Another W97M/Cartman.Poppy Infected Document



December 8, 2010 3:00 p.m.

Student Union Council Chambers


I. Call to Order

Ms. Dunham called the meeting to order at 3:04 p.m.

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Roll Call

IV. Approval of the Agenda

Ms. Dunham recommended a motion to approve the agenda.

M) Mr. Peddada S) Mr. Konopath to approve the agenda.

M) Mr. Starks S) Mr. Peddada to add an Action Item under New Business to Approve an Ad Hoc

Committee that will reevaluate the inconsistencies in the Governing documents per Gloria

Romero Open Meeting Act 89305.5(c)1 so the committee can meet over the winter break.

Mr. Armendariz entered the Council Chambers at 3:07 p.m.

Mr. Starks said the committee is needed to take care of the conflicts between the documents. Ms.

Vargas asked if the Bylaws will be refined because the upcoming winter retreat will be to review the entire governance model. Ms. Busalacchi agreed with Ms. Vargas. Mr. Worsnup clarified by saying the purpose is to reevaluate the documents and not the structure.

Seeing no further discussion Ms. Dunham called for a vote on the motion.

Vote: 9-0-1

Motion Carried

Seeing no further amendments Ms. Dunham called for a vote on the main motion.

Vote: 10-0-0

Motion Carried

V. Approval of the Minutes

Ms. Dunham recommended a motion to approve the minutes.

M) Ms. McDade

Vote: 10-0-0

Motion Carried

S) Ms. Solorzano to approve the minutes.

Ms. Erickson entered the Council Chambers at 3:14 p.m.

VI. Public Forum

Teddy Griffith told the Board that the students don’t know who they are. He said the fees have increased and nothing has been done about it. He feels the Associated Students is the voice of the students, but the position is just something each of the Directors can put on their resume. His solution to the fee increase was to shut down a department. He then changed subjects by bringing up the need for Student-at-Large for the Student Fairness Committee. Again he feels that the Board has done nothing.

VII. Action Items

B. New Business

Ms. Dunham introduced Lynne Trulio, who is the faculty advisor to the Environmental

Resource Center (ERC). She said the Center is student-directed, funded by A.S. and supported by the Environmental Studies department. Their mission is to promote sustainability on campus and to improve students’ educational experience which is the same as the A.S. mission. They also promote the A.S. resolution that was passed by the

Board in 2008-2009. The funding they receive goes to the 40 students who help to advance the San José State and A.S. goals along with the help of faculty. Phi, one of the ERC student staff, said they fill up 7 th Street Plaza during Earth Week with vendors. He also explained the five groups within the ERC: Prospect, Rescon, Wasman, SERF and

Transdev. Their volunteers help with creek clean-ups, the Safe and Green Halloween and

San José’s Zero One event. Mr. Vizcarra asked how many programs do they have going and was told there were currently five. The rep said there were various volunteer opportunities so Mr. Konopath asked if the opportunities are just for ERC students. He was told “yes”. Ms. Vargas asked them to share their website so the Board was told to Google

SJSU ERC. Mr. Kolodziejak asked how has the A.S. resolution helped them and the student representative said they try to use resources to promote sustainability and have one event each semester. Ms. Trulio said she felt the Board’s voice is heard.

VIII. Executive Officer Reports (4 minutes each)



Mr. Kolodziejak wanted to address what was brought up during the Open Forum by stating that this is a Democratic system and that there are changes being made behind the scenes.

He added that if any of the Board wants to be heard it’s good. He then went on to report that Chancellor Reed attended the first Presidential Search Advisory Committee which was the only public meeting. He said the Athletics Board is discussing $1,000.00 tuitions for students who attend football games. The Spartan Bookstore will no longer be part of the

Spartan Shops. The search for the Vice President of Finance and Administration has begun and Mr. Vizcarra is on the committee. The Executive Committee has been discussing scholarships to help more students during hard economic times.

1. Personnel Committee

Mr. Kolodziejak said the committee set their meeting dates and priorities plus they are looking for a faculty representative.

B. Vice President

Ms. Dunham said the AS 55 Committee has the location and the theme for the awards program. She helped Mr. Kelley with the December In-Service and met with Clifton Gold about AS 55 details because he is leaving the A.S. staff. She attended the interviews for the new Director of Community and Environmental Affairs.

