- GordonPublicAdministration.com

Part 2
List of Selected Homeland Security and Emergency Management
References and Resources
Compiled by Paula D. Gordon, Ph.D.
(Updated July 27, 2011)
*An asterisk indicates that an item has been added or modified since July 27, 2011.
Note: Inclusion in this list does not imply endorsement.
Some items are intentionally listed in more than one category.
Table of Contents
Part 2
13) Emergency Preparedness, Mitigation, Response, Recovery, Resilience, and Contingency
and Continuity Planning
14) FEMA, DHS, and Hurricane Katrina
15) The 2010 Gulf Oil Spill
16) *The 2011 Japanese Earthquake, Tsunami, Nuclear Reactor Disasters and Implications
for the U.S.
17) Other National and International Disasters
18) Education, Training, and Internship Initiatives
19) Terrorism-Related References and Resources
20) *Futures-Related Material of Potential Interest to Those Studying the Future of the
Fields of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
21) * Selected Videos and DVDs Bearing on Homeland Security and Emergency
Management Accessible Online
22) Miscellaneous
Part 2
13) Emergency Preparedness, Mitigation, Response, Recovery, Resilience, and
Contingency and Continuity Planning
Claire B. Rubin, President, Claire B. Rubin & Associates, 4/9/08 Transcript of Forum
Presentation: Emergency Management: The American Experience, 1900 – 2005.
Access at http://www.emforum.org/vlibrary/all.htm .
Claire Rubin, ed., Emergency Management: The American Experience 1900-2005,
Public Entity Risk Institute, (www.riskinstitute.org), June 2007, ISBN-10: 0979372208 |
ISBN-13: 9780979372209
Paula D. Gordon, "The State of Emergency Management and Homeland Security," PA
TIMES, Vol. 30, Issue 8, August 2007. (The PA TIMES is a publication of the American
Society for Public Administration.) Also see http://gordonhomeland.com or
Paula D. Gordon, “Challenges for the Future of Homeland Security and Emergency
Management Education,” PA TIMES, Vol. 31, No. 8, August 2008. Also see
http://gordonhomeland.com in August 2008.
Paula D. Gordon, "Integrating Homeland Security into Emergency Management Courses:
Some Grounding Concepts and Some Suggested Materials and Approaches," FEMA Higher
Education Conference, Emmitsburg, MD, June 5, 2008. For an expanded version of this
presentation, see http://gordonhomeland.com.
Paula D. Gordon, "A Matrix Approach to Comparing and Contrasting Some Differing
Perspectives on the Federal Government’s Role in Hurricane Katrina and in Potential
Catastrophic Events in the Future." Access at http://GordonPublicAdministration.com .
David A. McEntire, Introduction to Homeland Security: Understanding Terrorism
with an Emergency Management Perspective, Wiley, New York, 2008, ISBN:987-0470-12752-0
“Principles of Emergency Management” from FEMA:
Principles of Emergency Management October 10, 2008, 1 page.
Principles of Emergency Management Brochure. September 11, 2007. 9
Principles of Emergency Management Slide Presentation. Developed by Jim
Fraser, February 14, 2008. 18 Slides.
Mitigation Cost/Benefit Analysis: An article on Hazard Mitigation Benefits and Costs that is
posted at
Mitigation Cost/Benefit Analysis: Natural Hazard Mitigation Saves: An Independent Study
to Assess the Future Savings from Mitigation Activities. "On December 19, 2005, the
National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) released a ground-breaking report on
mitigation and its benefits. A major finding of the report is that for every dollar that FEMA
spent in mitigation grants over a several year period ending in 2003, there was a nearly 4
to 1 savings for every dollar spent. In addition to savings to society, the federal treasury
can redirect an average of $3.65 for each dollar spent on mitigation as a result of disaster
relief costs and tax losses avoided.” A conclusion in the report was that by focusing more
attention on mitigation communities will be more "physically, socially, and economically
resilient in coping with future hazard impacts." The report can be found at
(Or use http://www.nibs.org/ and click on Multihazard Mitigation Council. That will take you
to active links to the report.)
Preparedness Cost/Benefit Analysis: Andrew Healy and Neil Malhotra (2009). "Myopic
Voters and Natural Disaster Policy," American Political Science Review, 103(3) 2009
Abstract: Do voters effectively hold elected officials accountable for policy decisions? Using
data on natural disasters, government spending, and election returns, we show that voters
reward the incumbent presidential party for delivering disaster relief spending but not for
investing in disaster preparedness spending. These inconsistencies distort the incentives of
public officials, leading the government to under invest in disaster preparedness, thereby
causing substantial public welfare losses. We estimate that a dollar spent on preparedness
is worth about fifteen dollars in terms of the future damage it mitigates. By estimating both
the determinants of policy decisions and the consequences of those policies, we provide
more complete evidence about citizen competence and government accountability. (For
further information, contact information for Andrew J. Healy: ahealy@lmu.edu .)
FEMA Mitigation DVD can be accessed in the Materials section at
Stephen Flynn speaking on his book The Edge of Disaster ~ Rebuilding a Resilient
Nation at the Houston World Affairs Council, March 27, 2007. See video at http://www.cspanvideo.org/program/197358-1 .
Stephen E. Flynn, The Edge of Disaster Rebuilding a Resilient Nation (Released
2/20/2007) ISBN 1400065518.
Yossi Sheffi, The Resilient Enterprise ~ Overcoming Vulnerability for Competitive
Advantage. Mitpress.mit.edu (2007). ISBN 978-0-262-69349-3 pb.
Darrell L. Darnell, GWU, 6/23/10 Transcript of Forum Presentation: Critical Infrastructure
and Key Resources; Protection and Resilience. Access at
http://www.emforum.org/vlibrary/all.htm .
Jason McNamara, Chief of Staff, Federal Emergency Management Agency. EIIP Virtual
Forum Presentation — February 24, 2010 Quadrennial Homeland Security Review (QHSR)
Mission 5: Ensuring Resilience to Disasters. Access at
The National Governors Association (NGA) Center for Best Practices Releases Governor's
Guide to Homeland Security. See http://www.nga.org/center;
http://www.nga.org/Files/pdf/CBPBROCHURE.pdf and
EIIP Virtual Forum, August 25, 2004 transcript on "The NIMS Integration Center Implementing the National Incident Management System." Gil Jamieson, Director, Program
Coordination Division, Preparedness Directorate, Department of Homeland Security. Access
at http://www.emforum.org/vforum/lc040825.htm.
The website maintained by the National Response Team maintains a webpage entitled
Preparedness and Response Links to the Internet at http://www.nrt.org
For a wide range of information and resources, see the following government websites:
http://www.disasterhelp.gov and
For information concerning the 2003 Disaster Resource Guide, see http://www.disasterresource.com . This Guide includes a focus on planning, human concerns, information
technology, facility issues, crisis communication and response, disaster recovery, and
business continuity.
"Through the Citizen Corps initiative, the Federal Emergency Management Agency promotes
a range of measures to make your family, your home, and your community safer from the
threats of crime, terrorism, and disasters of all kinds." For information concerning available
publications, including the Citizens' Preparedness Guidebook, see
http://www.citizencorps.gov/cc_pubs.html or call 1-800-480-2520.
For expert-selected web resources for "First Responders" on bioterrorism and public safety,
see http://search.nap.edu/shelves/first/. This website includes a search engine providing
access to more than 3000 related Web pages.
For material addressing the question of "how to survive under different scenarios of
terrorism or disaster", see http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/rele...0030207-10.html.
A source of information concerning emergency preparedness can be found at
http://www.unitedshelter.com. This resource provides numerous links to additional sources
of information.
Homeland Security Information Center: This website, hosted by the National Technical
Information Service, is part of the Technology Administration branch of the Department of
Commerce. "The service is the federal government's central source for the sale of scientific,
technical, engineering, and related business information produced by or for the U.S.
Government and complementary material from international sources. This section of the
website offers recommendations for homeland security information sources covering the
topics of health and medicine, food and agriculture, biological and chemical warfare,
preparedness and response, and safety and training packages." See
The Response to Emergencies and Disasters Institute (READI) is in Ashburn, West Virginia.
READI "will train police, fire and medical first responders from the District of Columbia,
Maryland and Virginia…and...will be run by the George Washington University Medical
Center, George Mason University and Shenandoah University…READI..is the largest
emergency response training center to begin operating since the Department of Homeland
Security was created…." For further information, see
For information concerning the 2003 Disaster Resource Guide, see http://www.disasterresource.com. This Guide includes a focus on planning, human concerns, information
technology, facility issues, crisis communication and response, disaster recovery, and
business continuity.
"AMA Takes on Role of 'Doctor to Homeland Security'" by Peggy Peck, June 17, 2003
CHICAGO (Reuters Health). See
http://reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=healthNews&storyID=2942420. "The American
Medical Association on Monday unveiled a basic disaster life support (BDLS) program aimed
at rapidly training physicians, physician assistants, nurses and emergency medical
technicians for all disasters -- from nuclear attack to fire and flood…"
The Natural Hazards Informer - the Natural Hazard Center's peer-reviewed series
summarizes current knowledge in specific areas of natural hazards. (The following article
appeared in Issue 3: Building Back Better: Creating a Sustainable Community After
Disaster, by Jacquelyn L. Monday, February 15, 2002.) For archived articles, see
The Natural Hazards Review - A joint publication of the Natural Hazards Center and the
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the Review is the first cross-disciplinary journal
to bring together engineering, the regulatory and policy environments, and the social,
behavioral, and physical sciences to confront natural hazards loss and cost reduction. See
For the Emergency Information Infrastructure Partnership (EIIP) home page, see
http://www.emforum.org." The EIIP is an educational non-profit seeking to enhance
effectiveness in coping with disasters and emergency situations by sharing information and
ideas through electronic technology. The EIIP has hosted online 'Virtual Forums' since 1997;
see the Web site for an extensive archive of formatted transcripts. The EIIP also shares its
vision and educational opportunities through the EIIP Community on the DisasterHelp.gov
website." See http://www.disasterhelp.gov. Anyone who is interested may participate in
Press release entitled "Website Offers Tips for Corporate Homeland Security Efforts" (U.S.
Newswire), July 28, 2003: " 'Help is now online for businesses across the nation looking to
reexamine their security infrastructure as the threat of terrorism at home continues,'
according to U.S. Newswire. The Security Industry Association, an international trade
organization representing more than 700 manufacturers and service providers in the
electronic and technology security industry, is providing the help on a new website." See
For information concerning a new publication for homeland protection professionals:
Homeland Protection Professional: Coordinating Domestic Preparedness, see
"Living with Risk" is "a 400 page study of the lessons learned by experts and communities in
response to hazards presented by natural forces such as volcanoes, fires, hurricanes,
tsunamis, landslides and tornadoes as well as technological accidents and degradation. This
report was done under the auspices of the Inter-Agency Secretariat of the International
Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR). The publication is available at
The Pan American Health Organization is "an international public health organization with
myriad resources and information on health in the Americas.” See http://www.paho.org.
For resources on Contingency Planning, see http://AllHandsConsulting.com and DavisLogic
at http://DavisLogic.com.
The Complete Terrorism Survival Guide: How to Travel, Work and Live in Safety by Juval
Aviv, ISBN:157831302, Juris Publishing Inc., March 1, 2003.
For information concerning "Tools for nuclear emergencies," see
"Power-Grid Independence Means Better Homeland Security" article. See
The State and Territorial Guide to Substance Abuse Prevention in Declared Disasters Implementation Guide. SAMHSA, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 1997. This
document is available through Inter Library loan from the FEMA Library at 500 C St. SW,
Washington, DC 20472.
Disasters and Community-Based Organizations from background material prepared by Paula
Gordon, Project Director, in conjunction with The State and Territorial Guide to Substance
Abuse Prevention in Declared Disasters - Implementation Guide. SAMHSA, U.S. Department
of Health & Human Services, 1997.
For a very useful set of links on mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery, see
http://www.jamiecaplan.com/links.htm. at http://www.jamiecaplan.com/products.htm.
For information concerning the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center, see an article by Y.
Teresa Brown at http://www.seas.gwu.edu/%7Eemse232/december2003indisman1.html.
HAZUS User Groups are growing in number. The first HAZUS User Group for the
Washington, DC/Virginia/and Maryland area was formed in 2003. For further information,
see http://www.hazus.org.
Project Impact Report from 1998 For an interesting report on Project Impact from 1998, see
University of Delaware Disaster Research Center FINAL PROJECT IMPACT Report
Taking Initiative: Building Disaster Resistant Communities. Access at
http://vimeo.com/8748904 . (15 minute video)
The Megacommunity: Cross-sector Collaboration...
EIIP Virtual Forum "The Megacommunity: A Group Discussion on Cross-sector Collaboration
for Preparedness," Wednesday, February 27, 2008. URL for transcript:
http://www.emforum.org/vforum/lc080227.htm or see link at http://www.emforum.org.
CPM Global Assurance provides "news and announcements about professional organizations
and educational programs in business continuity, security, emergency management, and
others (through) subscriber-only access to information and resources on
http://www.ContingencyPlanning.com. CPM Global Assurance encompasses the following
areas of interest: " ~ Strategies for integrating security, emergency management, and
business continuity into the next generation of best practices, ~ Tips and techniques for
optimizing business continuity activities, ~ Interviews with industry thought-leaders, ~
Market research surveys that help readers better understand the industry's direction, ~
Strategic thinking on how to improve business and government survival, ~ Coverage of
news events with analysis of the implications for our readers organizations ~ Insightful
analysis by experienced industry professionals. ~ Product news and test-drives that help
readers make informed buying decisions ~ More international news and analysis of world
events, (and)~ Analysis of standards, regulations, and best practices, and Career
opportunities." For further information, see http://www.ContingencyPlanning.com.
The following is from a US Newswire item entitled "Website Offers Tips for Corporate
Homeland Security Efforts": "Help is now online for businesses across the nation looking to
reexamine their security infrastructure as the threat of terrorism at home continues,"
according to U.S. Newswire. The Security Industry Association, an international trade
organization representing more than 700 manufacturers and service providers in the
electronic and technology security industry, is providing the help on a new website." From
http://releases.usnewswire.com/GetRelease.asp?id=110-07282003. Also see
http://www.sia.com/ and http://www.sia.com/member_services/web_links/.
The National Legal Center for the Public Interest has published a book entitled The
Executive's Desk Book on Corporate Risks and Response for Homeland Security. John L.
Howard is the editor of the book. For additional information, contact NLCPL at 1600 K St.
NW, Suite 800, Washington, D.C. 20006, (202) 466 9360.
As a pilot program, the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments has entered into a
contract with E-Team, Inc., to provide a regional incident tracking system. For more
information see http://www.mwcog.org/security/download/RECP_2_902.pdf.
Citizen Corps: http://www.citizencorps.gov/councils/.
Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT):
Medical Reserve Corps (MRC): http://www.citizencorps.gov/programs/medical.shtm
Neighborhood Watch Program: http://www.citizencorps.gov/programs/watch.shtm
Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS): http://www.citizencorps.gov/programs/vips.shtm
Department of Homeland Security Threat Information Site: http://ready.gov/index.html
American Red Cross Homeland Security Advisory System:
Excellent portal for links to Emergency Management Resources for People with Disabilities
Links to the following are found on this URL:
~ American Red Cross “Disaster Preparedness for Persons with Disabilities” [PDF]
~ Job Accommodation Network “Emergency Evacuation Procedures for Employees with
~ Federal Emergency Management Agency “Assisting People with Disabilities in a Disaster”
~ “Disaster Preparedness for Persons with Disabilities”
~ Equal Opportunity Employment Commission “Obtaining and Using Employee Medical
Information as Part of Emergency Evacuation Procedures”
~ National Organization on Disability “Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities –
~ United States Fire Administration “Emergency Procedures for Employees with Disabilities
in Office Occupancies”
~ National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder “Helping Survivors in the Wake of
~ New Freedom Initiative “Disaster Assistance”
~ Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation “Disaster Assistance Program”
~ Texas Department of Public Safety “Emergency Management Related Links”
~ Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation “Texas Accessibility Standards”
~ Determining access certification of facilities: Architectural Barriers Standards Data search
to view certification of facilities.
~ "Disabled People and Disaster Planning" (DP2)
~ Access Board Resources on Emergency Evacuation and Disaster Preparedness
Ready.Gov Materials:
~ Make a family supply kit http://www.ready.gov/make_a_kit.html
~ Making a family plan http://www.ready.gov/make_a_plan.html including sections on the
following topics:
"~ CREATING A FAMILY PLAN: You and your family may not be together when disaster
strikes. Be prepared for a variety of situations.
~ DECIDING TO STAY OR GO: Depending on your circumstances and the nature of the
attack, the first important decision is whether you stay put or get away. You should
understand and plan for both possibilities.
~ AT WORK AND SCHOOL: Schools, daycare providers, workplaces, apartment buildings
and neighborhoods should all have site-specific emergency plans. Ask about plans at the
places your family frequents.
~ IN A MOVING VEHICLE: You may be in a moving vehicle at the time of an attack. Know
what you can do.
~ IN A HIGH-RISE BUILDING: You may be in a high-rise building at the time of an attack.
Plan for the possibility."
Being informed http://www.ready.gov/get_informed.html including sections on the following
topics: Biological Threat, Chemical Threat, Explosions, Nuclear Blast, Radiation Threat, and
Natural Disasters
Citizen's Guide - This 100 page guide was developed by the Federal Emergency
Management Agency to help individuals prepare for emergencies
http://www.citizencorps.gov/ready/cc_pubs.shtm It includes sections on the following
~ Emergency Preparedness Checklist (L-154). [109 KB]
Provides a checklist of suggested disaster preparedness steps and activities. Also available
in Spanish. [586 MB]
~ Preparing for Emergencies: A Checklist, for People with Mobility Problems (L-154M). [121
Provides information specific to people with limited mobility including children, people with
disabilities, and the elderly.
~ Your Family Disaster Supplies Kit (L-189). [165 KB]
Provides a checklist of emergency supplies that should be kept in the home and contained in
a Disaster Supplies Kit. Also available in Spanish. [2.5 MB]
~ Your Family Disaster Plan (L-191). [279 KB]
Provides guidelines and instructions to help families develop a disaster plan. Also available
in Spanish. [2.4 MB]
~ Emergency Food and Water Supplies (L-210). [355 KB]
Explains how to choose food for an emergency kit, emergency cooking, water purification,
where to locate emergency water, and how to store emergency food and water supplies in
the home.
~ Helping Children Cope with Disaster (L-196). [99 KB]
Provides information on how to prep children prior to disaster and how to lessen the
emotional effects of disaster. Also available in Spanish.
~ Disaster Preparedness Coloring Book (FEMA-243). [1.64 MB]
For ages 3-10. Also available in Spanish.
~ Before Disaster Strikes (FEMA-291).
Contains information on how to make sure you are financially prepared to deal with a
natural disaster. Also available in Spanish.
~ After Disaster Strikes (FEMA-292).
Contains information on how to recover financially from a natural disaster. Also available in
~ Emergency Management Guide for Business and Industry (FEMA-141). [579 KB]
~ When Disaster Strikes... (L-217).
Provides information on donations and volunteer organizations.
~ FEMA for Kids (L-229).
Provides information about what FEMA (specifically FEMA.gov) has to offer children.
~ After a Flood: The First Steps (L-198). [190 KB]
Information for homeowners on preparedness, safety and recovery from a flood.
~ Community Shelter (FEMA-361).
Contains guidance for constructing mass shelters for public refuge in schools, hospitals and
other places of assembly.
