Simple - Institute for Outdoor Learning

Minutes of the Full Board Trustees of FSA UK. 13th Sept.
Pinewood Centre, Ware, Herts
1. Introductions:
Chris Millett as IOL representative, and today's facilitator
Jon Cree, Chairman of FSA Board of Trustees, and training coordinator at Bishops Wood,
Worcestershire County Council
Penny Martin, FEI FS coordinator Scotland, post hosted by Living Classrooms, charitable
arm of Mindstretchers Ltd based in Scotland
Aline Hill, working as a trainer in Scotland for the FS Training Company, and freelance FS
Jane Acton, working for a Social Enterprise in Cornwall, Forest School training and
delivery plus other environmental work.
Clare Hobson, EarthCraft UK, in Canterbury, Forest School trainer and delivery and
starting a FS group in Kent
Sara Knight, principal lecturer from Anglia Ruskin University, writer and Forest School
practitioner, Deputy Chairman of FSA Board of Trustees
Leszek Iwaskow, HMI Ofsted inspector and National Advisor for Geography, adviser to
Board of Trustees
Vincent Reynolds, Camphill School in Northern Ireland, working with special needs to do
"reverse inclusion" by inviting children from mainstream schools into their Forest
Vicky Stewart, freelance practitioner from Wiltshire, researcher and lecturer (with
Cumbria University)
Geoff Mason, Wood Learn Forest School Ltd on the Isle of Wight, doing Forest School,
Beach School and Bushcraft
Ann Newman, Ernest Cook Trust, running outdoor education programmes including
Forest School (also funding body)
Sarah Blackwell, Archimedes Training Company, Treasurer of FSA Board of Trustees
Helen Martin, head teacher from, Duncton and Graffham federation West Sussex, been
a FS practitioner for 5 years, representing primary headteachers
Chris Brunton, Forest School leader and environmental teacher at Pinewood Special
School, wearing secondary and SEN hats
Susannah Podmore, Deputy Chairman of FSA Board of Trustees, was FEI coordinator
England, now an independent practitioner in Shropshire
2. Apologies:
John Blaney, Bridgewater College
Louise Ambrose, Norfolk Co-ordinator, and Forest School Training Company Trainer
Melanie Pilcher, Training Officer Pre-School Learning Alliance
Beth Gardner, Director Council for Learning Outside the Classroom
Awi Frances, Chair of Forest School Wales and FS practitioner/trainer at Bishops Wood
Centre, Swansea
3. Declaration of Interests
Jon Cree explained the legal aspects of declaring interests, demonstrating that we, as
individuals, are not benefitting from membership of the FSA. Any interests declared
that may arise during the business of FSA, that may also relate to our respective
organisations, the director in question will not take part in the decision making and
discussions relating to that interest (see constitution).
He spoke about less obvious things like international links, for example Jon declared his
Canadian connections who have approached Jon to give advice on establishing an
association in Canada, which, at the present, will not involve any financial transactions.
Some discussion took place about the implications of influencing decisions. Sara K
brought up the formulaic response to challenges to the Board’s interests, and asked
whether we should be using this as a group. Some discussion arose. Jon agreed to
circulate this to the wider board.
All filled in and signed a declaration of interest form – filed with Jon.
Action: J Cree to circulate response to challenges
4. Vision
Jon referred us to the business plan, which gave a starting point, but wants the Board to
consider this more widely to explore and develop a declaration of intent for the next
five years, bearing in mind the revised Principles that were finalised and circulated in
February, and how we support those and they underpin us. Chris M split us into 4
groups for 15 mins, with Principles on the screen as guidance. Each groups visions were
posted up while we had a coffee and read each others, until 11.05.
Chris M then circled some common themes and left them for annotation, which will
then be emailed around for discussion.
Action: Chris M to circulate draft “vision”
5. Scope & Function of board
Jon explained that his understanding is that the larger board is to set the broad direction
of travel for the FSA, the exec is to execute the operations. The strategic board is to
reflect the wider community. Some discussion took place. Agreed that our focus must
be FS, but in collaboration with other outdoor learning organisations and interest
The exec board is to implement the strategy and look after the day today running of the
body. It was agreed that this involves a level of trust, and need to decide the level of
devolvement. It will direct and manage the staff.
