Minutes of Feb 2015 governor's meeting

Tutshill Church of England Primary School
Headteacher: Miss J Lane
Chair of Governors: Mr Gair
Clerk to Governors: Mrs Clare Presley
2 February 2015.
Mr Gair (Chair), Dr Evans, Ms Henderson, Mr Riordan, Mrs Gilchrist, Mr Sands, Miss Lane,
Mrs Deacon, Mrs Dursley, Mrs Fryer and Mrs Presley (Clerk).
1. Opening Prayer – Ms Henderson
2. Apologies for absence
Apologies received & accepted from Revd Treharne, Mr Moulton, Mr Foxall, and Dr
3. Declaration of Interest
Ms Henderson will not be able to vote in one of the new associate governors as it is her son.
4. To agree items of Any Other Business previously notified
5. Approve Minutes from 10 December 2014.
The minutes were approved, proposed by Mr Riordan and seconded by Mrs Gilchrist.
6. Matters arising from minutes (not covered by agenda)
7. SEN Presentation by Mrs Mackey
Mrs Mackey gave a paper copy of her presentation to the GB. Mrs Mackey ‘s talk included
the changes in SEN for schools that means improvements between the different support
agencies health, local authority, social services and school. The priority of the child’s needs
and getting families involved in supporting the child, not just schools is at the forefront of the
changes. They are looking to integrate services to speed up the whole process and make it
easier to achieve set goals.
The SEN age has been increased to 16yrs of age and there is a centralised source of
information for all agencies. The four primary areas of SEN have been altered.
Mr Riordan asked how multi agency participation affects Tutshill’s SEN process. Mrs
Mackey thinks the new procedures will make it more efficient except where cross border
agencies are involved. Mrs Gilchrist wondered whether the GB could highlight issues to
these agencies to speed things up. Mrs Mackey said unfortunately in the majority of cases
no but help could add some extra weight to the situation. Mrs Dursley asked how the cross
border problems slow the process down. Mrs Mackey explained that we need
Gloucestershire to provide services for our children in school but for a Monmouthshire child
in Tutshill the Welsh Health Border must supply funding to Gloucestershire CC. Mr Riordan
asked if physical disability is in included in SEN, Mrs Mackey confirmed it is.
Mrs Fryer left the meeting at 5pm and Mr Riordan left the meeting to take a phone call.
Mr Gair asked if Pupil Premium is linked to SEN, Mrs Mackey said it has no connection.
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Mr Sands was concerned that parents get frustrated because of the time everything takes to
get anything done and can anybody be identified to help. Miss Lane explained that we have
cases at school where Glos CC, Mon CC and the police are involved and it has taken four
weeks just to get an initial first meeting. Mr Gair offered to send a letter on behalf of the GB
to the appropriate authorities to ask how cross border issues could be improved. Mrs
Dursley said your local MP would be a good point of contact.
Mr Riordan re-joined the meeting 5.15pm.
Dr Evans thought this would be an excellent idea but we could not be specific about a
particular case. Mrs Gilchrist said it would be useful asking St Briavels, Redbrook and
Llandogo schools if they would like to participate in signing the letter.
Action; Mr Gair asked the SEN Governor, Mrs Mackey and Dr Evans draft a letter to
the MP for Monmouthshire, Gloucestershire, the designated Welsh Assemble member
and Health member. This letter can be approved at the next G4 meeting.
Mr Gair thanked Mrs Mackey for her presentation.
8. Governing Body Reconstitution
Mr Gair had circulated a copy of the record of decisions made by the working party at the
second meeting discussing the Governing Body Reconstitution and the Instrument of
Governance for the GB approve, see attached. Mr Sands explained he had examined these
documents and further changes had been made to the number of parent and co-opted
governors by the working party after it had been agreed by the GB in the G2 meeting. Mr
Sands was no happy about this. Mr Gair explained that it was only a proposal at the G2
meeting and was too be finalised by the working party. There were only minor changes to
reduce the parent governors from four to three and increase the co-opted governors from
four to five. Mr Sands stated that the first working party met, brought a proposal to the G2
meeting for the GB to approve. The working party went away and altered what was agreed
by the GB. Mr Sands said there is a principle involved and once the GB agrees or approves
items, you can’t then go away and change this. Mr Sands explained the G2 minutes reflect
his understanding of the situation and have been agreed and approved by the GB. Mr
Sands feels very strongly that the parent governor representation should not be reduced,
parents give a really commitment to the school and you would lose the vital support of a
major stakeholder. Mr Riordan agreed with Mr Sands and had the same understanding of
the situation. Mr Gair said it was not the working party’s intention to ask the GB for approval
before the second meeting and it was felt the number changes made the reconstitution of
the GB more balanced.