~ Homeowner's Guide to Retrofitting: Six Ways to Protect Your House from Flooding (L235).
A brochure about obtaining information on how to protect your home from flooding.
~ Homeowner's Guide to Retrofitting: Six Ways to Protect Your House from Flooding (FEMA312). A detailed manual on how to protect your home from flooding.
~ Taking Shelter from the Storm: Building a Safe Room Inside Your House (L-233).
This brochure provides details about obtaining information on how to build a Wind Safe
Room to withstand tornado, hurricane and other high winds.
~ Taking Shelter from the Storm: Building a Safe Room Inside Your House (FEMA-320).
This manual provides detailed information on how to build a Wind Safe Room to withstand
tornado, hurricane and other high winds.
~ Tornado Fact Sheet (L-148).
Provides safety tips for before, during and after a tornado.
~ Against the Wind: Protecting Your Home from Hurricane and Wind Damage (FEMA-247).
[224 KB]
~ Avoiding Earthquake Damage: A Checklist for Homeowners. [377 KB]
Safety tips for before, during and after an earthquake.
~ Preparedness in High-Rise Buildings (FEMA-76).
Earthquake safety tips for high-rise dwellers.
~ Learning to Live in Earthquake Country: Preparedness in Apartments and Mobile Homes
(L-143). Safety tips on earthquake preparation for residents of apartments and mobile
~ Family Earthquake Safety Home Hazard Hunt and Drill (FEMA-113).
How to identify home hazards; how to conduct earthquake drills.
~ Wildfire: Are You Prepared? (L-203). [336 KB]
Wildfire safety tips, preparedness and mitigation techniques.
The Citizens' Preparedness Guidebook (PDF/646KB) produced by the National Crime
Prevention Council with support from the Department of Justice. This document "provides
current crime and disaster preparedness techniques as well as the latest information on
terrorism, to give Americans guidance on how to prepare in our homes, in our
neighborhoods, at work, at the airport, in places of worship, and in public spaces….Order
the Guidebook by calling hotline at 1-800-WE-PREVENT (1-800-937-7383). To receive bulk
copies of the Guide, call NCPC's fulfillment center at 1-800-627-2911. The Guides are
available free of charge except for shipping costs."
Federal Emergency Management Agency. 1993. Emergency Management Guide for Business
and Industry. FEMA, Washington, DC. 67 pp.
Federal Emergency Management Agency. 1997. Multi-Hazard Identification and Risk
Assessment. FEMA, Washington, DC. 381 pp.
George D. Haddow & Jane A. Bullock, Introduction to Emergency Management, 2006, 2nd
Ed., Elsevier Science: (USA). 275 pp. ISBN 0-7506-7961-1.
Hoffman, Judith C. 2001. Keeping Cool on the Hot Seat: Dealing Effectively with the Media
in Times of Crisis. Four C’s Publishing Co., Highland Mills, NY. 195 pp. ISBN 0-9709014-0-2.
Laye, John. 2002. Avoiding Disaster: How to Keep Your Business Going When Catastrophe
Strikes. John Wiley & Sons: Hoboken. NJ. 272 pp. ISBN 0-471-22915-6.
Back in Business - Disaster Recovery/Business Resumption. (Video on CD-ROM.)
Commonwealth Films: Boston, MA. 1992. 26 min.
National Fire Protection Association. 2004. NFPA 1600, Standard on Disaster/Emergency
Management and Business Continuity Programs. NFPA. Quincy, MA. 46 pp.
William L. Waugh, Jr. Living With Hazards, Dealing With Disasters: An Introduction To
Emergency Management. M. E. Sharpe, Armonk, NY. 2000. 230 pp. ISBN 0-7656-0195-8.
Rudy Giuliani: The Man and His Moment, Video #2 See
Robert E. Litan, Sharing and Reducing the Financial Risks of Future "Mega-Catastrophes"
(Working Paper). Washington DC: The Brookings Institution, November 11, 2005 (45
pages). Accessed at:
"Preparedness Tops States Issues for 2006." December 29, 2005. United Press
International. Accessed at: http://www.sciencedaily.com/upi/?feed=TopNews&article=UPI1-20051229-17012200-bc-us-stateissues.xml
Time Line Series on "Terrorism Time Line: Major Focusing Events and U.S. Outcomes";
"Disaster Time Line: Major Focusing Events and U.S. Outcomes"; and "100 Years of Seismic
Safety in California (1906-2006)": The first two are under revision at the present time,
pending the addition of 2005 events and outcomes; they should be available in May, 2006.
All of the charts are on the website in pdf form; they may be browsed online or hard copies
may be ordered for a nominal fee. See www.disaster-timeline.com. The contributors to the
Time Line Series include Claire B. Rubin, M.A.; William R. Cumming, J.D.; and Imak RendaTanali, D.Sc. of Claire B. Rubin & Associates.
Disaster Central. www.disaster-central.com. This website and blog includes news articles
and current reports on various aspects of hazards and disasters. It is maintained by Claire
B. Rubin.
Crisis and Emergency Management – recommended links. This website is maintained by
Claire Rubin, Institute for Crisis, Disaster, and Risk Management of George Washington
University and Cynthia Holt of GWU's Gelman Library. Web information resources
are arranged in the following sections: government information sources, non-government
organizations, university research centers, specialized organizations, risk assessment and
risk management, business and industry crisis management/organizational continuity,
useful periodicals, online books, specific articles on business contingency planning, health
and medical information, international disaster information. See
ProtectingAmerica.Org: "ProtectingAmerica.org's mission is to raise awareness, educate the
public and policymakers, and offer solutions that will better prepare and protect America
from major catastrophe in a sensible, cost-effective fashion." James Lee Witt, National CoChair, Former Director, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Chief Executive Officer,
International Code Council and Admiral James M. Loy, National Co-Chair, Former Deputy
Secretary, Department of Homeland Security, Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard (Retired).
Contact information ProtectingAmerica.Org, 701 13th Street, NW, Suite 850, Washington,
D.C. 20005. 877-266-6660 (toll-free) .
The National Council on Readiness and Preparedness (http://www.ncorp.org ): "NCORP’s
mission is to establish community-level programs and public/private partnerships that
strengthen homeland security through education, training and communication between
citizens, businesses, governments and responders/law enforcement and medical
professionals. Former Governor Jim Gilmore (Virginia) established NCORP to continue the
work of the Advisory Panel to Assess Domestic Response Capabilities for Terrorism Involving
Weapons of Mass Destruction (known as the Gilmore Commission) which issued a
recommendation to develop a broad and central role for the citizen and private sector in
homeland security. NCORP has launched four programs that generally represent the
various stakeholders in community readiness and preparedness: ResponderCorps,
ReadyCorps, GuardianCorps and CitizenGuardian. These programs are developed by an
institute that NCORP has established called the Institute for Community Preparedness and
Response (ICPR), which works with academic and government organizations to identify and
develop on-going action plans for each of these programs...." Directors & Officers: Hon.
James S. Gilmore III, Chairman; Jeb Carney, President; and Dan Kreske, National Director.
Contact information: Washington, D.C. office: 1200 19th Street, N.W., Suite 500,
Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 955-9660, info@ncorp.org
Secretary Mike Leavitt, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Emergency
Preparedness Health Summit, National Press Club, April 18, 2006. View online at
http://www.C-SPAN.org/videolibrary . ID#192090-1. 45 minutes.
"The Australian Homeland Security Research Centre undertakes independent, evidencebased analysis of domestic security issues as well as facilitating a range of security related
professional development events. The Centre's vision is to be Australia's leading
independent source of strategic and industry research on domestic security and counterterrorism. For a list of the Centre's publications, see
Introduction to International Disaster Management by Damon P. Coppola.
Butterworth-Heinemann (An imprint of Elsevier). ISBN 0-7506-7982-4.
Elin A. Gursky on behalf of the Joint Task Force Civil Support Mass Fatality Working Group,
"A Working Group Consensus Statement on Mass-Fatality Planning for Pandemics and
Disasters," July 2007. See
http://www.homelandsecurity.org/newjournal/Articles/displayArticle2.asp?article=160 Elin
A. Gursky, Sc.D., is a Fellow and Principal Deputy for Biodefense of the National Strategies
Support Directorate, ANSER/Analytic Services Inc.
Tim Bonno, "When Professional Responders Can't Respond: Why You Need a Well-Trained
Corporate CERT.” See Continuity E-Guide, August 1, 2007: http://disasterresource.com/newsletter/subpages/v195/meet_the_experts.htm.
Yossi Sheffi, The Resilient Enterprise ~ Overcoming Vulnerability for Competitive
Advantage. Paper / ISBN 0-262-69349-6 / April 2007
Ready.gov for business: http://www.ready.gov/business/index.html .
Resolve to be Ready http://www.ready.gov/america/about/resolve2008.html .
Paula D. Gordon, “Key Challenges for the Future of Homeland Security and Emergency
Management Education," PA TIMES, Vol. 31, Issue 8, August 2008. (The PA TIMES is a
publication of the American Society for Public Administration.) Access at
GordonHomeland.com .
Paula D. Gordon, “Pre- and Post-9/11 Perspectives: Understanding and Teaching about
Differences in Perspectives Affecting Governance and Public Administration Post-9/11”
(Publication pending in two parts in Ethics Today, Volume 11 Number 1 and 2, Spring and
Summer 2009) Access at http://GordonPublicAdministration.com .
Paula D. Gordon, “Some Conceptual Tools for Understanding and Addressing Catastrophic
Challenges As Well As Other Lesser Emergencies,” June 15, 2009. Access at
http://GordonPublicAdministration.com .
The Aidmatrix Foundation, Inc. builds and operates powerful technology hubs that support
diverse stakeholder groups in their efforts to work together to solve the world's most
challenging humanitarian crises. Our solutions enhance participation, amplify contributions,
and accelerate results for humanitarian relief. 35,000 leading corporate, nonprofit and
government partners leverage solutions to mobilize $1.5 billion annually in global aid with
Aidmatrix. The donated goods, money and services impact the lives of 65 million people.
Aidmatrix is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit headquartered in Dallas, Texas, USA, with offices in
Wisconsin, Germany and India. See http://www.aidmatrix.org for more information.
Wal-Mart Disaster Model: Suburban Emergency Management Project. “Wal-Mart Way in
Disaster Preparedness/Response: Policy Implications.” Nov 27, 2008. Access at
http://www.semp.us/publications/biot_reader.php?BiotID=569 ,
Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré (U.S. Army ret), “America Needs a Culture of Preparedness.” Access
at http://www.projectwhitehorse.com/current.htm#specialarticle .
Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré (U.S. Army ret) (Author), Ron Martz (Author), Survival: How a
Culture of Preparedness Can Save You and Your Family from Disasters,
Simon & Schuster (May 5, 2009) ISBN-10: 1416599002 ISBN-13: 978-1416599005 .
Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré (U.S. Army ret) website is at http://www.generalhonore.com . You
will find excerpts of the first chapter of his new book there. The direct link is
http://books.simonandschuster.com/Survival/Lt-Gen-Russel-Honore-(U-S-Armyret)/9781416599005/excerpt .
Randall J. Larsen, Our Own Worst Enemy: Asking the Right Questions About Security
to Protect You, Your Family, and America, Grand Central Publishing, 2008. See
The National Emergency Management Association (NEMA), in conjunction with the Federal
Emergency Management Agency and the assistance of numerous other organizations, has
released a White Paper July 10, 2009 entitled “Recommendations for an Effective National
Mitigation Effort.” The White Paper outlined “the importance of mitigation efforts aimed at
building disaster resiliency across the nation.” (8 pages) Access at
http://www.nemaweb.org/default.aspx?3177 .
Daniel Fowler, “California’s Top Emergency Manager Talks Budgets, Disasters and
Napolitano,” CQ Homeland Security, July 20, 2009 “In 2008, Gov. Schwarzenegger
signed legislation that merged the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services and the Office
of Homeland Security into a single cabinet-level agency, the California Emergency
Management Agency.” In this article, Matthew Bettenhausen, California’s acting secretary
of the new California Emergency Management Agency is interviewed concerning this
Michael Brown: How to Learn from Haiti By Suzanne Kubota, Senior Internet Editor
FederalNewsRadio.com, January 19, 2010. Access at
http://www.federalnewsradio.com/?nid=19&sid=1866865 .
Robert Maguire and Robert Muggah, “Five smart ways to rebuild Haiti.” Access at
http://news.yahoo.com/s/csm/20100218/cm_csm/281134 .
References Regarding Roles that Companies Have Played in Recent Disasters : Many of the
following references have been taken from a list developed by the US Chamber of
Commerce Business and Civic Leadership Center's Business Disaster Aid Program and Their
Second Report on Business Disaster Assistance and Recovery: Disaster Assistance
and Recovery ~ Long-term Recovery Issues and Case Studies. See
Natural Disaster and Extreme Weather Searchable Information Center at
http://site.ebrary.com/lib/disaster/home.action : “This site is one of a series of searchable
information centers that ebrary employees are creating on topics that are important to us.
We understand that while there is a wealth of information on these topics available on the
Internet, it is often difficult to find and search the data you need, especially across
multiple sources….This site contains information on natural disasters and extreme weather
from agencies such as:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Federal Emergency Management Agency
International Tsunami Information Center
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC)
National Drought Mitigation Center
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Fire Administration
U.S. Geological Survey
other authoritative sources.”
Disaster Time Line: Major Focusing Events and U.S. Outcomes (1988-2008). This chart, also
13" x 40", contains information on natural, industrial/ technological, and biological events
and their outcomes. To order these products, contact Claire B. Rubin & Associates, Disaster
Research and Consulting, P.O. Box 2208, Arlington, VA 22202, cbrubin@comcast.net .
2005 Hurricane Season
Wal-Mart at Forefront of Hurricane Relief by Michael Barbaro and Justin Gillis
Washington Post Staff Writers, Tuesday, September 6, 2005 :
For press releases and links to information concerning Wal-Mart's preparedness and
disaster relief efforts: http://www.walmartfacts.com/featuredtopics/?id=11
Katrina Relief Effort Fact Sheet http://www.walmartfacts.com/articles/1988.aspx
Katrina Relief: Wal-Mart Commits Additional $15 Million Bentonville, Ark. September
1, 2005: http://www.walmartfacts.com/articles/1992.aspx
Allstate Foundation: The Allstate Foundation Hurricane Recovery Fund:
http://www.uschamber.com/bclc/profiles/disasterrecovery_allstate.htm :
Baxter International Foundation: Baxter International Health Recovery Fund:
Chamber Southwest Louisiana: Starting Over after Hurricane Rita:
Lowe's Companies: Support for Communities and Customers:
Shell Oil Company: Coming Home Campaign:
Weyerhaeuser Company: Rebuilding a Community Campaign:
2004 Tsunami
Chevron: Chevron Aceh Recovery Initiative:
The Coca-Cola Company: Restoring Water and Sanitation in Tsunami-Affected
September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks
Verizon and 9/11: Ben Charmy, "Digging Out of the Rubble," (with an interview of
Mark A. Wegleitner), C-Net News.Com. Access at http://news.com.com/1200-1070975482.html.
JP Morgan Chase:
Lessons Learned in Disaster Recovery
Nancy Ploeger, Manhattan Chamber of Commerce:
Mary Wong, Office Depot Foundation:
Joe Ruiz, UPS: http://www.uschamber.com/bclc/resources/ruiz_disasterrecovery.htm
Claire B. Rubin, President, Claire B. Rubin & Associates, 4/9/08 Transcript of Forum
Presentation: Emergency Management: The American Experience, 1900 – 2005 .
Access at http://www.emforum.org/vlibrary/all.htm .
Project Impact Report from 1998
For an interesting report on Project Impact from 1998, see University of Delaware Disaster
Research Center FINAL PROJECT IMPACT Report. Access at
http://dspace.udel.edu:8080/dspace/bitstream/19716/1144/1/FPR40.pdf .
Taking Initiative: Building Disaster Resistant Communities. Access at
http://vimeo.com/8748904 . (15 minute video)
Stephen Jordan, US Chamber of Commerce, speaking on Disaster Relief and Recovery,
August 27, 2007. View online at http://www.c-spanarchives.org/program/200681-1 (34
Eric Holdeman Presentation and Discussion on the topic of "The Future of Emergency
Management" To review and study the presentation and discussion either read the
transcript at http://www.emforum.org/vforum/lc100113.htm OR click on
http://www.emforum.org/pub/eiip/lm100113.wmv and view and listen to the presentation.
The presentation slides are available in the transcript and from the Background Page
http://www.emforum.org/vforum/100113.htm .
The Center for Advanced Intermodal Technologies (CAIT) University of Memphis
http://www.memphis.edu/cait/complete_research.php “The Center for Advanced Intermodal
Technologies (CAIT) focuses its efforts on issues of significance to the private sector as well
as on issues where public and private sector needs intersect. Supported with private funds
and a Congressional earmark, CAIT works to develop data sets, models, and case studies
that may be used to inform both business practice and public policy. CAIT supports research
studies, conducts industry and public policy round table discussions, and develops education
programs relevant to industry professionals.” The following reports are available on the
CAIT website:
Malcolm Baird, January 2010. The "Phases" of Emergency Management The Recovery
Malcolm Baird, January 2010. Phase of Emergency Management Freight
Transportation and Emergency Management: Profiles of Three Stakeholder Groups
Risk and Scenario Identification
Estimating Coastal Maritime Risk Using Geographic Information Systems
Web Resources for Freight Transportation and All-Hazards Risk Management
Darrell L. Darnell, GWU, 6/23/10 Transcript of Forum Presentation: Critical Infrastructure
and Key Resources; Protection and Resilience. Access at
http://www.emforum.org/vlibrary/all.htm .
Patrik Jonsson, “New FEMA chief retooled the agency after its subpar response to Katrina,
and it shows in response to recent tornadoes. He sees FEMA in a supporting, not leading,
role. The Christian Science Monitor, May 6, 2011. Access at
http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2011/0506/With-response-to-tornadoes-FEMAbegins-to-rebuild-its-reputation .
FEMA Listening Sessions: “Strengthening Community Engagement in Preparedness and
Resilience Efforts” February 23, 2011 -- 12:00 Noon Eastern. The Live Meeting Recording of
our February 23rd EMForum.org Program, FEMA Listening Sessions: Strengthening
Community Engagement, with Paulette Aniskoff is now available. This is a large file and
requires Windows Media Player or Windows Media Components for QuickTime or a similar
product to view. The Transcript, presentation Slides, and Ratings and Reviews, are available
from the Background Page.
Russel L. Honore, Lieutenant General, U.S. Army, Presentation on "Hurricane Katrina
Military Response", Houston Forum, Houston, Texas, February 13, 2006. "Hurricane Katrina
Military Response." Access at http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/id/155435.
The Public Uses Social Networking During Disasters to Verify Facts, Coordinate Information
(Analysis, Social Media Package Part 1 of 2) by Jeannette Sutton on July 30, 2009. See
Jeannette Sutton, Social Media Brings Together Resources, Creates More Resilient
Communities (Analysis, Social Media Package Part 2 of 2), July 31, 2009. Access at
http://www.emergencymgmt.com/safety/Social-Media-Brings-Together-Resources.html .
Emergency Notification & Social Media. Access at
http://www.emergencymgmt.com/emergency-blogs/alerts/Emergency-Notification-Social.html .
