Sept. 11 - Brookhaven College

September 11 2008
2:00 p.m. M123
Members: Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Adrien Cuellar-McGuire, Michael Dennehy,
Lisa Ehrich, Sarah Ferguson, Juanita Flint, Sam Govea, Vernon Hawkins,
Marilyn Kolesar-Lynch, Rick Maxwell, Mark Meyers, Aaron Ostrom,
Doris Rousey, Kendra Vaglienti, Teri Walker, Sandy Wyche, Anne Brophy
Attendees: Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Adrien Cuellar-McGuire, Michael Dennehy,
Lisa Ehrich, Sarah Ferguson, Juanita Flint, Sam Govea, Vernon Hawkins,
Marilyn Kolesar-Lynch, Rick Maxwell, , Mark Meyers, Aaron Ostrom,
Kendra Vaglienti, Teri Walker, Sandy Wyche, Anne Brophy,
George Herring
Q Building Addition/Renovation
George Herring responded to questions about the automotive remodeling project. The project is
currently 60 days behind schedule.
The remodeling project should be substantially completed by August 2009. Other work will
begin spring 2009. The carpet on the second floor of Q Building will be done after the sprinkler
system is installed.
When remodeling of the lower level of Q begins all the classrooms will be off limits. Will
probably impact spring schedule build. Only available space will be in the temporary buildings.
Drawback is they cannot accommodate large classes. The EMGI is a possibility but there may be
conflicts. Unfortunately this situation could affect our base 2009 funding year.
Note: Rodger, Sarah, Doris and George will get together to discuss EMGI.
Automotive classes with enrollments of 20 will be scheduled into the temporary rooms. This is a
dedicated program and do not want to lose enrollment. There is also the possibility of automotive
classes be held at dealer training centers.
Science Building - The science building is approximately 30 days behind. Shortage of steel
contributing to delays. “Topping out luncheon” is scheduled for September 12. It is expected the
building will be open for fall 2009 semester. 3.4 million in reqs for the building are being
CE Building - 95% planning complete. It is not anticipated that it will be open for fall 2009.
East campus will remain in use. Lease expires in 2009; however, George is planning on
extending the least on a month-to-month basis until November 2010.
Strategic Performance Management Training Workshop
This session, for all faculty and staff who supervise full time employees, is tentatively scheduled
for either October 31 or November 7. After discussion it was agreed November 7 would be the
preferred date. There are a number of events on October 31. Rodger asked the group to send the
names of those that will be attending the training.
Deans will attend training on September 15. However, if anyone has previously attended this
training do not have to go again.
Signature Authority Form
Rodger asked the deans to complete the signature authority form. Copies were distributed to each
group member.
Distance Learning Update
Michael Dennehy and Sam Govea gave an update on the distance learning meeting they attended
on September 10. Michael mentioned the possibility of allowing Sam administrative access to
E-campus due to shortage of assistance. They also mentioned that any incompletes on E-campus
from spring semester and summer must be completed by December. The server is being
Michael also mentioned that Tegrity has been approved. There will be training in the fall. El
Centro will be the first site offering training in classrooms. Michael spoke about the very positive
aspects of the program, including flexibility, one button operation, can be downloaded. Very well
Michael reported that the Distance Learning E-Connect browseable schedule is available.
Improvements have been made.
A new Quality Matters rubric has also been added.
Lisa Ehrich asked if we are planning appropriately for online classes. Problems occur with
faculty not properly training. Sam reported that additional training will be scheduled. Lisa said
faculty are being encouraged to teach online courses.
Michael said he will bring updates from all distance learning meetings back to deans’ meetings.
Increasing Enrollment
Rodger distributed copies of enrollment update (copy attached). He then opened it to a discussion
on how the group would increase enrollment without restrictions.
Michael Dennehy suggested the possibility of creating a home host agreement with a
couple of courses in criminal justice. High demand may remove some barriers in
competition. Vernon Hawkins recommended looking outside the district.
Resource incentives for colleges that collaborate with each other. Two colleges that work
to create a new program can apply for extra funding to get the program off the ground.
Irving High School wants t offer entire EMT program. It is presently being offered at
R.L Turner in Carrollton. BHC would get all the contact hours. Issue would be
additional instructors and stall would be needed. Thirty-six students will gradate from
Mountain View. Brookhaven will receive the money and the contact hours.
Juanita Flint suggested more online courses and hire more faculty to teach them.
Lisa Ehrich would like to see funding for more student scholarships. Lisa suggested a
portion of SECC money set aside for student scholarship fund. She is working with
Bethany Reid on special project for art students.
Rick Maxwell would like to see remedial and tech ed reviewed. He suggested building a
package around a university college transfer degree – come to Brookhaven – take18
hours plus 40- promote transfer using the CORE.
Juanita Flint reported that some two year schools are offering BA degrees. Would like to
investigate having such a program at Brookhaven. It would require Coordinating Board
approval. There was considerable discussion on this topic. Vernon Hawkins said it
should be brought to the Chancellor.
Michael Dennehy recommended offering career counseling.
Aaron Ostrom suggested an increase in recruitment of international students would result
in an increase in contact hours. International students must be enrolled for twelve hours,
be grade completers. They usually complete the CORE. There are currently 850
international students at BHC. 85% are Asian. Aaron would like to target recruitment
for students from Turkey, Brazil, some Arab countries, Chinese. This initiative would
require increase support services – housing, jobs, cultural experiences.
Kendra Vaglienti reported on an initiative in place at Austin Community College. Every
senior in every high school in their service area is required to fill out an ACC application
and test out before they graduate. The student knows before graduation that they have
been accepted.
Another recommendation is to increase dual credit offerings.
After much discussion it was recognized this will be an ongoing issue.
Rodger asked Lisa Ehrich to bring this issue to the faculty for input.
SACS Credentials
Rodger distributed an outline on the responsibilities of the SACS Credential Team that is being
formed. Ray Attner will chair.
Rodger asked the group to bring the titles of books they would recommend to others. If
agreeable, he would purchase the books for people to “check out”.
Sam Govea brought four books: First, Break all the Rules, How to Discover your Own Strengths
by Marcus Buckingham.
Juanita Flint brought two books: Higher Education and the Law by Kaplan – very informative on
case law – and one on leadership.
Kendra Vaglienti brought one: Listen Up Leaders by David Cottrell.
Aaron Ostrom mentioned “Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don
Miguel Ruiz
Lisa Ehrich brought Eat, Pray, Love
Adrien Cuellar-McGuire is very fond of childrens’ books
Rick Maxwell just finished Richard North Patterson’s Balance of Power and highly
recommended it
Sandy Wyche is reading Fatherhood by Bill Cosby
Another one mentioned was Jim Collins – Good to Great
Michael Dennehy mentioned The Gallup Clifton StrengthsFinder 2.0
Rodger Bennett suggested the Art of Possibility by Ben Zander.
Doris Rousey e-mailed me her recommendations:
"On Becoming an Innovative University Teacher, Reflection in Action" - John Cowan
"Radical Equations, Civil Rights from Mississippi to the Algebra Project" - Robert P. Moses
Sarah Ferguson gave an update on carpeting – S, B, D, C, K234, Q and T annex should
start approximately second week of October. The library will begin the end of the fall
semester. J building will also be shut down at that time.
B building will also be down during tht time. D building will also close December 11January 4. S building must be finished by registration in January 2009
Sarah will send out information on impact as soon as schedule is received.