Mr Sands wanted to make one more point that co-opted governors are invited onto the GB
by other governors and not elected by the other parents as a stakeholder of the community.
Mr Sands understands we should look at what skills etc. governors can bring to the GB but
does not feel comfortable this is the correct way forward for Tutshill School GB to enrol. The
approach and process was not explained to the GB properly and agreement was made for
the original figures presented which has now been changed.
Mr Gair said Mr O’Sullivan was happy with the current position. Mr Gair stated that the
briefing notes were to inform the G2 discussion and were not made available before the
meeting due to matters beyond his control. This meant the discussion was not as well
informed as it could have been with the governors not aware of the bigger picture. Mr Gair
asked the GB to consider which final figures we are going to agree. Dr Evans asked what
the other parent governor felt who were not present. Mr Gair said that the three parent
governors not present at the meeting had expressed support for the working party’s final
proposal via email. Mr Riordan explained they can’t vote unless they attend the meeting and
this was not a fair vote as only one parent governor was present. Mr Gair stated that the
governor representation of the new GB needed to be agreed today. A vote was passed to
accept three parent governors and five co-opted governors.
Mr Gair summarised staff would be on the GB for two years not four and Mr Gair will confirm
the figures.
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Action; Mr Gair will write to the Diocese including a copy of the working party
minutes, minutes and new instrument of governance.
9. Ratify the SVFS document
Mr Gair asked the GB approve the SVFS, this was agreed by the GB.
10. School Evaluation Form (SEF)
Miss Lane summarised the SEF, explaining the school uses the Ofsted framework headings
and that the SEF must include priorities from Ofsted. Miss Lane identifies the schools
weaknesses and strengths. The data is based on last year’s SAT’s results and actions are
based on the most recent Ofsted report. The rest of the SEF is written by the Headteacher
and staff in response to the subject monitoring. The SEF will be presented to the GB at the
G6 meeting with the SDP for the coming academic year. The SEF is for the Headteacher,
subject leaders, pastoral support and governors to feed into. Mr Gair said that the chair,
vice-chairs and convenors will review the governor handbook and develop a Governor’s
Development Plan to incorporate into the SEF.
11. Safeguarding
Miss Lane said she has had to issue two exclusions to two different children from one family
in January 2015. The exclusions were because of violence to staff, damage to school
property, leaving the school premises and endangering other children. This has presented
Miss Lane with complex issues because of the cross border agency problems and the police
have been involved in these incidents.
Mr Riordan asked if the GB can help. Mrs Gilchrist asked if the parent has been seeking
outside assistance. Miss Lane reassured the GB the school is doing everything it can and
has been in contact with all the relevant agencies. Ms Henderson (child protection governor)
informed the GB that if a child leaves the school premises within school hour’s staff are not
meant to follow the child just ring the police. Miss Lane confirmed this was correct. Miss
Lane asked governors to encourage any other parents who are concerned about these
incidents to come and talk to her about them at any time. Dr Evans explained in the
Healthcare sector there is a zero tolerance to violence towards any staff, can Miss Lane
raise this with the agencies she is meeting about these incidences. Mrs Dursley is worried
about the long term impact on the other children in school and what they see or experience
of the violence.
Action; Miss Lane will ask about zero tolerance to violence towards staff.
12. Stakeholder Communications
(Pupils, parents, staff, church and community)
13. Chairs comments & correspondence
14. Committee Reports
Curriculum & Communications Committee (CCM)
Miss Lane confirmed the CCM met to discuss the new curriculum, new assessments and a
new policy review procedure.
Action; Mr Gair would like the CCM to look at improving communications between the
governors and all the major stakeholders.
Finance & Resources Committee (F&R)
Mr Riordan said the new way for committees working following the visions and values
statement is in place and is successful. Mr Moulton will be circulating the minutes. The CFR
report was circulated to the GB.
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Personnel Committee
Minutes were circulated from 28 November, 2014 and the next meeting is the 6 February
Action; Mr Gair would like all committee meetings conducted at least 2 weeks before
the full GB meetings and the minutes to have been circulated.
15. A.O.B
Mr Gair asked the GB to vote in the new associate governors; Mrs Fleet, Mr Pears, Mr
Henderson and Mrs Rusling. The GB agreed all the associate governor roles.
Mrs Gilchrist wanted to inform the GB that Mrs Davies (SBM) forwards her any grant inform
to research for school and we do not always qualify as a school for additional funding via
grants. Mr Gair would like to see specific grants be sent to the relevant subject leaders to
The next GB meeting will be held on Monday 23 March 2015 at 6pm.
Minutes to Chair: 21 February 2015
Issued: 17 March 2015
Post meeting note from G2 minutes;
Mr Riordan made a comment in the governing body G2 meeting in December saying ‘a
change in the financial limits set for school purchasing.’ This was not the case and needs to
be disregarded from the records.
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