Cost of Quality (CoQ) Guidelines

Cost of Quality (CoQ) Guidelines
 Cost should be filled as actual cost or as relative cost spent on every activity per annum.
 If Relative cost is selected
o Multiplier should be decided such that relative cost lies from 0 to 100.
o E.g.: If multiplier is 1000, relative cost for 1000 will be 1, 10000 will be 10, 100000 will be 100. If it
exceeds 100 multiplier needs to be modified.
 Refer below table to understand the activities covered under each category.
Prevention Costs
Costs includes, How much do I spent on
Cost of training (including internal and
Cost incurred to plan audits and processes
(including documentation costs)
Cost spent on building testing related
components (E.g. test planning, automation
 Training Plans, Trainer Fees, Training Aids.
 Technical trainings and Non-Technical trainings.
Costs includes, How much do I spent on
Defining Audit process and procedure
Plans for managing defects, errors and corrections.
Preparing quality policies, practices and procedures to achieve
the best practice and complying with data.
 Documentation of all the process, procedures, analysis report
and data collection.
Cost includes, How much do I spent on,
Gathering details to identify the type of tests, test environments
and automation testing feasibility analysis.
Appraisal Costs
Cost spent to perform reviews and audits
(includes reviews, internal and external
Cost includes, How much do I spent on,
Conducting on internal and external audits.
Review Plans, Review efforts.
Cost includes, How much do I spent on,
Cost invested in testing tools (includes test
management, bug tracking and automation
Cost of internal testing (includes people,
environment costs)
 Testing tools.
 Test management tools
 Bug tracking tools
 Test automation tools
Cost includes, How much do I spent on,
Internal testing efforts.
People resources used for testing
Test Environments
Internal Failure Costs
Cost includes, How much do I spent on,
Cost of re-testing (includes re-testing efforts,
root cause analysis for bugs, people and
environment costs)
Cost of resource unavailability (e.g. Network
failure, test environment crash)
 Retesting activities
 Root cause analysis done for bugs
 People and Test environments used in re-testing
Cost includes, How much do I spent due to,
Local network down or failure
Test environment failure or crash
External Failure Costs
Cost includes, How much do I spent to,
Cost to fix customer complaints
Penalty cost paid to due to customer dissatisfaction
 Handle and Fix the customer complaints
 Additional support provided to customers
 Product replacement if any.
Cost includes, How much do I spent on,
As a penalty for the nonconformance of the requirements
Legal dealings made to fix the issues.