Social Media: Two Resources
Disasters 2.0 Conference Addresses Social Media Use by Elaine Pittman on January 28,
2010. Access at http://www.emergencymgmt.com/disaster/Disasters-20-Conference-SocialMedia-Use.html
Data and Emergency Communications, August 12, 2010 American Red Cross. The
American Red Cross hosted a day-long conference on the use of the Internet and social
media in emergency communications. This program was part of an American Red Cross daylong conference on the use of the Internet and social media in emergency communications.
http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/295025-1 . Access at http://www.cspanvideo.org/program/295025-2 , and http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/295025-3 .
Disaster Timeline Series
timeline.com/ .
Claire B. Rubin & Associates. Access at http://www.disaster-
Disaster Time Line: Major Focusing Events and U.S. Outcomes (1988-2008). This chart, also
13" x 40", contains information on natural, industrial/ technological, and biological events
and their outcomes.
CA Earthquake History (1906-2008) time line chart. This chart has new data regarding
federal involvement in earthquakes.
Century Time Line, 1900-2005. This is the companion chart for the new book titled
Emergency Management, the American Experience, 1900-2005; Claire B. Rubin, editor (284
pp.) Available from the sponsor, PERI, at http://www.riskinstitute.org
Disaster Time Line for B.C. and Canada: Major Focusing Events and Outcomes (1917-2007).
This new chart covers 90 years of Canadian disaster history, showing major focusing events
and their outcomes for the provinces and the nation.
* The Johnstown Flood: the collapse of a dam and the flooding of Johnstown in 1889 and
the death of 2,200 people. Access at
http://usparks.about.com/cs/parkhistory/a/johnstownflood.htm .
* John Bartlow Martin, “The Blast in Centralia #5: The Mine Disaster That No One Stopped.”
This article is a classic. It can be found at
IMPORTANT: You need to scroll over half way down the Chapter of the book for the Case
Study entitled “The Blast in Centralia #5: The Mine Disaster That No One Stopped.”
* Patrik Jonsson (May 6, 2011) “New FEMA chief retooled the agency after its subpar
response to Katrina, and it shows in response to recent tornadoes. He sees FEMA in a
supporting, not leading, role.” The Christian Science Monitor. Access at
http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2011/0506/With-response-to-tornadoes-FEMAbegins-to-rebuild-its-reputation .
* “Taking Initiative: Building Disaster Resistant Communities” Access at
http://vimeo.com/8748904 (15 minute video)
* Department of Homeland Security Inspector General (June 2011), “Compendium of
Disaster Preparedness Programs” OIG-11-88. Access at
http://www.dhs.gov/xoig/assets/mgmtrpts/OIG_11-88_Jun11.pdf .
* Jeff Gaynor , Homeland Security Advisory Council: Empowering Critical
Infrastructure and National Resilience Security Debrief (June 28, 2011) Access at
* Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC) publicly Community Resilience Task Force
(CRTF) Report http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/HSAC_CITF_Report_v2.pdf
* Steve Olson, Rapporteur; Committee on Increasing National Resilience to Hazards
and Disasters (2011) Assessing National Resilience to Hazards and Disasters:
The Perspective from the Gulf Coast of Louisiana and Mississippi: Summary of
a Workshop. National Research Council National Academies Press, Access at
http://books.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=13178 .
* Philip J. Palin (July 8, 2011) “Considering Catastrophe”. Access at
http://www.hlswatch.com/2011/07/08/considering-catastrophe/ .
* Bruce R. Lindsay and Francis X. McCarthy (June 21, 2011) “Considerations for a
Catastrophic Declaration: Issues and Analysis.” Congressional Research Service. Access at
http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/homesec/R41884.pdf .
* John C. Scott, Founder, Center for Public Service Communications, (July 13, 2011) “The
Role of Libraries and Librarians in Disaster Risk Reduction and Response” EIIP Forum.
Access at http://www.emforum.org/vforum/110713.htm . List of Related Websites
Accompanying the Presentation:
National Library of Medicine (NLM) Disaster Information Management Research Center
NLM Disaster Information Outreach Symposium
NLM Emergency Access Initiative
American Library Association Disaster Preparedness and Recovery
National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) Emergency Preparedness & Response
NN/LM Toolkit Archives for Mutual Aid Agreements
Medical Library Association (MLA) Disaster Information Specialization Program
MLA Librarians without Borders®
Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders (WISER)
Radiation Emergency Medical Management (REMM)
Chemical Hazards Emergency Medical Management (CHEMM)
* Medical Library Association: Disaster Information Outreach Survey (results summary)
and Disaster Information Outreach Specialization Presentation
14) FEMA, DHS, and Hurricane Katrina
Paula D. Gordon, "A Matrix Approach to Comparing and Contrasting Some Differing
Perspectives on the Federal Government’s Role in Hurricane Katrina and in Potential
Catastrophic Events in the Future." Access at http://GordonPublicAdministration.com (2007
Presentation augmented August 2010.)
"Highlights of Two FEMA Disaster Reports" by the Associated Press, April 3, 2006, 14:26
PDT. Access at http://sfgate.com/cgibin/article.cgi?file=/n/a/2006/04/03/national/w142600D29.DTL. The following is quoted
from the AP article: " 'A comparison of some conclusions reached in a Feb. 13 internal FEMA
analysis that examines its failings during Hurricane Katrina, and a March 2005 report for the
agency by consultants Mitre Corp' - On confusion between headquarters and regional
managers about responsibilities: In 2005, Mitre noted an 'unclear/inconsistent role of HQ
versus regions in response phase.' FEMA's post-Katrina report concluded that 'FEMA
headquarters did not permit the FCO (onsite federal coordinating officer) to move assets
that were pre-positioned in Louisiana.' - On disaster plans: Mitre found that FEMA's plans
and procedures were 'nonexistent, outdated or inconsistent.' The post-Katrina report
concluded that 'all too often, response teams were guided by procedures that have been
allowed to become outdated, or by no procedures at all. In other cases, existing procedures
simply were not applicable to the scale of this event.' - On trained and experienced staff:
Mitre reported a 'brain drain' at FEMA because of a lack of recruitment and training at the
agency as seasoned employees retired. 'What training?' one FEMA staffer asked the
consultants. Following Katrina, FEMA found that its thinly stretched staff was not adequately
trained 'to address the huge challenges presented.' " [end of quoted material] [Sources
cited by the AP: "DHS/FEMA Initial Response Hotwash Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana, Feb.
13, 2006; EP&R/FEMA Study, "A Vision for the Future," by the Mitre Corp., March 7, 2005."]
Congressional Research Service Report for Congress "Organization and Mission of the
Emergency Preparedness and Response Directorate: Issues and Options for the 109th
Congress" by Keith Bea, Specialist, American National Government, Government and
Finance Division, September 7, 2005. Order Code RL 33064. Access at
"FEMA's decline: an agency's slow slide from grace" by Justin Rood. DAILY BRIEFING
September 28, 2005 (jrood@govexec.com). Access at
http://www.govexec.com/dailyfed/0905/092805j1.htm .
Hurricane Pam and Hurricane Katrina: Pre-Event 'Lessons Learned' Transcript December 14,
2005, EIIP Virtual Forum http://www.emforum.org and click on 'Transcript' or go directly to
"Department's Mission Was Undermined From Start" by Susan B. Glasser and Michael
Grunwald, Washington Post Staff Writers, December 22, 2005. Access at
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wpdyn/content/article/2005/12/21/AR2005122102327.html .
"Brown's Turf Wars Sapped FEMA's Strength: Director Who Came to Symbolize
Incompetence in Katrina Predicted Agency Would Fail" by Michael Grunwald and Susan B.
Glasser, Washington Post Staff Writers, December 23, 2005. Access at
Deposition of FEMA Director Michael Brown, Saturday, February 11, 2006 House of
Representatives, Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate Preparation for and Response
to Hurricane Katrina, Washington, D.C. The Deposition can also be found online at
http://katrina.house.gov/ . Click on "Michael Brown Deposition" which appears as a part of
the following entry midway down the page: "Thursday, March 16, 2006, Select Committee
releases February 11, 2006 Transcript: Michael Brown Deposition."
Michael Brown Keynote Address before an annual meteorological conference at Mammoth
Lakes, California, January 18, 2006. Video can be viewed at http://www.cspanvideo.org/program/id/153798 .
Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Hearing on: Hurricane
Katrina: Urban Search and Rescue in a Catastrophe, January 30, 2006. Statements for the
record on the Committee website at:
http://hsgac.senate.gov/index.cfm?Fuseaction=Hearings.Detail&HearingID=311 from
William M. Lokey, Operations Branch Chief, Response Division , Federal Emergency
Management Agency, U.S. Department of Homeland Security; Brigadier General Brod
Veillon, Assistant Adjutant General , Louisiana National Guard; Lieutenant Colonel Keith
Lacaze, Assistant Law Enforcement Division Administrator, Louisiana Department of Wildlife
and Fisheries; and Captain Tim Bayard, Commander, Vice Crimes and Narcotics Section ,
New Orleans Police Department.
"Hurricane Katrina Military Response," Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honore, the Commander of Joint
Task Force Katrina, in a presentation before the Houston Forum on February 13, 2006.
Access at http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/id/155435 .
General Russel Honore has noted Eleven Quick Fixes mentioned in his February 13, 2006
presentation before the Houston Forum. These same quick fixes were noted in his testimony
before a Senate Committee on 2/9/2006. See
http://hsgac.senate.gov/_files/020906Honore.pdf. For his complete testimony, see
nk&cd=2. Here is the excerpted portion: .”..(A)reason for improvement that should be
considered: 1. Establish pre-event unified Command and Control (C2) organizational
structure. 2. Pre-position unified mobile disaster assessment cell. 3. Designate a single DOD
point of contact for the Federal Coordinating Officer to coordinate requirements. 4.
Implement a local/state employee Disaster Clause to dual-hat/train employees to fill key
disaster support manning shortfalls. 5. Pre-position common interoperable communications
assets. 6. Establish external support (push packages/funding) to fill common resource
shortfalls. 7. Pre-allocate space in State Emergency Operation Centers to integrate federal
or other external agencies. 8. Develop a Continuity of Government Plan that sustains
government functions 24/7. 9. Pre-arrange support contracts for required resources. 10.
Acquire and integrate assured power supply capabilities (gas stations, pharmacies and local
EOCs). 11. Gain industry commitments to re-establish critical services." (Also see
http://www.amc.army.mil/ausa/3 for a power point slide of these Quick Fixes. It is entitled:
JTF Hurricane Katrina Assessment: Eleven Quick Fixes.)
Remarks by Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff at the National Emergency
Management Association Mid-Year Conference, Washington, D.C., February 13, 2006.
Access at http://www.dhs.gov/dhspublic/interapp/speech/speech_0268.xml. Fact Sheet:
Strengthening FEMA to Maximize Mission Performance.
~ The Final Report of the Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and
Response to Hurricane Katrina: "A Failure of Initiative," February 15, 2006, GPO #109-377.
Available online at http://www.gpoaccess.gov. Download from
~ Appendices to "A Failure of Initiative.” Access at
Report and Document Annex to the Final Report of the Select Bipartisan Committee to
Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina: "A Failure of Initiative,"
March 16, 2006 GPO#109-396. Includes six supplemental parts and the February 11,
2006 Deposition of Michael Brown, Former FEMA Director) For links to this supplement, go
to http://reform.house.gov/GovReform/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=39497.
The White House Report: The Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina: Lessons Learned was
released on February 23, 2006. The report identifies 17 key lessons learned, 125 specific
recommendations for the Administration and 11 critical action steps that should be taken
before the start of the 2006 Hurricane Season. A full summary of the report can be
accessed at http://library.stmarytx.edu/acadlib/edocs/katrinawh.pdf .
Emergency Preparedness and Response: Some Issues and Challenges Associated with
Major Emergency Incidents, by William O. Jenkins, Jr., director, homeland security and
justice, before the Little Hoover Commission, State of California. GAO-06-467T, February
23, 2006. [Reposted file incorporates several corrections to the text as noted on the cover].
Access at http://www.gao.gov/cgi-bin/getrpt?GAO-06-467T .
Hurricane Katrina: Preliminary Observations Regarding Preparedness and Response to
Catastrophic Disasters, by David M. Walker, Comptroller General of the United States,
before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. GAO-06442T, March 8. 2006. Access at http://www.gao.gov/cgi-bin/getrpt?GAO-06-442T.
Highlights. Access at http://www.gao.gov/highlights/d06442thigh.pdf .
William L. Waugh, Jr. "Shelter From the Storm: Repairing the National Emergency
Management System after Hurricane Katrina" (The Annals of the American Academy of
Political and Social Science, Vol. 604, March 2006). Thousand Oaks (CA), London, New
Delhi: SAGE Publications, 2006.
Hurricane Katrina: GAO's Preliminary Observations Regarding Preparedness, Response, and
Recovery. GAO-06-442T, March 8, 2006 (46 pages). Access at
Agency Management of Contractors Responding to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. GAO-06461R, March 15, 2006 (8 pages). Access at
http://www.gao.gov/docdblite/details.php?rptno=GAO-06-461R .
Hurricane Katrina: Status of the Health Care System in New Orleans and Difficult Decisions
Related to Efforts to Rebuild It Approximately 6 Months After Hurricane Katrina. GAO-06576R, March 28, 2006 (13 pages). Access at
http://www.gao.gov/docdblite/details.php?rptno=GAO-06-576R .
Congressional Research Service report on State and Urban Area Homeland Security Plans
and Exercises: Issues for the 109th Congress March 2006. Available online on the website
of The Federation of American Scientists website at
DHS Inspector General Report on the Katrina Response. Access at
http://files.findlaw.com/news.findlaw.com/hdocs/docs/katrina/fema41406rpt.pdf .
"The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has announced a set of measures to
strengthen the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in order to increase its
capability to respond to manmade and natural disasters. Additionally, DHS has also
requested an increase in funding for FEMA in the fiscal year 2007 budget. The new
measures and additional resources are intended to improve DHS' overall ability to develop
integrated homeland security capabilities and allow FEMA to act efficiently in response and
recovery activities.
The proposed measures include:
Establishing a more sophisticated and specialized logistics management system to
better track shipments of materials and equipment, manage inventories, and ensure
effective distribution and delivery of needed supplies.
Enhancing customer service and intake procedures.
Upgrading the FEMA Web site and toll-free number to expand existing capabilities by
handling at least 200,000 disaster registrations per day.
Installing advanced information technology and computer systems to more easily
gather, search, and track case-specific information.
Developing a pilot program for deploying mobile disaster assistance trucks to victims
in temporary housing or shelters, enabling victims to receive assistance closer to
home or place of work.
Training on professionalism and customer service for DHS personnel to ensure timely
and accurate information is provided during an emergency.
Improving the debris removal process by establishing solid contracting practices to
help communities quickly begin recovery operations.
Building more effective communications capabilities to ensure timely and accurate
awareness about conditions and events unfolding during a disaster.
Establishing a highly-trained unit of permanent employees, in addition to volunteers,
to serve as a core disaster workforce able to take full advantage of DHS assets,
resources, and capabilities.
Establishing a hardened set of communications capabilities to ensure timely and
accurate awareness about conditions and events unfolding during a disaster." See
http://www.dhs.gov/dhspublic/interapp/press_release/press_release_0856.xml .
Robert E. Litan, Sharing and Reducing the Financial Risks of Future "Mega-Catastrophes"
(Working Paper). Washington DC: The Brookings Institution, November 11, 2005 (45
pages). Access at:
CERT plan regarding Katrina recovery http://www.fas.org/irp/agency/dhs/katrina-csa.pdf.
Paula D. Gordon, "Thoughts about Katrina: Responses to Two Questions about Hurricane
Katrina and America's Resilience.” December 1, 2005. Access
at http://users.rcn.com/pgordon/homeland/katrina.html or see link at
http://gordonhomeland.com. (The Forum on Building America's Resilience to Hazards, held
December 19-21, 2005, was sponsored by The American Meteorological Society in
collaboration with The Space Enterprise Council of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. All
invited attendees were asked to submit responses to any or all of four questions prior to the
Forum. These are the author's responses to two of the questions.)
Paula D. Gordon, " Comparative Scenario and Options Analysis: Important Tools for Agents
of Change Post 9/11 and Post Hurricane Katrina," Homeland Security Review, Vol. 1 No.
2, 2006. Also posted at http://gordonhomeland.com or
The Senate's full report on Katrina, Hurricane Katrina: A Nation Still Unprepared, was
released in late April 2006. The PDF of the full report can be found at
http://hsgac.senate.gov/_files/Katrina/FullReport.pdf. The following information and links
have be provided by the Homeland Security Digital Library: "The index for the report can be
found at http://hsgac.senate.gov/index.cfm?Fuseaction=Links.Katrina This includes:
Executive Summary -- http://hsgac.senate.gov/_files/Katrina/ExecSum.pdf
Introduction -- http://hsgac.senate.gov/_files/Katrina/KatIntro.pdf
Findings -- http://hsgac.senate.gov/_files/Katrina/Findings.pdf
Recommendations -- http://hsgac.senate.gov/_files/Katrina/CombRec.pdf
Conclusions -- http://hsgac.senate.gov/_files/Katrina/KatCon.pdf
Lieberman Additional Views -http://hsgac.senate.gov/_files/Katrina/KatAddViews.pdf
Also on that page are:
Mississippi Governor's Commission on Recovery, Rebuilding, and Renewal Final
Report -- http://hsgac.senate.gov/_files/Katrina/BBBTE.pdf
Other Hurricane Katrina documents -http://hsgac.senate.gov/index.cfm?Fuseaction=Links.KatDocs
Leadership by Rudolph W. Giuliani, Miramax Books, 2002. ISBN 1-4013-5928=0 (This
book by Mayor Giuliani includes an account of the response to 9/11.
Wal-Mart Disaster Model: Suburban Emergency Management Project. “Wal-Mart Way in
Disaster Preparedness/Response: Policy Implications.” Nov 27, 2008. Access at
http://www.semp.us/publications/biot_reader.php?BiotID=569 .
Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré (U.S. Army ret), “America Needs a Culture of Preparedness.” Access
at http://www.projectwhitehorse.com/current.htm#specialarticle .
Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré (U.S. Army ret) (Author), Ron Martz (Author), Survival: How a
Culture of Preparedness Can Save You and Your Family from Disasters,
Simon & Schuster (May 5, 2009) ISBN-10: 1416599002 ISBN-13: 978-1416599005 .
Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré (U.S. Army ret) website is at http://www.generalhonore.com . You
will find excerpts of the first chapter of his new book there. The direct link is
http://books.simonandschuster.com/Survival/Lt-Gen-Russel-Honore-(U-S-Armyret)/9781416599005/excerpt .
Transcript of 2002 PBS program entitled "The City in a Bowl" at
http://www.pbs.org/moyers/journal/archives/neworleans_ts.html .
U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Holds a Hearing on
Hurricane Katrina and FEMA at http://www.tmcnet.com/usubmit/2005/Dec/1221021.htm .
A discussion of the lessons that should have been learned from the hypothetical Hurricane
Pam at http://www.emforum.org/vforum/lc051214.htm.
A discussion of the lessons that should have been learned from the hypothetical Hurricane
Pam at http://www.emforum.org/vforum/lc051214.htm.
Russel L. Honore, Lieutenant General, U.S. Army, Presentation on "Hurricane Katrina
Military Response", Houston Forum, Houston, Texas, February 13, 2006. "Hurricane Katrina
Military Response." Access at http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/id/155435.
Michael Brown – His side of the story. Access at
&index=1 .
