August 30: Introduction (Syllabus & EN LÍNEA)
Familiarize yourself with EN LÍNEA by doing the following:
Click “Lección 1”. Click “Contextos”, and DO
Step 1: Spanish vocabulary
Step 2: Tutorial 1, 2, 3
Step 3: Práctica 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Step 5: Quiz (practice “Más vocabulario / Variación léxica”)
Due September 1
September 1:
Click “Lección 1”. Click “Pronunciación” and DO
Step 1: Read and study the explanation
Step 2: Práctica
Step 3: Oraciones
Step 4: Refranes
Click “Lección 1”. Click “Estructura” -1.1 Nouns and articles and DO
Step 1: - 1.1 Tutorial
Step 2: - Inténtalo
Step 3: - Práctica 1, 2
Due September 6:
September 4 - 8
Monday 4: Labor Day – NO CLASS
Wednesday 6: In class oral / written practice – Review “Contextos and Ectructura 1.1”
Prepare for September 8:
Click “Lección 1”. Click “Estructura” -1.2 Numbers 0-30 and DO
Step 1: - 1.2 Tutorial
Step 2: - Inténtalo
Step 3: - Práctica 1, 2, 3
Friday 8: In class oral / written practice. Review “estructura” 1.2
Prepare for September 11:
Click “Lección 1”. Click “Estructura” -1.3 Present tense of ser and DO
Step 1: - 1.3 Tutorial
Step 2: - Inténtalo
Step 3: - Práctica 1, 2, 3
Study for vocabulary quiz (saludos, despedidas, ¿Cómo estás? Expresiones de cortesía,
September 11-15
Monday 11:
Vocabulary quiz (saludos despedidas ¿Cómo estás? Expresiones de cortesía Presentaciones).
In class oral / written practice. Review “estructura” 1.3
Prepare for September 13:
Click “Lección 1”. Click “Estructura” - 1.4 Telling time and DO
Step 1: - 1.4 Tutorial
Step 2. - ¡Inténtalo!
Step 3. - Práctica 1, 3, 3
Step 5. - Síntesis 7
Step 6. Quiz 1.1-1.4
Wednesday 13: In class oral / written practice – Review “estrucrura” 1.4
Prepare for September 15: Telenovela
Step 1: View “telenovela” segments
Step 2: Listen and repeat “Expresiones de cortesía”
Step 3: View full episode
Step 4: Complete “reacciona” 1, 2, 3, 4.
Friday 15: In class oral / written practice. Review “contextos y estructruras.
Prepare for September 18: Panorama
Step 3: Read
Step 4: ¿Qué aprendiste?
Study for vocabualry quiz (rest of vocabulary).
September 18 - 22
Monday 18:
Vocabualry quiz (rest of vocabulary).
In class oral / written practice. Review all “contextos y estructuras”.
Wednesday 20:
Lesson 1 - Exam
Prepare for September 22:
Click “Lección 2”. Click “Contextos”, and DO
Step 1: Spanish vocabulary
Step 2: Tutorial 1, 2, 3
Step 3: Práctica 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Step 5: Quiz (practice “Más vocabulario / Variación léxica”)
Step 1: Read and study the explanation
Step 2: Práctica
Step 3: Oraciones
Step 4: Refranes
Friday 22: In class oral / written practice – Review “Contextos”
Prepare for September 25:
Click “Lección 2”. Click “Estructura” -2.1 Present tense of "-ar" verbs and DO
Step 1: - 2.1 Tutorial
Step 2: - Inténtalo
Step 3: - Práctica 1, 2, 3
Step 5: - Síntesis 5
September 25 - 29
Monday 25: In class oral / written practice. Review estructura 2.1
Prepare for September 27:
Click “Lección 2”. Click “Estructura” -2.2 Forming questions in Spanish and DO
Step 1: - 2.2 Tutorial
Step 2: - Inténtalo
Step 3: - Práctica 1, 2, 3
Step 5: - Síntesis 5
Study for Vocabulary quiz (los verbos y las materias)
Wednesday 27:
Vocabulary quiz (los verbos y las materias).
In class oral / written practice. Review “estructura 2.2”.
Prepare for September 29:
Click “Lección 2”. Click “Estructura” -2.3 Present tense of estar and DO
Step 1: - 2.3 Tutorial
Step 2: - Inténtalo
Step 3: - Práctica 1, 2, 3
Step 5: - Síntesis 6
Friday 29: In class oral / written practice. Review estructura. Review “estructura 2.3”.
Prepare for October 2
Click “Lección 2”. Click “Estructura” - 2.4 Numbers 31 - 100 and DO
Step 1: - 2.4 Tutorial
Step 2. - ¡Inténtalo!
