Minutes of Meeting

Minutes of Meeting
Dario Vuljanić
Attended by
Egle Samuleviciute
Inderjeet Oberoi
Narendran Sivakumar
Ligaj Pradhan
Dario Vuljanić
Zvonko Ivić
Kristian Poslek
Start-end time
19:00 – 20:00 CET
Location /type
Skype (group chat)
1. Upcoming project plan presentation
Team members said there are satisfied with project plan presentation document. Kristian was introduced as the one who will
finish the presentation and be the presenter.
ACTION: Kristian will finish the presentation and submit it.
2. Week reports
Team members were remembered that some tips for week reports are available on the project Google group. New submission
deadline (Sunday at 23:59) was proposed as instead of the current one (Sunday at 16:00).
CONCLUSION: Egle accepted the proposition about the new week report submission deadline, but remembered all team
members not to be late.
3. Project plan document
Dario shortly explained he has been working on the project plan document.
CONCLUSION: Project plan document v1.0 should be finished on Tuesday, September 29 th. Dario is responsible for the
project plan document. Project plan must be finished before Thursday, October 1st, because it should be sent to the customer
before submission to DSD course site.
ACTION: Dario will finish the project plan document.
4. Requirements specification document
Short discussion about people responsible for the requirements specification document was held. The requirements
specification document must be finished before Thursday, October 1 st, because it should be sent to the customer before
submission to DSD course site.
CONCLUSION: Egle will be responsible for the requirements specification document and Inderjeet will help her with it.
ACTION: Egle and Inderjeet will create requirements specification document.
5. Virtual machine coordinator
Zvonko was introduced as the virtual machine coordinator. Most of the responsibilities for virtual machine coordinator are
explained on project Google group. Team members were asked to apply for a helping virtual machine coordinator, but
nobody applied.
CONCLUSION: Dario will be responsible for supervising virtual machine management and helping if help needed, because
of his experience and knowledge about setting up the environment under Linux based OS.
ACTION: Zvonko will ask Igor Čavrak for a virtual machine access data and setup the environment.
6. Coding and SVN policy
Team members were remembered to read coding and SVN policy, available on SVN. Javadoc comments and rules for testing
were suggested to be put into the coding policy.
CONCLUSION: Javadoc comments should be included in the coding policy. Egle will be responsible for policy revision.
ACTION: Ligaj and Narendran will finish the coding policy.
7. Database connectivity technologies
A discussion about database connectivity technologies was held by Egle and Narendran. Hibernate with JPA was confronted
to usage of POJO and stored procedures.
CONCLUSION: Egle and Narendran should discuss database connectivity technologies in a private meeting and after that
discussion Egle should decide what technology will be used for database connectivity.
ACTION: Egle and Narendran will meet to discuss database connectivity technologies.
8. Upcoming meetings
Upcoming meetings were announced: meeting with Baran Cürüklü on Wednesday, September 30th, at 11:00 CET and
meeting with Sasi on Friday, October 1st , at 14:30 in Sweden and meeting with Marko Čupić on Tuesday, September 29th, at
16:15 CET in Croatia.
CONCLUSION: Ligaj will join Egle on Wednesday, Narendran and Inderjeet will join Egle on Friday. Upcoming meetings
in Sweden will not affect requirements specification document v1.0, ideas gathered from these meetings will be included in
further revisions of the document.
ACTION: Egle and Ligaj will meet Baran Cürüklü on Wednesday, September 30th, at 11:00 CET.
ACTION: Egle, Narendran and Inderjeet will meet Sasi on Friday, October 1st, at 14:30 CET.
ACTION: Croatian part of the team will meet Marko Čupić on Tuesday, September 29 th, at 16:15 CET.
9. The Helsinki trip
Team members in Sweden will not be available next week, from Wednesday, October 7th to Friday, October 9th, because they
are going to Helsinki. Team members were remembered to have that in mind when planning their activities involving this
project, because there is a lot of work to do for the next week.
10. Next group meeting
Short discussion about next group meeting was held.
CONCLUSION: Next group meeting will be on Wednesday, September 30 th, at 20:00 CET.