* Steve Olson, Rapporteur; Committee on Increasing National Resilience to Hazards
and Disasters (2011) Assessing National Resilience to Hazards and Disasters:
The Perspective from the Gulf Coast of Louisiana and Mississippi: Summary of
a Workshop. National Research Council National Academies Press, Access at
http://books.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=13178 .
15) The 2010 Gulf Oil Spill
The following items are from the May 17, 2010 edition of HLSWatch:
Deepwater horizon: A lesson for public-private partnerships in planning and
exercising for catastrophe by Philip J. Palin on May 17, 2010
Disaster plans lacking at deep rigs (Wall Street Journal)
BP response plan shows lack of readiness (USA Today)
BP, deepwaterdrillers unprepared for oil leaks, Lieberman says (Bloomberg
OPED: IN THE WAKE OF BP GULF OIL SPILL Tuesday, May 25th, 2010 A Review of
Safety Management in the Offshore Drilling Industry
by Angelo Pinheiro MS, CSP, CPEA (Angelo Pinheiro holds the Certified Safety Professional
(CSP), Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP), and Certified Professional
Environmental Auditor (CPEA) designation.) Access at http://www.maritimeexecutive.com/article/wake-bp-gulf-oil-spill/
Potential Stafford Act Declarations for the Gulf Coast Oil Spill ... CRS Report. Access at
http://www.hsdl.org/?view&doc=122729&coll=crs .
With the exception of the words in brackets, the following is from the Hazards Research
Bulletin #547, May 20, 2010. Access at
http://www.colorado.edu/hazards/dr/archives/dr547.html#4 .
Oil Spill Resources Available from the Natural Hazards Center: Although the full impacts of
the Deepwater Horizon oil spill are yet unknown, previous technological disasters can give
us insight into what to expect. The Natural Hazards Center has collected a variety of Web
links, video, news, commentary, bibliographies, and other academic resources to keep you
in the know as the Deepwater Horizon situation advances. Our continuously updated
resource page—which includes information on the Exxon Valdez, Selendang Ayu, and Rhode
Island North Cape oil spills—will continue to advance along with the situation.
[The website at http://www.colorado.edu/hazards/oilspill_deepwater.html includes the
following list of other live links:]
Deepwater Horizon and General Information
CU-Boulder Sources on Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill
Louisiana State University 2010 Gulf Oil Spill Resource Page
NOAA’s Oil Spill Response Effort in the Gulf of Mexico
Google Crisis Response for Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill
NASA MODIS Rapid Response System: Real-Time imagery of the Gulf of Mexico
BP Global Gulf of Mexico Response
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Emergency Management, Oil Spills
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Oil and Chemical Spills
Northern Gulf Institute (NGI)
The Gulf of Mexico Sea Grant Programs
Other Spill Information
Encyclopedia of Earth Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Entry
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council
Prince William Sound Science Center Oil Spill Education
Volunteer and Citizen Groups
Communities on the Horizon
Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council (PWSRCAC)
PWSRCAC, Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum
PWSRCAC, Reports and Documents
The Whole Truth: Prince William Sound, Alaska
[End of quoted material from May 20, 2010 Disaster Research Bulletin #547]
The Gulf Oil Spill: Mickey McCarter “Katrina’s lessons for Deepwater Horizon,” Homeland
Security Today, July 2010. See
http://ipaperus.ipaperus.com/HomelandSecurityToday/July2010/?Page=18 .
The Gulf Oil Spill: John Comiskey, "Homeland Security, social capital, and resilience – a
Pandora’s box?" June 25, 2010. See http://www.hlswatch.com/2010/06/25/homelandsecurity-social-capital-and-resilience-%E2%80%93-a-pandoras-box/ .
The Gulf Oil Spill: Bryan Walsh, “The Oil Spill's Psychological Toll,” Tuesday, June 22, 2010.
See http://ecocentric.blogs.time.com/2010/06/22/the-oil-spills-psychological-toll/ or
http://ecocentric.blogs.time.com/2010/06/22/the-oil-spills-psychologicaltoll/#ixzz0rhEfHOCn .
The Gulf Oil Spill: “The White House June 30, 2010 Memorandum from the President on the
Long-Term Gulf Coast Restoration Support Plan.” See http://www.whitehouse.gov/thepress-office/memorandum-president-long-term-gulf-coast-restoration-support-plan .
David A. Fahrenthold, “Scientists question government team's report of shrinking gulf oil
spill, ” Washington Post, Thursday, August 5, 2010. Access at
Margaret Davidson, NOAA Coastal Services Director, EMForum.org July 28, 2010 program:
"Building the Foundation for Hazard and Climate Resilient Coastal Communities" For
transcript, see http://www.emforum.org/vforum/lc100728.htm or for recording, see the
Program Archive at http://www.emforum.org/ .
For other material on the 2010 Gulf Oil Spill, see links provided in the May 17, 2010 edition
of HLSWatch at http://www.hlswatch.com/2010/05/17/deepwater-horizon-public-privatepartnerships-in-catastrophic-planning-and-exercising/.
RecoveryDiva.com: A new website created and maintained by Claire B. Rubin, with support
from the Public Entity Risk Institute. Some Gulf Oil Spill Disaster issues research studies
have been highlighted. (http://recoverydiva.com/ ).
For other material on the 2010 Gulf Oil Spill, see links provided in the May 17, 2010 edition
of HLSWatch at http://www.hlswatch.com/2010/05/17/deepwater-horizon-public-privatepartnerships-in-catastrophic-planning-and-exercising/.
The Gulf Oil Spill: Bryan Walsh, “The Oil Spill's Psychological Toll,” Tuesday, June 22, 2010.
Access at http://ecocentric.blogs.time.com/2010/06/22/the-oil-spills-psychological-toll/ or
http://ecocentric.blogs.time.com/2010/06/22/the-oil-spills-psychologicaltoll/#ixzz0rhEfHOCn .
The Gulf Oil Spill: “The White House June 30, 2010 Memorandum from the President on the
Long-Term Gulf Coast Restoration Support Plan.” Access at
http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/memorandum-president-long-term-gulf-coastrestoration-support-plan .
Margaret Davidson, NOAA Coastal Services Director, EMForum.org July 28, 2010 program:
"Building the Foundation for Hazard and Climate Resilient Coastal Communities" For
transcript, see http://www.emforum.org/vforum/lc100728.htm or for recording, see the
Program Archive at http://www.emforum.org/ .
Jane Lubchenco, NOAA, DOC ; Marcia McNutt, USGS, DOI ; Bill Lehr, NOAA, DOC; Mark
Sogge, USGS, DOI ; Mark Miller, NOAA, DOC ; Stephen Hammond, USGS, DOI ; William
Conner, NOAA, DOC; “ BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Budget: What Happened To the Oil?”
August 4, 2010 “NOAA Report.” Access at
L.844091.pdf .
David A. Fahrenthold, “Scientists question government team's report of shrinking gulf oil
spill,” Washington Post, Thursday, August 5, 2010. Access at
David A. Fahrenthold and Kimberly Kindy, “Academic scientists say oil from gulf spill is not
going away quickly,” August 20, 2010; A01. Access at
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wpdyn/content/article/2010/08/19/AR2010081904127_pf.html .
The Gulf Oil Spill Commission Report. Released 01/11/2011:
http://www.oilspillcommission.gov/final-report . Especially see Recommendations for
Decision Makers (7.68 MB). Access at
L.pdf .
Joel Achenbach (2011, April), A Hole at the Bottom of the Sea. Simon & Schuster,.
ISBN-10: 1451625340 and ISBN-13: 9781451625349.
For additional material on the 2010 Gulf Oil Spill, see links provided RecoveryDiva.com: A
new website created and maintained by Claire B. Rubin, with support from the Public Entity
Risk Institute. Some Gulf Oil Spill Disaster issues research studies have been highlighted.
See http://recoverydiva.com/ .
Oil Spill Resources Available from the Natural Hazards Center. The following material is from
the May 20, 2010 Disaster Research Bulletin #547 at
Although the full impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill are yet unknown,
previous technological disasters can give us insight into what to expect. The Natural
Hazards Center has collected a variety of Web links, video, news, commentary,
bibliographies, and other academic resources to keep you in the know as the
Deepwater Horizon situation advances. Our continuously updated resource page—
which includes information on the Exxon Valdez, Selendang Ayu, and Rhode Island
North Cape oil spills—will continue to advance along with the situation.
Deepwater Horizon and General Information
CU-Boulder Sources on Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill
Louisiana State University 2010 Gulf Oil Spill Resource Page
NOAA’s Oil Spill Response Effort in the Gulf of Mexico
Google Crisis Response for Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill
NASA MODIS Rapid Response System: Real-Time imagery of the Gulf of Mexico
BP Global Gulf of Mexico Response
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Emergency Management, Oil Spills
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Oil and Chemical Spills
Northern Gulf Institute (NGI)
The Gulf of Mexico Sea Grant Programs
Other Spill Information
Encyclopedia of Earth Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Entry
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council
Prince William Sound Science Center Oil Spill Education
Volunteer and Citizen Groups
Communities on the Horizon
Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council (PWSRCAC)
PWSRCAC, Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum
PWSRCAC, Reports and Documents
The Whole Truth: Prince William Sound, Alaska
[End of quoted material from Disaster Research Bulletin #547]
* Senate Commerce Subcommittee Meeting on Gulf Oil Spill Lessons from the Gulf Oil Spill,
Washington, D.C. (July 20, 2011). Access at http://c-span.org/Events/Senate-CommerceSubcommittee-Meeting-on-Gulf-Oil-Spill/10737423006-1/ .
* Steve Olson, Rapporteur; Committee on Increasing National Resilience to Hazards
and Disasters (2011) Assessing National Resilience to Hazards and Disasters:
The Perspective from the Gulf Coast of Louisiana and Mississippi: Summary of
a Workshop. National Research Council National Academies Press, Access at
http://books.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=13178 .
16) *The 2011 Japanese Earthquake, Tsunami, Nuclear Reactor Disasters and
Implications for the U.S.
Japanese preparedness and response: Update and a few deniable hypotheses Filed under:
Catastrophes, Preparedness and Response — by Philip J. Palin on March 20, 2011 See
http://www.hlswatch.com/2011/03/20/japanese-preparedness-and-response-update-and-afew-deniable-hypotheses/ .
Learning lessons from Japan: Give priority to physiological needs before safety needs Filed
under: Catastrophes, Preparedness and Response — by Philip J. Palin on March 21, 2011.
Access at
http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?FBLike=http://www.hlswatch.com/2011/03/21/learninglessons-from-japan-give-priority-to-physiological-before-safety-needs/ .
Japan: Where the lights are off Filed under: Catastrophes — by Philip J. Palin on March 20,
2011. Access at http://www.hlswatch.com/2011/03/20/japan-where-the-lights-are-off/.
From Tokyo: What it means to be ‘prepared’ Filed under: Catastrophes, Preparedness and
Response — by Philip J. Palin on March 20, 2011.
http://www.hlswatch.com/2011/03/20/from-tokyo-what-it-means-to-be-prepared/ .
Northeast Japan: Logistics network beginning to recover . Filed under: Catastrophes — by
Philip J. Palin on March 17, 2011. Access at
Japan: the logistical crisis deepens by Mike King. March 18, 2011. Access at
http://www.ifw-net.com/freightpubs/ifw/index/japan-the-logistical-crisisdeepens/20017858050.htm .
Beyond Nuclear submits emergency enforcement petition to NRC calling for suspension of
21 GE BWR Mark 1 atomic reactor licenses “Beyond Nuclear has submitted a Title 10 Code
of Federal Regulations Part 2.206 (10CFR2.206) "emergency enforcement petition" to the
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) urging the suspension of 21 General Electric
Boiling Water Reactor Mark 1s' operating licenses in the wake of the catastrophic failure of
identical containment systems at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear power plant in Japan. In
addition, Beyond Nuclear has petitioned that a total of 24 GE BWR Mark 1 storage pools for
high-level radioactive waste in the U.S. be required to install backup power supplies for
running cooling water circulation systems in the event of a loss of the primary electrical
grid, something they now lack, despite their location outside of a primary containment
structure. See Beyond Nuclear's 2.206 ‘emergency enforcement petition,’ as well as NRC's
announcement of its docketing. Also see Beyond Nuclear's media release on this petition.”
* Paula D. Gordon, Working Paper: “The Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Their Implications
for the U.S.,” March 22, 2011. E-mail pgordon@starpower.net to request a copy.
U.S. to Review Safety of Nuclear Reactors: Japanese Natural Disasters and Nuclear Power
Plant Crisis, Brookings Panel Program, March 18, 2011 (including the comments of the
Japanese Ambassador on the crisis in Japan). Access at http://www.c-span.org/Events/USto-Review-Safety-of-Nuclear-Reactors/10737420310-3/ .
Are U.S. States and Cities Prepared for a Disaster? Posted By Russell Nichols at Governing
Com, March 16, 2011. See http://www.governing.com/blogs/view/Japanese-Quake-AreUS-States-and-Cities-Prepared-for-a-Disaster.html .
Japan Catastrophe Should Prompt U.S. to Re-Examine Policies, Procedures By Eric
Holdeman in Emergency Management, March 16, 2011. See
http://www.emergencymgmt.com/disaster/Japan-Catastrophe-Policies-Procedures031511.html .
USA Nuclear Plants Have Limited Backup Power for Emergencies, http://nuclearnews.net/2011/03/26/usa-nuclear-plants-have-limited-backup-power-for-emergencies/).
U.S. plants plan for a possible "station blackout" on a site-by-site basis. “Of 104 nuclear
plants in the U.S., 93 have four hours of battery life available, while 11 have eight hours,
according to the Union of Concerned Scientist.” Access at
www.foxbusiness.com/industries/2011/03/29/nuclear-review-scrutinize-backup-poweremergency-plans/#ixzz1JoCtRzYd .
Regulatory Effectiveness of the Station Blackout Rule, NRC, August 2003. Access at
http://www.eenews.net/assets/2011/03/23/document_pm_01.pdf .
* Arnold Bogis (June 5, 2011) “The International Atomic Energy Agency’s
Preliminary Report on Japan,” HLS Watch. Access at
http://www.hlswatch.com/2011/06/05/the-international-atomic-energy-agencyspreliminary-report-on-japan/ .
* International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (May 2011) Preliminary report of the IAEA’s
Fact Finding Mission to Japan. Access at
http://iaea.org/newscenter/focus/fukushima/missionsummary010611.pdf .
* Nuclear Regulatory Commission (May 12, 2011) “Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff
Says U.S. Reactors Still Safe” Task Force updates commissioners, NRC Meeting,
Washington, D.C. Access at http://www.c-span.org/Events/NRC-Staff-says-US-ReactorsStill-Safe/10737421490-1/ .
* Nuclear Regulatory Commission (July 19, 2011) Briefing on the Task Force Review of NRC
Processes and Regulations Following Events in Japan. For the transcript or the Webcast
Archive of the July 19, 2011 briefing, see http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doccollections/commission/tr/2011/ .
Webcast Archive
* Eric Holdeman (March 16, 2011) “Japan Catastrophe Should Prompt U.S. to Re-Examine
Policies, Procedures.” Emergency Management,. Access at
http://www.emergencymgmt.com/disaster/Japan-Catastrophe-Policies-Procedures031511.html .
* Russell Nichols at Governing Com (March 16, 2011) “Are U.S. States and Cities Prepared
for a Disaster?” Access at http://www.governing.com/blogs/view/Japanese-Quake-Are-USStates-and-Cities-Prepared-for-a-Disaster.html .
* Philip J. Palin (March 20, 2011) “Japan: Where the lights are off.” Access at
* Philip J. Palin (March 20, 2011) “From Tokyo: What it means to be ‘prepared’.” Access at
http://www.hlswatch.com/2011/03/20/from-tokyo-what-it-means-to-be-prepared/ .
* Philip J. Palin (March 17, 2011) “Northeast Japan: Logistics network beginning to
recover.” Access at http://www.hlswatch.com/2011/03/17/northeast-japan-logisticsnetwork-beginning-to-bounce-back/.
* Philip J. Palin (March 20, 2011) “Japanese preparedness and response: Update and a few
deniable hypotheses.” Access at http://www.hlswatch.com/2011/03/20/japanesepreparedness-and-response-update-and-a-few-deniable-hypotheses/ .
* Philip J. Palin (March 21, 2011) “Learning lessons from Japan: Give priority to
physiological needs before safety needs.” Access at
http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?FBLike=http://www.hlswatch.com/2011/03/21/learninglessons-from-japan-give-priority-to-physiological-before-safety-needs/ .
* Mike King (March 18, 2011) “Japan: the logistical crisis deepens.” Access at
http://www.ifwnet.com/freightpubs/ifw/index/japan-the-logistical-crisisdeepens/20017858050.htm .
17) NEW: Other National and International Disasters
Patrik Jonsson, “New FEMA chief retooled the agency after its subpar response to Katrina,
and it shows in response to recent tornadoes. He sees FEMA in a supporting, not leading,
role. The Christian Science Monitor, May 6, 2011. Access at
http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2011/0506/With-response-to-tornadoes-FEMAbegins-to-rebuild-its-reputation .
EIIP Forum, May 11, 2011. Harold Brooks, Ph.D., Head of NOAA's National Severe Storms
Laboratory's (NSSL) Modeling, Observation, and Analysis Team in Norman, Oklahoma “April
2011 Tornadoes, A Particularly Disastrous Situation" “The Live Meeting recording of the
May 11th EMForum.org program…with Dr. Harold Brooks, is now available. This is a large
file and requires Windows Media Player or Windows Media Components for QuickTime or a
similar product to view. The Audio Podcast recording, presentation Slides, as well as Ratings
and Reviews, are available from the Background Page…”
“Haiti Earthquake One Year Later”: Gail McGovern talked about the progress and challenges
in Haiti one year after the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that killed an estimated 230,000
people, injured 300,000, and left 2 million homeless. Jan 12, 2011. National Press Club
Luncheon Speech. Access at http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/OneYearL .
“Haiti recovery stalled?” January 14, 2011. CNN's Anna Coren talks with the head of the
U.N. mission in Haiti about quake recovery efforts and the cholera outbreak. Access at
allsearch .
“Haiti stuck in its own rubble “ January 13, 2011. CNN's Gary Tuchman reports on why
there's been so little progress in rebuilding Haiti - nobody can get past the rubble. Access at
* Timothy W. Manning, FEMA's Deputy Administrator for Protection and National
Preparedness EIIP Forum (May 5, 2011) “Perspectives from the Christchurch Earthquake.”
The Live Meeting recording is now available. This is a large file and requires Windows Media
Player or Windows Media Components for QuickTime or a similar product to view. The Audio
Podcast recording, presentation Slides, as well as Ratings and Reviews, are available from
the Background Page.
* Philip J. Palin (July 8, 2011) “Considering Catastrophe”. Access at
http://www.hlswatch.com/2011/07/08/considering-catastrophe/ .
* Bruce R. Lindsay and Francis X. McCarthy (June 21, 2011) “Considerations for a
Catastrophic Declaration: Issues and Analysis.” Congressional Research Service. Access at
http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/homesec/R41884.pdf .
18) Education, Training, and Internship Initiatives
FEMA’s Independent Study Program (http://training.fema.gov/is/)
Paula D. Gordon, "The State of Emergency Management and Homeland Security" PA
TIMES, Vol. 30, Issue 8, August 2007. (The PA TIMES is a publication of the American
Society for Public Administration.) Also see http://gordonhomeland.com or
Paula D. Gordon, "Integrating Homeland Security into Emergency Management Courses:
Some Grounding Concepts and Some Suggested Materials and Approaches," FEMA Higher
Education Conference, Emmitsburg, MD, June 5, 2008. (For an expanded version of this
presentation, see http://gordonhomeland.com).
