October 20, 2015 - Edmonton Catholic Schools

St. Dominic School Council Meeting
October 20, 2015 in School Gym
1. Call to order - 6:34pm by Paula Simon.
Attendance: 44 present. Quorum was present.
2. Opening Prayer – Our Father
3. Introductions - everyone introduced themselves.
4. Approval of Agenda Motion to approve the agenda by Yvette Smethurst and seconded by Jennifer Kuntscher.
Motion passed.
5. Approval of September 30, 2015 minutes Motion to approve the September 30, 2015 minutes as circulated by Stephanie Chorney and
seconded by Jennifer Kuntscher. Motion passed.
6. Treasurer’s Report 6.1. In/Our Report: General Account
Out - $84.95 September AGM snacks, door prizes, bank fees
In- $2351 deposit in October from Little Caesar (hot lunch) & Fundraiser
Outstanding - $1096.37 for hot lunch payment and new cheques ordered.
Total - $7347.20
7. Old Business 7.1. Operating Procedure amendment (Quorum):
Motion to change Operating Procedures to read as follows under QUORUM “The quorum for
the transaction of any business at any regular meeting of the School Council will consist of fifty
percent (50%) of the members of the St. Dominic School Executive plus two (2) attending
parents/caretakers who in fact can be members of the St. Dominic School Council.” Motion by
Amy House. Seconded by Roxane Ketsa. Motion passed.
7.2. Roles and Responsibilities of Executive: Jim read from the Operating Procedures aloud to
everyone for every position (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasure, and Secretary).
7.3. Elections: Chairperson – Paula Simon was nominated by Charlotte Zawaduk for Chairperson.
Seconded by Jim Jacques. Paula accepted the nomination. No other nominations were
brought forth. Paula won by acclamation. Vice Chairperson – Jim Jacques was nominated by
Yvette Smethurst for Vice Chairperson. Seconded by Roxane Ketsa. Jim accepted the
nomination. No other nominations brought forth. Jim won by acclamation. Secretary – Lina
Corbiere was nominated by Jim Jacques for Secretary. Seconded by Amber Morin. Lina
accepted the nomination. No other nominations brought forth. Lina Corbiere won by
acclamation. Treasurer – Amber Morin was nominated by Stephanie Chorney for Treasurer.
Seconded by Carmen Bobnar. Amber accepted the nomination. No other nominations brought
forth. Amber won by acclamation.
New positions for the 2015-2016 School Council are as follows:
Chairperson – Paula Simon, Vice Chairperson – Jim Jacques, Treasurer – Amber Morin, and
Secretary – Lina Corbiere.
Signing authority at the bank will have to be changed. Charlotte Zawaduk will be deleted from
the account and Amber Morin will be added to the account.
8. New Business 8.1. Classroom Representatives: The role was explained to council and a list was sent around for
any interested parents to sign up to represent their child’s classroom.
8.2. Fundraising Committee: Barbara gave an update on the FundScrip gift card fundraiser. 22
people have signed up online thus far and only 2 have ordered. Only 3 paper order forms have
been received so far. Everyone was encouraged to participate. Deadline is November 6th.
Distribution will be on Nov 25th at the demo of learning.
8.3. Yearly Activities:
Coats for Kids and Families Campaign – Coats for kids versus a school clothing swap was
discussed. Last year the clothing swap was organized by students as a social justice project.
Mrs. Pawliuk states that there has not been any discussion for a clothing swap this year and
that the students will probably choose a different project. School council is in favor of hosting
the clothing swap and will contact administration to set it up for the demonstration of learning.
Amber, Stephanie and Nicole offered to help. Any remaining clothing will be donated.
Christmas Hampers - Jennifer Kuntscher will lead this event. Nicole, Leslie and Natasha offered
to help. The school will give Jenn the number of hampers needed and provide a letter to use
when requesting donations for our hampers. Amy offered to help distribute letters. Any other
person with connections that may help please contact Jenn. A packing date will be chosen at
the next meeting. Paula will place a notice in her November newsletter entry.
