The Christian Mask - For Use During The Week following Sunday

The Christian Mask - For Use During The Week following Sunday November 24, 2013
WELCOME (15 min)
Icebreaker: Prior to the party create a stack of tags that say, "Ask me about..." and then add a topic on
each one. For example, my senior prom, my boss, the worst date I ever had, my first kiss, etc. As guests arrive, allow
them to pick out a tag to wear. Encourage everyone to ask each other those questions. Have each person give
alternate stories to every person that asks them the question. One of those stories should be true and all others
should be false. Then as everyone sits around for discussion, have the group try to guess which story is real and
which isn't for each person. This will require that each person repeat the story they heard from the wearer of the
WORSHIP (15 min)
WORD (45 min)
Read: Matthew 23:27-28; Isaiah 64:6; Philippians 3:4b-11; Luke 18:9-14
1). Have you ever met a self righteous church person? Would you say they were wearing a "Christian Mask"? How
did that person make you feel? Have you ever had moments of self righteousness? If so, how did you get past
2). In analyzing the Matthew verses discuss a time when you have noticed that your outside (or someone else's)
was prettier than your (their) inside. Discuss a time when you have noticed another person who was far prettier on
the inside than the outside. Did Jesus (or a lack of Jesus) play a role in either of these instances? Explain.
3). Discuss Isaiah 64:6 and Paul's view of his flesh and the view of his faith in the Philippians verses - focus on verse
8. What does this say about Paul's mask?
4). Consider that there might be a range or a spectrum between the Pharisee and the tax collector in the Luke
verses. Where do you fit in that range? What might make you more like the Pharisee? What might make you more
like the tax collector?
WITNESS (15 min)
1. Divide and pray for yourself and for the individuals in your group to remove all masks, but especially
masks of religious righteousness. Pray that we all search for true righteousness, and glorify God in spirit and in
2. Engage in mutual prayer for everyone's individual needs and for God's blessings and guidance for
Fellowship Church and her mission in our community and world. Ask that he grow our family and add to our
numbers. Ask that he give our leaders guidance and vision in regards to meeting His goals for our body.
3. Pray a prayer of thanksgiving for the blessings he has bestowed on our church body.
WRAP UP (35 min)