Proposed by Geoff, seconded by Jane, agreed unanimously
Communication: Jon suggested different electronic communication medium including
"drop box" and clouds and "base camp". These were discussed and all agreed the best
option would be basecamp. Louise at IOL will research and set up. Proposed by Chris M,
seconded by Sara K, agreed unanimously.
Action: Louise High to explore options for communication
Public accessibility was discussed. Minutes will go on website once agreed as a true
record, then ratified at next meeting. To be put on IOL site in interim, as a PDF, PDF.
Ideally, group members can provide a direct link from their own organisation websites
to the IOL site but the minutes are publically available to and can be downloaded and
used on other sites, Jon proposed, Jane seconded, agreed unanimously.
Action: Louise High to put up minutes once agreed correct by Board
Emails: don't put up problems, use phone calls. Copy everyone into all emails, using
specific subject titles to keep the trail short. Use bcc to avoid identity fraud.
Size of the Board is fixed at 22 until next AGM. Plus any non-voting advisors that we
would like included. We are missing play sector, NGOs and local groups.
Wildlife Trust is largest NGO, talking to Sue Edwards, who has been put forward by
wildlife trust HQ. There was debate around representation of NGOs, and what they are
(national bodies - UK wide). It was felt that Sue Edwards could best represent the
Wildlife Trusts rather than the wider NGOs. It was agreed that representatives are
bringing a perspective rather than a truly federated representation. To co- opt Sue:
proposed Chris, seconded Jane, agreed unanimously. To represent the Play sector, it
was suggested that Theresa Casey, a Play consultant and President of the International
Play Association, based in Scotland, could be approached, and Penny agreed to do this.
Local coordinator leave it open to expressions of interest, for the AGM, unless someone
approaches us in the interim, as we have cluster group members on existing board and
Louise is the co-ordinator for Norfolk County Council.
Actions: Jon to contact Sue, Penny to contact Theresa Casey
Chris Dee has put her name forward to be on the board as an advisor. Advisors - Some
discussion, including involvement in working groups. The role of Ex-officio members
who pay for themselves and do not vote, and corresponding members who get the
emails and attend one meeting a year were discussed as a possible constitutional issue
for the AGM. To be discussed by the executive at the next meeting. We will need
advisors on working groups, to be decided on later. Jon to inform Chris Dee of this
decision, proposed by Jon, seconded by Susie.
Actions: Jon to contact Chris Dee, Exec board to discuss additional types of board
members at next meeting
6. Work done to date:
Looking at the minutes from the exec meeting, we are now a registered company with a
bank account, we can now move forward to register as a charity. Jon has met with IOL
to organise (blind) office support, Louise High is our main link there, for a maximum of
£9k, but should be less in first year. The FSA phone number gets through to her. Her
main role is to deal with membership, conference and events. And routine enquiries,
others are passed to Jon initially, this may change so that specific enquiries are sent to
particular board members. Penny is setting up a database in Scotland and is happy to
share methodology and format with Louise if required. Data protection will need to be
covered, we will need to register, at the moment this is covered by IOL, one of us will
need to go to the exec. FSA is now insured through Birnbeck for public liability and will
action employers liability once we start employing a development officer. Birnbeck have
also agreed a discount for FSA members for insurance (£159 for individual practitioners,
and it will vary for organisations depending on their size).
Actions: Louise H to be informed of Board members areas of expertise to field
enquiries appropriately, Penny to contact Louise with information on the format of
the Scottish Database, Jon to proceed with Data Protection registration
Largely the rest of Jon's work has been to field enquiries until the bank account has
become functional. Of which the majority have been positive. Penny suggested
capturing these as informal endorsements on the website. Mel McCree is writing an
academic historical paper, and with Jon is putting a shorter article for Nursery World
and Horizon.
Action: collation of positive comments (Louise A) with a view to endorsements on
Some discussion around a Facebook page for the FSA. Something for the development
officer to manage? Deferred to the website discussion, item 12.
7. Agreeing priorities: as agreed by the exec last week.
Jon asked if the Board agreed with these. Discussion took place. Need to supply Louise
H with answers to FAQs? For website? Are they reflected in the structure of the
working groups? For example "maintains and raising FS profile". Discussion took place,
including on how to establish our credentials. Coordination of this may well fall under
the duties of the development officer? Discussion took place, about not running before
we can walk. Discussion about the conference, and agreed to set up a working party to
set up dates, settings and ethos. Jane volunteered to be a part of a body who field issues
about national representation and consultations (eg current OFSTED proposals for early
years setting having separate registration for FS sites) as they come up. Helen Martin
flagged up the importance of direct debits in retaining members. This could be a part of
the membership working party. Priorities reflect the working groups – see item 8
Proposal to accept this list by Sara K, seconded Ann, unanimous accepted.
