Fetal Pig Prelab 14. 15. 16. 17.

Name:_________________________________________________ Date:______________________ Period:__________ Fetal Pig Prelab Directions: For 1‐13 use the word bank, match the correct terms to the definitions below. K. Ureter F. Trachea A. Diaphragm L. Kidneys G. Epiglottis B. Stomach M. Spleen H. Mammary Papillae C. Esophagus I. Lungs D. Liver J. Small intestine E. Pericardium 1. Small piece of tissue in back of throat that regulates airflow into the trachea (windpipe) 2. Organ that produces bile and monitors the distribution of nutrients to body cells. 3. Organ of excretory system that removes wastes from the blood and helps maintain stable water levels in the body 4. Structure used to nurse young mammals with milk. 5. Protective sac around the heart. 6. Muscular sac in the digestive system that breaks down food into a liquid like mixture 7. Largest organ of lymphatic system. It filters and cleans the lymph of cell fragments and abnormal tissue. It also has white blood cells that destroy harmful bacteria. 8. Digestive organ in which most chemical digestion and absorption occurs 9. Long structure made of soft tissue that connects the mouth and nose to the lungs 10. Thin muscle below the rib cage that controls the flow of air into and out of the lungs 11. Organ that absorbs oxygen gas from air that an organism inhales 12. Tube of connective tissue that carries urine from each of the kidneys to the bladder 13. Tube‐shaped tissue of the digestive system that connects the mouth to the stomach Directions: 14‐17. Use the terms to label the diagram below. A. Anterior B. Dorsal C. Posterior D. Ventral 15.
14. 17.
Directions: For 18‐30 use the word bank to label the diagram below. F. Small intestine A. Liver G. Gallbladder B. Trachea H. Lungs C. Stomach I. Large intestine D. Diaphragm J. Pancreas E. Larynx 18. 30. 29. K. Heart L. Spleen M. Kidney 19. 20. 21. 22. 28. 23. 27. 24. 26. 25. 