Globalization and Community Colleges

Globalization and Community Colleges
Lesson Plans for Syllabus
By Dr. Rebecca S. Lake
March 19, 2007
Five (5) classes (each 3 hours in length)
This course is like a visit to a good delicatessen. You may go in intending to buy a pound
of thin corn beef, or a wonderful new cheese, but after wandering through the condiment,
meat, cheese and dessert sections, you leave with a more than you set out to buy! This is
only an outline, and you may stop and linger a bit longer over some areas, skipping others
that appear less interesting.
Emphasis will be placed on observation, description and analysis. In addition, we will
speculate about the impact of globalization on the mission and functions of community
colleges. The course will also explore the enormous implications of globalization and
education on the world today and in the future.
Global Contacts:
Contact with Students Elsewhere. A possibility! To extend the value and
range of this course, try to put students in contact with students at other
universities or colleges (whom can be in contact by email). After establishing
working communications with partners in another country, students can
engage them in a discourse about elements of globalization found in this
course. The purpose of this “global” discourse is to see if the same elements,
or similar or related elements, can be seen in their country, or city. This
communication is intended to bring a comparative dimension to this course.
Keep a Journal. Throughout this interactive class, students might keep a
journal, recording their thoughts, observations, and impressions in a dated
journal. Later, parts of the journals can be shared or even published by the
organization or community college.
Teamwork. A project can be completed in conjunction with students in
another country. Students could work in teams, paring up here and with our
counterparts. In writing the paper, the primary authorship of each section can
be noted and the nature of the collaboration can be described. Or it would be
simply a collaborative effort.
Lesson Plan Class #1 (total 3 hours)
General overview of Globalization
a) Why is everyone talking about globalization? What is globalization?
When did it start? Is it reversible? Is it good or bad or inevitable?
b) Identify theories related to globalization.
c) Discuss the dimensions and speed of globalization (Time-space
compression and fragmentation)
d) Consider the most significant changes brought about by globalization;
the Global influence on the “Local scene” and “On your life?”
e) Examine who are the actors on the global stage? Is there such a thing as
a global citizen?
f) Consider how globalization affects the balance of power in the world.
Teaching Globalization: the three Ps Muqtedar Khan, 2003.
Hr #1
Have everyone close their eyes and read some of the highlights found on the
Globalist Fact Sheet “Society and Globalization” October 2006.
Use Graphic facts illustrated by maps to show relevant facts
Aspects you might cover to begin the discussion of globalization: (a)
Technological – the invention and application of technologies of transportation
and communication which have drawn all parts of the world closer together; (b)
Economic – the growth of an international trading system linking finance,
production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services on a global basis;
(c) Social – the movement of peoples and changes in social organization; (d)
Spatial – the influence of the above on the structure and layout of cities, the
design of housing and the nature of working environments; (e) Cultural – the
impact of the above developments on lifestyle, including such elements as dress,
food, language and entertainment; (f) Biological – changes in natural habitats,
living organisms domestic and wild, the spread of disease agents, and human
beings themselves, their bodies, their diets and their health.
Introduce Levin’s 4 Domains
a) Economic
b) Cultural
c) Political
d) Information technology
Hr #2
Small Group Exercise (20 minutes)
a) Discuss significant changes brought about by globalization:
- Where you live
- To you personally
b) Identify who are the actors on the “Global Stage”
Reconvene larger group to discuss and debate conclusions of group work
(30 minutes)
Hr #3
Begin the discussion with general theories of globalization
Small Group Exercise (30 minutes)
Your group is given a handout from Dr. Lake regarding some
Globalization definitions. In the group, discuss the following regarding
the handout:
c) What are the commonalities of the definitions?
d) What are the differences found in the definitions?
Reconvene larger group to discuss and debate conclusions reached by the smaller
groups (30 minutes)
Hr #4
Large group discussion topics:
Identify theories related to globalization.
Discuss the dimensions and speed of globalization (Time-space
compression and fragmentation)
Examine who are the actors on the global stage? Is there such a thing as a
global citizen?
Articles and reference materials:
Commanding Heights CD #1 the Battle of Ideas.
all of it throughout this first class.