Paula D. Gordon, “Key Challenges for the Future of Homeland Security and Emergency
Management Education," PA TIMES, Vol. 31, Issue 8, August 2008. (The PA TIMES is a
publication of the American Society for Public Administration.) Access at
GordonHomeland.com .
Paula D. Gordon, "A Matrix Approach to Comparing and Contrasting Some Differing
Perspectives on the Federal Government’s Role in Hurricane Katrina and in Potential
Catastrophic Events in the Future." Access at http://GordonPublicAdministration.com (2007
Presentation augmented August 2010.)
Paula D. Gordon, “Pre- and Post-9/11 Perspectives: Understanding and Teaching about
Differences in Perspectives Affecting Governance and Public Administration Post-9/11”
(Publication pending in two parts in Ethics Today, Volume 11 Number 1 and 2, Spring and
Summer 2009). Access at http://GordonPublicAdministration.com .
Paula D. Gordon, “Some Conceptual Tools for Understanding and Addressing Catastrophic
Challenges As Well As Other Lesser Emergencies,” June 15, 2009. Access at
http://GordonPublicAdministration.com .
Paula D. Gordon, "Capabilities and Skills Needed by Those in New Roles of Responsibility for
Homeland Security at the Federal, State and Local Levels of Government." Access at
http://users.rcn.com/pgordon/homeland/CapabilitiesAndSkillsNeeded.html or see link at
http://gordonhomeland.com. Also published under a modified title in the PA TIMES, Vol.
28, Issue 3, March 2005 (a publication of the American Society for Public Administration).
Paula D. Gordon, "Education and Training Initiatives Needed to Address Threats and
Challenges to Homeland Security," August 14, 2002. See http://gordonhomeland.com. Also
see http://www.mipt.org/pdf/education-traininginitiatives.pdf .
“Improving Emergency Management Education: The Need for a Comprehensive Curriculum,”
by David A. McEntire, Emergency Administration and Planning, Department of Public
Administration, University of North Texas. Access at
http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/ASPA/UNPAN015386.html .
Christopher Bellavita and Ellen Gordon, "Changing Homeland Security: Teaching the Core"
April 6, 2006 online issue of the Homeland Security Affairs Journal article (#6) at
http://www.hsaj.org/?fullarticle=2.1.1 or http://www.hsaj.org/hsa/volII/iss1/art1/.
This article may be of particular interest to those involved in homeland security and
emergency management policy development and implementation, research, course
development, and teaching. In addition, copies of a syllabus on the Introduction to
Homeland Security and a List of Learning Activities may be requested by e-mailing
Christopher Bellavita at cbellavi@nps.edu.
HS Today Spring 2009 Homeland Security Education Directory Online. A
comprehensive listing, including programs and descriptions as well as contact information,
of educational institutions offering programs in homeland security. See
http://www.hstoday.us/component/option,com_mtree/Itemid,278/ and
for the Directory and information about it. The latter URL is the page where entries can be
created and submitted.
Eric Holdeman Presentation and Discussion on the topic of "The Future of Emergency
Management" To review and study the presentation and discussion either read the
transcript at http://www.emforum.org/vforum/lc100113.htm OR click on
http://www.emforum.org/pub/eiip/lm100113.wmv .
Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré (U.S. Army ret) (Author), Ron Martz (Author), Survival: How a
Culture of Preparedness Can Save You and Your Family from Disasters,
Simon & Schuster (May 5, 2009) ISBN-10: 1416599002 ISBN-13: 978-1416599005 .
Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré (U.S. Army ret) website is at http://www.generalhonore.com . You
will find excerpts of the first chapter of his new book there. The direct link is
http://books.simonandschuster.com/Survival/Lt-Gen-Russel-Honore-(U-S-Armyret)/9781416599005/excerpt .
Bellavita, Christopher. "Changing Homeland Security: What is Homeland Security?."
Homeland Security Affairs IV, no. 2 (June 2008). Access at
http://www.hsaj.org/?article=4.2.1 .
John Rollins and Joseph Rowan, “The Homeland Security Academic Environment: A
Review of Current Activities and Issues for Consideration.” Access at
http://www.hsdec.org/downloads/springsym07/Rollins2.pdf. (Written for the Homeland
Security and Defense Education Consortium [HSDEC].)
Establishing a Department of Homeland Security University: Learning and
Development Strategy. Washington, DC: DHS, Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer,
September 28, 2007. Available through the Homeland Security Digital Library at
https://www.hsdl.org .
Walid Phares, "Education Versus Jihad.” HS Today, November 2006, Volume 3, No. 11 (HS
Today: P.O. Box 9789, McLean, VA 22102-9789, (800) 503-6506. This is a must read
article. A copy of the article can be found online at
http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/terrorism.php?id=466419 .
For a wide range of information and a newsletter concerning education and training
initiatives relating to emergency management and homeland security, see the website of
the Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Higher Education Project at
US Northcom's Homeland Security and Defense Education Consortium (HSDEC) is an
initiative involving the National Defense University (NDU), the University of Colorado at
Colorado Springs (UCCS), and NORTHCOM. "The consortium's goal is to educate homeland
defense and security professionals…; establish a discipline specific research and knowledge
base; and facilitate graduate degree completion for busy (and mobile) HS/HD
professionals." For further information, contact Dr. Houston H. Polson, Deputy Division
Chief, Education and Training Chair, Homeland Security/Defense Consortium (HS/DEC)
NORAD-USNORTHCOM J72 250 Vandenberg St, STE B016 Peterson AFB, CO 80914-3813
Comm: 719-554-7182, houston.polson@northcom.mil
Response to Emergencies and Disasters Institute (READI) is in Ashburn, West Virginia.
READI "will train police, fire and medical first responders from the District of Columbia,
Maryland and Virginia…and... will be run by the George Washington University Medical
Center, George Mason University and Shenandoah University…READI ..is the largest
emergency response training center to begin operating since the Department of Homeland
Security was created…." For further information, see
The National Academic Consortium for Homeland Security "comprises public and private
academic institutions engaged in scientific research, technology development and transition,
education and training, and service programs concerned with current and future U.S.
national security challenges, issues, problems and solutions, at home and around the
world." For more information, see www.osu.edu/homelandsecurity/NACHS/ or contact
NACHS@osu.edu .
For recent publications from the National Academies about the science and policy issues
surrounding terrorism and security, see http://search.nap.edu/shelves/first/.
For an interesting compilation of references and resources, see the syllabus on bioterrorism
at http://www.academic.udayton.edu/health/syllabi/ Bioterrorism/4PHealthLaw/.
For information concerning the International Association for Emergency Managers, see
http://www.iaem.com/body_terrorism_and_emergency_manage.html. This site includes
information on a course entitled "Terrorism and Emergency Management" downloadable at
the EMI Higher Ed website at http://www.fema.gov/emiweb/edu.
"Education for Homeland Security-The Critical Need" by Dave MacIntyre. See
Richard G. Little, "Educating the Infrastructure Professional: A New Curriculum for a New
Discipline," Public Works Management & Policy, 4:2 (October 1999) 93 - 99.
Paula D. Gordon. "Using Blackboard to Augment Class Meetings.” Access at
http://users.rcn.com/pgordon/homeland/blackboard.html or see link at
http://gordonhomeland.com. Based on a presentation to the Public Administration Online
Education Workshop, American Society for Public Administration Conference 2003,
Washington, D.C., March 14, 2003.
For information concerning the Forecasting Dictionary, see
http://morris.wharton.upenn.edu/forecast/dictionary. "The database of terms was prepared
by J. Scott Armstrong, a professor at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and
the author of Principles of Forecasting.”
For several scenarios focusing on terrorism, see Ted Gordon's work at
http://www.geocities.com/~acunu/millennium/antiterrorism. Also see http://acunu.org/ for
related material on scenarios.
For information concerning Homeland Security Leadership Development, see
For illuminating insights into leadership, see Nobody in Charge: Essays on the Future of
Leadership by Harlan Cleveland, ISBN: 0-7879-6153-1, May 2002, Jossey-Bass. For
insights into effective groups, see the chapter on The Manhattan Project in Organizing
Genius: The Secrets of Creative Collaboration by Warren Bennis and Patricia
Biederman, ISBN: 0-201-57051-3, December 1996, Addison-Wesley.
"Transforming and Leading Organizations" by Paula D. Gordon, Access at
http://users.rcn.com/pgordon/homeland/transforming_orgs.pdf or see link at
http://gordonhomeland.com. Also published in Government Transformation, Winter
2004-05 issue.
Paula D. Gordon, "Changing Organizational Culture: Unleashing Creative Energy." Poster
presentation prepared for the Association for Enterprise Integration (AFEI): Enterprise
Integration EXPO 2003, September 23-25, 2003. Access at http://gordonhomeland.com.
Paula D. Gordon, "Recognizing and Addressing Problems of Scientific and Technological
Complexity." Poster presentation prepared for the Association for Enterprise Integration
(AFEI): Enterprise Integration EXPO 2003, September 23-25, 2003. Access at
Paula D. Gordon, "Knowledge Transfer: Improving the Process." Poster presentation
prepared for the Association for Enterprise Integration (AFEI): Enterprise Integration EXPO
2003, September 23-25, 2003. Access at http://gordonhomeland.com.
Paula D. Gordon, "Successful Knowledge Transfer" from background material prepared in
conjunction with The State and Territorial Guide to Substance Abuse Prevention in
Declared Disasters - Implementation Guide. SAMHSA, U.S. Department of Health &
Human Services, 1997. Access at
http://captus.samhsa.gov/southeast/documents/CSAPGuidetoPreventioninDisasters.pdf .
Paula D. Gordon, "Using E-Technology to Advance Homeland Security Efforts.” PA TIMES,
Vol. 25, No. 1, January 2002. Also posted at
http://users.rcn.com/pgordon/homeland/etechnology.html or see link at
http://gordonhomeland.com .
For information concerning OMAR's consensus conferences, see
Guidelines for the Planning and Management of NIH Consensus Development Conferences.
(OMAR stands for the Office of Medical Applications of Research of the National Institutes of
Lessons learned: For an extremely helpful library of online reports on lessons learned, see
the website of the Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism at
National Governors Association Center for Best Practices. Access at
Paula D. Gordon, Public Administration in the Public Interest, a doctoral dissertation, is
available online its entirety at http://www.jhu.edu/pgordon. The dissertation focuses in part
on the role that government can play in addressing problems, including complex societal
problems and challenges. It also includes a discussion of some major impediments to
recognizing and understanding complex problems and outlines the need for a perspective
that emphasizes the importance of basic human and societal values, along with common
sense, understanding, intuition, ingenuity, knowledge, experience, and wisdom. A
retrospective commentary introduces the dissertation.
The Center for Strategic International Studies (CSIS) conducted simulation called Silent
Vector in October 2002. The simulation was "of an increasingly credible but ambiguous
terrorist attack on U.S. critical energy infrastructure." This CSIS effort involved hosting "a
series of four roundtable working groups on topics of aviation security, nuclear security, the
homeland threat advisory system, and security at chemical facilities. These working groups
generated a number of lessons concerning the strategic importance of developing a
balanced approach to homeland security." The report of entitled “Silent Vector Roundtable:
Issues of Concern and Policy Recommendations” is posted at
http://www.csis.org/isp/sv/SV_issues.pdf. For more information on the Silent Vector
exercise, see http://www.csis.org/isp/sv/index.htm.
Department of Homeland Security: Strategic Management of Training Important for
Successful Transformation. GAO-05-888, September 23, 2005 http://www.gao.gov/cgibin/getrpt?GAO-05-888. Highlights. Access at
http://www.gao.gov/highlights/d05888high.pdf .
"U.S. Department of Homeland Security Expands Graduate Education Program for
Government Officials" June 5, 2007 Press Release excerpts: "The U.S. Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) announced today that it is increasing homeland security graduate
education opportunities to government officials by establishing the 'DHS Homeland Security
Academy' within the National Capital Region. The first class for the academy will begin June
6 (2007) at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management's Eastern Management Development
Center in Shepherdstown, W.Va., and will include DHS, state, local and military officials.
'Establishing the Homeland Security Academy is a significant achievement in the
implementation of a comprehensive DHS education and training system,' said George
Tanner, the chief learning officer for DHS. "Investing in the leadership and management
capability of our employees is a top priority of the department…."
"The Public Entity Risk Institute (PERI) has just released a new book on the history of
emergency management in the United States. The book, Emergency Management: The
American Experience, 1900-2005 covers more than a century of catastrophic events
including earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, droughts, a pandemic, and an explosion… (the
book) provides a unique analytic approach, focusing on policy and administrative changes
that have been implemented over the past century and providing historical context for the
changes….(The book) was edited by Claire B. Rubin and designed for use as a textbook for
college courses and a resource for policymakers, researchers, and emergency managers.
The book is available in PERI's online bookstore at www.riskinstitute.org. Additional
information including the full updated table of contents is available at
e+1900-2005.htm. A limited number of review copies are available for academics interested
in using the book in their courses. To request a review copy, send an email to Pamela
Marino at pmarino@riskinstitute.org. A Time Line Chart developed as a companion to the
book can also be purchased.
HS Today Homeland Security Education Directory, May 2010. Homeland Security
Today. Access at
http://ipaperus.ipaperus.com/HomelandSecurityToday/May2010/?Page=45 .
The Department of Homeland Security's National Centers of Excellence (COEs). The
following information about DHS' National Centers of Excellence is from Homestation, a
newsletter of the Integrative Center for Homeland Security at Texas A&M University: "The
COEs bring together leading experts and researchers to conduct multidisciplinary research
and education for homeland security solutions. The centers are authorized by Congress and
chosen by the Department's Science & Technology Directorate through a competitive
selection process. Each center is led by a university in collaboration with partners from
other institutions, agencies, laboratories, think tanks, and the private sector:
The Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE)
(http://www.usc.edu/dept/create/), led by the University of Southern California, evaluates
the risks, costs, and consequences of terrorism, and guides economically viable investments
in countermeasures that will make our Nation safer and more secure. The director is Dr.
Detlof von Winterfeldt.
The National Center for Food Protection and Defense (NCFPD) (http://www.fpd.umn.edu/) ,
led by the University of Minnesota, defends the safety of the food system from pre-farm
inputs through consumption by establishing best practices, developing new tools, and
attracting new researchers to prevent, manage, and respond to food contamination events.
The director is Dr. Frank Busta.
The National Center for Foreign Animal and Zoonotic Disease Defense (The FAZD Center)
(http://fazd.tamu.edu/), led by Texas A&M University, protects against the introduction of
high-consequence foreign animal and zoonotic diseases into the United States, with an
emphasis on prevention, surveillance, intervention, and recovery. The director is Dr. Neville
P. Clarke.
The National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START)
(http://www.start.umd.edu/), led by the University of Maryland, informs decisions on how
to disrupt terrorists and terrorist groups, while strengthening the resilience of U.S. citizens
to terrorist attacks. The director is Dr. Gary LaFree.
The National Center for the Study of Preparedness and Catastrophic Event Response
(PACER) (http://www.hopkins-cepar.org/idhs/), led by Johns Hopkins University, optimizes
our Nation's preparedness in the event of a high-consequence natural or man-made
disaster, as well as develops guidelines to best alleviate the effects of such an event. The
co-director is Dr. Lynn Goldman.
The Center for Advancing Microbial Risk Assessment (CAMRA) (http://camra.msu.edu/), led
by Michigan State University and established jointly with the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, fills critical gaps in risk assessments for decontaminating microbiological threats such as plague and anthrax - answering the question, "How Clean is Safe?" The co-directors
are Dr. Charles Haas and Dr. Joan Rose." (end of quoted material)
TEX: Taxonomy for Education and eXploration of Texas A&M University's Integrative Center
for Homeland Security. See http://homelandsecurity.tamu.edu/framework and
http://homelandsecurity.tamu.edu/copy2_of_welcome-to-ichs. "The serious study of
Homeland Security is hampered by the lack of formal structure to provide content and
connectivity between issues. This taxonomy is offered to fill this need. It will be continually
expanded and revised by the students and faculty of Texas A&M University. To provide
information and feedback, please contact the ICHS at homelandsecurity@tamu.edu. To
subscribe to their newsletter, Homestation, send your e-mail address to
The Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Defense and Security Self-study
Courses in Homeland Security Access at http://www.chds.us/?special/info&pgm=Noncredit
“The Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Defense and Security offers noncredit, self-study courses online. These courses are developed by the NPS CHDS teaching
faculty and are derived from course content (lecture material and course readings) from the
Center's homeland security master's degree curriculum. The courses, offered at no cost, are
designed for homeland defense and security professionals who wish to enhance their
understanding of key homeland security concepts and require the flexibility of self-paced
instruction. NPS does not provide graduate credit for the courses; however, participants are
encouraged to check with their professional associations regarding continuing education
units/credits. Upon completing each course, participants can download a record of
completion……Access to the Self-study Courses is granted to local, tribal, state and federal
U.S. government officials; members of the U.S. military; and corporate homeland security
managers or contractors..
Intelligence for Homeland Security: Organizational and Policy Challenges
Homeland Security in Israel
The Global Jihadi Threat
Critical Infrastructure: Vulnerability Analysis and Protection
Technology for Homeland Security: Inspection and Detection Technologies
Terrorist Financing and State Response”
Steven Hart and Jim Ramsay. (2011, April) “A Guide for Homeland Security Instructors
Preparing Physical Critical Infrastructure Protection Courses.” Homeland Security Affairs 7,
Article 11. Access at http://www.hsaj.org/?article=7.1.11 .
The Journal of Homeland Security Education (JHSE). “The JHSE’s first issue will be
published in Winter 2012. The Editorial Board will announce a Call for Papers on June 15.
For additional information, please contact Dr. Michelle Majewski
The University and Agency Partnership Initiative (UAPI), http://www.uapi.us/?about “The
University and Agency Partnership Initiative, or UAPI, brings together institutions
nationwide dedicated to advancing homeland security education. This effort seeks to
increase the number and diversity of students receiving homeland security education,
accelerate the establishment of high-quality academic programs, and provide opportunities
for collaboration that create an intellectual multiplier effect that furthers the study of
homeland security….” UAPI is a program of the Naval Postgraduate School Center for
Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS).
* John C. Scott, Founder, Center for Public Service Communications, (July 13, 2011) “The
Role of Libraries and Librarians in Disaster Risk Reduction and Response” EIIP Forum.
Access at http://www.emforum.org/vforum/110713.htm . List of Related Websites
Accompanying the Presentation:
National Library of Medicine (NLM) Disaster Information Management Research Center
NLM Disaster Information Outreach Symposium
NLM Emergency Access Initiative
American Library Association Disaster Preparedness and Recovery
National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) Emergency Preparedness & Response
NN/LM Toolkit Archives for Mutual Aid Agreements
Medical Library Association (MLA) Disaster Information Specialization Program
MLA Librarians without Borders®
Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders (WISER)
Radiation Emergency Medical Management (REMM)
Chemical Hazards Emergency Medical Management (CHEMM)
* The New Security Foundation ~ Understanding Modern Security. Access website at
http://www.newsecurityfoundation.org/index.php . “The New Security Foundation exists to
promote a wider understanding of the nature of modern security and its implications for civil
society. The Foundation has two main objectives. The first is to conduct research into
emerging security issues and to produce information and analysis, which can be made
available to decision makers in both the public and private sectors. The second is to provide
an international forum for debate and discussion about the nature of modern security and
its implications. A network of experts with a background in academia, government,
intelligence, the armed forces, the emergency services and business enables the New
Security Foundation to draw on an international pool of expertise and provide an insight into
emerging defence and security issues.” From
http://www.newsecurityfoundation.org/about.php .
