Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
About the MRA
PHR/SPHR Certification Preparation Courses
What course materials will I receive if I sign up for an MRA PHR/SPHR
Certification Preparation Course?
You will receive a class organizer that contains:
Six Study Manuals
o Strategic Management
o Workforce Planning and Employment
o Human Resource Development
o Total Rewards
o Employee and Labor Relations
o Risk Management
HRCI Certification Handbook
Discussion Questions and Answers
Review Tests and Answers
Glossary of Terms
“To Do List” for each topic that includes reading, viewing an online webinar and
practice exam suggestions
What makes MRA Instructors qualified to teach this course?
All MRA instructors have real-life experience in the field of human resources. In
addition, instructors are PHR/SPHR certified and/or have advanced degrees in their area
of expertise.
Who should take this course?
This course was designed for human resource professionals who are seeking a
comprehensive course to help them prepare for either the PHR or SPHR exam.
The Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI) has established requirements for
exam eligibility. You can obtain additional information at:
I know that MRA has 3 course options - which is best for me?
It depends. Those people who do not have access to a classroom course or those who
regularly travel for work or require greater flexibility in their schedule typically enroll in
the online course. In addition, those individuals who prefer a self-study strategy are
typically the best candidates for an online course.
Individuals who prefer more personal, face-to-face interaction and are able to attend a
live evening certification course may choose to attend the classroom style experience.
For participants who would like the added benefit of an instructor-led presentation but
are outside of the MN metro area or an evening class does not fit their schedule, the
Lunch and Learn may be the best option. It blends the flexibility of our self-paced
e-learning course with the ongoing weekly guidance of an experienced instructor.
Why should I take MRA’s online course if I can study on my own?
While you can purchase materials from other sources and do your own self-study
program, there are many benefits to taking the MRA online course:
Knowledgeable Instructors
Students are able to connect with knowledgeable instructors via phone or email.
Practice Tests
Part of the preparation for the PHR/SPHR exam is learning how to effectively
take a test. MRA provides you with quizzes, tests and discussion questions for
each unit.
Group “To Do List”
A structured study plan is sent to all students to help you stay on course.
Study Buddy Option
Those who wish to exchange ideas and ask questions of other participants will
have the option to pair up with another student preparing to take the exam.
Cram for the Exam
At the end of the course, students will take a 125 item practice exam. During this
test, students can practice their test-taking and pacing strategies.
Second Time Around Option
While we expect that all students will pass the test, in reality, some people won’t.
For those of you who need additional time and study, we offer the “Second Time
Around” option at no additional cost. Students will be able to attend the course a
second time during the next scheduled course date if they do not pass the exam
on their first attempt.
All of these services will help students stay focused on the course materials and
ultimately result in better test preparation skills than those who are doing a complete
independent study.
How much time will I need to study each week?
The PHR/SPHR certification exam is rigorous and so is our course. With the reading,
assignments, review tests, webinar and conference calls, it is estimated that students
will need to devote 6-10 hours of study per week. How much an individual studies is
ultimately up to that person.
Can you guarantee that I will pass the test if I take this course?
There is no study method that can guarantee you will pass the exam. The body of
knowledge in the field of human resources is broad and no study preparation course can
“teach to the test.” No course can substitute for the human resources experiences you
have gained. However, our experience has shown us that those who take our
certification preparation course have a better chance of passing the exam. Our
programs are designed to include a variety of learning experiences to appeal to different
learning styles and we follow best practices in adult learning, we can’t guarantee that
you will pass the exam. If you don’t pass the exam, or don’t feel prepared to take it, you
can attend the next MRA PHR/SPHR certification preparation course for no additional
tuition, our “second time around” option*
* Does not include the cost of updated text.
Which exam should I take, the PHR or SPHR?
HRCI ( can provide you with guidelines that will help you make the
decision about which test to take.
Have questions or want to learn more?
Contact Kathy Helmke at or 763.253.7641.