Measuring performance in a changing business environment

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Measuring performance
in a changing business
Mike Kennerley and Andy Neely
Centre for Business Performance, Cranfield School of Management,
Cranfield University, Cranfield, UK
Keywords Performance measurement, Systems redesign, Operations strategy
Abstract The design and use of performance measurement systems has received considerable
attention in recent years. Many organisations have redesigned their measurement systems to
ensure that they reflect their current environment and strategies. However, increasingly the
environment in which organisations compete is dynamic and rapidly changing, requiring
constant modification of strategies and operations to reflect these changing circumstances.
Despite this, few organisations appear to have systematic processes in place to ensure that their
performance measurement systems continue to reflect their environment and strategies. This
paper presents case study research that investigates what actions organisations can take to ensure
that their measurement systems evolve over time.
For some time there has been considerable interest in performance measurement.
Well-rehearsed adages such as ``What gets measured gets done’’ and ``You get
what you measure’’ suggest that implementing an appropriate performance
measurement system will ensure that actions are aligned to strategies and
objectives (Lynch and Cross, 1991). Increasingly, research evidence is
demonstrating that companies that are managed using integrated balanced
performance measurement systems outperform (Lingle and Schiemann, 1996) and
have superior stock prices (Gates, 1999) to those that are not ``measure managed’’.
Many organisations have spent considerable time and resources
implementing balanced performance measurement systems. The literature in
the field of performance measurement emphasises the importance of
maintaining relevant measures that continue to reflect the issues of importance
to the business (Lynch and Cross, 1991). However, little attention is paid to their
ongoing management and few organisations have systematic processes in
place to manage the evolution of their performance measurement systems to
ensure that they continue to reflect the organisation’s context (Waggoner et al.,
1999). Furthermore, few researchers appear to have explored the question –
what factors affect the evolution of an organisation’s measurement system?
This paper seeks to address this gap in the literature by presenting research
that aims to identify the factors that affect the evolution of the measurement
The authors are grateful to the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
for the award of research grant number GR/K88637 to carry out the research reported in this
International Journal of Operations &
Production Management
Vol. 23 No. 2, 2003
pp. 213-229
# MCB UP Limited
DOI 10.1108/01443570310458465
systems used by different organisations. It begins with a review of the literature
relating to performance measurement and the evolution of performance
measurement systems, concentrating on the interface between literature in the
fields of operations management and strategy, in order to maintain appropriate
focus. It goes on to present the empirical research, which was undertaken in two
phases: first, seven case studies undertaken to identify the factors that affect the
evolution of performance measurement systems, resulting in a framework of
these factors; and second, an in-depth case study that provides a longitudinal
evaluation of a performance measurement system as it changed, and
investigates the validity of the findings of the initial case studies. Finally,
conclusions of the research are drawn.
Trends in performance measurement
Throughout history, performance measures have been used to assess the success of
organisations. The modern accounting framework dates back to the Middle Ages
and since that time assessment of performance has predominantly been based on
financial criteria (Bruns, 1998). Double entry accounting systems were developed to
avoid disputes and settle transactions between traders (Johnson, 1983). By the start
of the twentieth century the nature of organisations had evolved and ownership
and management were increasingly separated. As a result, measures of return on
investment were applied so that owners could monitor the performance that
managers were achieving (Johnson, 1983). Since that time the vast majority of
performance measures used have been financial measures of this type.
By the 1980s there was a growing realisation that the traditional performance
measures were no longer sufficient to manage organisations competing in
modern markets (Johnson and Kaplan, 1987). With more demanding customers
and more competitive markets came the need for greater responsiveness and
external focus for activities. Many authors recognised that, whilst traditional
financial accounting systems indicate the performance that results from the
activities of an organisation, they provide little indication of how that
performance is achieved or how it can be improved.
The deficiencies in traditional financial performance measures, and their
inadequacies given the changes to the competitive challenges facing
companies, have been widely documented. Authors suggest that traditional
financial performance measures are historical in nature (Dixon et al., 1990);
provide little indication of future performance; encourage short termism
(Hayes and Abernathy, 1980; Kaplan, 1986); are internally rather than
externally focused, with little regard for competitors or customers (Kaplan
and Norton, 1992; Neely et al., 1995); lack strategic focus (Skinner, 1974); and
often inhibit innovation (Richardson and Gordon, 1980). It is widely believed
that the information provided by such cost based systems is insufficient for
the effective management of businesses in rapidly changing and highly
competitive markets.