* New Security Learning, the online magazine of The New Security Foundation is available
free at www.newsecuritylearning.com . Their e-newsletter “is distributed to 25,000 people
with an interest in security and defense learning.” A recent 2011 edition contains articles
“on the CIA's University, German bureaucracy and the e. Coli outbreak, training for a new
front in the 'drugs war,' the sharing of training and technology by terror groups, as well as
other interesting news, analysis and comment.” Access at
http://www.newsecurityfoundation.org/index.php .
* “Future Conflict and Learning” is a 14 minute film produced by The New Security
Foundation. The film features Col. Dr. Jeffrey McCausland, Col. Amardeep Bhardwaj and
Chris Donnelly. This film includes extraordinary insights concerning the future role that
education needs to play in the dynamically changing environment that characterizes the
present and that will continue to characterize the future. See the film at
http://www.newsecuritylearning.com/index.php/comment/89-future-conflict-learning .
* Paula D. Gordon (June 9, 2011) “A Matrix Approach to Comparing and Contrasting Some
Differing Perspectives on Emergency Management and Homeland Security in a Post 9/11
World.” Presentation at FEMA Emergency Management Higher Education Conference,
Emmitsburg, MD. Access at http://GordonPublicAdministration.com .
* Paula D. Gordon (June 9, 2011) “Some Innovative Elements of Several Courses That
Integrate Emergency Management and Homeland Security Concerns” Presentation at the
FEMA Emergency Management Higher Education Conference, Emmitsburg, MD. Access at
http://GordonPublicAdministration.com .
* Linda Kiltz, (2011) "The Challenges of Developing a Homeland Security Discipline to Meet
Future Threats to the Homeland," Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency
Management: Vol. 8 : Issue 2, Article 1. DOI: 10.2202/1547-7355.1899. Available at:
* Linda Kiltz, (2008). Creating a Theoretical Framework for Understanding Homeland
Security Using Multiple Frame Analysis. (Doctoral dissertation, Portland State
University). To access through ProQuest, see
http://gradworks.umi.com/33/43/3343769.html and use the following link:
xri:pqdiss:3343769 .
19) Terrorism-Related References and Resources
Walid Phares, "Education Versus Jihad.” HS Today, November 2006, Volume 3, No. 11 (HS
Today: P.O. Box 9789, McLean, VA 22102-9789, (800) 503-6506. This is a must read
article. A copy of the article can be found online at
http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/terrorism.php?id=466419 .
Walid Phares, author of The War of Ideas: Jihadism against Democracy and Future Jihad:
Terrorist Strategies against the West, presentation at the Heritage Foundation, February 27,
2007. Access at http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/197185-1 .
Walid Phares, The War of Ideas: Jihadism against Democracy Palgrave Macmillan
(February 20, 2007) ISBN-10: 1403976392 and ISBN-13: 978-1403976390 and Future
Jihad: Terrorist Strategies against the West. Palgrave Macmillan (October 27, 2005)
ISBN-10: 1403970742 and ISBN-13: 978-1403970749.
The DVD entitled "Obsession ~ Radical Islam's War Against the West" . Access at
http://obsessionthemovie.com . The intention of the producers of the DVD was to shed
light on the seriousness of the terrorist threat and to document parallels as well as
connections between the rise of the Hitler and the Nazi movement and the rise of “radical
Islam extremism.” The DVD included film footage of actual historical events, news coverage
aired in Arabic by TV stations in the Middle East and rarely seen in the West, and interviews
with persons of the Islamic faith who do not have extremist views.
Peter Hirschberg, Haaretz Correspondent, "Netanyahu: It's 1938 and Iran is Germany;
Ahmadinejad is preparing another Holocaust.” Access at
http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/787766.html .
Randall J. Larsen speaking at the National Defense University about his book Our Own
Worst Enemy ~ Asking the Right Questions About Security to Protect You, Your
Family, and America, published by Grand Central Publishing January 28, 2008. Access at
http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/203311-1 .
DOJ Inspector General, Review of the Department’s Preparation to Respond to a WMD
Incident, May 2010 (I-2010-004) Access at
http://www.justice.gov/oig/reports/plus/e1004.pdf .
The Terrorism Research Center, Inc. (TRC) was founded in 1996. It is "an independent
institute dedicated to the research of terrorism, information warfare, critical infrastructure
protection and other issues of low-intensity political violence and gray-area
phenomena...The TRC maintains a network of terrorism and information warfare specialists
drawn from industry, government, and academia in the United States, the United Kingdom,
Sweden, Argentina, France, and Australia...The TRC has produced a number of independent
studies, including a comprehensive overview of US policy, strategy, programs, and budget
to combat terrorism, produced for a US industry customer. The TRC qualifies as a Small
Business Concern under SIC Codes 8711, 8742, and 8748...The TRC staff represents
expertise in terrorism, information warfare, low-intensity political violence, computer
security, cryptography, law enforcement, national security, and defense policy." For further
information, see http://www.terrorism.com/about/about.shtml.
America Responds to Terrorism: List of references and links. This website is maintained by
the Office of FirstGov at GSA in Washington, D.C. Access at
Jessica Stern, Terror in the Name of God: Why Religious Militants Kill. ISBN
006050532X, Harper Collins, 2003.
Paula D. Gordon, "The Different Nature of Terrorism and Terrorist Threats Post 9/11 and the
Implications of These Differences" in "Improving Homeland Security and Critical
Infrastructure Protection and Continuity Efforts," March 25, 2003. For excerpted portion on
terrorism and for the full report, see http://gordonhomeland.com.
Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Understanding the New Security Environment is a new
book edited by Russell D. Howard, Colonel, USA and Reid L. Sawyer, Captain, USA. See
Irshad Manji is creator of the new documentary Faith Without Fear. She is author of The
Trouble with Islam Today: A Muslim's Call for Reform in Her Faith. Her website is at
www.muslim-refusenik.com/. To view online see http://www.c-span.org/videolibrary .
For information concern the C4I organization, see http://www.c4i.org/. This website
includes a focus on cyber concerns.
The Complete Terrorism Survival Guide: How to Travel, Work and Live in Safety by
Juval Aviv, ISBN:157831302, Juris Publishing Inc., March 1, 2003.
For recent publications from the National Academies of Science Terrorism and Security
Collection about the science and policy issues surrounding terrorism and security, see
Dr. Joshua Sinai has an informative book review column on the Terrorism Research Center
web portal (www.terrorism.com). To access his Terrorism Bookshelf, see
ex and
cat&cid=5 .
Susan L. Cutter, Douglas G. Richardson, and Thomas J. Wilbanks, The Geographical
Dimensions of Terrorism. Rutledge, Taylor & Francis Group: New York. 2003.
Publications by Rachel Ehrenfeld, authority on terrorism, funding of terrorism, and related
concerns. See http://public-integrity.org/fundingevilreview.htm. Reviews of her latest book
on Funding Evil: How Terrorism is Financed and How to Stop It are at http://publicintegrity.org/fundingevilreview.htm.
Countering Terrorism: Dimensions of Preparedness, edited by Arnold M. Howitt and
Robyn L. Pangi, 2003, ISBN 0-262-58239-2, The MIT Press, 477 pp.
Valentin Aksilenko, Washington Station: My Life as a KGB Spy in America. Insight into
strategies devised for critical infrastructure disruption and destruction by the KGB during
the Cold War.
John Loftus Speech Yom Ha Shoah - 2004 containing thought provoking analyst of the
historical connections between Nazism and fanatical terrorism:
esc=&article_title=&author=& or Google using "John Loftus" + "Yom Ha Shoah" + 2004 if
this URL does not work. The Secret War Against the Jews, a recent book by John Loftus
explores some of the themes discussed in the speech.
Committee on the Present Danger: http://www.fightingterror.org/ A list of publications on
terrorism is referenced there at http://www.fightingterror.org/views/index.cfm.
Links to Resources on Terrorism. See
http://www.people.vcu.edu/~wnewmann/Links361.terrorism.htm .
For those interested in finding out more about training and education that is relevant to
Counter-Terrorism, see Federal Counter-Terrorism Training: Issues for Congressional
Oversight, a report from the Congressional Research Service. The report is an overview of
the major training activities and facilities of the federal departments and agencies that
provide counter terrorism training and issues associated with them. Access at
http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/terror/RL32920.pdf .
Meher Baba, "Violence and Non-Violence" in the Discourses, 6th Edition All rights reserved
under International and Pan American Copyright Conventions Copyright ©1967 by Adi K.
Irani, King's Rd., Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India All rights reserved. Library of Congress
Catalog Card Number: 67-21136. Access page 100 of Volume 1 at
http://discoursesbymeherbaba.org/v1-100.php .
Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism (MIPT) Terrorism Knowledge Base (TBK)
www.tkb.org - is a "one-stop resource for comprehensive research and analysis on global
terrorist incidents, terrorist organizations, and terrorism-related trials. TKB newsletters alert
users to new features and additions….The National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) and TKB
have released a new portal focusing exclusively on NCTC’s official terrorism data. NCTC is
the primary center for US government analysis of terrorism…The NCTC Data Portal within
the TKB includes data from January 1, 2004 through March 31, 2005. It also contains
information on NCTC’s methodology, related materials, and links to the new NCTC website.
Access the NCTC Data Portal at www.tkb.org/nctc."
Time Line Series on "Terrorism Time Line: Major Focusing Events and U.S. Outcomes";
"Disaster Time Line: Major Focusing Events and U.S. Outcomes"; and "100 Years of Seismic
Safety in California (1906-2006)": The first two are under revision at the present time,
pending the addition of 2005 events and outcomes; they should be available in May, 2006.
All of the charts are on the website in pdf form; they may be browsed online or hard copies
may be ordered for a nominal fee. See www.disaster-timeline.com. The contributors to the
Time Line Series include Claire B. Rubin, M.A.; William R. Cumming, J.D.; and Imak RendaTanali, D.Sc. of Claire B. Rubin & Associates.
Philip Purpura, Terrorism and Homeland Security ~ An Introduction with
Applications. Butterworth-Heinemann (An imprint of Elsevier) 2007 ISBN 13: 978-07506-7843-8 .
"The National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START)
(http://www.start.umd.edu/), led by the University of Maryland, informs decisions on how
to disrupt terrorists and terrorist groups, while strengthening the resilience of U.S. citizens
to terrorist attacks. The director is Dr. Gary LaFree." [From Homestation, a newsletter of
Texas A&M's Integrative Center for Homeland Security.]
The Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE)
(http://www.usc.edu/dept/create/), led by the University of Southern California, evaluates
the risks, costs, and consequences of terrorism, and guides economically viable investments
in countermeasures that will make our Nation safer and more secure. The director is Dr.
Detlof von Winterfeldt. [From Homestation, a newsletter of Texas A&M's Integrative
Center for Homeland Security.]
Robert Spencer, "Battling Censorship.” Washington Times, July 20, 2007. This article is
about the use of the British courts in an attempt to silence persons seeking to expose some
alleged Mideastern funding sources of terrorist efforts. Robert Spencer, a scholar of Islamic
history, theology and law, is director of Jihad Watch. Access at
http://washingtontimes.com/article/20070720/EDITORIAL/107200016/1013/editorial .
HAZUS Training. Access at http://www.fema.gov/plan/prevent/hazus/hz_training.shtm .
Bibliography of Emergency Management and Related References On-Hand (768 pages).
Access at http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/edu/docs/Wayne's%20Bibliography.doc .
Guide to Emergency Management and Related Terms, Definitions, Acronyms,
Programs (1200 pages). Access at http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/edu/termdef.asp .
B. Wayne Blanchard, Guide to Emergency Management and Related Terms,
Definitions, Concepts, Acronyms, Organizations, Programs, Guidance, & Executive
Orders and Legislation. Emmitsburg, MD: FEMA, Emergency Management Institute, April
10, 2008, 1175 pages. Access at
0Definitions.pdf .
The FBI's InfraGard programs. Access at
The Secret Services' Electronic Crimes Task Forces and Working Groups (established under
the Patriot Act). See http://www.secretservice.gov/ectf.shtml .
May 2010 National Security Strategy. Access at
http://www.whitehouse.gov/issues/homeland-security and
http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/rss_viewer/national_security_strategy.pdf .
CSIS Statesmen's Forum video OR transcript: John Brennan, Assistant to the President for
Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, “Securing the Homeland by Renewing American
Strength, Resilience, and Values,” Wednesday, May 26, 2010. Access at
http://csis.org/files/attachments/100526_csis-brennan.pdf or see event transcript at the
same URL.
Newt Gingrich: America at Risk: Camus, National Security, and Afghanistan. American
Enterprise Institution, Thursday, July 29, 2010. Access at http://www.aei.org/audio or
http://www.aei.org/video/101267 . (URL for the Resources that Newt Gingrich quoted from
and some of the quotes in his presentation:
http://www.aei.org/docLib/America%20at%20Risk%20-%20July%2029%202010%20Event%20Materials.pdf .)
Paula D. Gordon, "Pre- and Post-9/11 Perspectives: Understanding and Teaching about
Differences in These Perspectives." Presentation, 4th Annual Homeland Defense and
Security Education Summit, Washington, DC, February 24 -25, 2010. Access at
http://GordonPublicAdministration.com .
Aspen Security Forum 2010 Presentation: Admiral Michael Mullen on the National Security
Challenge, Moderator: David Sanger, The New York Times. June 29, 2010. Access at
http://www.aspeninstitute.org/video/asf-2010-pre-opening-address-afghanistanpakistannational-security-challenge .
Aspen Security Forum 2010 Presentation: How Prepared Are We for the Next 9/11? Gary
Hart, Co-Chair, "Hart-Rudman" US Commission on National Security/21st Century; former
US Senator Richard Ben-Veniste, Former 9/11 Commission member Jim Talent, Vice-Chair,
Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism;
Former US Senator Mati Kochavi, Chairman, AGT International Moderator: Admiral Steve
Abbot, Former Deputy Director, White House Office of Homeland Security, June 30, 2010.
Access at http://www.aspeninstitute.org/video/asf2010-how-prepared-are-we-next-911 .
Aspen Security Forum Presentation: Michael Leiter, Director of the National Counter
Terrorism Center June 30, 2010. Access at http://www.aspeninstitute.org/video/terrorthreat-picture-counterterrorism-strategy-honorable-michael-e-leiter-director-national-c.
Newt Gingrich and Charles Schumer debating their policy priorities at a National Press Club
event entitled “America’s Future: Two Visions.” C-SPAN ID: 196723 Date: 2/16/2007
Access online at http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/196723-1 (Of particular note: 55
minutes to 62 minutes into the program.)
Aspen Security Forum Presentation: Fran Townsend, former Homeland Security Advisor to
President Bush June 29, 2010. Access at http://www.aspeninstitute.org/video/asf-10luncheon-address-fran-townsend-former-assistant-president-homeland-security-counterterr
Aspen Security Forum Presentation: The Honorable Michael Chertoff, former Secretary of
the US Department of Homeland Security, June 30, 2010. Access at
http://www.aspeninstitute.org/video/asf-2010-closing-address-michael-chertoff-former-secus-department-homeland-security .
Washington Post Series: “Top Secret America” Access at
http://projects.washingtonpost.com/top-secret-america/ .
Aspen Security Forum Presentation: Michael Leiter, Director of the National Counter
Terrorism Center June 30, 2010. Access at http://www.aspeninstitute.org/video/terrorthreat-picture-counterterrorism-strategy-honorable-michael-e-leiter-director-national-c .
Time Lines on Terrorism and Disasters: Claire B. Rubin and Associates have developed
several time lines. The following information about these and other time lines can be found
at http://www.disaster-timeline.com/:
Terrorism Time Line: Major Focusing Events and U.S. Outcomes (2001-2008). The chart,
which measures 13"x 40," shows major focusing events by year and the influences that
each event had on major outcomes- - reports and analyses; federal statutes, regulations
and executive orders; federal response plans; and major federal organizational changes.
Aspen Security Forum Opening Address: June 29, 2010. The Honorable Jane Holl Lute,
Deputy Secretary of the US Department of Homeland Security. Access at
Greta Van Susteren interviews DHS Secretary Napolitano July 16, 2010. Access at
http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/on-the-record/index.html#/v/4283628/janet-napolitanogoes-on-the-record/?playlist_id=157967 and http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/on-therecord/index.html#/v/4283627/napolitano-on-racial-profiling-and-the-arizona-immigrationsuit/?playlist_id=157967 .
Greta Van Susteren interviews Virginia Attorney General Cuccinelli on illegal immigration
August 2, 2010. Access at http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/on-therecord/index.html#/v/4300765/virginia-destined-for-arizona-esque-immigrationshowdown/?playlist_id=86925
Sheriff Paul Babeu on Hannity - August 2, 2010. Access at
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYoQ_0LQFBA .
Jeffrey Kaye, “Enforcing Arizona's SB 1070: A State of Confusion,” July 27, 2010. Access at
http://www.immigrationpolicy.org/special-reports/enforcing-arizonas-sb-1070-stateconfusion .
U.S. Legislative Immigration Update August 2, 2010. Access at
http://www.rightsidenews.com/2010080211216/border-and-sovereignty/us-legislativeimmigration-update-august-2-2010.html .
Breaking Down the Problems: What's Wrong with Our Current Immigration System? October
21, 2009. Access at http://www.immigrationpolicy.org/special-reports/breaking-downproblems-whats-wrong-our-current-immigration-system .
Summary of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and Prosperity
Act of 2009 (CIR ASAP) December 15, 2009. Access at
http://www.immigrationpolicy.org/sites/default/files/docs/CIR_ASAP_2009_Summary.pdf .
Documents related to the appeal in USA v. State of Arizona, No. 10-16645, are available on
the website for the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals at
http://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/content/view.php : Judge Bolton's Order granting the
preliminary injunction is available at
http://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/datastore/general/2010/07/30/10-16645_order.pdf. The
Motion to Expedite Briefing and Hearing Schedule by the State of Arizona is available at
http://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/datastore/general/2010/07/29/10-16645Motion.pdf and the
Response to Motion to Expedite by the United States is available at
http://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/datastore/general/2010/07/29/10-16645Response.pdf .
Adrian Courtenay, “Sheriff Arpaio plans to ignore federal judge’s ruling on Arizona
immigration law,” Tuesday, 2010-08-03 02:10 PM. Access at
http://www.gsnmagazine.com/node/21164?c=law_enforcement_first_responders .
DOJ Inspector General, Review of the Department’s Preparation to Respond to a WMD
Incident, May 2010 (I-2010-004) Access at
http://www.justice.gov/oig/reports/plus/e1004.pdf .
Donald M. Lumpkins, Esq., Branch Chief, National Planning Coordination and Assistance,
National Preparedness Directorate, FEMA/DHS, EIIP Virtual Forum Presentation — January
12, 2011 “Planning for the Nuclear Threat in the 21st Century.” Access at
http://www.emforum.org/vforum/lc110112.htm .
Aspen Security Forum Opening Address: June 29, 2010. The Honorable Jane Holl Lute,
Deputy Secretary of the US Department of Homeland Security. Access at
http://www.aspeninstitute.org/video/asf-2010-opening-address-hon-jane-hull-lute .
