Does the number of coils on an electromagnet affect its strength

Does the number of coils on an
electromagnet affect its strength?
1 non-galvanized nail
1 long wire
Paper clips (small/large)
“D” size battery
Battery holder
1. Create an electromagnet by wrapping the wire
around the nail and attaching each end of the wire to
the battery. (Caution- the ends of the battery holder
may get warm.)
2. Make a hypothesis stating whether or not the
number of coils wrapped around the nail will make a
difference in the electromagnets strength. (Write this
prediction on your foldable.)
3. Begin testing your hypothesis by wrapping only 3
coils of wire around the nail. Try to pick up a small
paper clip. Document your results under the column
marked “# of paperclips attracted.”
4. Continue to test for strength by adding coils. Mark
all results on your foldable.
5. Was your hypothesis correct? Explain under the
conclusion section of your sheet.