Bulletin 04-27-14 - Wallace Presbyterian Church

The congregation is asked to remain silent
during the prelude as a time of prayer and meditation.
!Welcome and Announcements
!! (During this time the friendship!pads are passed to be signed)
Minute for Mission
Sharon Robison, President
“Presbyterian Enrichment Program” P.E.P. Board of Directors
Choral Call to Worship
P.E.P. Video
Opening Sentences
Elder Karla Casteen
Leader: Let us worship God as children . . .
All: with wonder and awe.
Leader: Let us worship God as youth . . .
All: with questions and eager hearts.
Leader: Let us worship God as adults . . .
All: with gratitude and praise.
Leader: Let us worship God as elders . . .
All: with wisdom and hope.
Leader: Let the Body of Christ sing praises to God,
All: from whom all blessings flow.
!*Hymn #495
“We Know That Christ Is Raised”
Prayer of Confession
Merciful God, in baptism you promise forgiveness and new life,
making us part of the body of Christ. We confess that we remain
preoccupied with ourselves, separated from sisters and brothers in
Christ. We cling to destructive habits, hold grudges, and show
reluctance to welcome one another. We allow the past to hold us
hostage. In your loving kindness, have mercy on us and free us from
sin. Remind us of the promises you make in baptism so that we may rise
to new life, and live together in grace; through Jesus Christ, our risen
Savior. Amen.
*Assurance of Pardon
!! Patri Hymn #579
Glory Be to the Father
Elizabeth & James Sills
Tyler & Logan Dixon
Children’s Sermon
“This Day”
Lowell Alexander
Joell Parker & Rebecca King
Prayer for Illumination
O risen Christ, open us to the power of your resurrection as we
hear it proclaimed anew this day, that we too might rise to new life in
you. Amen.
Gospel Lesson
*Hymn #304
Epistle Lesson
John 20:19-29
Elder Karla Casteen
+Page 110
“Jesus Loves Me!”
1 Peter 1:3-9
! Time for Silent Reflection
Pastoral Prayer
Sermon “We Are Baptized, Easter People”
+Page 216
Dr. Philip K. Gladden
Presentation of Tithes and Offering
from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Ghost;
the holy catholic Church;
the communion of saints;
the forgiveness of sins;
the resurrection of the body;
and the life everlasting. Amen.
The Prayer of Thanksgiving
The Baptism of Sandra S. DiDomenico
The Welcome of Louis and Sandra S. DiDomenico
*Hymn #113
“Christ the Lord Is Risen Today!”
*All who are able may stand.
+The page number in pew Bible
*Doxology and Prayer of Dedication
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him all creatures here below;
Praise Him above ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Words of Scripture and the Meaning of Baptism
The Presentation of Louis and Sandra S. DiDomenico
Elder Harvey Knowles
The Questions for the Candidate
The Questions for the Congregation
Elder Harvey Knowles
*The Affirmation of Faith: The Apostles’ Creed
I believe in God the Father Almighty,
Maker of heaven and earth.
And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord;
who was conceived by the Holy Ghost,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, dead, and buried;
he descended into hell;
the third day he rose again from the dead;
he ascended into heaven,
and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
Sunday, May 18
Sunday, April 27
9:40 am Opening Assembly
10:00 am Sunday School
11:00 am Worship
Tuesday, April 29
5:15 pm PW Coordinating Team Meeting-Blue Room
Tuesday-Thursday, April 29-May 1 Minister on Continuing Education Leave
Tuesday, April 29
No SonRise Worship
Wednesday, April 30
No Bible Study
6:00 pm Handbells
7:30 pm Choir Practice
Thursday, May 1 12:00-1:00 pm Wallace National Day of Prayer-The Depot
Karen Bittner-recovering from surgery,Bill Blalock-Rehab-Wilmington,
Myree Bland-recovering from surgery, Avalee Bowman-The Oaks at
Mayview, Raleigh, Alyssa Byrd-2 yr. old with leukemia from Spivey’s
Corner, Tammy Callahan-(Frankie Coleman’s daughter, stroke) Warren
Cavenaugh, Brain Tumor, Rose Curth-Brain Cancer, Stuart Ennis (begin radiation
treatments for prostate cancer on May 1), Helen Glass-cancer, Emily Godwin and
baby Aiden-viral infection, Herman Hardy, Annie Johnson, recovering from knee
surgery, Ozelle Kennedy-(Joell Parker’s Grandmother), SPC William Krupitzer(nephew of Linda Burroughs), Wright Lanier family, Pippa Larsen-one year old
diagnosed with AAL, a form of leukemia, (friends of Nick & Lee Baker), Nicholas
McGowen, home, Sharon Moore, Lori Pierce family, Glenn Powell, Suzanne
Powers (part-time resident at River Landing battling cancer), Judy Robinson, Bill
Saunders, Evelyn Shaver, Michael Sumner, Bettisue Tillman-Dayspring, Rusty
Walker, recovering from surgery, Kelsea Webster, Verlie Wells-Rosemary,
Members and friends in the armed services: Jason Payne.
● This morning we welcome Louis and Sandee DiDomenico into
membership in the Wallace Presbyterian Church. Louis comes to us by
transfer of membership from the Plainview Reformed Church in Plainview,
NY. Sandee comes by profession of faith in Jesus Christ and baptism.
● Today’s special offering will support the Presbyterian Enrichment
Program. The offering is being taken up by PEP alumni.
● There will be no Sunday School or morning worship here next Sunday.
Join your friends and fellow church members at Camp Kirkwood for
worship at 11:00 a.m. and lunch following worship.
● Philip Gladden will be on Continuing Education leave Tuesday Thursday, April 29 - May 1 at the Cedar Cross Retreat Center near
Louisburg, NC. This will be a time for sermon and worship planning and
prayer. Please contact Susie Bullard, Clerk of Session, in an emergency.
● The Presbyterian Coordinating Team will meet Tuesday, April 29, at
5:15 pm in the Blue Room.
● We extend our Christian love and sympathy to Ronnie and Tonya Williams
on the death of his mother, Margie Williams, on April 20. Mrs. Williams
was the aunt of Curt Simpson and Sandy Cobb and to Bill Buckley on the
death of his sister, Janie Cornett, in Roanoke, Virginia.
● Yesterday fifteen students graduated from the Justo Mwale Theological
University College in Lusaka, Zambia. They were awarded bicycles
purchased through the generosity of your contributions. Graduates
included Zacchaeus Chilembo, with whom Curt and Regina Simpson have
maintained correspondence. Please keep these graduates in your prayers as
they begin their ministries in Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Malawi.
04/27: Freddy & Rhonda Hall
04/27: Cindy Barrow & Rebecca Eaddy
05/04: Pam Teachey & Georgette Thompson 05/04: Thomas & Lois Edgerton
04/27: Ellie Carone & Anna Grace Carr
05/04: Madelyn Coombs & Mary Kellan Creech
April 16-30: Jack Blackney
May 1-15: Jim Simpson
Freddy Hall, Leader
Harvey Knowles Rick Phaneuf
Wayne Casteen
!! Kirkwood Sunday, May 4, 2014
10:00 am Coffee, juice, doughnuts, fellowship
11:00 am Worship/Vesper Area with Communion
12:00 noon Lunch in Dining Hall
Relaxation, Recreation, Fellowship after Lunch
Lunch Menu
Fried/Baked Chicken, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy,
Side Salad, Biscuits, Cake w/Icing & Cobbler
Lunch cost is $6 per person.
Please complete the reservation form and return to the church office by
Sunday, April 27.