Aspen Security Forum 2010 Presentation: Admiral Michael Mullen on the National Security
Challenge, Moderator: David Sanger, The New York Times. June 29, 2010. Access at
http://www.aspeninstitute.org/video/asf-2010-pre-opening-address-afghanistanpakistannational-security-challenge .
Aspen Security Forum Presentation: Fran Townsend, former Homeland Security Advisor to
President Bush, June 29, 2010. Access at http://www.aspeninstitute.org/video/asf-10luncheon-address-fran-townsend-former-assistant-president-homeland-security-counterterr
Aspen Security Forum 2010 Presentation: How Prepared Are We for the Next 9/11? Gary
Hart, Co-Chair, "Hart-Rudman" US Commission on National Security/21st Century; former
US Senator Richard Ben-Veniste, Former 9/11 Commission member Jim Talent, Vice-Chair,
Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism;
Former US Senator Mati Kochavi, Chairman, AGT International Moderator: Admiral Steve
Abbot, Former Deputy Director, White House Office of Homeland Security, June 30, 2010.
Access at http://www.aspeninstitute.org/video/asf2010-how-prepared-are-we-next-911 .
Aspen Security Forum Presentation: Michael Leiter, Director of the National Counter
Terrorism Center June 30, 2010 (http://www.aspeninstitute.org/video/terror-threatpicture-counterterrorism-strategy-honorable-michael-e-leiter-director-national-c).
Aspen Security Forum Presentation: The Honorable Michael Chertoff, former Secretary of
the US Department of Homeland Security, June 30, 2010. Access at
Newt Gingrich and Charles Schumer debating their policy priorities at a National Press Club
event entitled “America’s Future: Two Visions.” C-SPAN ID: 196723 Date: 2/16/2007
Access online at http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/196723-1 (Of particular note: 55
minutes to 62 minutes into the program.)
CSIS Statesmen's Forum video OR transcript: John Brennan, Assistant to the President for
Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, “Securing the Homeland by Renewing American
Strength, Resilience, and Values,” Wednesday, May 26, 2010. Access at
http://csis.org/files/attachments/100526_csis-brennan.pdf or see event transcript at the
same URL.
Newt Gingrich: America at Risk: Camus, National Security, and Afghanistan. American
Enterprise Institution, Thursday, July 29, 2010. Access at http://www.aei.org/audio or
http://www.aei.org/video/101267 . (URL for the Resources that Newt Gingrich quoted from
and some of the quotes in his presentation:
http://www.aei.org/docLib/America%20at%20Risk%20-%20July%2029%202010%20Event%20Materials.pdf .)
Jon Stewart Interviews Donald Rumsfeld, February 24, 2011. Access at
http://nation.foxnews.com/daily-show/2011/02/24/jon-stewart-tries-rough-rumsfeld-fails .
A program about a new documentary entitled “Iranium.” Access at
http://video.foxnews.com/v/4546227/identity-911-fraud-during-taxseason/#/v/4546325/irans-ticking-time-bomb/?playlist_id=87485 . In this exchange, the
threat of Iran’s use of EMP (electromagnetic pulse) and its possible impacts are mentioned.
A new documentary entitled “Iranium” is accessible at http://www.iraniumthemovie.com/
“In approximately 60 minutes, Iranium powerfully reports on the many aspects of the threat
America and the world now faces using rarely-before seen footage of Iranian leaders, and
interviews with 25 leading politicians, Iranian dissidents, and experts on: Middle East policy,
terrorism, and nuclear proliferation.” In this documentary, the threat of Iran’s use of EMP
(electromagnetic pulse) and its possible impacts are mentioned.
Disaster Timeline Series
Claire B. Rubin & Associates
See http://www.disaster-
Terrorism Time Line: Major Focusing Events and U.S. Outcomes (2001-2008). The chart,
which measures 13"x 40," shows major focusing events by year and the influences that
each event had on major outcomes- - reports and analyses; federal statutes, regulations
and executive orders; federal response plans; and major federal organizational changes.
See http://www.disaster-timeline.com/TTL2009_Sept26-secure.pdf .
Greta Van Susteren interviews DHS Secretary Napolitano July 16, 2010. Access at
http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/on-the-record/index.html#/v/4283628/janet-napolitanogoes-on-the-record/?playlist_id=157967 and http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/on-therecord/index.html#/v/4283627/napolitano-on-racial-profiling-and-the-arizona-immigrationsuit/?playlist_id=157967
Greta Van Susteren interviews Virginia Attorney General Cuccinelli on illegal immigration
August 2, 2010. Access at http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/on-therecord/index.html#/v/4300765/virginia-destined-for-arizona-esque-immigrationshowdown/?playlist_id=86925 .
Sheriff Paul Babeu on Hannity - August 2, 2010. Access at
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYoQ_0LQFBA .
Amy Willis, “Julian Assange: Wikileaks founder fears he could be arrested,” 6:30AM BST 28
Jul 2010. Access at
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/7913758/Julian-AssangeWikileaks-founder-fears-he-could-be-arrested.html .
John Nichols , “Dan Ellsberg on WikiLeaks & the Essential Democratic Question: Who Will
Tell the People?” July 26, 2010. Access at http://www.thenation.com/blog/37949/danellsberg-wikileaks-essential-democratic-question-who-will-tell-people .
“Gingrich: Wikileaks Release of Documents Treason,” July 31, 2010 08:30 AM. Access at
Christopher Bellavita (May 3, 2011). “Not the end. But maybe the beginning of the end.”
HLS Watch. Access at http://www.hlswatch.com/2011/05/03/not-the-end-but-maybe-thebeginning-of-the-end/ .
* Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) (2011) “The New National
Strategy for Counterterrorism.” Access at http://csis.org/publication/new-nationalstrategy-counterterrorism .
* The New Security Foundation ~ Understanding Modern Security. Access website at
http://www.newsecurityfoundation.org/index.php . “The New Security Foundation exists to
promote a wider understanding of the nature of modern security and its implications for civil
society. The Foundation has two main objectives. The first is to conduct research into
emerging security issues and to produce information and analysis, which can be made
available to decision makers in both the public and private sectors. The second is to provide
an international forum for debate and discussion about the nature of modern security and
its implications. A network of experts with a background in academia, government,
intelligence, the armed forces, the emergency services and business enables the New
Security Foundation to draw on an international pool of expertise and provide an insight into
emerging defence and security issues.” From
http://www.newsecurityfoundation.org/about.php .
* New Security Learning, the online magazine of The New Security Foundation is available
free at www.newsecuritylearning.com . Their e-newsletter “is distributed to 25,000 people
with an interest in security and defense learning.” A recent 2011 edition contains articles
“on the CIA's University, German bureaucracy and the e. Coli outbreak, training for a new
front in the 'drugs war,' the sharing of training and technology by terror groups, as well as
other interesting news, analysis and comment.” Access at
http://www.newsecurityfoundation.org/index.php .
* “Future Conflict and Learning” is a 14 minute film produced by The New Security
Foundation. The film features Col. Dr. Jeffrey McCausland, Col. Amardeep Bhardwaj and
Chris Donnelly. This film includes extraordinary insights concerning the future role that
education needs to play in the dynamically changing environment that characterizes the
present and that will continue to characterize the future. See the film at
http://www.newsecuritylearning.com/index.php/comment/89-future-conflict-learning .
* National Security Strategy (May 2010) Access at
http://www.whitehouse.gov/issues/homeland-security and
http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/rss_viewer/national_security_strategy.pdf .
* Washington Post Series: “Top Secret America” Access at
* “Iranium” A new documentary entitled “Iranium” is accessible at
http://www.iraniumthemovie.com/ “In approximately 60 minutes, Iranium powerfully
reports on the many aspects of the threat America and the world now faces using rarelybefore seen footage of Iranian leaders, and interviews with 25 leading politicians, Iranian
dissidents, and experts on: Middle East policy, terrorism, and nuclear proliferation.”
* A discussion of the documentary “Iranium” at
*National Strategy for Counterterrorism (June 2011)
Factsheet: Access at http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2011/06/29/factsheet-national-strategy-counterterrorism .
* Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) (2011) “The New National
Strategy for Counterterrorism.” Access at http://csis.org/publication/new-nationalstrategy-counterterrorism .
*DHS Progress Report on Implementing 9/11 Commission Recommendations (July
21, 2011) Access at http://www.dhs.gov/files/publications/implementing-9-11-commissionrecommendations.shtm . Access the following fact sheets at the links below:
Preventing Terrorism and Enhancing Security :
Strengthening the Homeland Security Enterprise :
Enforcing and Administering our Immigration Laws:
Securing and Managing our Borders :
Ensuring Resilience to Disasters : http://www.dhs.gov/files/publications/ensuringresilience-to-disasters-progress-since-9-11.shtm
Safeguarding and Securing Cyberspace :
International Engagement : http://www.dhs.gov/files/publications/internationalengagement-progress-since-9-11.shtm
* Partnership for Public Service Forum, “Securing the Future: Management Lessons of 9/11”
The following description of this set of three videos is from
http://www.ourpublicservice.org/OPS/: Hosted by the Partnership for Public Service with
support from Booz Allen Hamilton, the Securing the Future: Management Lessons of 9/11
forum provided a behind-the-scenes look at the challenges faced standing up the
Department of Homeland Security and restructuring the Intelligence Community, whether or
not the reorganizations have achieved their goal of making America safer and how lessons
learned apply to government reorganization efforts underway today.
http://vimeo.com/25526424 9-11 Forum Part 1 Management Lessons from 911sponsored by the Partnership for Public Service and Booz Allen Hamilton
http://vimeo.com/25530612 9-11 Forum Part 2 Management Lessons from 9-11
http://vimeo.com/25531311 9-11 Forum Part 3 Management Lessons from 9-11
(The Partnership for Public Service will also be making available separate transcripts of
interviews of some, if not all of the panel participants. The transcripts are not ready as yet,
but should soon be posted at http://www.ourpublicservice.org/OPS/ .)
20) Futures-Related Material of Potential Interest to Those Studying the Future of
the Fields of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Edward Cornish. Futuring: The Exploration of the Future. Bethesda, MD: World Future
Society, 2005. ISBN 0-930242-61-0. Order online at: http://www.wfs.org/futuring.htm
($19.95) or by phone at 1-800 989 8274.
Peter Schwartz, The Art of the Long View: Planning for the Future in an Uncertain
World, Currency Doubleday, New York, 1991, ISBN: 0-385-26732-0.
Wilson, I. and Ralston, W. The Scenario Planning Handbook: Developing Strategies
in Uncertain Times. Thompson/South-Western Educational Publisher, 2006. ISBN: 0324-31285-7. Order online at: http://IChapters.com .
The Futurist. Issue on “Storytelling: The Power of Scenarios.” May-June 2005. ISSN
0016-3317. World Future Society. Order online at www.wfs.org or by phone at 1-800 989
Marvin Cetron & Owen Davies, “55 Trends Shaping Tomorrow's World.” Special Report of
the World Future Society. 2008. Order online at www.wfs.org or by phone at 1-800 989
View and read the following assignments and reflect on the differences in perspectives
and/or areas of emphasis of the panelists, Clement Bezold and Timothy Willard, in the
video: “Futurism”: View the video featuring Clement Bezold and Timothy Willard at
http://www.c-spanarchives.org/program/id/8574 . (30 minutes)
Donald M. Lumpkins, Esq., Branch Chief, National Planning Coordination and Assistance,
National Preparedness Directorate, FEMA/DHS, EIIP Virtual Forum Presentation — January
12, 2011 “Planning for the Nuclear Threat in the 21st Century.” View at
http://www.emforum.org/vforum/lc110112.htm .
Eric Holdeman Presentation and Discussion on the topic of "The Future of Emergency
Management" To review and study the presentation and discussion either read the
transcript at http://www.emforum.org/vforum/lc100113.htm OR click on
http://www.emforum.org/pub/eiip/lm100113.wmv and view and listen to the presentation.
The presentation slides are available in the transcript and from the Background Page
http://www.emforum.org/vforum/100113.htm .
* Heritage Foundation (2011) “Changing Today’s Law Enforcement Culture to Face
21st-Century Threats.” Access at
http://thf_media.s3.amazonaws.com/2011/pdf/bg2566.pdf .
* Clement Bezold and Timothy Willard, panelists in the video: “Futurism”: View video the
video at http://www.c-spanarchives.org/program/id/8574 . (30 minutes)
* Donald M. Lumpkins, Esq., Branch Chief, National Planning Coordination and Assistance,
National Preparedness Directorate, FEMA/DHS (January 12, 2011) EIIP Virtual Forum
Presentation — “Planning for the Nuclear Threat in the 21st Century”
* Thomas Friedman interviewed by Walter Isaacson (June 30, 2011) “Future Prospects for
the American Dream.” Access video at http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/ThomasFr .
21) * Selected Videos and DVDs Bearing on Homeland Security and Emergency
Management Accessible Online
Claire B. Rubin, President, Claire B. Rubin & Associates, 4/9/08 Transcript of Forum
Presentation: Emergency Management: The American Experience, 1900 – 2005. View
at http://www.emforum.org/vlibrary/all.htm .
Darrell L. Darnell, GWU, 6/23/10 Transcript of Forum Presentation: Critical Infrastructure
and Key Resources; Protection and Resilience (http://www.emforum.org/vlibrary/all.htm ).
Michael Brown Keynote Address before an annual meteorological conference at Mammoth
Lakes, California, January 18, 2006. Video can be viewed at http://www.cspanvideo.org/program/id/153798 .
"Hurricane Katrina Military Response," Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honore, the Commander of Joint
Task Force Katrina, in a presentation before the Houston Forum on February 13, 2006.
Access at http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/id/155435 .
Stephen Flynn speaking on his book The Edge of Disaster ~ Rebuilding a Resilient
Nation at the Houston World Affairs Council, March 27, 2007. See video at http://www.cspanvideo.org/program/197358-1 .
Secretary Mike Leavitt, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Emergency
Preparedness Health Summit, National Press Club, April 18, 2006. View online at
http://www.C-SPAN.org/videolibrary . ID#192090-1. 45 minutes.
Walid Phares, author of The War of Ideas: Jihadism against Democracy and Future
Jihad: Terrorist Strategies against the West, presentation at the Heritage Foundation,
February 27, 2007. View online at http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/197185-1 .
CSIS Statesmen's Forum video OR transcript: John Brennan, Assistant to the President for
Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, “Securing the Homeland by Renewing American
Strength, Resilience, and Values,” Wednesday, May 26, 2010. View online at
http://csis.org/files/attachments/100526_csis-brennan.pdf or see event transcript at the
same URL.
Newt Gingrich: America at Risk: Camus, National Security, and Afghanistan. American
Enterprise Institution, Thursday, July 29, 2010. View online at http://www.aei.org/audio or
http://www.aei.org/video/101267 . (URL for the Resources that Newt Gingrich quoted from
and some of the quotes in his presentation:
http://www.aei.org/docLib/America%20at%20Risk%20-%20July%2029%202010%20Event%20Materials.pdf .)
Randall J. Larsen speaking at the National Defense University about his book Our Own
Worst Enemy ~ Asking the Right Questions About Security to Protect You, Your Family, and
America, published by Grand Central Publishing January 28, 2008. Access at http://www.cspanvideo.org/program/203311-1 .
The DVD entitled "Obsession ~ Radical Islam's War Against the West.” Access at
http://obsessionthemovie.com . The intention of the producers of the DVD was to shed
light on the seriousness of the terrorist threat and to document parallels as well as
connections between the rise of the Hitler and the Nazi movement and the rise of “radical
Islam extremism.” The DVD included film footage of actual historical events, news coverage
aired in Arabic by TV stations in the Middle East and rarely seen in the West, and interviews
with persons of the Islamic faith who do not have extremist views.
A program about a new documentary entitled “Iranium” at
http://video.foxnews.com/v/4546227/identity-911-fraud-during-taxseason/#/v/4546325/irans-ticking-time-bomb/?playlist_id=87485 . In this exchange, the
threat of Iran’s use of EMP (electromagnetic pulse) and its possible impacts are mentioned.
A new documentary entitled “Iranium” is accessible at http://www.iraniumthemovie.com/
“In approximately 60 minutes, Iranium powerfully reports on the many aspects of the threat
America and the world now faces using rarely-before seen footage of Iranian leaders, and
interviews with 25 leading politicians, Iranian dissidents, and experts on: Middle East policy,
terrorism, and nuclear proliferation.” In this documentary, the threat of Iran’s use of EMP
(electromagnetic pulse) and its possible impacts are mentioned.
Irshad Manji is creator of the new documentary Faith Without Fear. She is author of The
Trouble with Islam Today: A Muslim's Call for Reform in Her Faith. For information
about both see her website is at www.muslim-refusenik.com/ A video of a presentation
aired June 30, 2007 may be accessible online at CSPAN.org. See www.cspan.org/VideoArchives.asp?CatCodePairs=,&ArchiveDays=100&Page=5 - 63k. View online
at http://www.C-SPAN.org/videolibrary .
A video of the April 2003 PBS Frontline program entitled "Cyber War" can be viewed at
http://www.pbs.org . Search on "cyberwar.”
"The Bipartisan Policy Center has created Cyber ShockWave, a simulated cyber attack on
our nation. To defend against this attack, a working group of high-ranking former White
House, Cabinet and national security officials will come together. Their mission: to advise
the President as the nation grapples with this crisis…”
Part 1) The scenario: http://www.bipartisanpolicy.org/news/pressreleases/2010/02/cyber-shockwave-shows-us-unprepared-cyber-threats
Part 2) View the DVD of Cyber ShockWave (a simulation that was broadcast on
CNN) OR a nine part video of the Cyber ShockWave program can be viewed in its
http://www.us-cert.gov/aboutus.html or view in its totality at
Aspen Security Forum 2010 Presentation: Admiral Michael Mullen on the National Security
Challenge, Moderator: David Sanger, The New York Times. June 29, 2010. View at
http://www.aspeninstitute.org/video/asf-2010-pre-opening-address-afghanistanpakistannational-security-challenge .
Aspen Security Forum Presentation: Michael Leiter, Director of the National Counter
Terrorism Center June 30, 2010. View at http://www.aspeninstitute.org/video/terrorthreat-picture-counterterrorism-strategy-honorable-michael-e-leiter-director-national-c .
Aspen Security Forum 2010 Presentation: How Prepared Are We for the Next 9/11? Gary
Hart, Co-Chair, "Hart-Rudman" US Commission on National Security/21st Century; former
US Senator Richard Ben-Veniste, Former 9/11 Commission member Jim Talent, Vice-Chair,
Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism;
Former US Senator Mati Kochavi, Chairman, AGT International Moderator: Admiral Steve
Abbot, Former Deputy Director, White House Office of Homeland Security, June 30, 2010.
View at http://www.aspeninstitute.org/video/asf2010-how-prepared-are-we-next-911 .
Newt Gingrich and Charles Schumer debating their policy priorities at a National Press Club
event entitled “America’s Future: Two Visions.” C-SPAN ID: 196723 Date: 2/16/2007
Access online at http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/196723-1 . (Of particular note: 55
minutes to 62 minutes into the program.)
Aspen Security Forum Presentation: Fran Townsend, former Homeland Security Advisor to
President Bush June 29, 2010. View at http://www.aspeninstitute.org/video/asf-10luncheon-address-fran-townsend-former-assistant-president-homeland-security-counterterr
Aspen Security Forum Presentation: The Honorable Michael Chertoff, former Secretary of
the US Department of Homeland Security, June 30, 2010. View at
http://www.aspeninstitute.org/video/asf-2010-closing-address-michael-chertoff-former-secus-department-homeland-security .
