Mutation Rate Pada Isolat Escherichia coli Penghasil ESBL Pasien

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Tim Peneliti : Rendra Bramanthi Prof. Dr. Eddy Bagus Wasito, dr., MS., Sp.MK(K),
Mutation Rate Pada Isolat Escherichia coli Penghasil ESBL Pasien
Rawat Inap RSUD Dr Soetomo
Abstrak :
Background : Nowadays the bacteria E coli as a ESBL producer frequently makes any problems of an
infection caution of urinary tract infection (uti) and the therapys problem. It also gives the problem of
antibiotic resistance. The solution of the such problems is to research the mutation model of ESBL
producing E coli. The model of research is taken from the urine sample belonging to hospitalized patients.
Material and Method : The method for research about the value of mutation rate of E coli is using
fluctuation test as follows : The ESBL producing E coli is cultured on the petri disk contains Mueller
Hinton in order to have rifampicin 100 ug. The E coli being cultured then to be incubated for about 24
hours. After incubation period it is monitored wether it grows or not. The mutation rate is calculated by
comparated number of no grows plate to the total amount of petri disks to be used. Results : of research are
50% of 24 isolate samples deliver strong mutator value, and 50% of 24 isolate samples deliver hyper
mutator value. The research concludes that E coli as ESBL producer taken from the urine speciment of
hospitalized patients in Dr Soetomo hospital has a high mutation rate. According to the literatures those
bacteria are well capable to adapt the environmental pressure. Conclusion : The value of mutation rates
from the research is hopefully informing to the doctors and paramedics in Dr Soetomo that the improper
usage of antibiotic causes higher mutation rate. The last but not least it will result resistances and any
difficulties to have medicinal treatment for urinary tract infection.
Keyword :
Mutation rate, ESBL producing E coli, RSUD Dr Soetomo
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