How and Why to Improve Your Vocabulary The flashcards in the

How and Why to Improve Your Vocabulary
The flashcards in the Test Prep Vocabulary will teach
you words that will help you to achieve higher scores
on college entrance exams. However, instead of being
your only method of studying, they should be part of a
multi-dimensional approach to increasing your
One important thing you can do is to read. You learn many vocabulary words from
context. The more words you are exposed to, the better your vocabulary will be.
This is true even of the reading you do for pleasure. Your brain is absorbing
unfamiliar words and their meanings as you enjoy a good story. If you come across
a word that you do not understand, look it up in the dictionary. Think about it, use
it in a sentence. These things will help you to make the word yours, a part of your
In addition to reading for pleasure, choose thought-provoking material to read.
Read books with challenging subject matter and articles in newspapers and
magazines that stretch your ability to understand.
Practice using the words you learn with the flashcards. Research shows that to
make a word a part of your vocabulary, you must use it repetitively. You will learn
the words two ways through the flashcards. You will choose the correct definition,
and then you will be asked to fill in the blank in a sentence using the new words. In
addition to this, you should use the words you learn in conversations whenever
possible. You should also create your own sentences using the words.
Involve as many senses as possible when learning a new word. Write the word and
its definition. Write a sentence or several sentences using the word. Create mind
pictures using the word. Consider the word adversity, which is a noun that means a
condition of trouble or difficulty, misfortune. Think of things that suit this word that
apply to your life. Perhaps the idea of living without your cellphone and video
games is your idea of adversity. By associating the word with something that has
meaning in your life, you will create a stronger chance of remembering the word.
A good way to increase your vocabulary is to play with words. There are many
board games that you can play with your family and friends, such as Scrabble and
Boggle. You can also play these games online. Vocabulary quizzes at
are a fun way to improve your knowledge, for example. Crossword puzzles are good
vocabulary expanders.
Increasing your vocabulary will not just help you score better on the vocabulary
sections of college entrance exams, but it will be helpful in the areas that cover
reading comprehension and writing skills.
In addition to improving test scores, a better vocabulary will help you to express
yourself more fluently. It will improve your speaking and writing skills, which will
give you an advantage over others when you are seeking to achieve the things you
want and need in life. It will help you to understand instructions, lectures, news
programs, and political dialog.
Imagine two applicants for a job; their skills are basically equal, as is their level of
education and experience. One applicant stumbles over words and struggles to
express himself, while the other one speaks clearly and confidently. Which one
would you hire? Most likely you would choose the one who has the ability and
confidence to express himself well.