8. Structure: Clair explained about the need for a working group. Aline pointed out that
the groups need never meet, they could use base camp. Led by exec members and
drawing on wider membership to participate. A report to the board each time we meet:
Membership and local groups: Louise and Sarah: Vincent, Geoff, Chris M
Web and marketing: Aileen and Clair: Vicky
Fundraising: Jon and Susie: Ann
Conference: Susie: Chris B, Helen
Consultation and profile: Sara: Jane, Penny, Beth, Melanie
Training and occupational standards: trainers network all 23, through the entry
Actions: Sara to ask John Blaney which group he would like to join, Jon to contact
other absentees
9. Budget:
Jon distributed his draft budget for this year. He explained the figures, and they were
discussed. There was more discussion about director expenses, and how to go to virtual
meetings. Jon asked for members to email him with details of members needs. Claim
via Louise, with receipts The group agreed we should aim to minimise the
environmental costs of travel, and it would be useful to do an environmental audit for
UK wide locations.. Need to compile a map of meeting locations and access points Chris Millett volunteered. It was agreed that the lieage will be 30p per mile and rail
fares will be covered.
Proposed by Geoff, seconded by Vincent, all agreed.
Actions: Board to contact Jon about their expense needs, and Chris M with ideas for
meeting venues
10. Development Officer: the first task.
Jon explained the job description and spec and discussions with exec to date. This was
discussed. The need was identified for a key line manager, which will sit with the exec.,
as will the recruitment process – Jon (chair), Susie and Sara (deputy chairs) will be the
recruitment panel. We will appoint as soon as possible. Propose Sarah B, seconded
Chris B. It will go out asap from IOL to the wider network. Jon asked for suggestions as
to links to the wider business network.
Actions: Board members to email Jon and Louise with places to put advert, Jon, Susi
and Sara K to proceed with recruitment
11. Membership and local groups:
The Exec has suggested an association membership for an organisation as well as for
individuals in the first year. Needs to be considered by the working party, and affiliated
membership, and what services each receives. Much discussion around this and was
felt to keep it simple we will charge a flat rate of £20 for membership (individual and
organisational) until we can offer more membership services
12. Website & branding:
Aline has some background in web design and marketing, and has suggested a phased
development as we grow and identify our needs. Need to identify key issues as a
working party. Want we want on the core website identity, the logo, and some
discussion ensued. Agreed not to use the logo until the working party has met, designed
and market tested it. We have to live with it for a long time. Need a strap line, as a
holding exercise, which Chris M will extract from the workshop earlier, along with the
vision, to send out by next Weds. Acknowledge that the initial logo designed by Alice
Savery has done the job, and now we can go forward. Jon proposes, Chris seconded,
that the working group will take this forward, accepted unanimously. And the logo will
be taken off the membership form for the forthcoming conferences. And the contact
box will be changed.
Action: all to delete logo from use, Louise H to amend membership form. Jon to
contact Alice and thank her and see if she wishes to contribute to the working group
13 AOB
Clair and Jon - PLA are leading a campaign because OfSted are requiring that woods
used regularly are registered as premises. Assessment criteria are on the website. Need
to write in to OfSted from consultation committee, and to local MPs. Talk to Melanie
Action for working party on consultation and profile
Penny is updating the Forest School information on FEI website and to reflect the fact
that FEI now covers Scotland and Wales only. FEN has set up to replace FEI in England.
Recommendation for photos on website, with appropriate permissions and safeguards
Jon announced some forthcoming conferences, including
European Pedagogues Conference
We need badges
Action: Louise to issue Board members with badges
IOL SIG Susie: Sat 17th Nov for AGM of IOL FS SIG in Carr Lane, followed by next FSA
Exec meeting. In the interests of transparency if there are people who wish to carry it
forward it will go forward, but the existing board are resigning.
14. Next meeting: in six months. Attendance - if people fail to attend without consent
they can be asked to leave the Board. Meeting date in a more northerly and accessible
location to be agreed.
Action: All working groups to have made contacts before next exec meeting on 17th
Nov. Jon to set up doodle to sort out the date for the April meeting