fundo de cultura e extensão universitária

Faculdade de Saúde Pública
F: 11. 3061. 77 60
Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu
Fone: (14) 3880.1332
A Comissão de Pós-graduação da Faculdade de Saúde Pública - USP tem a honra de convidá-lo para participar do
International Seminar on Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology, evento organizado pelos Programas de
Pós-Graduação em Saúde Pública, Mestrado Profissional em Ambiente Saúde e Sustentabilidade, Saúde Global e
Sustentabilidade e Doutorado em Epidemiologia da Faculdade de Saúde Pública da USP, com a colaboração do Fórum
Acidentes de Trabalho na ocasião do seu 40o Encontro Presencial.
O seminário contará com renomados cientistas internacionais que trabalham na fronteira do conhecimento sobre
Epidemiologia Ambiental e Ocupacional. Participe e Divulgue
Dia 31 de Março /2014 – segunda feira, das 9h às 12:30 h
Local: Faculdade de Saúde Pública, USP - Auditório João Yunes. Av. Dr. Arnaldo 715 – Cerqueira Cesar, São
Paulo, Capital. Ao lado do Metrô Clínicas. As palestras serão em inglês sem tradução simultânea.
Coordenação do Evento: Dra Maria Regina Alves Cardoso – Depto de Epidemiologia da FSP.USP
Palestra - Principles of molecular epidemiology and biomarkers of exposure and early biologic effect
Nathaniel Rothman, National Cancer Institute, USA
Palestra - Applications of biomarkers of early biologic effect and genetic susceptibility to the occupational
setting: examples of benzene, TCE, and FA
Qing Lan, National Cancer Institute, USA
Palestra - The Exposome: Decoding the environment
Roel Vermeulen, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
 Textos de apoio e mais informações sobre o fórum disponíveis na página do Fórum AT:
 O encontro será gravado e, posteriormente, disponibilizado no IPTV.USP e no canal do Youtube:
 As inscrições são livres e gratuitas e realizadas no inicio do evento.
Biografia dos palestrantes:
Nathaniel Rothman, M.D., M.P.H., M.H.S. Senior Investigator, Head of Molecular Studies on National Cancer Institute; Division of Cancer
Epidemiology & Genetics, Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Branch. Dr. Rothman received an A.B. in biochemistry and molecular
biology at Harvard College and an M.D. at Northwestern University. At The Johns Hopkins University, he received training in internal medicine,
occupational and environmental medicine, and epidemiology. Dr. Rothman joined the NCI in 1990. His research focuses on using biologic markers of
exposure, early biologic effect, and genetic susceptibility in epidemiologic studies of occupational and environmental causes of cancer. Dr. Rothman
received the PHS Achievement Medal for research on cancer biomarkers and the Commendation Medal for studies of benzene. He is the author of
more than 450 publications.
Qing Lan, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H. National Cancer Institute; Division of Cancer Epidemiology & Genetics, Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology
Branch. Dr. Lan received her M.D. at Weifang Medical University and her Ph.D. in molecular epidemiology at the Chinese Academy of Preventive
Medicine in Beijing, as part of a joint training program with the United States Environmental Protection Agency and University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, and received her MPH at Johns Hopkins University. Her research focuses on molecular epidemiologic studies of populations exposed to
several classes of chemical compounds that are known or suspected occupational and environmental carcinogens.
Dr Roel Vermeulen is Associate Professor at the Environmental Epidemiology Division of the Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences at Utrecht
University in the Netherlands, and Adjunct Professor in molecular epidemiology at the University Medical Centre at the same university. His research
focuses on occupational and environmental risk factors for cancer, asthma and neurological diseases. He uses novel molecular and statistical
approaches to assist in exposure assessment for epidemiological research and risk assessment., He has an extensive international portfolio of
research projects in the field of chemical exposures in the workplace. He is currently involved in studies on the health effect of asbestos, benzene,
diesel, dioxins, electromagnetic fields, formaldehyde, nanomaterials, PAHs, PCBs, pesticides, perfluorinated compounds and trichloroethylene. Dr.
Vermeulen is a member of the Dutch Health Council, has served on multiple international committees and editorial boards, is an Associate Editor of
the Annals of Occupational Hygiene and Frontiers in Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention, consults for national and international funding
organization and scientific projects, and lectured at multiple national and international scientific meetings. He has co-authored over 225 peerreviewed papers.
Apoio: Fundo de Fomento às iniciativas de Cultura e Extensão da Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária – USP; PROEX-UNESP; CEREST
Piracicaba; DVST/CVS/SES-SP e CEREST ESTADUAL SP; Gerencia Regional do Min. do Trabalho e Emprego de Piracicaba; Ministério Público do
Trabalho da 15ª Região; FUNDACENTRO; CGSAT-SVS-MS; CNPq; FAPESP Proc. 12-04721-1.
Coordenação do Fórum: Prof. Dr. Ildeberto M Almeida (, Prof.ª Drª M. Dionísia do A Dias ( e Prof.
Ass. Rodolfo AG Vilela (