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Green Bay Area Christian Homeschoolers
Celebrate Kids, Inc.
Dr. Kathy Koch
In a Two-Part Seminar:
Got Hope?
How Am I Smart?
For Home Educators
Dr. Kathy’s devotion to – and understanding of – kids enables her to minister to parents and children in discovering
and nurturing a child’s areas of strength, as well as working on areas in need of development.
Last year alone, Dr. Kathy brought her ministry to Texas, Alabama, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Georgia, Florida, Albania,
and Hungary; among other events, she spoke at two national educational conventions and one state convention for
home schoolers. We now bring her to Green Bay to share with us the enthusiasm and insight that God has given
her in the areas of children’s core needs and multiple intelligences.
Dr. Kathy’s journey began with her four-year experience teaching second graders and was furthered in earning her
Master’s and Doctorate degrees. After serving as a university professor for seven years (at our very own UW-Green
Bay!), God showed Dr. Kathy that He had something more planned for her.
Come and join us for a day of discovery, insight, and sheer joy as Dr. Kathy shares how
to help our children see themselves for all that they are – and for all that they will be.
Saturday, April 25th
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Spring Lake Church
2240 Klondike Rd.
Green Bay, WI 54311
Your family is welcome!! The registration fee includes your spouse and any
children in grade six and up, who are welcome to listen with you!
Please note: No childcare is available during the seminar, so plan ahead to
make alternative arrangements for your younger children.
A one-hour lunch break will be provided between noon and 1:00 p.m. You may
bring your own lunch and enjoy fellowship with others in the dining area of the
church or go out to a nearby restaurant. Maps will be provided at the
registration table for those inclined to dine out.
(For registration information, see page 3)
Seminar Topics
Ot Hope? Optimistic Living During Challenging Times
One of the most important things parents do for their children is to help them meet
their basic needs of security, identity, belonging, purpose, and competence in healthy ways.
When this occurs, children will be more hopeful, fulfilled, and successful in all of life. You’ll
have fewer behavior, motivation, and academic problems. Children will be more optimistic
and focused, and they’ll even be less likely to experiment with tobacco, drugs, alcohol, and
sex outside of marriage. Understanding these five core needs will help you determine why
your children do what they do and how to help them change, if they need to (Hint: identity
controls behavior). In addition to learning how God wants to meet our needs, we’ll learn why
the order of these core needs is significant. We’ll also discover the power of their interactive
nature and some of the best answers to the corresponding life-changing questions: Who do I
trust? Who am I? Who wants me? Why am I alive? and What do I do well?
ow Am I Smart?? A Practical Guide to Multiple Intelligences
All children, teens, and adults have eight different intelligences (e.g., word smart,
music smart, self smart) that can be awakened, strengthened, focused, and trained.
These intelligences will be defined and explained so parent educators can determine
which ones are strengths for their students and how to use them when teaching.
Specific ideas about how students think with each intelligence and how each is
expressed will be shared (e.g., body-smart children think with movement and touch and
learn well by moving and using their hands; nature-smart children think with patterns
and would rather be outside than inside). Through Dr. Kathy’s clear instruction and
helpful examples, you’ll identify your children’s strengths and weaknesses, learn ways to
maximize learning with strategies and assignments that work for all eight smarts, and
discover how to guide your children to be smart with their smarts so distractions are
minimized or eliminated altogether. Dr. Kathy will also include how parents can use
children’s smarts to help them draw closer to God. You’ll be surprised!
For more information on Dr. Kathy Koch (“cook”) and Celebrate Kids, Inc.,
visit or call Tina Hollenbeck at 920-435-2503 after
4:30 p.m. For information about Green Bay Area Christian Homeschoolers
(GBACH), visit
From the west side of Green Bay, take Highway 172 East. Take the GV exit, which is the next exit after the
"Webster St." exit. Turn left (north) on to GV. About 1/4 mile north on "GV" you will see a turn off on the right
called "V," also signposted as Lime Kiln. Turn right on to "V." Follow "V" until it takes you back underneath Hwy
172. Take an immediate left onto "Klondike Road." Go about 300 yards and you will see the church on your right
From the north or east sides of Green Bay, take Hwy 43 south until you come to Hwy 172, and go west on Hwy
172. Take your first exit, which is "GV" and turn right (north) onto "GV." About 1/4 mile north on "GV" you will see
a turn off on the right called "V," also signposted as Lime Kiln. Turn right on to "V." Follow "V" until it takes you
back underneath Hwy 172. Take an immediate left on to "Klondike Road." Go about 300 yards and you will see
the church on your right side.
For a Mapquest link to the church:
Register by January 18th and receive a 33% discount
(GBACH members receive a 44% discount)
Sliding-Scale Registration:
Postmarked by:
GBACH Member Fee
Non-Member Fee
January 18
January 19-February 1
February 2-15
February 16-April 23
At the door
$25 per family
$30 per family
-------------------------------------------Cut Here and Mail Today!------------------------------------------GBACH and Celebrate Kids, Inc. Present Dr. Kathy Koch
Name(s): ___________________________________________
Date: ____________________
Address: ___________________________________________
Amount Enclosed: _________
City __________________State _____________Zip_________
Total number of family members attending ____
Phone (______)-__________________________
Email Address: _________________________
Check here if your spouse and children grade 6 and up will attend with you.
My family has a GBACH membership.
Please contact me/my home school group regarding future offerings through Green Bay Area Christian
Homeschoolers. My home school group contact is ____________________________________________.
Please send Registration Form and check or money order to:
Cherie Winquist-W121 Crook Road, De Pere, WI 54115