1. A.S. 55

C. Controller

1. Finance Committee

Mr. Vizcarra said a student organization who attended the last Finance Committee last week was approved for their funding then it was discovered that the vote was incorrect. Their funding will be reviewed again by the Finance Committee right after this meeting. They will be attending an In-Service on January 28 th .

IX. Action Items

A. Old Business

B. New Business

Ms. Dunham recommended a motion to approve the appointment of the Director of

Community and Environmental Affairs.

M) Mr. Worsnup S) Ms. Salazar to approve the appointment of the Director of Community and Environmental Affairs.

Mr. Kolodziejak said Alina Plingu was the best candidate among the other qualified applicants and has served on the government while in Europe. She has expressed a desire to raise the awareness of campus safety. There were no questions for Ms. Plingu.

Seeing no further discussion Ms. Dunham called for a vote on the motion.

Vote: 11-0-0

Motion Carried

Ms. Dunham swore in Ms. Plingu and she took her place at the Board’s table.

Ms. Dunham recommended a motion to approve the Resolution Supporting a Strategic

Campus-Wide Focus to Promote Global Citizenship at San José State University.

M) Mr. Armendariz S) Ms. Solorzano to approve the Resolution Supporting a Strategic

Campus-Wide Focus to Promote Global Citizenship at San José State University.

Mr. Peddada was asked to explain the reason behind the resolution so he said that the goal was to create a voice for A.S and recognize the program. The Salzburg Scholars Program was recognized for its national honors so he and Mr. Worsnup drafted the resolution to help further the goal of globalizing San José State. Mr. Starks asked Mr. Peddada what he hoped to accomplish with the resolution and was told it was to support the program and commend Dr. William Reckmeyer for his part in bringing the program to this university.

Mr. Starks felt the resolution focuses on one program to study abroad and neglects others that promote the same. Ms. Vargas pointed out that discussions are taking place to offer scholarships for a global program. She also wanted to make sure that Dr. Reckmeyer didn’t influence the University Affairs Committee since he attended the last meeting. Mr.

Worsnup referred to the second Resolved of the resolution where it states “That Associated

Students commend San José State University for its variety of impressive programs and activities that already help prepare our students for living and working in a global world” then stated that the resolution was not written to list every program. Mr. Starks suggested creating another resolution to recognize Dr. Reckmeyer.

M) Mr. Starks S) Ms. Hardwick to remove the second to last Resolved .

Mr. Peddada said he understood the reason behind the motion, but asked the Board to think outside the box. He pointed out that he was asked by Ms. Vargas to create a resolution for

Rose Lee, but Ms. Vargas said that request came because Ms. Lee was retiring. Mr. Starks said he understood the reason for the recognition, but thought there should be a separate resolution. Mr. Kolodziejak added that he thought that approving the resolution was timesensitive and that it would be a positive move for the Board.

Seeing no further discussion Ms. Dunham called for a vote on the amendment.

Vote: 6-5-1

Tie Vote

Ms. Dunham broke the tie by voting for the amendment.

Ms. Solorzano requested a friendly amendment to correct the spelling of “University” in the last Resolved and to fix the last sentence so it’s grammatically correct.

Seeing no further amendments Ms. Dunham called for a vote on the main motion.

Director of Business Affairs -

Director of Communications -



Abstain Director of Community and Environmental Affairs -

Director of External Affairs - Yea

Director of Extracurricular Affairs

Director of Faculty Affairs -




Director of Intercultural Affairs -

Director of Internal Affairs -

Director of Programming Affairs

Director of Student Fee Affairs -

Director of Student Resource Affairs -

Director of Student Rights and Responsibilities

Director of University Advising Affairs -

Vote: 11-0-1-1

Motion Carried










Ms. Dunham asked Ms. Vargas to discuss the summary of the A.S. Professional

Development Day. Ms. Vargas said she provided the Board with statistics in the hand-out and that comments from attendees indicated the sessions were well received. The presenters will meet at the end of January to discuss ideas that were proposed. The timing will be good since budgets will be reviewed for the next year. She thanked everyone who attended one of the sessions.

Ms. Dunham recommended a motion to approve the Ad Hoc Committee.

M) Mr. Starks S) Ms. Byrd to approve the Ad Hoc Committee.

