3 MOUNT SINAI —The name Mount Sinai is accepted by the entire





—The name Mount Sinai is accepted by the entire world as the synonym for Torah and God's Law, for, according to tradition, it was at Mount Sinai that die wonderous revelation, the time when the Master of the world made his everlasting covenant with mankind by granting them his Torah, dogmas, and Divine learning, took place.**

Mention the word "Sinai" and the heart jumps with excitement as scenes of that great, unforgetable day when God's words hallowed the earth in the midst of thunder and lightning, flash through our fantasy.

We recall the day when man, humbly and excitedly vowed to obey all that the Torah advises and com׳ mands.

Mount Sinai is important for another reason also, however. It reminds us about one of the most prominent biblical events from which we learn very much.

It serves as a condition and basis without which no people can expect a raison d'etre among the family of nations.

The Midrash tells us that Mount Sinai is a part of

Mount Mon'ah upon which the "Binding of Isaac" took place.


That is where Abraham, the Patriarch, proved his greatness when he consented to yield up his only beloved son, Isaac, as a sacrifice for his faith. True,

God only wanted to test Abraham for the Jewish faith is sharply opposed to such a barbaric concept of "wor׳ ship." The incident, taken in itself, and the conclu׳ sions that we can draw from the details which encircle