Might use parts of the CD or
“What is Globalization”
Inescapably side by side an interview with David Held, 2004
“Wake up and face the flat earth” Thomas Friedman (2005)
“Unlocking the mysteries of globalization” Jeffrey Sachs (1998)
Globalization and the Downsizing of the American Dream, Kevin Danaher
Jihad vs McWorld, Benjamin Barber
An Illusion for Our Time, Peter Beinart
Globalization and Its Discontents, Foreign Affairs
Lesson Plan Class # 2
(total 3 hours)
Overview of the Economic and Political Domains as they relate to community colleges
Discussion topics:
a) Discuss the basics of economic effects globalization, locally, nationally
and globally.
b) Examine why nations trade, import and export?
c) Describe some of the affects of the global movement of goods, services
and people?
d) Recognize various types of companies and corporations involved in
e) Analyze the community college responses to the intertwining of the local,
national and global economic and the political domains.
f) Identify the impact and influence of local, national and global economics
on community colleges and their internal and external stakeholders
g) Identify the impact and influence of local, national, and global politics on
community colleges and their internal and external stakeholders
Hr # 1 ½ (90 minutes)
Basic overview of the intertwined global dimensions of economics and politics.
Discuss the basics of economic effects globalization
Examine why nations trade, import and export?
Describe the affects of the global movement of goods, services and
Recognize the types of companies and corporations involved in
Use David Bloom’s economic perspective found in Suarez-Orozco and QinHilliard, Globalization: Culture and education in the New Millennium. Chp 3
p.56 – 78. to focus the first discussion.
Can have the class view a selection or all of these to assist with large group
Trade and Globalization
“The Economics of International Trade.”
“Why do Nations Trade.”
“Why do Nations Export?”
“Currencies and Exchange Rates.”
“Why do Nations Import?”
“Trade Specialization” and “The Theory of Comparative Advantage.”
International Law and Organizations
Introduction, What is International Law?
International Law and Sovereignty,
How is International Law Enforced?
UN Charter:
Hr #1 ½ (90 minutes)
Relate the economic and political domains to the functions of community
Understand the intertwining of the local, national and global economic
domain and the political domain for community colleges.
Identify the impact and influence of local, national and global economics
on community colleges and their internal and external stakeholders
Identify the impact and influence of local, national, and global politics on
community colleges and their internal and external stakeholders
Use Levine, Globalizing the Community College. Chp 3 p. 39 – 62, Chp 6 p. 99
– 120 to focus the discussion.
Small Group Exercise (30 minutes)
List and describe how your CC or CCs has changed as a response to the
economic and political domains of globalization over the last 10 years.
Reconvene larger group to discuss and debate conclusions reached by the smaller
groups (30 minutes)
List on the board what the small groups found were ways that CCs
changed as a response to the economic and political domains of
globalization as a vehicle to begin the discussion and debate.
Articles and Reference materials:
Commanding Heights CD #2 The New Rules of the Game.
the CD of all of it throughout this second class.
Might use parts of
On Seattle, Thomas Friedman
Anonymous Rebuttal to Thomas Friedman on Seattle and the WTO
The New Politics of Globalization, Robin Wright
Global Monoculture, The Turning Point Project
Globalization versus Nature, The Turning Point Project
Invisible Government, The Turning Point Project
Lesson Plan Class # 3
(total 3 hours)
Discussion topics: Community College and global learners
Globalization and the information/technology dimension
a) Consider the impact and the influence of media,
communication, and information dissemination around the
b) Discuss global electronic commerce and the information
economy (e-commerce).
c) Describe the “digital divide.” Does it still exist? Who are
the evolving and new stakeholders?
d) Examine the computer-mediated technology (CMTs) gap
between developed and developing nations.
e) Discuss the transformation computer-mediated technology
(CMTs) has initiated regarding the internal management and
support functions of community colleges.
f) Describe current CMT attributes the variety of community
colleges students bring to the learning environment. How
will technological innovation and applications enhance
student learning?
g) Identify the “employability skills” required by students.
h) Define a “Globally Competent Learner”
Globalization Article Notebook: Due on third (3rd ) class
The purpose of the
research notebook is for you to read and critique topics that interest you specifically
relevant in the area of higher education/community colleges and globalization.
Hr # 1 ½ (90 minutes)
Basic overview of the influence of the media, communications and computermediated technology (CMTs)
Consider the impact and the influence of media, communication, and
information dissemination around the world?
Discuss global electronic commerce and the information economy (ecommerce).
Describe the “digital divide.” Does it still exist?
Examine the computer-mediated technology (CMTs) gap between
developed and developing nations.
Can use Levine, Globalizing the Community College. Chp 3 p. 39 – 62, Chp 6
p. 99 – 120 to focus the discussion.
Can have the class view a selection or all of these to assist with large group
Technology and Globalization
Digital Divides in the United States:”
“United States Announces Intention to Maintain Control Over Internet.”
The Impact of Information Technology,
Transforming the Workplace and Financial Markets
“What Others Think about Outsourcing.”
Hr # 1 ½ (90 minutes)
Relate the influence of dynamic growth of CMTs to the changing reflected at the
community college. Make sure to include BOTH teaching and learning and
general management and supportive functions of the community college.
Discuss the relationship of changing computer-mediated technology
(CMTs) and the internal management and support functioning of
community colleges.
Describe current CMT attributes the variety of community colleges
students bring to the learning environment. How does the community
college faculty accommodated the differing levels of expertise to ensure
meeting the individual’s educational goals?
Identify the transformation computer-mediated technology has initiated
regarding education, learning, and training in community colleges. How
will technological innovation and applications enhance student learning?
Small Group Exercise (45 minutes)
List and discuss how community colleges have changed as a response to
the Information/Technology Domain of globalization over the last 10
Reconvene larger group (45 minutes)
Discuss what the small groups found as ways or examples that community
colleges have changed as a response to the dynamic
Information/Technology Domain of globalization. Bring into the
discussion, the list of information from the small groups regarding CMT
changes in the classroom, library, tutoring, etc.
Articles and Reference Materials:
Commanding Heights CD #2 The New Rules of the Game. Part of this CD
discusses technology specifically. Might use part of the CD throughout this third
21st Century War: Information and Intelligence
DoubleClick Watches Porn Sites, Mark Boal
"Information Age Intelligence," Bruce Berkowitz
"National Cryptography Policy for the Information Age, Kenneth Dam and
Herbert Lin
Geopolitics in the Information Age
"Information Intervention," Jamie Metzl
"Power and Interdependence in the Information Age," Joseph Nye and Robert
"The Rise of the Virtual State," Richard Rosecrance
Technologies that Changed the World: Silicon, Satellites and Cellphones
"Bits, Bytes and Diplomacy", Walter Wriston
"Sense and Nonsense in the Foreign Policy Debate,"
Castells, Manuel (1999) “Information Technology, Globalization and Social
Development,” Discussion Paper, United Nations Research Institute for Social
Noble, David F. (1999) Digital Diploma Mills,
Stephen E. Delong, “The Shroud of Lecturing,”
Margolis, Michael “Brave New Universities,”
Resnik, David “The Virtual University and College Life: Some Unintended
Consequences for Democratic Citizenship,”
White, Frank “Digital Diploma Mills: a Dissenting Voice,”
Giroux, Henry, “The Corporate War Against Higher Education,” Workplace 5 (1)
Lesson Plan Class #4 (total 3 hours)
Discussion topic:
Globalization and the Cultural Domain
a) Consider the World Culture Theories as a foundation for exploring the
Cultural Domain related to community colleges.
b) Analyze the driving forces of migration (economic, physical survival,
etc.)? What is contributing to accelerate mobility and immigration?
c) Describe how globalization can change cultures? Which Cultures?
Whose cultural heritage is at risk? Will the world ever evolve into one
d) Examine the process of cultural transmission? Is there a particular style or
“globalist culture”, or does each region or nation have its own distinct
style? Moreover, is such cultural transmission something to be avoided or
e) How do differences in such factors as nationality, ethnicity, age, gender,
class, and occupation shape one’s experiences of globalization, migration,
and transnationalism?
f) Explore how the Cultural Domain influences the challenges and changes
community colleges are making with regard to pedagogy, curriculum,
student support services, management, internal structures and the various
community stakeholders.
g) How are institutional behaviors of internationalism and multiculturalism
responsible for changes seen in community colleges?
Can have the class view a selection or all of these to assist large group discussion.
Migration and Globalization:
Migration in an Era of Globalization.
Post World War II Migration
Migration Today.
Why does Migration Happen?
Push factors.
Pull factors.
The Economic Effects of Migration.
Cultural Effects of Migration.
Challenges Ahead.
Culture and Globalization
Culture: “Introduction and the rest of the articles:
Other Cultural Challenges to Globalization.
Articles and Reverence Materials:
Commanding Heights CD #3 The Agony of Reform. Has specific countries
highlighted. Might use part of all of the CD for this fourth class.
“Coming Together: Globalization means reconnecting the human community”
Nayan Chanda (2002)
"In Praise of Cultural Imperialism," David Rothkopf
"The Rise of the Virtual State," Richard Rosecrance
Clegg, Sue and Alison Hudson and John Steel. 2003. “The Emperor’s New
Clothes: Globalisation and e-learning in Higher Education” in British Journal of
Sociology of Education, Vol. 24, No. 1.
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division,
International Migration, 2006 (Wall Chart). New York, 2006
Available at:
Usher, E. (2005). The Millennium Development Goals and Migration. Geneva:
International Organization for Migration.
Available at:
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division
(2004). World Population Estimates and Projections 2004 Revision. New York,
Available at:
Hr #1 – 2 (90 – 120 minutes)
Community Learning Project:
Class Presentation
This project facilitates your knowledge of globalization and the issue of
migration/immigration in an area close to where you live or work.
In class, you will share your thoughts about your visit and particularly what you
learned that might be useful to leaders of community colleges.
A one page paper is due indicating when and where you had the conversation,
who you spoke with (no names) followed by bullets of the major discussion
Hr # 3 (60 minutes)
Individual Exercise (20 minutes) Find a quite corner to be alone and
list (bullet points) those requirements of a “Globally Competent Learner”
which you feel are necessary today in post secondary education.
For example:
1) Appreciates the impact of other cultures on life in the USA.
2) Understands there is diversity in cultures
and so on………
Reconvene larger group (30 minutes)
Discuss what is a “ Globally
Competent Learner.” As the group reconvenes, generate a list or a
profile of what constitutions a globally competent learner on the board.
Lesson Plan Class #5
Discussion topic:
Globalization and Global Learners
a) Discuss how higher education influences a nation’s development?
b) Community colleges in a global environment: What are the
challenges? What are the opportunities?
c) Examine if transnational borderless higher education is realistic and
d) Discuss if the United State and the world need globally competent
e) Examine what is the role of community colleges in educating people to
functioning in an ever-shrinking world. Does the mission of
community colleges address this task? Should the mission address this
f) Consider the direction community colleges must take in the 21st
Century. How does pulling all these pieces together to create
possibilities for community colleges in the future?
Capstone Class Project:
20% of final grade.
This is a capstone course project. Your group is charged with clarifying a
community college goal regarding delivering “global education” for their student
body and institution (use your paper in relation to a globally competent learner).
Capstone Course Group Exercise:
Since the 1990s, some community colleges have incorporated a “Global
Awareness” into their educational programs and mission statements. It is widely
accepted that community college students, no less than their four-year
counterparts, will need to be globally competent and prepared for an increasingly
interdependent world.
From the community college perspective, a challenging question is how to
address local educational needs while growing and sustaining a global
perspective. The challenge is to focus on a more complex and encompassing role
for community colleges in a global community.
Your individual group is charged with clarifying a community college’s goals and
strategies for providing a relevant “global education” for their students. For this
exercise, please do the following:
1) Articulate a clear mission statement for the community college which
encompasses your institution’s global learning agenda.
(Remember to
incorporate your previous definition of a “globally competency”)
2) Describe a Community College’s institutional requirements and strategies for
implementing effective global education efforts? Specifically, the strategies
must address the ways that community colleges attempt to globalize your
college including curricular adaptations as well as insert “global awareness” in
to the cultures of other campus structures and venues. (Remember to
incorporate your profile of a globally competent learner)
3) It is never enough to develop and implement any new program, department,
organizational decision or enterprise …. Always an assessment must
undertaken. Therefore, indicate the ways and means to address the
assessment and continuing quality improvement of “globalizing” your
community college.
Worksheet for Capstone in Class Project:
Globalizing Community Colleges
These are just ideas to start your work on the Capstone Class Project.
#1 Commitment
What agenda regarding Globalizing the CC do you want reflected in the CC?
Commitment from whom at the CC, personnel and stakeholders inside and
outside institution?
What are the restraining forces for this change found surrounding the institution?
Mission Statement
What is stated here must be reflected in #3 (assessment and CQI)
#2 Plan and Implementation
What do you need to develop a plan across the institution?
Areas may want to address include Partnerships, Faculty development, Staff
development, Curricular enhancement, Diversity training, Students, Community
participation, Advocacy
Resources required (all types and their costs)
Revenue streams to off set costs?
Any need for restructuring?
Any need to address institutional policies and practices?
#3 Assessment/ Continuous Quality Improvement
Why and how do you do assessment and CQI?
Perhaps the concept of “Value-added” may be a measure?
What are you trying to achieve………..Should be stated in #1
After an 11/2 hour, we will reconvene as a large group to discuss and dialogue
about your results of this Capstone Course Project.
Articles and Reference Materials:
Chase-Dunn, Christopher SOC 181 World-Systems & Globalization at UC
Hall, Thomas D. and Christopher Chase-Dunn. in press. "Global Social Change in
the Long Run." Global Social Change: A Reader, edited by Christopher Chase-Dunn,
Salvatore Babones, and Susan Manning. Baltimore. Johns Hopkins University Press.
available on-line at:
Manning, Susan, ed. 1999. "Introduction [To special issue on Globalization]."
Journal of World-Systems Research 5:2(Summer):137-141 [issue 137461].
The entire special issue on globalization runs from p. 137-461, and has many articles.