Mr. Starks began by saying that it is the Board’s duty to make sure the Governing documents are accurate and that they are adhering to them. Mr. Worsnup asked who will chair the meeting and Mr. Starks said it’s up to the committee. Ms. Vargas said that the

Board should make a decision now since they won’t meet again. Ms. Dunham asked for nominations.

Ms. McDade nominated Mr. Starks who accepted.

Ms. Hardwick nominated Mr. Peddada who respectfully declined.

Mr. Starks nominated Ms. Dunham who respectfully declined.

Ms. Salazar nominated Mr. Worsnup who respectfully declined

Ms. Dunham asked the Board to vote on Mr. Starks as the Ad Hoc Committee chair.

Vote: 10-0-2

Motion Carried

Mr. Starks said he believed this committee is needed and it will take commitment and hard work to get things done. Ms. McDade asked when the meeting times will be, but Mr.

Starks wasn’t sure. Ms. Vargas predicted about six hours a week beginning in January.

Ms. Solorzano asked about nominating committee members.

M) Mr. Starks S) Ms. Solorzano to select no more than seven members and no less than five members for the committee. Ms. Dunham told the Board they can nominate themselves.

The following Board members offered to be on the committee:

Ms. Solorzano

Ms. Byrd

Mr. Konopath

Mr. Worsnup

Mr. Vizcarra

Ms. McDade

Ms. Dunham said she was interested in the committee, but will sit in on meetings when she can.

Seeing no further discussion Ms. Dunham called for a vote on the amendment.

Vote: 12-0-0

Motion Carried

Ms. Vargas said she thought an advisor should be part of the committee so Mr. Starks suggested that she be on the committee.

Seeing no further amendments Ms. Dunham called for a vote on the main motion.

Vote: 11-0-1

Motion Carried


Directors’ Reports (3 minutes each)


Director of Business Affairs

Mr. Konopath gave an update on the Strategic Plan Quarterly Report by saying that the

Lobby Corps is established and the State Budget Impact has been addressed. The Board still needs to work on the Sustainability Initiative; get more graduate students involved; work on the Governance Model and enhance the Book Loan Program.


Audit Committee


Programs Review Board


Director of Communications

Ms. McDade said the Journalism Department would like A.S. to help out with their event on March 13 th . It’s a week-long “Change the World” event, but they aren’t asking for money. She wished everyone Happy Holidays.


Director of Community and Environmental Affairs

Ms. Plingu did not have a report.


Director of External Affairs

Mr. Starks said the Academic Senate reviewed policy AS 1443 which involves changes to majors and it was voted down. He attended the Campus Fee Advisory Committee (CFAC) where discussions centered on the Business Department’s excess money.

1. Lobby Corps

Discussed the March for Higher Education and having a Higher Education Assembly regarding issues facing students.


Director of Extracurricular Affairs

Ms. Hardwick is working on performers for President Kassing’s Surprise Party and so far has five groups, but she wants two more. Student Involvement is asking for help from the

Board to attend the Open Forums for candidates applying for open positions.


Director of Faculty Affairs

Mr. Peddada attended the Faculty Diversity Committee where the survey continues to be a topic of discussion.

1. University Affairs

The committee focused on discussion about the A.S. website design until the new

Public Relations Coordinator is hired as well as the resolution approved today.

G. Director of Intercultural Affairs

Ms. Byrd also attended the Faculty Diversity Committee and reported that Counseling

Services needs more counselors to reduce the number of students waiting to be seen. There is a new Interim Director of MOSAIC, Sadika Sulaiman Hara, who she will be meeting with soon. She helped Ms. Salazar at the Transfer Student Orientation on December 13 th .


Director of Internal Affairs

Mr. Beilke was absent and did not submit a written report.

1. Rules Committee

I. Director of Programming Affairs

Ms. Erickson said the “Feed Your Brain” event will take place in front of Martin Luther

King Library, Clark Hall and the A.S. House during finals. She attended the National

Association of Campus Activities (NACA) Regional Conference with Clifton Gold. She also attended the Undergrad Studies Committee where they discussed First Year

Experience Courses.

1. Programming Board

J. Director of Student Fee Affairs

Mr. Worsnup said the Lobby Corps is making plans for the March in March. CFAC approved two changes to fees, but neither will have an effect on student fees. The committee will tour the College of Business to view proposed renovations.

