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Example of Mastery Exercises, from HCI340, Module 2
Select 10 questions out of pool of 15 for 10 points
1. Raw, unprocessed healthcare facts generally stored as characters, words, or symbols are
known as ________.
~ Raw, unprocessed healthcare facts generally stored as characters, words, or symbols are
known as health care data.
@ Raw, unprocessed healthcare facts generally stored as characters, words, or symbols are
known as health care data.
*a. Health care data
b. Health care information
c. Health care text
d. Health care knowledge
2. Health care data is most useful and can be best used for decision making when processed into
~ Health care data is most useful and can be best used for decision making when processed into
health care knowledge.
@ Health care data is most useful and can be best used for decision making when processed
into health care knowledge.
a. Health care information
*b. Health care knowledge
c. Health care statistics
d. Health care trends
3. The majority of problems with health care data content can generally be traced to ________.
~ The majority of problems with health care data content can generally be traced to
documentation practices.
@ The majority of problems with health care data content can generally be traced to
documentation practices.
a. Clinical processes
*b. Documentation practices
c. Employee incompetence
d. Patients withholding information
4. According to the Medical Records Institute (MRI), which is NOT listed as one of the five major
functions that are negatively impacted by poor-quality documentation?
~ According to the Medical Records Institute (MRI), employee satisfaction is NOT listed as one of
the five major functions that are negatively impacted by poor-quality documentation.
@ According to the Medical Records Institute (MRI), employee satisfaction is NOT listed as one
of the five major functions that are negatively impacted by poor-quality documentation.
a. Patient safety
b. Continuity of patient care
*c. Employee Satisfaction
d. Public safety
5. Errors that can be attributed to a flaw or discrepancy in adherence to standard operating
procedures or systems are known as ________.
~ Errors that can be attributed to a flaw or discrepancy in adherence to standard operating
procedures or systems are known as systematic errors.
@ Errors that can be attributed to a flaw or discrepancy in adherence to standard operating
procedures or systems are known as systematic errors.
*a. Systematic errors
b. Random Errors
c. Methodical errors
d. Programming errors
6. Illegible handwriting is an example of a ________.
~ Illegible handwriting is an example of a random error.
@ Illegible handwriting is an example of a random error.
a. Systematic error
*b. Random error
c. Methodical error
d. Programming error
7. Using an abbreviation that has two different meanings is an example of a lack of ________.
~ Using an abbreviation that has two different meanings is an example of a lack of data
@ Using an abbreviation that has two different meanings is an example of a lack of data
a. Data currency
*b. Data consistency
c. Data precision
d. Data granularity
8. Handwriting, speaking, typing, touching a screen or pointing and clicking on words or phrases
are all examples of ________.
~ Handwriting, speaking, typing, touching a screen or pointing and clicking on words or phrases
are all examples of information capture.
@ Handwriting, speaking, typing, touching a screen or pointing and clicking on words or phrases
are all examples of information capture.
a. Data processing
*b. Information Capture
c. Report generation
d. Data recording
9. What professional organization has developed and published a data quality management tool
that defines a specific set of characteristics of health care data that should always be present?
~ The AHIMA is a professional organization that has developed and published a data quality
management tool that defines a specific set of characteristics of health care data that should
always be present.
@ The AHIMA is a professional organization that has developed and published a data quality
management tool that defines a specific set of characteristics of health care data that should
always be present.
b. MIO
c. GAO
d. CMS
10. What is an example of a way system design can help reduce errors during data collection
and processing?
~ All of the following are examples of a way system design can help reduce errors during data
collection and processing: standard data entry fields, build human capacity, and institute realtime quality checking.
@ All of the following are examples of a way system design can help reduce errors during data
collection and processing: standard data entry fields, build human capacity, and institute realtime quality checking.
a. Standardize data entry fields
b. Build human capacity
c. Institute real-time quality checking
*d. All of the above
11. What is health care data?
~ Data are characters, words, symbols, or statistics which alone are not very useful.
@ Data are characters, words, symbols, or statistics which alone are not very useful.
*a. Characters, words, symbols, or statistics
b. Trends and analysis
c. Processed information
d. Information for decisions
12. What is the highest level in the processing hierarchy?
~ Knowledge is the highest level in a hierarchy. Knowledge is information applied to rules,
experiences, and relationships, with the result that it can be used for decision making.
@ Knowledge is the highest level in a hierarchy. Knowledge is information applied to rules,
experiences, and relationships, with the result that it can be used for decision making.
a. Data
b. Information
*c. Knowledge
d. Quality
13. Which of the major health care functions identified by the Medical Records Institute (MRI) is
adversely affected by the lack of shareable information?
~ Continuity of patient care is adversely affected by the lack of shareable information among
patient care providers.
@ Continuity of patient care is adversely affected by the lack of shareable information among
patient care providers.
a. Patient safety
b. Public safety
*c. Continuity of care
d. Clinical research and outcomes analysis
14. What is the process of recording device-generated information gathered and/or computed
about a patient as part of health care, as identified by the Medical Records Institute (MRI)?
~ Information capture is the process of recording representations of human thought,
perceptions, or actions in documenting patient care as well as device-generated information
that is gathered and/or computed about a patient as part of health care.
@ Information capture is the process of recording representations of human thought,
perceptions, or actions in documenting patient care as well as device-generated information
that is gathered and/or computed about a patient as part of health care.
a. Report generation
b. Data collection
c. Data quality standards
*d. Information capture
15. According to the AHIMA data quality management model, abbreviation disparity is an
example of which common dimension?
~ Quality data are consistent. Use of an abbreviation that has two different meanings provides a
good example of how lack of consistency can lead to problems.
@ Quality data are consistent. Use of an abbreviation that has two different meanings provides
a good example of how lack of consistency can lead to problems.
a. Data accuracy
b. Data accessibility
c. Data comprehensiveness
*d. Data consistency