Globalization 101 Research Project

Globalization 101 Research Project
Objective: Students will apply historical knowledge of AP themes (culture, trade, environment,
gender, technology, human migration, state systems) to current events to reach conclusions about
globalization today and predict the future effects of globalization.
Time Required: 1 class period to introduce assignment followed by 2 – 3 weeks of outside class
research time or periodic class periods spent on research. If time is available for students to
present their research an addition 2 – 3 days of class time is needed upon conclusion.
Standards Addressed: World History TEKS: 2A,17A, 25B, 25C, 25E, 25F, 25G, 26D, 27A, 27B
Materials needed: internet access, Power Point technology (disc/cd)
Procedure: Students will utilize technology for research by using as a
starting point for creating powerpoint presentations.
Teacher Preparation: access and familiarity with the website.
Student Directions:
1. Open globalization website (
2. Find the Issue Briefs tab
3. Choose 1 of the AP themes listed for research
4. Read all briefs associated with the AP theme chosen
5. Choose 3 of the following to research: (choice based on application to AP theme)
a) Read 1 Related News topic
b) Visit 1 Useful Link
c) Read 1 Suggested Reading
d) Read 1 News Analysis topic
e) Read 1 Ask the Expert discussion
6. Conduct research using the following concepts for direction:
a) what are the generalizations about how globalization impacts the AP theme?
b) how have these issues changed over time?
c) what issues are continuities?
d) would these situations exist in isolation?
e) is there possible bias in the data?
** f) what other information is needed that is not provided? **
g) will globalization as it relates to the AP theme be increasingly beneficial or detrimental in
the future?
h) what will be the effects of this globalization in the future?
i) ultimately, is globalization in general desirable? unavoidable?
7. Create a powerpoint using evidence from research and investigation.
a) 1 Title slide – student name, class period, AP theme (5 points)
b) 4-8 Research slides - should also include visuals (55 points)
c) 1 Predictions slide (15 points)
d) 1 Conclusions slide (15 points)
e) 1 Work Cited slide - should include Useful link, Suggested reading, Ask the Expert, and all
visual sources (10 points)
TOTAL: 8 - 12 slides 100 points
**Up to 10 bonus points can be earned for additional information/research used to answer 6f.
Please designate this additional material clearly on the research slide and work cited slide***
Students may also wish to share their presentations. Discussion and debate should be encouraged.
Special thanks to Rebecca Weiner, Associate for the Carnegie Endowment for Peace, for the
maintenance and access to the website.