Step 3. - Práctica 1, 2, 3
Step 5. - Síntesis 7
Step 6. Quiz 2.1 – 2.4
October 2- 6
Monday 2: In class oral / written practice. Review “estructura 2.4”.
Prepare for October 4: Telenovela
Step 1: View “telenovela” segments
Step 2: Listen and repeat “Expresiones de cortesía”
Step 3: View full episode
Step 4: Complete “reacciona” 1, 2, 3, 4.
Study for vocabulary quiz (rest of vocabulary).
Wednesday 4:
Vocabulary quiz (rest of vocabulary).
In class oral / written practice. Review all “contextos y estructuras”
Prepare for October 6: Panorama
Step 3: Read
Step 4: ¿Qué aprendiste?
Friday 6: In class oral / written practice. Review all “contextos y estructuras”.
October 9 - 13
Monday 9:
Lesson 2 – Exam
Prepare for October 11:
Click “Lección 3”. Click “Contextos”, and DO
Step 1: Spanish vocabulary
Step 2: Tutorial 1, 2, 3
Step 3: Práctica 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Step 5: Quiz (practice “Más vocabulario / Variación léxica”)
Click “Lección 3”. Click “Pronunciación” and DO
Step 1: Read and study the explanation
Step 2: Práctica
Step 3: Oraciones
Step 4: Refranes
Wednesday 11: In class oral / written practice. Review “contextos”.
Prepare for October 13:
Click “Lección 3”. Click “Estructura” -3.1 Descriptive adjectives and DO
Step 1: - 3.1 Tutorial
Step 2: - Inténtalo
Step 3: - Práctica 1, 2, 3
Friday 13: In class oral / written practice. Review “estructura 3.1
Prepare for October 16:
Click “Lección 3”. Click “Estructura” -3.2 Possessive adjectives and DO
Step 1: - 3.2 Tutorial
Step 2: - Inténtalo
Step 3: - Práctica 1, 2, 3
Step 5: - Síntesis 5
Study for vocabulary quiz (adjectives –descriptive / possessive- and “la familia”)
October 16 – 20
Monday 16:
Vocabulary quiz (adjectives, nationality, and “la familia”).
In class oral / written practice. Review “estructura 3.2.
Prepare for October 18:
Click “Lección 3”. Click “Estructura” -3.3 Present tense of “–er” and “–ir” verbs and DO
Step 1: - 2.3 Tutorial
Step 2: - Inténtalo
Step 3: - Práctica 1, 2, 3
Wednesday18: In class oral / written practice. Review “estructura 3.3”
Prepare for October 23: (no class on October 20)
Click “Lección 3”. Click “Estructura” - 3.4 Present tense of tener and venir and DO
Step 1: - 3.4 Tutorial
Step 2. - ¡Inténtalo!
Step 3. - Práctica 1, 2, 3
Step 5. - Síntesis 7
Step 6: - Quiz 3.1 – 3.4
Study for vocabulary quiz (rest of vocabulary)
Friday 20: NO CLASS
October 23 - 27
Monday 23:
Vocabulary quiz (rest of vocabulary).
In class oral / written practice. Review “estructura 3.4”.
Prepare for October 25: Telenovela
Step 1: View “telenovela” segments
Step 2: Listen and repeat “Expresiones de cortesía”
Step 3: View full episode
Step 4: Complete “reacciona” 1, 2, 3, 4.
Wednesday 25: In class oral / written practice. Review all “contextos y estructuras”.
Prepare for October 27: Panorama
Step 3: Read
Step 4: ¿Qué aprendiste?
Friday 27: In class oral / written practice. Review all “contextos y estructuras”.
October 30 - November 3
Monday 30:
Lesson 3 – Exam
Prepare for November 1:
Click “Lección 4”. Click “Contextos”, and DO
Step 1: Spanish vocabulary
Step 2: Tutorial 1, 2, 3
Step 3: Práctica 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Step 5: Quiz (practice “Más vocabulario / Variación léxica”)
Step 1: Read and study the explanation
Step 2: Práctica
Step 3: Oraciones
Step 4: Refranes
Wednesday 1: In class oral / written practice. Review “contextos”.
Prepare for November 3:
Click “Lección 4”. Click “Estructura” -4.1 Present tense of ir and DO
Step 1: - 4.1 Tutorial
Step 2: - Inténtalo
Step 3: - Práctica 1, 2, 3
Step 5: - Síntesis 6
Friday 3: In class oral / written practice. Review “estructura 4.1”.