K. Director of Student Resource Affairs

Mr. Armendariz said he’s been busy with the search for the AVP of Student Academic

Success Services. Next week they will be conducting the first interviews.

L. Director of Student Rights and Responsibilities

Ms. Solorzano said she was glad that Policy AS 1443 that would affect majors did not pass in the Instruction and Student Affairs Committee. The Rules Committee is still working on abstentions, but didn’t make quorum last week. She met with Staci Gunner, the Interim

Director of Student Conduct and Ethical Development, and they discussed student suicides.

She will be meeting with the Interim Ombudsman soon. She then wished everyone luck on their finals.

M. Director of University Advising Affairs

Ms. Salazar thanked those who helped her table during the Transfer Orientation Fair and will need help with the next one.

XI. Ad Hoc Committees

Mr. Starks said there will be homework for those on the new Ad Hoc Committee so he will send an e-mail to all members.

XII. Chief Elections Officer Informational Report (3 minutes)

XIII. Executive Director’s Informational Report (4 minutes)

Ms. Vargas sent everyone an e-mail regarding Clifton Gold’s resignation which stated that his last day is December 21 st . He will be transferring to the Alumni Foundation. There will be two

Open Forums for the Public Relations Coordinator next week. Maribel Martinez and Scott

Meyers-Lipton will be meeting with President Kassing to discuss institutionalizing Legacy Week which is very exciting. She reported that as of this point, 2200 students have taken the A.S. survey and she thanked Richard Kelley for his help in getting it set-up through VoteNet. Randy

Saffold has also gone above and beyond to get the survey out. She asked the Board to go on

Facebook and “like” the A.S. page. She thanked Ms. Hardwick for the decorations on the A.S.

Christmas in the Park tree. There is a flyer on the A.S. website announcing the need for students to join the Student Fairness Committee.

XIV. University Administration’s Informational Report (3 minutes)

Ms. Busalacchi said the LGBT and Cesar Chavez Community Action Center will be moving next week to Hoover Hall near the A.S. Print Shop. Currently, spring enrollment is close to 1,900 and next year they expect the numbers to increase. There are issues with some student’s mental health so a trainer will be brought in to help train staff to help students. She said Dr. Laker is committed to helping and added the training is intense.

XV. Closed Session

XVI. Announcements

Ms. Salazar asked again for help with the next Transfer Student Orientation.

Ms. Solorzano asked if the Board will have to do their office hours during finals and was told

“yes” by Ms. Dunham.

Ms. Hardwick said the event she needs help with is different from Ms. Salazar’s, but both will be going on at the same time. She thanked Mr. Vizcarra and Mr. Kolodziejak for helping to decorate the tree in Christmas in the Park as well as those who made the decorations.

Mr. Starks said the Time, Place and Manner policy will be recommended to the Instruction and

Student Affairs Committee next semester.

Ms. Dunham said she was proud of the new Ad Hoc Committee. She also thanked Ms.

Busalacchi for the Student Union Ground Breaking Ceremony. She reminded everyone about the

Holiday Dinner tomorrow night.

Mr. Vizcarra wished everyone good luck during finals.

Mr. Kolodziejak reminded the board that Mr. Beilke was committed to working on Time, Place and Manner then wished everyone Happy Holidays.

Ms. Erickson asked when the Board is supposed to do their office hours during the winter break.

Ms. Dunham said she needed to think about it and get back to everyone.

Mr. Konopath said he had already committed to help Ms. Salazar with her tabling next semester then asked everyone to take the A.S. survey.

Ms. McDade offered to help Ms. Salazar table on December 16 th . She wished everyone good luck on finals.

Ms. Le said Student Involvement is trying to get more exposure for the Student Organizations and Leadership (SOAL) which meets every Friday at 12:00 p.m. There will be a new SOAL blog in the future and the Spring Student Organization Fair will be on February 7 th .

Ms. Vargas reminded those on the Finance Committee to stick around for the Special Meeting right after this Board Meeting.

Point of personal privilege for Mr. Peddada to leave the Council Chambers at 4:43.

XVII. Adjournment

Ms. Dunham recommended a motion to adjourn the meeting.

M) Mr. Worsnup S) Mr. Starks to adjourn the meeting.

Vote: 11-0-0

Motion Carried

Meeting adjourned at 4:44 p.m.


Jessica Dunham, Chair

A.S. Board of Directors


