a common occurrence for residents.

That has strong connections-allowing people to comfortably navigate to and from destinations in the community.

Where children can safely walk and bicycle to school.

B E I T F URTHER R ESOLVED , that the County supports and endorses the following Active

Living principles:

1) Communities should promote policies that create and support an Active Living environment.

2) Communities should consider and evaluate the needs of all modes of transportation when planning for and designing roadways, including users of all ages and abilities.

3) Communities should plan for, construct, and maintain infrastructure that makes physical activity a safe, easy, accessible, and enjoyable option.









, that Hubbard County understands the importance of health and wellness, and will consider incorporating Active Living principles into plans, programs, and physical infrastructure projects as opportunities for implementation occur.

Environmental Services: Environmental Services Officer, Eric Buitenwerf presented additional proposed ordinance language, as recommended by the County Attorney, for consideration at the public hearing scheduled for June 15, 2011, at 12:30 p.m. Discussion followed. By consensus of the Board, the proposed language additions were approved for consideration at the scheduled June 15, 2011 public hearing.

Coordinator: By consensus of the Board, the beginning time of the Board work session scheduled for June 22, 2011, was changed from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. due to prior meeting conflict for a commissioner. The Board work sessions scheduled for the remainder of the year will begin at 10:00 a.m. also to prevent further meeting conflicts.

By consensus of the Board, the Coordinator was directed to prepare a response to citizen correspondence, received by the Board Chairman, explaining property tax payment procedures.

On motion of Mr. Johannsen, seconded by Mr. Devine and carried unanimously, the

Coordinator was authorized to complete the PrimeWest Disclosure of Ownership and Control

Interest form.

By consensus of the Board, the probationary performance evaluation of Land Commissioner

Mark Lohmeier was scheduled for June 15, 2011, per proper procedure.

On motion of Mr. Devine, seconded by Mr. Johannsen and carried unanimously, the payment of the social service bills was approved, as submitted.


Committee Reports: The Commissioners provided reports regarding the meetings they had attended with no action needed at this time.

There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:31 a.m.

/s/ Gregory D. Larson

ATTEST: /s/ Debbie Thompson

Hubbard County Coordinator


Hubbard County Board of Commissioners

