Letter 2013-2014

Miss Fox - 6th Grade Science – Welcome Letter
West Rocks Middle School, 81 West Rocks Road, Norwalk, CT 06851
Phone: (203) 899-2970 Fax: (203) 899-2974
Email: foxm@norwalkps.org
On Line Grades: http://www.engrade.com/scienceworld
Class Website: http://worldofscience.yolasite.com/
Dear Parents and students,
Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year! I am excited that your child is in my science class this year. My mission as
your child’s science teacher is to help your child reach their full potential. I have included some information about
the upcoming year, curriculum schedule and expectations.
Science Class grades are available on line at Engrade: http://www.engrade.com/scienceworld. Engrade is an extremely
valuable tool for both students and parents. I highly recommend parents sign up as soon as possible and check their
child’s progress on a consistent basis The site contains many great resources such as homework, assignments, science
links, class information, documents, practice quizzes, study guides, grading rubrics, flash cards and the class grading
policy. All students will receive a username to set up an account. If you do not receive the sign up invite, please email
me and I will forward the access code you will need. In addition , Miss Fox’s 6th Grade Science class website has
additional resources which will be available to both students and parents at http://worldofscience.yolasite.com/.
Student Supplies
 2 pocket folders for student portfolio and one to keep science homework organized.
 Loose leaf paper for homework assignments.
 2 single subject notebooks (for science class only!).
 Plenty of pens and pencils.
 Coloring pencils, markers, ruler, eraser, glue stick and pencil sharpener.
Miss Fox’s Wish List - To be given to Miss Fox.
Students who bring in a wish list item will receive Green Backs from Miss Fox.
o Glue sticks
o Construction paper
o Paper towels
o Box of tissues
o Clorox/Lysol wipes
o Lysol spray
Student Expectations/Rules:
1) Follow directions quickly.
2) Raise your hand for permission to speak or to leave your seat.
3) Listen while others are speaking.
4) Make smart choices!
5) Respect everyone!
6) Keep you dear teacher happy! I am happy when all my students are learning and enjoying science class!
I’m not happy when someone makes it difficult for other students to learn!
 Quizzes/Exams
 Class Activities & Labs
 Projects
 Journal
 Portfolio
 Homework
*Bonus assignments
will be available on a
continuous basis.
Quizzes and Exams: All quizzes and exams will be announced in advance. Several resources are available to
help students prepare – in class review, study guides, flashcards and practice quizzes on Engrade. The lowest
grade will be dropped each marking period. A Unit Exam will be taken at the end of each unit and a final exam
will also be taken by students at the end of the school year. (30%)
Class Activities and Labs: Students will participate in many group and inquiry based activities and labs.
During science class students work in groups to investigate a number of science topics in the 6th grade science
curriculum. All students are encouraged to work cooperatively developing appropriate social skills to enhance
their high school, college and career development. A grading rubric will be used to assess activities and labs on
a monthly basis. (15%)
Portfolio: Students will be required to keep a science portfolio to demonstrate the skills they have learned in
class. Students will be required to bring in a pocket folder to be used as their portfolio. Students will be
required to place a number of items in their portfolio, such as personal agenda work, reflections, exams,
projects, foldables, labs and other items the student feels shows their development and understanding of science.
Portfolios will be stores in class, and a grading rubric will be used to assess portfolios on a monthly basis.
Projects: Many projects will be completed in science class this year. Students will be responsible to complete
one project per marking period at home. Students will be given one copy of the project and the information will
also be detailed on Engrade. Each project will reflect topics covered in class and enable students to further
explore and show their knowledge. Projects must be turned in by the due date in order to reflect on their report
card and to receive full credit. Each student will be expected to complete a Science Fair Project. (20%)
Science Journal: Students are required to keep an organized and neat journal. The science journal will be
utilized for labs and other science class work, and kept in class until the end of the year/until it is full. Journals
may be taken home as needed to study. Journals will be checked daily and a grading rubric will be used to
assess science journals on a monthly basis. (10%)
Homework: Homework will be written on the board each class. Homework should be written in student
planner for all subjects. Homework will also be available on Engrade and the Homework Hotline/Green
Team http://portal.norwalkps.org/schools/wrms/Pages/Homework.aspx. Students are responsible to hand in
homework at the beginning of science class. Students who miss a class can refer to the “homework assignments
on the school website and on Engrade”. Missing homework will affect student grades. (15%)
Academic Integrity: Cheating, of any form, will not be tolerated. Consequences will include a grade of a zero
for the assignment for all persons involved. Parents and administrators will also be notified.
Plagiarism: Students must be very careful not to hand in projects which are plagiarized directly from the
Internet. Students must give credit for sources they use and restructure the concepts using their own words.
Students should not copy text directly from the internet and hand it is as their own work.
Science Text Book: All students will be given a Holt Science & Technology text book to take home.
Textbooks will be used to study and complete homework. Students will receive three different texts
throughout the school year and will be required to sign books out and back in when returned. (Weather and
Climate, Environmental Science, & Force, Motion and Energy).
*Text books and on line resources can be accessed on line at http://my.hrw.com/index.jsp?redirect
Username: dscience8
Password: ponus
Scientific Method
Lab Safety
Earth Science (Sept to Dec 2011)
Module I:
FOSS Weather and Water Resources
Life Science (Jan 2012 to April 2012)
Module E:
FOSS Population and Ecosystems Resources
Science in Context
Water Quality
Physical Science (May to June 2012)
Module M:
Work and Force, Potential and Kinetic Energy
Weather and Climate
Environmental Science
Forces, Motion and Energy
Please cut and return portion below to your teacher.
I have reviewed the Grade 6 Science Course Syllabus, Class Requirements and grading
standards with my child.
Parent/Guardian Name __________________________________________________________________
Parent Signature
Child’s Name
Section #: __________________