American Cultural Analysis Paper

American Cultural Analysis Paper
Objectives: The student will choose one American culture topic to research. The student will read at least six
non-fiction sources about the topic. The student will determine bias within sources. The student will summarize
the topic, analyze how it is affecting the world, and do a personal response to the issue. The student will use
proper MLA format.
Day One: Discussing American Issues and Choosing a Topic
 What are the most important issues affecting American culture?
 What issue interests you?
 How many sides are there to every issue?
 Where to we find information?
 Hand out assignment sheet
Day Two and Three: Searching for Sources and READING them!
 Discussion of bias
Day Four: Sharing Sources
 People with similar topics?
 Sharing with group what you found/what you are going to write about.
 Finding important quotations
Day Five: MLA Format
 Citations
 Reference Page
 Plagiarism
 Begin formatting reference page
Day Six: Writing: The summary/introduction
 Determining a thesis (what are you trying to prove?)
Day Seven and Eight: Writing
 Analysis
Day Nine: Peer Editing
 Find the Thesis
 Is it being proven?
 Are sources being used properly?
 MLA format
Day Ten and Eleven: Writing
 Response
 Editing
American Cultural Analysis Paper
Due Date:
It is important for you as an American citizen to understand the issues that face our nation. For this
paper, you are going to choose any issue that is affecting American culture, and then you are going to do some
research on it. What you should find is that there isn’t just one side to the issue, and there probably isn’t a clear
answer about how it should be dealt with. Your job is to explain the issue, explore how it is affecting people
(both in the U.S. and all over the world), and then come to your own conclusion about how it should be
handled. You will read a minimum six sources about the issue. At least one of them should be an editorial so
that you can understand the personal perspective of someone who feels strongly about the issue. We will walk
through the process of writing this paper together, step by step.
Step 1: Pick a topic that interests you.
Step 2: Find at least six sources on the subject that represent multiple perspectives.
Step 3: READ the sources.
Step 4: Come to a conclusion of what your stance on the issue is. This will be your thesis.
Step 5: Find quotations in your sources that will help you explain the issue and prove your stance.
Step 6: Write the paper.
Step 7: Format the paper correctly using MLA guidelines.
Step 8: Edit the paper.
Did you include an explanation (minimum 2 pages) of the issue that includes:
 How the issue affects the United States and its citizens.
 How the issue affects the world.
 How the issue is being handled.
 Multiple perspectives/opinions/sides of the issue.
 Future plans for handling the issue.
 Legislation that has taken place, if applicable.
 Citations from sources in MLA format.
Did you include a personal response (minimum 1.5 pages) that includes:
 Your personal position on the issue.
 How this issue affects your life.
 An explanation of your thoughts while you were reading.
 Reference Page
 In-text Citations
 General Format: margins, font, spacing, heading, title
Commas (missing and extra)
Commas Splices
Other punctuation (semi-colons, colons, periods, etc.)
Apostrophes (possessives)