Family Dance – Feb 5, 2016 was chosen as the date. Chairs and tables will need to be ordered.
Amber, Karla and Paula will organize the dance. If tickets can be printed prior to the Christmas
hampers being made they can be included with the hampers as gifts to the family. A second
option can be vouchers placed in the hampers for the family. These vouchers could be
redeemed at the office for dance tickets.
Random Acts of Kindness Luncheon – Mrs. Driscoll brought forth at the last meeting that
perhaps something less lavish can be done for the staff such as a bag of apples and a card. A
donation could be made in the school’s name to some organization in lieu of a luncheon.
Council will proceed with this idea and something will be organized closer to the date.
Year-end BBQ – is usually run by hot lunch. Andrea has taken over hot lunch. A date has not
been set for Games Day by the school yet. This item will be tabled until a date is known.
Volunteers will be needed.
8.4. Hot Lunch: Andrea has taken over hot lunch. October 23rd will be Little Caesars Pizza. There
will be one in November and a Christmas lunch. Volunteers are always needed to help hand out
food. Lunch is 12:00-12:20. Volunteers should come around 11:40am to help.
8.5. Foster Child Sponsorship: World Vision sponsorship was not renewed in June. Last year it was
suggested to use a catholic organization for sponsorship. All were in favor of continuing
sponsoring a child and Chalice will be used. Parents would like correspondence between
students and the sponsor child to occur.
Principal’s Report  Given by Mrs. Pawliuk.
 The Acting Principal is Lauren Hawes while Mrs. Kaup is on leave.
 African Drumming workshop will be at the school starting Oct 26th .
 Oct 27th is We Day. 50% of the trip was covered by freezie sales.
 36 new Surface Pros have arrived and the school is awaiting a new cart since it was
damaged in shipping.
 Bishop Gregory Bittman led the kids in Novena prayers in the gym.
 Read in week was a success.
 Oct 13/14 was school photos and we are waiting to see how pictures turned out with this
new company.
 Upcoming events read aloud.
Thankyou’s and Bouquets - were shared.
Next Meeting - November 18, 2015 at 6:30pm.
Adjournment - 8:00pm by Paula.
St. Dominic School Parent Advisory Society Minutes
October 20, 2015 in School Gym.
1. Call to Order - 8:00pm by Paula Simon.
Attendance: 44 present. Quorum was present.
School council executive will serve as executive of the society.
Signing authority will need to be changed at the bank. Charlotte Zawaduk will need to be deleted
and Amber Morin added to the account.
2. Approval of Agenda Add 6.0 Vote on Chalice Sponsorship to the agenda. Motion to approve agenda as amended by
Amber Morin. Seconded by Stephanie Chorney. Motion passed.
3. Approval of September 30, 2015 Meeting Minutes Motion to approve Sept 30, 2015 minutes by Jude Esewnwa. Seconded by Stephanie Chorney.
Motion passed.
4. Treasurer’s Report 4.1. In/Out Expense Report: Casino Account
In - $0.02 interest
Out - $0
Balance - $25612.28
Outstanding – 2 buses/classroom up to $8000 for fieldtrip transportation for this school year.
The rest of the casino money will need to be spent by the end of May 2016. The school will supply a
wish list to us.
5. Casino 2015 (November 21 and 22) Paula is the casino chair and still needs some people. Sunday night is still short.
6. Vote on Chalice Sponsorship Motion to spend up to $500 to sponsor a child through Chalice by Maureen Merkosky. Seconded by
Roxane Ketsa. Motion passed.
7. Adjournment - 8:06pm by Paula.
Door prize draw by Paula for $10 Tim Hortin gift cards.
Winners: Carmen Bobnar, Jasleen Kaur, and Stephanie Chorney.