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Richard Hollister e. f. +44 0 207 389.9771



Vicky Maxwell Davies, Partner and Co-Head of the CIO Practice

London 08/09/2010

Poisoned Chalice or Dream Ticket?

When it’s time for a career move, many high-calibre candidates often have a number of job offers and will ask our advice on which to take. Clearly the opportunity to really prove yourself by sorting out “a mess” is a sure fire way of adding some sparkle to your CV. But how do you distinguish between the role that turns out to be a career killer and one which will shoot you to even greater glory?

Cathy and I call it the conundrum of the “poisoned chalice or dream ticket”. It’s clear that there is a continuum between those jobs whose challenge is just too big, and which for whatever reason (financial constraints, poor management, lack of strategic thinking – or, more usually, real desire to change) can never be achieved – however hard you try and whatever competencies, skills and track record you bring to the table, it just can’t be done.

On the other hand, there are roles which are just too easy: everything that needs to be done, has been and, even though the money might be good, there will be no opportunity for the turnaround that really showcases your talents.

So the real trick, for a world-class CIO/senior IT leader, is to get as close to the line where the dream ticket dissolves into the poisoned chalice – but just before it does so. That’s to say, where there are massive problems within the department, and the relationship with the business, where there is low morale, under performance and major programmes to be rescued – but where these can all be fixed (by a person of talent, integrity and tenacity – in other words, you). So, for example, where there is genuine Board buy in to the turnaround strategy and where an investment budget has, or will be, approved. And that this can be done within a three years timetable.

How can you tell? Due diligence, reference taking and of course – gut feeling. And make sure you’re paid well for the risk you’re going to take and that includes a stonking bonus at the end…

Vicky Maxwell Davies

Partner and Co-Head

CIO Practice

Boyden UK

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