Hononov D.M. Sivachenko L.A
The spring devices developed in last decades [1, 2] possess a lot of
specific characteristics that is caused by special behaviour of spring
working bodies. By virtue of an insufficient level of scrutiny of their
work it is necessary to reveal ways of increase of efficiency of spring
devices: mills, amalgamators, dispergators, etc.
The intensification of work of spring working bodies and technological
devices on their basis can be provided with the following actions:
1) Installation on working bodies and other parts of devices of additional
2) Optimization of movement of a material under action of spring
working body;
3) Optimization of movement of a material of loading in the device;
4) Increase power spring devices;
5) Realization of effect of vibrating fluctuations of elements of working
Let's consider in more detail each of the chosen directions of maintenance
of an intensification and management of processes of crushing.
Variants of use for these purposes of the additional elements established
on working bodies and other parts of working zones of mills, are resulted
in table 1.
Table 1 - Installation of additional functional elements
1 Shock element
2 Roller for destruction
3 Wheel
4 Shaking
5 Reflectors on the case
6 Vibrating case
7 Crash bodies
8 Propeller
Increase of an overall performance of screw mills is provided with
optimization of movement of a material under action of screw working
body and other elements that is illustrated to table 2. The main task thus
consists in that the processable material as small as possible made single
run in a mill and as it is possible more full and in regular more intervals
filled in zones of destruction between coils and other elements.
The circuit 1. The material goes inside the working chamber under action
of working body freely established in it.
The circuit 2. Placed in the bent pipe, working body crushs and transports
a material of loading. For realization of his circulation the ends of a pipe
are connected.
The circuit 3. It is realized for dry crushing with pneumocarrying out
fractions on the closed cycle.
The circuit 4. In a mill circulating movement of a material by means of
separately worth pump in memory capacity and from it on working body
is carried out.
The circuit 5. Work in a continuous mode on an open cycle.
Circuits 6 and 7 are based on use of the centrifugal pump, which wheel is
established on power to a shaft of working body.
The circuit 8. Closed the hollow goffered rotor connected to a drive of
rotation, allows to process continuously all material of loading without
presence of time for a cycle of return.
Table 2. - Variants of movement of a material of processing in spring
For carrying out of process with the least power inputs there are some
directions. One of them is increase power process of crushing. It is
possible under condition of creation of mills with the parameters,
allowing to increase speed of the appendix of loading, frequency of
deformations of a particle of a material in unit of time, effort compression
particles of a material in the organized stream of level-by-level moving
the last in view of a direction deformation forces in relation to anisotropy
of a particle.
In a design of a screw mill the main source of increase of effort particles
of a material is the increase in effort of pressing
adjacent coils of working body on lateral working surfaces.
The increase in number of zones of influence at a processable material is
provided with increase in number of coils of a spiral and number of their
interfaces. Use of internal power factors of working body of a mill is
provided due to manufacturing techniques of screw spirals and quality of
a used material. Some from intensifying factors are submitted in table 3.
Increases in effort of pressing in coils contacting among themselves can
be achieved radial and axial them power, and also by an additional bend
of working body. It is necessary to notice, that нагружение can be
carried out both external, and internal forces. It is necessary to take into
account also restrictions at realization of a way power, connected with
strength on compression of a material of working body and his elements.
For effective work of spring devices very important that their working
elements (coils) made виброколебания small amplitude and the big
frequency. Possible ways of their generating are submitted in table 4.
Table 4. - Ways of generating of fluctuations coils
Ways of
Kinds of fluctuations
The basic movings Pulse stopping one of the
one of the ends of a ends of working body
Internal Cams on lateral
forces surfaces of coils
The variable form of a
structure of coils
Excentric installation
of units of fastening
Magnetic field
of the
Presence in a
processable product
of large and strong
Friction between coils
Submission of a
material between a
spiral and a roller
In the general view of fluctuation of coils of working bodies it is possible
to divide into the following kinds: longitudinal, крутильные and crosssection. Influence of each of them on efficiency of working process and
serviceability of a design should be found out. At the given stage clearly
that these fluctuations raise a share of using up influence on a processable
material as adjacent elements make mutual movings. Generating of
fluctuations is provided with external and internal forces, and also
resistance of the processable environment.
As remarks here it is necessary to note, that any of kinds of fluctuations
cannot be realized in a "pure" kind and all of them occur simultaneously
to prevalence of this or that.
For the further searches of ways of an intensification of work of spring
working devices it is necessary to make the analysis of ways of
deformation of screw working bodies, and their interactions among
themselves. The purpose of such analysis is also search of such
constructive decisions which would provide, on the one hand, exception
bearing support and, with another, increase of productivity by sectioning
working bodies. It will be executed in separate work.
The resulted analysis of ways of an intensification of work of spring
devices is not exhaustive on scope of all possible variants and the more so
does not set as the purpose to state a quantitative estimation of increase of
efficiency from their application. Our problem - phenomenological
representation about working processes new the equipment and to present
designers the additional information.
The list of the literature:
1. Sivachenko L.A.new the concept of development mills technics /
Enrichment of ores. - 1994.№1, from 36-41.
2. Sivachenko L.A.creation screw spring devices for a grinding and
mixing, research their worker of processes and development of methods
of calculation of key parameters. Sciences, М., 1995, 47 with.