These shortcomings in traditional measures have resulted in a crisis in
performance measurement and a subsequent revolution to overhaul existing
systems to ensure that they reflect organisations’ competitive circumstances
(Eccles, 1991; Neely, 1999). This revolution has led many organisations to
invest large amounts of effort and resources into the design and
implementation of new performance measurement systems. Data from the
USA research company Gartner group, for example, suggest that 40 percent of
the largest businesses in the USA had adopted the balanced scorecard by the
end of 2000. Data collected by the Balanced Scorecard Collaborative put the
figure even higher, suggesting that over 50 per cent of surveyed firms worldwide had adopted the balanced scorecard by the middle of 2001, with a further
25 percent considering it (Downing, 2001). Many processes (Bourne et al., 2000)
and frameworks (Kennerley and Neely, 2000) have been proposed which are
designed to help organisations implement an appropriate measurement
system. At the heart of these processes and frameworks, as with much that
has been written on the subject of performance measurement, is the premise
that measures and measurement systems must reflect the context to which
they are applied (Neely, 1999).
Despite all of the time and effort spent redesigning measurement systems,
there is little evidence that organisations are managing their measurement
systems to ensure that they continue to reflect the organisational context as
that context changes. Organisations are implementing new measures to reflect
new priorities but failing to discard measures reflecting old priorities (Meyer
and Gupta, 1994). As a result, it is suggested that organisations are drowning
in data (Neely et al., 2000). Meyer and Gupta (1994) observe that failure to
effectively manage this change causes the introduction of new measures ``that
are weakly correlated to those currently in place’’ so that an organisation will
have a diverse set of measures that are not consistent. As with measurement
systems introduced at the turn of the century, there is a danger that failure to
effectively manage the way in which measurement systems change over time
will cause new measurement systems to lose their relevance.
The message from the history of performance measurement suggests,
therefore, that measurement systems must reflect the context and objectives of the
organisation in question. At the point of implementation, systems tend to fulfil
this requirement. History would suggest that such failure to effectively manage
performance measurement systems over time will bring further measurement
crises and the subsequent need to invest in redesign projects in the future.
This raises two important research questions that are addressed by the
empirical work discussed in this paper:
(1) What factors affect (facilitate and inhibit) the way in which measurement
systems change over time?
(2) How can organisations manage their measurement systems so that they
continually remain relevant?
These are important questions to answer if history is not to be repeated and
organisations are to avoid the expense of another extensive overhaul of their
measurement systems. Numerous authors espouse the need for reflection on
measures to ensure that they are updated to reflect this continuous change
(Meyer and Gupta, 1994; Ghalayini and Noble, 1996; Dixon et al., 1990; Wisner
and Fawcett, 1991) and audit tools have been proposed to facilitate this change
(Dixon et al., 1990; Bititci et al., 2000). However, with a few notable exceptions
(Meyer and Gupta, 1994; Townley and Cooper, 1998; Bourne et al., 2000),
empirical investigation of the evolution of measurement systems over time
remains a considerable gap in performance measurement research (Neely, 1999).
This paper reports research undertaken in two distinct phases. Phase 1
addresses the first question, i.e. what factors affect (facilitate and inhibit) the
way in which measurement systems change over time? This phase of the
research is reported in detail in Kennerley and Neely (2002), and the findings
are summarised in this paper to provide the context for the second phase,
which addresses the second research question (i.e. How can organisations
manage their measurement systems so that they continually remain relevant?).
Phase1 – identifying the factors affecting the evolution of
performance measurement systems
The first phase of the research is based on seven case studies of companies that
have considerable experience using performance measures. The case studies
sought to identify the factors enabling and hindering the evolution of
performance measurement systems. Data were collected from companies with a
number of years experience in using performance measurement systems.
Interviews were undertaken with managers from a variety of functions within
these organisations to obtain a broad view of performance measurement and
the evolution of measurement systems[1].
The data collected demonstrate the importance of effectively managing the
evolution of performance measures to ensure that they continue to help manage
the performance of the organisation and adapt as behaviour within the
organisation changes. However, no one company demonstrated best practice or
the complete solution to managing the evolution of measurement systems. In
each organisation it was possible to identify a range of barriers that prevented
the evolution of performance measurement systems, and different approaches
to overcoming these barriers. The studies showed that the barriers can be
overcome as the measurement system is underpinned by enabling factors –
broadly categorised under the headings people, process, systems and culture.
Specifically, a well designed measurement system will be accompanied by an
explicitly designed evolutionary cycle with clear triggers and:
Process – existence of a process for reviewing, modifying and deploying
People – the availability of the required skills to use, reflect on, modify
and deploy measures.
