Assignment - Staffordshire University

Staffordshire University
Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Technology
Personal Broadband Network
(PBN -CE74024-3)
Session 2004-2005 - Semester 1
Written Assignment: 30% of total Mark
Hand in Date: 15th December 2004
ASSIGNMENT: Transition of mobile networks to IPv6?
You are required to write a report presenting an overview of TCP/IP and the internet, a
review of IPv4 and IPv6. Give details of the differences in the two protocols and the
advantages and disadvantages of each. Provide a case as to whether or not IPv6 should be
used for future 4G radio networks.
As a guide your report should be about 5, 000 words and should make reference to:
TCP/IP and the layered protocol, briefly describing the protocols in each layer.
The Internet Architecture.
A more detailed description of IPv4 and IPv6 including advantages and disadvantages of
each, with respect to radio access.
A discussion about whether IPv6 should be used for 4G networks.
Your response should be presented in a formal report; a format is suggested below.
TITLE PAGE - with report title, your name, module code & title, date.
INTRODUCTION - to the topic.
OVERVIEW of TCP/IP, the Internet, IPv4, IPv6
Appropriate sub-sections
CONCLUSION - including a brief discussion of applications of the topic covered.
REFERENCES - references and bibliography.
APPENDICES - if/as applicable.
Ideally, a formal report should be capable of publication in a respectable technical journal.
Theoretical information is available on the internet and in the library.
You must acknowledge any references cited within your report.
Work handed in after the deadline will be awarded zero marks. If there is a valid
reason for late submission, the procedure for extenuating circumstances must be
followed which includes the requirement of documentary evidence (e.g. a medical
certificate if illness was the reason), refer to your student handbook. Extenuating
Circumstances claim forms may be obtained from the Faculty office in the Octagon.
The work may be accepted if the reason is considered to be sufficient justification.
The work presented must be your own individual effort. Give clear references to
sources of information. Work submitted for assessment which is not your own work
(i.e. copied) will be disqualified and awarded zero marks.
The submission deadline for this Assignment is Wednesday 15th December 2004. A
standard assignment front sheet is attached. This must be attached to the front of your
work and must be easily visible to the administration staff and the module tutor.
It is the Faculty requirement to also hand in a duplicate electronic copy of your
assignment (not attached to the report) in addition to the original hard copy. Please
save your assignment in a separate floppy disk and follow the school’s assignment
submission guidelines (labelling the disk, etc).
The assessors also require the floppy disks to be accessible from a MS-Windows
Faculty of Computing, Engineering
and Technology
Assignment Front Sheet
An easily visible copy of this sheet must be attached to each item of assessed course-work in order to
ensure that marks are properly credited and to assist in providing feedback. Parts A and B apply to all
modules and awards.
Part A Information for the students
Student’s Number:
Level: 3
Module Title: Personal Broadband Networks, PBN: CE74024-3
Assignment Title: Transition of mobile networks to IPv6?
Method of Assessment:
Submission Date: Wednesday, 15th December 2004
Module Tutor: A. L. Griffiths
Assignment Moderator: M. C. Doggett
To be completed by the Module Tutor.
Part B Assessment Criteria for all students
Report format, presentation &
Presentation of relevant theory
Results, Discussion & critical
Conclusions & Demonstration of
Overall Mark