John D. Negroponte, Director, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, National Press
Club, April 20, 2006. View online at http://www.C-SPAN.org/videolibrary . ID#192125-1.
60 minutes.
Aspen Security Forum Cybersecurity Panel June 29, 2010. Access at
http://www.aspeninstitute.org/video/asf2010-cybersecurity. Participants include: Richard A.
Clarke, former Special Advisor to the President for Cybersecurity; former National
Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism; Rod Beckstrom, former Director, National
Cybersecurity Center, US Department of Homeland Security and President and CEO,
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers; and Daniel Prieto, Vice President
and Practice Lead, Public Sector Strategy & Innovation, IBM.
David Snowden video on sensemaking as he sees it applicability to a myriad of Homeland
security-related problems, challenges, and issues. Some can be dealt with readily owing to
their simplicity. Others are far more challenging and require far greater amounts of
ingenuity, invention, and intellectual rigor and understanding. David Snowden offers in an 8
minute video in introduction to his Cynefin Framework, a thought provoking approach to
looking at and addressing problems View at
http://www.hlswatch.com/2010/07/27/making-sense-of-homeland-security/ .
View and read the following assignments and reflect on the differences in perspectives
and/or areas of emphasis of the panelists, Clement Bezold and Timothy Willard, in the
video: “Futurism”: View the video featuring Clement Bezold and Timothy Willard at
http://www.c-spanarchives.org/program/id/8574 . (30 minutes)
* “Future Conflict and Learning” is a 14 minute film produced by The New Security
Foundation. The film features Col. Dr. Jeffrey McCausland, Col. Amardeep Bhardwaj and
Chris Donnelly. This film includes extraordinary insights concerning the future role that
education needs to play in the dynamically changing environment that characterizes the
present and that will continue to characterize the future. See the film at
http://www.newsecuritylearning.com/index.php/comment/89-future-conflict-learning .
* “Iranium” A new documentary entitled “Iranium” is accessible at
http://www.iraniumthemovie.com/ “In approximately 60 minutes, Iranium powerfully
reports on the many aspects of the threat America and the world now faces using rarelybefore seen footage of Iranian leaders, and interviews with 25 leading politicians, Iranian
dissidents, and experts on: Middle East policy, terrorism, and nuclear proliferation.”
* A discussion of the documentary “Iranium” at
* Partnership for Public Service Forum, “Securing the Future: Management Lessons of 9/11”
The following description of this set of three videos is from
http://www.ourpublicservice.org/OPS/: Hosted by the Partnership for Public Service with
support from Booz Allen Hamilton, the Securing the Future: Management Lessons of 9/11
forum provided a behind-the-scenes look at the challenges faced standing up the
Department of Homeland Security and restructuring the Intelligence Community, whether or
not the reorganizations have achieved their goal of making America safer and how lessons
learned apply to government reorganization efforts underway today.
http://vimeo.com/25526424 9-11 Forum Part 1 Management Lessons from 911sponsored by the Partnership for Public Service and Booz Allen Hamilton
http://vimeo.com/25530612 9-11 Forum Part 2 Management Lessons from 9-11
http://vimeo.com/25531311 9-11 Forum Part 3 Management Lessons from 9-11
(The Partnership for Public Service will also be making available separate transcripts of
interviews of some, if not all of the panel participants. The transcripts are not ready as yet,
but should soon be posted at http://www.ourpublicservice.org/OPS/ .)
* “Taking Initiative: Building Disaster Resistant Communities” Access at
http://vimeo.com/8748904 (15 minute video)
22) Miscellaneous
Paula D. Gordon, "The 9/11 Commission as an Incident Debriefing," Op-ed Piece,
5/18/2004. Access at http://gordonhomeland.com .
Paula D. Gordon, "The Homeland Security Impact Scale: An Alternative Approach to
Assessing Homeland Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection Efforts and a Frame of
Reference for Understanding and Addressing Current Challenges.” See
http://gordonhomeland.com. Part 6 of "Report on Improving Homeland Security and
Critical Infrastructure Protection and Continuity"
Paula D. Gordon, Public Administration in the Public Interest, a doctoral dissertation, is
available online in its entirety at http://www.jhu.edu/pgordon. The dissertation focuses in
part on the role that government can play in addressing problems, including complex
societal problems and challenges. It also includes a discussion of some major impediments
to recognizing and understanding complex problems and outlines the need for a perspective
that emphasizes the importance of basic human and societal values, along with common
sense, understanding, intuition, ingenuity, knowledge, experience, and wisdom. A brief
retrospective commentary introduces the dissertation.
Homeland Security: A Documentary History, by Bruce Maxwell, October 2004 CQ Press,
ISBN: 1-56802-884-9. 512 pages
America the Vulnerable by Stephen E. Flynn, Harper Paperbacks ISBN #0060571292
(272 pages with a foreword added in 2005)
The Edge of Disaster Rebuilding a Resilient Nation by Stephen E. Flynn (Released
2/20/2007) ISBN 1400065518
Homeland Security: A Complete Guide to Understanding, Preventing, and Surviving
Terrorism by Mark A. Sauter and James Jay Carafano, McGraw Hill, 2005, ISBN 0-07144064-X.
Introduction to Homeland Security, by Jane Bullock, George Haddow, Damon Coppola,
Erdem Ergin, Lisa Westerman, Sarp Yeletaysi. Hardcover. 552 pages. 2nd ed., 2006,
George D. Haddow & Jane A. Bullock, Introduction to Emergency Management, 2006,
2nd Ed., Elsevier Science: (USA). 275 pp. ISBN 0-7506-7961-1.
Clark Kent Ervin, Open Target: Where America is Vulnerable to Attack, 2006, Palgrave
Richard A Clarke and Randy Beers (eds.). The Forgotten Homeland: A Century Foundation
Task Force Report. Washington, DC: Century Foundation, June 29, 2006 (300 pages).
Chapter Summaries (including recommendations), Foreword, Introduction freely accessible
at http://www.tcf.org/list.asp?type=PB&pubid=569 .
Books by Irmak Renda-Tanali and Claire B. Rubin: Intended to complement each other, the
following two books on emergency and disaster management textbooks were written by
Irmak Renda-Tanali and Claire B. Rubin for "university/graduate students and for public
practitioners.” They are available from Pearson Custom Publishing, 75 Arlington Street,
Suite 300, Boston, MA 02116; (800) 428-4466. See http://www.pearsoncustom.com/ .
Review copies may also be requested.
Managing Change through Post-Event Evaluations. ISBN 0-536-94156-4.
2005. 344 pp. This textbook introduces the concepts of emergency and disaster
management by looking at the history, definitions, and select past events that
affected policy and planning for future disasters in the United States. The focus is on
human-induced disasters and terrorism. Topics include types of
hazards/threats/disasters—understanding risk; terrorism; transportation-related
targets; critical infrastructure incidents; cyber and telecommunication security
concerns; biological incidents; public, private, and nonprofit organizations response
and preparedness activities; planning for future disasters; and recovery from
Catastrophic Event Prevention Planning. ISBN 0-536-94155-6. 2005. 404 pp.
This textbook introduces the concepts of emergency and disaster management by
using examples of major and catastrophic disaster scenarios and measures to
mitigate and plan for them. The focus is on natural disasters. Topics include types of
hazards/threats/disasters—understanding risks; risk assessment/risk
communication; risk management/risk mitigation; the four phases of emergency
management; evaluating mitigation alternatives using cost benefit analysis;
governmental, private, and nonprofit organizations response and preparedness
activities; disaster scenario exercises; and recovery from disaster.
David Snowden video on sensemaking as he sees it applicability to a myriad of Homeland
security-related problems, challenges, and issues. Some can be dealt with readily owing to
their simplicity. Others are far more challenging and require far greater amounts of
ingenuity, invention, and intellectual rigor and understanding. David Snowden offers in an 8
minute video in introduction to his Cynefin Framework, a thought provoking approach to
looking at and addressing problems. Access at
http://www.hlswatch.com/2010/07/27/making-sense-of-homeland-security/ .
Edward M. Liddy, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Allstate, talked about the need for
fundamental change in the insurance industry and the role of the insurance industry in
disaster preparedness and mitigation. The National Press Club, January 13, 2006. View
online at http://www.c-span.org/videolibrary.
"FEMA’S Place in Policy, Law, and Management: A Hazardous Materials Perspective 1979 2003" by William R. Cumming and Richard T. Sylves in Homeland Security Law and
Policy, edited by William Nicholson (2005). Single articles may be accessed after a sign in
process. Access to the Journal is at www.bepress.com/jhsem/.
John Rollins CRS report on the transition. See
http://homestation.typepad.com/CRS_presidential_transition.pdf .
Paula D. Gordon "Recommendations for Presidential Candidates for Improving the Nation's
Homeland Security Efforts," an interview for the public radio program "Homeland Security:
Inside & Out" aired April 29, 2008. Access at http://gordonhomeland.com.
The FBI's InfraGard programs. See http://www.infragard.net/about.php?mn=1&sm=1-0 .
The Secret Services' Electronic Crimes Task Forces and Working Groups (established under
the Patriot Act). Access at http://www.secretservice.gov/ectf.shtml .
Time Lines on Terrorism and Disasters: Claire B. Rubin and Associates have developed
several time lines. The following information about these and other time lines can be found
at http://www.disaster-timeline.com/:
Terrorism Time Line: Major Focusing Events and U.S. Outcomes (2001-2008). The chart,
which measures 13"x 40," shows major focusing events by year and the influences that
each event had on major outcomes- - reports and analyses; federal statutes, regulations
and executive orders; federal response plans; and major federal organizational changes.
Disaster Time Line: Major Focusing Events and U.S. Outcomes (1988-2008). This chart, also
13" x 40", contains information on natural, industrial/ technological, and biological events
and their outcomes. To order these products, contact Claire B. Rubin & Associates, Disaster
Research and Consulting, P.O. Box 2208, Arlington, VA 22202, cbrubin@comcast.net
Mitigation Cost/Benefit Analysis: Natural Hazard Mitigation Saves: An Independent Study
to Assess the Future Savings from Mitigation Activities. "On December 19, 2005, the
National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) released a ground-breaking report on
mitigation and its benefits. A major finding of the report is that for every dollar that FEMA
spent in mitigation grants over a several year period ending in 2003, there was a nearly 4
to 1 savings for every dollar spent. In addition to savings to society, the federal treasury
can redirect an average of $3.65 for each dollar spent on mitigation as a result of disaster
relief costs and tax losses avoided.” A conclusion in the report was that by focusing more
attention on mitigation communities will be more "physically, socially, and economically
resilient in coping with future hazard impacts." The report can be found at
(Or use http://www.nibs.org/ and click on Multihazard Mitigation Council. That will take you
to active links to the report.)
Preparedness Cost/Benefit Analysis: Andrew Healy and Neil Malhotra (2009). "Myopic
Voters and Natural Disaster Policy," American Political Science Review, 103(3) 2009
Abstract: Do voters effectively hold elected officials accountable for policy decisions? Using
data on natural disasters, government spending, and election returns, we show that voters
reward the incumbent presidential party for delivering disaster relief spending but not for
investing in disaster preparedness spending. These inconsistencies distort the incentives of
public officials, leading the government to under invest in disaster preparedness, thereby
causing substantial public welfare losses. We estimate that a dollar spent on preparedness
is worth about fifteen dollars in terms of the future damage it mitigates. By estimating both
the determinants of policy decisions and the consequences of those policies, we provide
more complete evidence about citizen competence and government accountability. (For
further information, contact Andrew Healy: ahealy@lmu.edu .)
Washington Post Series: “Top Secret America.” Access at
http://projects.washingtonpost.com/top-secret-america/ .
Aspen Security Forum Presentation: Michael Leiter, Director of the National Counter
Terrorism Center June 30, 2010. Access at http://www.aspeninstitute.org/video/terrorthreat-picture-counterterrorism-strategy-honorable-michael-e-leiter-director-national-c).
Christopher Bellavita, April 12, 2011. “There is a quality even meaner than outright
Filed under: Preparedness and Response . Access at
Material on Resonance. Excerpt from http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/resonance:
Resonance: “Rapid amplification of a vibration when the vibrating object is subject to a
force varying at its natural frequency. In a trombone, for example, the length of the air
column in the instrument is adjusted until it resonates with the note being sounded.
Resonance effects are also produced by many electrical circuits. Tuning a radio, for
example, is done by adjusting the natural frequency of the receiver circuit until it coincides
with the frequency of the radio waves falling on the aerial…..Resonance has many physical
applications. Children use it to increase the size of the movement on a swing, by giving a
push at the same point during each swing. Soldiers marching across a bridge in step could
cause the bridge to vibrate violently if the frequency of their steps coincided with its natural
frequency. Resonance caused of the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, USA, in 1940,
when the frequency of the wind gusts coincided with the natural frequency of the bridge…”
Danielle Cove, Structure: Form vs Function Senior Thesis 5/10/02
Resonance lls.edu/~ccs/theses/cove.doc. or
22walkway+collapse%22+%2B+resonance&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=us . “Although this
type of load is dynamic, it does not happen suddenly like other dynamic loads. Rather,
resonance happens gradually over time. Wind gusts that push on the building in time with
its natural oscillation create this kind of load. In order to understand this one could think of
the rope and church bell, a child pumping her legs on a swing, or the Tacoma Narrows
Bridge in Washington. Pulling on the rope at the right times causes the bell to gradually
swing wider and wider (Salvadori 47). The other examples illustrate the same idea. When
resonance happens for a long enough time, it could cause a building to collapse (Salvadori
48). ” [Salvadori, Mario. Why Buildings Stand Up. New York: Norton, 1980.]
“Walkway Collapse” Adapted from material by the Department of Philosophy and
Department of Mechanical Engineering Texas A&M University NSF Grant Number DIR9012252 . Access at
/175/Walkway-Collapse.aspx .
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), NIST Federal Building and Fire
Safety Investigation of the World Trade Center Disaster, Answers to Frequently Asked
Questions (August 30, 2006). Access at
http://wtc.nist.gov/pubs/factsheets/faqs_8_2006.htm . “(NIST NCSTAR throughout this
document refers to one of the 43 volumes that comprise NIST’s final report on the WTC
Towers issued in October 2005. All sections of the report listed in this document are
available at http://wtc.nist.gov.) “
Tomasz Wierzbicki, Liang Xue, & Meg Hendry-Brogan, “Aircraft Impact Damage,” Access at
Arianne Cohen, “World Trade Center 7 Report Puts 9/11 Conspiracy Theory to Rest,” August
21, 2008. Access at
“Pilots, boaters adjust to shift in magnetic north.” Access at http://www.sunsentinel.com/news/local/fl-magnetic-north-shift-20110218,0,2819271.story .
PBS Digital Nation. Watch the video of the program at
m_medium=toparea&utm_source=toparea (If you cannot access the video by this link, go
to http://www.pbs.org and search on “Digital Nation” .)
Paula D. Gordon, “Knowledge Transfer: Improving the Process” Access at
http://users.rcn.com/pgordon/homeland/knowledge_transfer.html or use link at
Paula D. Gordon, “Recognizing and Addressing Problems of Scientific and Technological
Complexity.” Access at
http://users.rcn.com/pgordon/homeland/problems_scientific.html or use link at
Groupthink (including how to prevent groupthink) a concept coined by Irving Janis. Access
at http://www.valuebasedmanagement.net/methods_janis_groupthink.html .
“Opinions and Social Pressure” by Solomon Asch. Access at
http://www.panarchy.org/asch/social.pressure.1955.html .
* The Johnstown Flood : the collapse of a dam and the flooding of Johnstown in 1889 and
the death of 2,200 people. Access at
http://usparks.about.com/cs/parkhistory/a/johnstownflood.htm .
* John Bartlow Martin, “The Blast in Centralia #5: The Mine Disaster That No One Stopped.”
Access at
http://www.wadsworthmedia.com/marketing/sample_chapters/0618993010_ch01.pdf .
IMPORTANT: You need to scroll over half way down the Chapter of the book for the Case
Study entitled “The Blast in Centralia #5: The Mine Disaster That No One Stopped.”
Paula D. Gordon, "The Ethics Map ~ A Values-Based Approach to Defining Ethics and
Integrity in the Public Service" Based on a Paper Prepared for the Normative Foundations
Group Transatlantic Workshop on Ethics and Integrity, March 21 - 23, 2007, Adelphi,
Maryland. (Access at http://gordonhomeland.com.)
"The Parable of the Sadhu." Access at
http://myweb.wvnet.edu/~jelkins/pmpl99/scenes/sadhu.html .
* Philip J. Palin (July 8, 2011) “Considering Catastrophe”. Access at
http://www.hlswatch.com/2011/07/08/considering-catastrophe/ .
* Bruce R. Lindsay and Francis X. McCarthy (June 21, 2011) “Considerations for a
Catastrophic Declaration: Issues and Analysis.” Congressional Research Service. Access at
http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/homesec/R41884.pdf .
* “Future Conflict and Learning” is a 14 minute film produced by The New Security
Foundation. The film features Col. Dr. Jeffrey McCausland, Col. Amardeep Bhardwaj and
Chris Donnelly. This film includes extraordinary insights concerning the future role that
education needs to play in the dynamically changing environment that characterizes the
present and that will continue to characterize the future. See the film at
http://www.newsecuritylearning.com/index.php/comment/89-future-conflict-learning .
* Heritage Foundation (2011) “The Human Tragedy of Illegal Immigration: Greater
Efforts Needed to Combat Smuggling and Violence.” Access at
http://thf_media.s3.amazonaws.com/2011/pdf/bg2568.pdf .
* Heritage Foundation (2011) “Changing Today’s Law Enforcement Culture to Face
21st-Century Threats.” Access at
http://thf_media.s3.amazonaws.com/2011/pdf/bg2566.pdf .
* ReliefWeb: “[A] source for timely, reliable and relevant humanitarian information and
analysis…” Access at http://reliefweb.int/ . “Our goal is to help you make sense of
humanitarian crises worldwide. To do this, we scan the websites of international and nongovernmental organizations, governments, research institutions and the media for news,
reports, press releases, appeals, policy documents, analysis and maps related to
humanitarian emergencies worldwide. We then ensure the most relevant content is
available on ReliefWeb, or delivered through your preferred channel (RSS, e-mail, Twitter or
Facebook)….We also produce maps and info graphics to illustrate and explain humanitarian
crises. To ensure ReliefWeb is updated around the clock, we maintain offices in three
different time zones: Kobe (Japan), Geneva (Switzerland) and New York (USA)….” (From
http://reliefweb.int/about .)
* Jon Stewart Interviews Donald Rumsfeld (February 24, 2011) Access at
* Thomas Friedman interviewed by Walter Isaacson (June 30, 2011) “Future Prospects for
the American Dream.” Access video at http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/ThomasFr .
* Desgriffin.com. Website at http://desgriffin.com/leadership/choice/ (This website
includes references to the works of Ralph G.H. Siu, James March, and Peter Vaill.)
* Paul Davidoff. "Advocacy and Pluralism in Planning." Journal of the American
Institute of Planning 31 (November 1965): 331-338. (Davidoff states that no planning
is “value neutral.” Even “value neutral” planning is based on the value of not valuing.) If
you find this idea of interest, you might like to read William G. Scott's and David K. Hart's
"Administrative Crisis: The Neglect of Metaphysical Speculation" Public Administration
Review 33 (September/October 1973): 415 -442.
End of Part 2
For Part 1, see File Section of http://GordonPublicAdministration.com .