Review For Final Exam: Chpts

Review for Final Exam: Chapter 12 - 15 & 17
Chapter 12: Nervous Tissue/Neurophysiology
 what is the hierchy of nervous system?
3 parts of a neuron
 what is found in the cell body or soma of a neuron?, can they undergo mitosis? why not?
 dendrites: which way do they conduct nerve impulses?
 axons: which way do they conduct nerve impulses? how many axons/neuron?
-what is the axon hillock? and telodendria? axon terminal (synaptic end bulbs or knobs) functions?
-what causes myelination of axons in the PNS, can they regenerate? why?
 What are the 6 types of neuroglia(-lial) cells? which are found in the CNS? and the PNS? which are
most abundant? which are phagocytic? which have cilia to move CSF? which form the blood brain
barrier? Which form myelin sheaths in the CNS?
 Neurophysiology: what is the RMP of a neuron? why is it negative? what is the function of the Na-K
pump? (know number and direction of ions) what are the 3 types of gates? know an example of each
-what happens when sodium enters a cell? and if K enters a resting neuron?
-know the graph of an action potential and be able to label all as shown in class
 what are graded potentials vs. action potentials?
 what are characteristics of Group A, B. and C fibers
o what 2 things increase speed of conduction of an axon? why does a limb “fall asleep”?
 what is a synapse? what are the names of the neurons found at a synapse? what are the 2 types of
synapses: know an example of each. What is the name of the space between neurons in a synapse?
 what are the categories of neurotransmitters and examples of each? know the functions of the
neurotransmitters discussed in lecture.
Chapter 13: Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves
 Spinal Cord: begins and ends? what is the cauda equina?: what are the 2 functions of the spinal cord
gray matter: composed of? found where? what is found in the anterior (ventral) horns? lateral
horns?(are only found in which sections?), and dorsal horns? where are the cell bodies for sensory
 what is the gray comissure? and central canal?
 what do the dorsal roots contain? and ventral roots? the roots fuse to form what structures?
 what are ascending tracts? what are the names of those learned in class? where do they crossover?
 what are descending tracts? what are the names of those learned in class? are tracts myelinated?
 Nerves: know the connective tissue coverings: the # of cranial and spinal nerves
3 types of nerves: sensory, motor, mixed: most spinal nerves are which?
 what are rami? What fibers run through each?
 know the reflex arc and the 4 reflexes from class: examples, why they function
Chapter 14: Brain and Cranial Nerves
 what are the brain regions and what is found in each?
 how many ventricles are in the brain? what are their names, where are they found? what is the
cerebral aqueduct? what is found in the ventricles?
Cerebrum: size relationship to the brain, define: gyri, sulci, fissures
 what is the median longitudinal fissure?, central sulcus, lateral fissure, transverse fissure?
 functions of the cerebral cortex? and for each cerebral hemisphere? (lateralization), what does the
left cerebral hemisphere control and vice versa
know the locations and function of the following: primary motor cortex, premotor cortex, Broca's
area, primary sensory area, visual area, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, Wernicke's area
functions of association areas?
function of basal nuclei?
1. Thalamus: functions, what is the intermediate mass?
2. Hypothalamus: what are the boundaries of the hypothalamus? what are the functions?
3. Midbrain, Pons: location, function: differences between longitudinal and transverse tracts
4. Cerebellum: location, functions
5. Medulla Oblongata: location, what crosses in the Medulla? Functions
6. Limbic system: where is it found? what does it do? why do psychosomatic illnesses occur? what
is the relationship b/w cerebral cortex and limbic system?
know the order of meninges, dural sinuses, arachnoid villi, subarachnoid and subdural spaces
charact. of CSF, what structures form it, how often, where does it come from?
blood-brain barrier: b/w what 2 things? what cells form it? functions: what may pass through?
know the chart of cranial nerves: also know the nerve plexuses, an example of a nerve from each,
and what each innervates
Chapter 15: Somatic Nervous System
 types of receptors: where found in body and what type of stimulus detected?
 types of mechanoreceptors: names, locations, type of stimulus detected for all. where are the
baroreptors found?
 what type of stimuli are detected by thermoreceptors, chemoreceptors and proprioceptors?
nociceptors detect?
 what is meant by adaptation?
 Know the examples of ascending pathways and type of stimulus carried for the fasciculus gracilis,
spinothalamic and spinocerebellar tracts. Where do these cross over to the opposite side? Which is
involved with phantom pain? what is referred pain?
 The corticospinal pathway is also known as the? where does this pathway begin? where does motor
information cross over to the opposite side?
Chapter 17: Special Senses
 what is the stimulus for taste? how does one taste something? what are the 2 types of papillae and
where are they found? where are taste buds located? what are the 4 tastes: which area of the tongue
is most sensitive to each, what do they respond to? what is the gustatory pathway?
 what is the stimulus for smell? what type of neurons are associated with smell? why does sniffing
help you smell better? what is the olfactory pathway? what is the connection between smell and the
hypothalamus and limbic system?
 vision: what are the accessory structures of the eyes? what are the tunics of the eye? what forms the
"white of the eye" what is the cornea? what is its function? what are the cells found in the retina?
what are the photoreceptors? what happens at the optic chiasma?
 what is the function of the lens? what is myopia, hyperopia, accommodation, glaucoma,
 hearing/equilibrium: what is the stimulus? what structures are associated with the external ear?
the middle ear? and the internal ear? what are the smallest bones of the body? where are they found?
what is the function of the cochlea? the semicircular canals and vestibule?
 how do we hear? (auditory pathway)
 what are the 2 chambers of the eye? which fluid is found in each
 how do we see? which photoreceptors respond to dim light? and bright light? what is the pigment
that is important for vision (visual purple)