The Politics, Governance and Finance of Educational Organizations

University of Central Florida
EDA 7195 The Politics, Governance and Finance
Educational Organizations
Spring Semester 2011
Teaching Academy, Room 201
Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. to 8:10 p.m.
Dr. Walter J. Doherty
College of Education
Suite 222
Office Hours: 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays
(407) 823-1153
Course Overview
The course addresses the political process of policy development, governance and financing of
public education. Particular attention is given to: (1) the history of educational policy
development in the U.S., (2) how the social and political positions of leaders and the public atlarge influence educational policy, (3) major current policy issues.
Expected Learning Outcomes
As a Result of this Course it is expected that you will take back to your school or school
district the following skills, knowledge and understanding:
To gain insight and an understanding of the major educational policy issues in the U.S.
To gain insight and an understanding of the major educational policy issues in the State
of Florida.
To gain insight and an understanding of how ethical, moral, and religious beliefs
impact public education policy.
To gain an appreciation and understanding of how educational policy is developed.
To gain an understanding of the role of federal, state and local government in
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Expected Learning Outcomes
As a result of this course it is expected that you will take back to your school or school district
the following skills, knowledge and understanding:
To gain insight and understanding of the impact of school district politics on
educational policy development.
To gain insight and understanding of the role and impact which special interest groups
have on public educational policy development at the federal, state and local school
district levels.
The Study of Educational Politics – Jay D. Scribner and Donald H. Layton
What You Should Know About The War Against America’s Public Schools, Gerald W.
Additional Resources:
Leadership or education articles of the student’s choosing
Leadership or education articles to be provided by the instructor
Guest Speakers
Students with disabilities who need reasonable modifications to complete assignments
successfully are encouraged to meet with the instructor as early in the semester as possible to
identify and plan specific accommodations. Students may be asked to supply a letter from the
Office of Student Disability Services.
According to the UCF Golden Rule guidelines academic dishonesty/cheating, plagiarism, etc
are violations of student academic behavior standards. Within the College of Education
violations of this nature may also result in a fitness to teach evaluation. Students who cheat,
plagiarize or otherwise violate this rule will be given an F for the course and recommended for
dismissal from the program.
Attendance, preparation, and
Journal Article on Research Topic
and Presentation
Literature Review and Presentation
Mid Term Exam
Final Exam
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Grade Range
90% -100% D. 60% - 69%
80% - 89% F 50% - 59%
70% - 79%
Attendance, preparation, and participation
The grade for attendance, preparation, and participation will be based on the following:
 Attendance in the class is critical as learning communities will be created.
 Providing responses to questions brought up in class.
 Participation in discussion within your group or learning community.
 Assuming a leadership role in facilitating group discussions within your learning.
 Serving as a recorder during group discussions within your learning community.
 Bringing in articles, information, experiences, etc. to share with the class.
 Participation and preparation for class activities.
1. Journal Article on Research Topic and Presentation
a. Select a journal article or book chapters on a research topic to read and critique.
b. The topic must have a clear and strong relationship to one or more of the course
learning outcomes.
c. Each critique is to include several elements:
A straightforward, objective description of the research problem and approach.
An account of your impressions, reactions, and critique of the research with an
emphasis on the aspects you found particularly (or not particularly) useful.
A list and explanations of your recommendations for further research on the
specific problem.
d. The presentation should be professional in all accounts.
The presentation should involve the use of power point
A copy of the power point hand-out is to be provided to each class member.
The paper is to be provided to the instructor at the time of the presentation.
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2. Literature Review and Presentation
a. This project is meant to be a formative review of the literature on a topic that is
pertinent to the politics of education.
b. Emphasis should be placed on the theoretical frameworks, research problems, and
methods employed.
c. The format should follow that used for Chapter 2 of the dissertation (review of the
literature and related research).
d. The paper should be 10-12 pages in length and include at least 10 sources in
establishing the theoretical frameworks, research problems and methods employed.
e. The paper should be representative of the level of thinking and writing expected of
doctoral students.
f. The review should conclude with the identification of contradictory findings, partially
supported hypotheses, and unexamined claims.
g. The presentation should be professional in all accounts.
The presentation should involve the use of power point
The presentation should include:
(a) An overview and description of the topic.
(b) A list of the theoretical frameworks, research problems, and methods
employed discovered through the review of the literature.
(c) A list of the contradictory findings, partially supported hypotheses, and
unexamined claims determined through the review of the literature.
A copy of the power point handout is to be provided to each class member.
The paper is to be provided to the instructor at the time of the presentation.
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h. Possible topics for the Literature Review and Presentation:
 Tenure versus Multi Year Appointments
 Pros and Cons of Using Property Tax to Fund Schools
 Elected vs. Appointed Superintendents
 Positive & Negative Impact of Vouchers
 Why are the political dynamics in one school or school district stable and even
passive, where as in another the political dynamics are volatile and explosive?
 Competition for school board membership is virtually non-existent.
 Low voter turnout for school board elections.
 Class Size
 “No Child Left Behind”
 Grading Schools (A+ and similar plans)
 Accountability and Testing.
 Charter Schools
 Home Schooling
 Mayoral Take Over of School Districts
 Are our public schools moving toward or away from racial integration?
 A Nation at Risk
 National Curriculum Standards
 Commercial Advertising in Schools
 Should School Boards Be Abolished?
 Do we actually have an education crises?
Report on School Board Meeting
Each class member will be responsible for attending and reporting on a meeting
of their local school board.
Following your attendance at the school board meeting, each class
member will be responsible for presenting a report on the meeting to include:
Who opened the meeting.
The role played by the participants e.g., board members, superintendents,
other administrators.
The interaction between the school board members, superintendents,
other administrators.
The participation of the audience
The topics covered during the meeting.
A list of your reactions of the meeting.
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The Trip to Florida State Capital in Tallahassee
A part of this course and a significant learning experience will be an overnight
trip to our state capital of Tallahassee.
The trip will include meetings with representatives from:
(1). Senate Education Committee
(2). House of Representatives Education Committee
(3). Florida Department of Education
(4). Florida Administrators Association
(5). Florida Association of Chief School Officers
(6). Florida School Boards Association
c. The trip will include a meeting with and lobbyists for Orange and Seminole
County School Districts, who are in Tallahassee for the legislative session.
d. The student will be responsible for making all arrangements for their
transportation, motel room and meals.
Mid Term and Final Exam
The mid term and final exams will provide the student the opportunity to apply
the knowledge, understanding and appreciation gained through the course work
offered in class to questions similar to those found in a comprehensive doctoral
examination in the core area of study.
The mid term and final exams will be sit-down written tests given as a
class session.