Review Book Worksheets - East Irondequoit Central School District

Review Book Worksheets
(Pages:35-39 / OLD BOOK 66-71 The Gupta Empire in India)
Expanding Zones of Exchange
1. The dynasty that came to power in India in 320CE was?
2. The dynasty did what to the Indian subcontinent?
United it and ensured peace and prosperity
3. Describe the geography of Northern India:
* Mountains- protected civilization from invaders
* Indus and Ganges Rivers- created fertile soil
4. What religion was promoted in the Gupta Empire?
5. What did the efficient government of the Gupta allow for?
Farming and trade to prosper and provided stable background for advances in learning
and the arts
6. Local leaders of the Gupta Empire were elected by whom?
Merchants and artisans
7. What was the center of Indian life and what was it governed by?
Village, governed by caste rules and traditions
8. Define Joint Families:
Parents, children , grandparents, uncles and their children shared a common home.
9. When the father or oldest male heads the household, this is called what type of family?
10. What did Indian children learn?
The family trade or worked in fields and taught what would be expected of them as adults
11. Hindu law requires that people marry only within their caste, and marriages were?
12. What happened to the role of women over time?
Became more restricted
13. Religious institutions is where what occurred?
Education took place
14. List contributions made by the Gupta in:
 Mathematics: Concept of zero and decimal system, Arabic numerals
Medicine: Used herbs and other remedies to treat illness. Surgeons set
bones and repaired facial injuries (plastic), Vaccinated people (small
Architecture: Temples built, carvings to gods, Stupas (Buddhist
Literature:Fables and Folk tales (Sanskrit)
15. Why did the Gupta Empire decline?
Weak rulers and foreign invasions
Review Book Worksheets
(Pages:40-43/ OLD BOOK 72-75 Tang and Song Dynasties in China)
Expanding Zones of Exchange
1. How long was the Tang dynasty in power?
289 years (618-907)
2. The Song ruled for how many years?
319 years (960-1279)
3. The founder of the Tang Dynasty was?
Tang Taizong
4. What were Vietnam, Korea and Tibet to China?
Tributary States
5. What did this mean?
The states remained independent but their rulers had to acknowledge China’s
greater power and send tribute, or regular payments
6. Who came to China to trade and learn Chinese culture?
Japanese missionaries
7. What led to the collapse of the Tang 907 CE?
Government corruption, drought and rebellion
8. In 960CE, China was reunited under who (of what Dynasty)?
Zhao Kuangy reunited China under the Song Dynasty
9. Why did the Song collapse?
Weakened by invaders..conquered by the Mongols in 1279
10. What guided the government and society of the 2 Chinese dynasties and what did
it stress?
Confucianist beliefs…stressed social order based on duty, rank and proper
11. What was set up by the Tang, to ensure the educated would get government jobs?
Civil Service system
12. Describe the classes of the Chinese:
 Gentry: Wealthy land owners, had to pass civil service exam to obtain
honored positions in govt.
Peasants: Most of the population. Worked the land and lived on what they
produced. Lived in small villages
Merchants: (be specific) Held a lower social status than the peasants
because their wealth came from the labor of others.
Women:Held great authority…home (managed family finances, discipline,
supervised servants)
13. Describe the land reform of the Tang: Redistributed land to peasants. Large
landowners had less power, and peasants could contribute to govt by paying taxes.
14. Between 600-700CE what did the Japanese adopt?
Chinese language food and style of dress, tea ceremonies, music, dance and
15. Who did Chinese merchants trade with?
India, Persia and the Middle East
16. In what industry did the Chinese become experts?
Ship building
17. What was the purpose of the Grand Canal?
To encourage trade and improve transportation. Connected Huang He and
Yangzi. Allowed food from farms in Southern China to be sent North
18. Define calligraphy:
Fine handwritting
19. Define Pagoda:
Temple with a roof that curved up at the corners
20. Define Porcelain (china):
A hard shiny pottery
21. The Japanese first learned about Chinese culture through who?
Review Book Worksheets
(Pages: 45-47 / OLD BOOK 76-80 Byzantine Empire and Russia)
Expanding Zones of Exchange
The name for the Eastern half of the Roman Empire was?
Byzantine Empire
The greatest ruler of the above empire was?
What were two of his contributions?
* Centralized Gov’t
* Codified law
Who was responsible for the decline of the Western Empire?
Germanic invaders
What was Emperor Constantine responsible for?
Build capital at Constantinople
What areas were controlled by the Byzantine Empire at its height?
From Rome through Southeastern Europe and Asia Minor, down to Egypt and across North Africa
Describe the geography of the city of Constantinople:
On a peninsula overlooking the Bosperous, a strait connecting Black Sea to Mediterranean.
What cultures were blended together in the Byzantine Empire?
Greek, Roman and Christian influences
What city becomes the center of the Russian state and why?
Kiev- becassue it had thriving trade with Constantinople
Under whose rule did the Byzantine Empire reach its peak and how long did he rule?
Justinian- 527-565 (38 years)
Define autocrat:
Single ruler with complete authority
During Justinian’s reign, what areas were conquered?
Parts of North Africa, Italy and southern Spain
What was his major contribution?
Code of law- Justinian’s Code
What was the architectural significance behind the Hagia Sophia?
Extended Roman knowledge of engineering and used arching dome (blended Greek, Roman and
Persian styles)
Define Icons:
Holy images of Jesus, Virgin Mary or saints of the Orthadox Church
Define Mosaics:
Pictures or designs formed by inlaid pieces of stine often showing biblical scenes
What was the official church of the Byzantine Empire?
Orthodox Christian Church
Define Patriarch:
Highest church official of Orthodox Church
What event occurred in 1054 CE and what was the significance?
Great Schism- permanent split b/w Orthodox and Catholic Church in the West
20. List the 4 reasons for the Fall of the Byzantine Empire:
a. Invading armies
b. Internal court struggles
c. Constant war
d. Ottoman Empire taking Constantinople
21. Describe the Byzantine Influences on Russia and Eastern Europe:
 Written Language:
Gave Russia a written language, adopted Greek alphabet (Cyrillic alphabet) to
translate Bible
 Orthodox Christianity:
Close church state relationship in Byzantine Empire also became a model for
Russian government and religion
 Government:
Autocratic rule (Czars come about)
 Art/Architecture:
Byzantine domes transformed into onion domes of Russian Architecture
Review Book Worksheets
(Pages: 48-53 / OLD BOOK 81-88 Islamic Civilization)
Expanding Zones of Exchange
1. What was the Muslim world influenced by?
Many cultures, Ancient Greece, Rome and India
2. What did the Muslim World experience during the 700-800s?
Golden Age
Define Golden Age:
Diverse society, economy based on flourishing trade and achievements in arts and science
Who was the founder of Islam?
Who was elected first caliph?
Abu Bakr
Define Caliph:
Successor of Mohammad, religious leader
What allowed Islam to spread rapidly?
Military Campaigns
What regions of the Middle East were conquered by Arab force?
Syria and Palestine, Persia and Egypt
What 4 areas, in addition to the Middle East were taken under Islamic control?
North Africa, Spain and Sicily, India and Southeast Asia
What were 2 reasons for Muslim success?
Arabs were strong fighters, also Byzantine and Persian empires were weak, and Muslims were also
united by their beliefs in Islam.
Define Sharia and what it regulated:
Islamic System of law- regulates morla behavior, family life, business, government, and community
Who do Sunni Muslims believe should be the successor of Muhammad?
Chosen by Muslim Leaders- do not see caliph as religious authority
Who do Shiite Muslims believe should be the successor of Muhammad?
Only descendants of the prophet Muhammad should be his successors. Descendants were divinely
How did Muslims gain social mobility?
Religious, scholarly and military achievements
What jobs did Muslim slaves have?
House servants, and skilled craftspeople
What does Islam teach?
Spiritual Equality of men and women.
What protected Islamic women?
The Quran
How so?
Prohibited the killing of daughters and protected the rights of widows.
Who did the Islamic world grow under?
Umayyad Dynasty
Who helped them govern the empire?
Local officials
What did Abu al-Abbas do?
Captured capital of Damascus… founded Abbassid Dynasty
What was the consequence of the Abbassid rule?
Ended Arab domination of Islam
23. In the 900s who took control of Baghdad?
Seljuk Turks
24. How was the glory of the Muslim empires shown?
Reflected in emphasis of learning, achievements in the arts and science and economies based on trade
 Mosques and Palaces:
Influenced by Byzantine domes and arches…decorated with patterns.
Decorated buildings and pieces of arts with verses from Quran
Themes from praises of important leaders to contemplation of the joys and
sorrows of love
Stories adapted from Greeks, Indian, Jewish and Egyptian cultures. The
Thousand and One Nights
26. Mathematics and Science:
 Algebra:
Pioneered study of algebra
 Astronomy:
Observed Earth’s rotation and calculated the circumference of the Earth
 Medicine:
Advanced. Doctors had to pass tests, Hospitals set up,
27. Who was honored in Muslim Society?
28. What was exchanged besides goods?
Religious ideas, culture and technology
29. List new business practices used by the Muslims?
Partnerships, sold goods on credit and formed banks
30. What did farmers grow?
Sugar cane, cotton, medicinal herbs, fruits, vegetables
31. Spanish Muslim was known as a?
32. Advances in the Muslim world influenced who?
Christian Europe
Review Book Worksheets
(Pages: 54-59 / OLD BOOK 89-96 Medieval Europe)
Expanding Zones of Exchange
What is another name for the Middle Ages?
Dark Ages (Medieval)
What is the time period given for the Middle Ages?
500-1400 CE
What is the term given for the political system of the Middle Ages?
What is the term given for the economic system of the Middle Ages?
What two factors (geographically) had a powerful effect on Europe?
Location and resources
The European continent extends from where to where?
West end of Eurasian landmass (Portugal to China, Great Britain, Spain, France, Italy and Greece
and parts of Eastern Europe)
What were the benefits of the Natural Resources made available to Europe?
Forests: Timber
Soil: raise crops
Seas: fishing and, trade and transportation
Rivers: Food and travel
Who were the Germanic Tribes? Overran the Roman Empire, warriors, farmers and herders.
(unwritten laws and customs and ruled by elected kings)
From 400-700 CE who arose as the most powerful tribe in Gaul?
10. Gaul is better known as what today?
11. Describe Clovis:
(400s) Brilliant ruthless leader, king of Franks…converted to Christianity to bulid alliance with
Catholic Church.
12. What was the significance of the Battle of Tours?
Franks defeated the Muslim Army
13. Who was Charlemagne and what did he accomplish? (pgs.90-92)
Built large empire, Worked closely with Catholic Church, set up schools, libraries
14. Please label and define the role of each member of the hierarchy of the Middle Ages (92-93):
15. Describe the Manor Society:
Economy based around a Lord’s manor. Each group in society had their place, each had certain rights
and responsibilities
16. During the Middle Ages, the 2 Churches that emerged were?
Roman Catholic
17. List the Catholic Church hierarchy:
Pope, archbishop, bishops and local priests, monks and nuns
18. What were the roles of the Church at this time in history:
1) Spiritual
2) Priests instructed peasants
3) Church taught that all men were sinners
4) Collected tithes
5) canon law
19. Who had to follow the Monastic orders?
Monks and nuns
20. Describe the Monastic Orders:
Took vows of chastity, purity, and obedience to the abbot, oath of poverty.
21. Someone who risks their life to spread the message of Christianity is a?
22. In what two ways were women viewed by the Church?
1) Subservient to men, Weak and easily tempted into sin
2) Modest and pure in spirit
23. Why did Christians persecute the Jews?
Blamed for death of Jesus, Catholic Church banned Jews from owning land or practicing many
24. Cultural Achievements, what were the focuses and gains:
a. Literature: storied in the vernacular of the people. Stories of knights and feudal lords as
well as tales about common people. Dante and Chaucer
Art: Art focused on glory of God. Reflections of the power of the Church. Stones
Churches like architecture of Rome
Gothic Buildings: Pointed arches, flying buttresses, stone supports that stood outside the
building. Stained glass windows…Biblical stories to educate illiterate people of
medieval Europe.
Review Book Worksheets
(Pages: 60-63 / OLD BOOK 97-100 The Crusades)
Expanding Zones of Exchange
Who were the Seljuk Turks of the 1050s?
Were Muslims that invaded the Byzantine empire and conquered Palestine
What happened in 1095 that will affect the Byzantine Empire?
The Crusades will begin because Seljuk Turks invade Byzantine Empire
What were the Crusades?
Holy war between Christian, Jews and Muslims for Holy Land (Palestine)
List 5 causes for the Crusades:
1) Pope believed Crusades would increase his power
2) Christians believe their sins would be forgiven
3) Nobles hoped to gain wealth and land
4) Adventurers saw this as chance for travel and excitement
5) Serfs hoped to escape feudal oppression
How long did the Crusades last?
200 years
Were they successful?
Only the 1st out of 4 was.
In the 1100s who united the Muslim World?
What was special about the way this leader led?
Forbade his soldiers to kill, harm, or steal from the defeated crusadres
List 5 results (impacts) of the Crusades and note if it was + or a -:
1) Failed to retake Holy Land (-)
2) Trade increased (+)
3) Religious Hatred (-)
4) Popes become more powerful (-)
5) Cultural Diffusion (+)
10. What happened to the power of the Pope because of the Crusades?
Temporarily increased
11. What happened to the power of the European monarchs because of the Crusades?
Increased it, but feudalism was weakening