Preapare for November 6:
Click “Lección 4”. Click “Estructura” -4.2 Stem-changing verbs: eie and oue and DO
Step 1: - 4.2 Tutorial do “try out”
Step 2: - Inténtalo
Step 3: - Práctica 1, 2, 3
Step 5: - Síntesis 5
Study for vocabulary quiz (verbs page 112, 115, 116, and “pasatiempos” (pg. 134)).
November 6 - 10
Monday 6:
Vocabulary quiz (verbs page 112, 115, 116, and “pasatiempos (pg. 134)
In class oral / written practice. Review “estructura 4.2”.
Prepare for November 8
Click “Lección 2”. Click “Estructura” -4.3 Stem-changing verbs ei and DO
Step 1: - 2.3 Tutorial
Step 2: - Inténtalo
Step 3: - Práctica 1, 2, 3
Step 5: - Síntesis 5
Wednesday 8:
In class oral / written practice. Review “estructura 4.3”.
Prepare for November 10:
Click “Lección 4”. Click “Estructura” -4.4. Verbs with irregular yo forms and DO
Step 1: - 4.4 Tutorial
Step 2. - ¡Inténtalo!
Step 3. - Práctica 1, 2, 3
Step 5. - Síntesis 6
Step 6. Quiz 4.1 – 4.4
Friday 10: In class oral / written practice. Review “estructura 4.4”.
Prepare for November 13: Telenovela
Step 1: View “telenovela” segments
Step 2: Listen and repeat “Expresiones de cortesía”
Step 3: View full episode
Step 4: Complete “reacciona” 1, 2, 3, 4.
Study for vocabulary quiz (rest of vocabulary)
November 13 - 17
Monday 13:
Vocabulary quiz (rest of vocabulary)
In class oral / written practice. Review all “contextos y estructuras”
Prepare for November 15: Panorama
Step 3: Read
Step 4: ¿Qué aprendiste?
Wednesday 15:
In class oral / written practice. Review all “contextos y estructuras”
Friday 17:
Lección 4 - Exam
Prepare for November 22:
Click “Lección 5”. Click “Contextos”, and DO
Step 1: Spanish vocabulary
Step 2: Tutorial 1, 2, 3
Step 3: Práctica 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Step 5: Quiz (practice “Más vocabulario / Variación léxica”)
Step 1: Read and study the explanation
Step 2: Práctica
Step 3: Oraciones
Step 4: Refranes
November 20 - 24
Monday 20: In class oral / written practice. Review “contexto”.
Prepare for November 27: (no class on November 24)
Click “Lección 2”. Click “Estructura” -5.1 Estar with conditions and emotions and DO
Step 1: - 5.1 Tutorial
Step 2: - Inténtalo
Step 3: - Práctica 1, 2
Wednesday 22:
In class oral / written practice. Review “estructura 5.1”
Prepare for November 29:
Click “Lección 5”. Click “Estructura” -5.2 The present progressive and DO
Step 1: - 5.2 Tutorial
Step 2: - Inténtalo
Step 3: - Práctica 1, 2
Study for vocabulary quiz (adjetivos, los viajes y las vacaciones).
Friday 24: NO CLASS
November 27 – December 1
Monday 27:
Vocabulary quiz (adjetivos¨, season, months, los viajes y las vacaciones).
In class oral / written practice. Review “estructura 5.2”.
Prepare for December 1:
Click “Lección 5. Click “Estructura” -5.3 Ser y estar and DO
Step 1: - 5.3 Tutorial
Step 2: - Inténtalo
Step 3: - Práctica 1, 2
Step 5: - Síntesis 5
Wednesday 29:
In class oral / written practice: Review “estructura 5.3”.
Prepare for December 4:
Click “Lección 5. Click “Estructura” -5.4 Direct object nouns and pronouns and DO
Step 1: - 5.4 Tutorial
Step 2: - Inténtalo
Step 3: - Práctica 1, 2, 3
Step 5: - Síntesis 5
Step 6: - Quiz 5.1 -5.4
Friday 1: In class oral / written practice. Review all estructura 5.4”.
Prepare for December 6: Telenovela
Step 1: View “telenovela” segments
Step 2: Listen and repeat “Expresiones de cortesía”
Step 3: View full episode
Step 4: Complete “reacciona” 1, 2, 3, 4.
Study for vocabulary quiz (rest of vocabulary)
December 4 – 8
Monday 4:
Vocabulary quiz (rest of vocabulary).
In class oral / written practice. Review all “contextos y estructuras”
Prepare for December 6: Panorama
Step 3: Read
Step 4: ¿Qué aprendiste?
Wednesday 6: Last day of class. In class oral / written practice. Review all “contextos y estructuras”
Friday 8: Last day of class. In class oral / written practice. Review all “contextos y estructuras”
Final Exams - Fall 2006: