Essential of computing

Multiple Choice
By Ali Izzat
1. When the computer is switched on,
the operating system is loaded into
a. ROM
b. RAM
c. CPU
10. Which device is used for input?
a. Mouse
b. Printer
c. Speaker
11. A floppy diskette is formatted so that
a. it can work faster
b. it recovers lost data
c. the operating system can read it
2. The components of a computer are the
CPU, input devices, output devices, and
a. storage
b. monitor
c. programs
12. A RAM is
a. Memory
b. A computer port
c. A graphics card
3. One Gigabyte is equal to………..
a. 1024 KB
b. 1024 MB
c. 1024 Bytes
13. CPU means:
a. Central processing user
b. Central Processing Unit
c. Critical Processing Unit
4. Computer System is?
a. The hardware
b. The Software
c. Hardware and Software
14. The storage device with the greatest
capacity is
b. Floppy disk
c. DVD disk
5. Operating System is
Storage unit
15. MHz is used to measure.
a. Memory
b. Hard disk
c. Processor
6. A ROM is
a. A video Card
b. A memory slot
c. A memory chip
16. Printer is an example of
a. Input
b. Storage
c. Output
7. A hard disk is an example of
Input Devices
Storage Device
Processing Unit
17. Text-based operating system is
a. Windows
b. DOS (Disk Operating System)
c. The Mac OS
8. A mouse, trackball, and joystick are
examples of
a. pointing devices
b. light output device
c. data collection devices
18. Word-processing programs are
examples of:
a. Systems software
b. Presentation software
c. Applications software
9. The most commonly used input
device is the
a. Mouse
b. keyboard
c. joystick
19. Which software is system software?
Multiple Choice
By Ali Izzat
a. Access
b. Windows 98
c. PowerPoint 2002
28. Also called temporary storage, its
contents will be lost if electronic
power is cut off:
a. secondary storage
b. memory
c. operating system
d. hard disk
21. Which of the following storage
devices has the least (smallest) storage
a. 160 MB CD-ROM
b. 20 GB hard Disk
c. 1440 KB floppy Disk
30. A game of solitaire is considered
a. application software
b. joystick
c. operating system
22. Laptops, palmtops, and notebooks
a. Peripheral devices
b. Networked computers
c. Very small computers
31. A file with size 3MB is equal to:
a. 3 X 1024 byte
b. 3 X 1024 X 1024KB
c. 3000000 byte
d. 3 X 1024GB
e. All the above answers are
23. Memory is known as
a. Primary storage.
b. Peripheral
c. Port
32. A hard disk:
a. is an auxiliary storage medium
b. is a temporary storage device
c. is part of RAM
24. A modem
a. Only send electronic signals to other
b. Only receive signals from other
c. Convert signals between computer
and telephone system
33. A keyboard is:
a. an output device
b. a communication device
c. an input device
25. Computers are electronic devices
that accept data, process it, and
a. information
b. programs
c. data
34. Part of the information system is
a. Ergonomics
b. Preventative Exercises
c. People
35. ASCII table contains
a. 128 symbol
b. 255
c. 256
26. Very high capacity computers used
primarily by very large organizations
a. minicomputers
b. mainframes
c. supercomputers
36. USB is
a. Memory
b. Bus
c. Storage device
27. The CPU is located in the:
a. hard disk
b. system unit
c. memory
Multiple Choice
By Ali Izzat
37. ROM is
a. A volatile memory
b. Non-Volatile memory
c. Communication device
46. A device that transfer 3 bits at the
same time is
a. A monitor
b. Parallel Port
c. Serial port
38. A Bios is
a. A Ram
b. A ROM
c. Peripheral
47. Part of the CPU is
a. Data
b. Memory
39. A floppy disk is a storage device
that contains Tracks and Sectors
Mark on the figure on the right a track
and a sector
48. Pixels are
a. Bits
b. Points on screen
c. Ports
49. The speed of a laser printer is
measured by
a. the number of characters/Sec
b. the number of Lines/Minute
c. the number of Pages/Minute
40. Write down the decimal equivalent
10012 = (…..)10
50. The BIOS is
a. A Rom
b. A Ram
c. A primary memory
41. Why a byte is 8 bits?
51. A PDA is
42. COM1 and COM2 are
a. Software
b. Serial ports
c. Parallel ports
43. Part of the System unit is
a. Monitor
b. Mother bord
c. Bit
A screen card
A mid range Computer
A Microcomputer
52. The rules or guidelines people must
follow when using software, hardware,
and data is known as
44. Data is
a. Instructions to CPU
b. Processed facts
c. Unprocessed facts
the programs
the Information system
the procedures
53. Which of the following computers is
the most powerful?
a. the PC
b. the mini computer
c. the mainframe
45. Operating system is
a. Application software
b. Control program
c. System software
Multiple Choice
By Ali Izzat
54. Which of the following is a
a. A mid range computer
b. A mainframe computer
c. A PDA
55. A primary storage is
a. a random access memory
b. a hardware
c. permanent storage
56. The speed of a laser printer is
measured by
a. characters/sec
b. Pages/minute
c. Lines/sec
57. Modem is a device that
a. only sends electronic signals to
other devices
b. only receives signals from other
c. convert signals between
computer and telephone system