Siddhartha Book Cover Project – Level 2 Grade

Siddhartha Book Cover Project – Level 2 Grade
Monday Oct. 29th (A) & Tuesday, Oct. 30th (B)
What we are doing:
Today you will be creating a book cover that illustrates Siddhartha’s journey with an
explanation of one step of the hero cycle. You will need:
• A blank piece of paper
• An index card
• Recreate one step from the hero cycle that is reflected in the book Siddhartha.
On the notecard, explain the connection of that step to the book using:
a. A quotation from the story
b. Supporting information that links it to the story, character or event in the
novel. This notecard explanation is attached to the back of the book cover.
Illustrate your book cover using a bright, creative design including:
a. The book title
b. Author’s name
1) We will have one block to complete the book cover assignment. Your teacher
may assign you a partner to complete the project. The teacher will give you one
step of the hero cycle to illustrate and explain.
2) Locate a quotation from the book that BEST captures that part of the hero
cycle in the story. On your notecard, write the quotation using correct citing of
your source and explain HOW the quote fits with the step of the hero cycle.
3) Attach the notecard to the back of your book cover illustration page.
The front cover should capture the spirit of the book. You may choose to use a
colorful design that is representational or abstract, but be prepared to explain
your illustration. How does your design fit with the story? Get creative with this
part of the project!
Grading Rubric – Level 2 Grade
You will be evaluated on the following elements:
[] Creativity in design (5 pts)
[] Appropriate choice of quotation with a solid connection to the hero cycle step (7 pts)
[] Correct citation format – quotation marks and parenthetical page reference. (3 pts)
[] Teamwork- How did each member of the group contribute equally to the end product?
Use the space below to explain. (5 pts)
Name 1: _____________________________ Name 2: ______________________________
____________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Creativity:
_________/5 pts
2. Quote & Connection:
_________/7 pts
3. Citation:
_________/3 pts
4. Teamwork:
_________/5 pts
________/20 pts