Systems – the availability of flexible systems that enable the collection,
analysis and reporting of appropriate data.
Culture – the existence of a measurement culture within the organisation
ensuring that the value of measurement, and importance of maintaining
relevant and appropriate measures, are appreciated.
Table I illustrates the factors that enable the evolution of performance
measurement systems. It is the existence of these enabling factors that makes
the evolution of a performance measurement system possible.
The case study data collected also demonstrate that there are a number of
stages in the evolution of performance measurement systems. The findings
clearly show that the active use of the performance measurement system is a
prerequisite to any evolution. This requires that the performance measurement
system be used to manage the business so that the importance of the measures
is demonstrated throughout the organisation.
Given the availability and effective use of the performance measurement
system, there are three subsequent phases to effective evolution. These are:
(1) Reflection on the existing performance measurement system to identify
where it is no longer appropriate and where enhancements need to be made.
Regular process to
review measures with
predetermined review
dates and allocated
Maintenance of IT
Availability of
Culture conducive to
dedicated resources to measurement
facilitate review and
Senior management
modification of
driving measurement
Understanding of the
benefit of measurement
Maintenance of
internal performance Acceptance of need for
Effective communication
Availability of
of measures and
appropriate skills to measurement issues
use measures
using accepted media
effectively and
quantify performance Use of measures to
objectives (including prompt actions, reflect
in-depth knowledge of on strategy and
operations and
processes, etc.
requirements; systems Open and honest use of
development skills,
Integration of
measurement with
initiatives and
strategy formulation
managed to ensure
consistent approach
to continuity
Flexible IT systems
enabling modification
of data collection,
analysis and reporting
tools (e.g. in-house
Integration of IT and
operational objectives
and resources
Resources dedicated
to the development of
Processes proactively measurement systems
identify internal and
external triggers of
Maximise data
availability, minimise
Availability of
mechanisms to
transfer best practice
Development of a
community of users
of measures to
transfer best practice
(e-mail, user groups,
Table I.
Enablers of evolution
(2) Modification of the performance measurement system to ensure
alignment to the organisation’s new circumstances.
(3) Deployment of the modified performance measurement system so that it
can be used to manage the performance of the organisation.
Figure 1 illustrates how these phases of evolution form a continuous
evolutionary cycle.
The full findings of the first phase of this research, including the data
supporting Figure 1 and Table I, are reported in Kennerley and Neely (2002).
This paper focuses on the second phase of the research, and the answer to the
second research question, i.e. how can organisations manage their
measurement systems so that they continually remain relevant?
Phase 2 – managing the evolution of performance measurement systems
The findings of the first phase of the research show that, to be effective,
measurement systems must be managed to reflect the organisation’s context
and strategies. Neely (1998) found that performance measurement systems
consist of three inter-related elements:
(1) Individual measures that quantify the efficiency and effectiveness of actions.
(2) A set of measures that combine to assess the performance of an
organisation as a whole.
(3) A supporting infrastructure that enables data to be acquired, collated,
sorted, analysed, interpreted and disseminated.
The research suggests that each of these elements must be managed in order to
maintain their relevance and effectiveness, and hence the process of managing
the evolution should be triggered by reflection on the relevance of each these
Figure 1.
Framework of factors
affecting the evolution
of performance
measurement systems
elements of the measurement system to the changing context and strategies of
the organisation. Reviewing the existing literature in the field of performance
measurement enables identification of a number of tools which are designed to
identify whether an organisation’s current performance measurement system
reflects its requirements.
Reflection on the individual measures
Much has been written regarding the relevance of individual measures
prescribing criteria for designing effective measures. Neely et al. (1997)
reviewed this literature, which suggests that performance measures should:
be derived from strategy;
be simple to understand;
provide timely and accurate feedback;
be based on quantities that can be influenced, or controlled, by the user
alone or in co-operation with others;
reflect the ``business process’’;
relate to specific goals (targets);
be relevant;
be part of a closed management loop;
be clearly defined;
have visual impact;
focus on improvement;
be consistent (in that they maintain their significance as time goes by);
provide fast feedback;
have an explicit purpose;
be based on an explicitly defined formula and source of data;
employ ratios rather than absolute numbers;
use data which are automatically collected as part of a process whenever
be reported in a simple consistent format;
be based on trends rather than snapshots;
provide information;
be precise – be exact about what is being measured;
be objective – not based on opinion.
Based on this review, Neely et al. developed and tested a framework for
designing and auditing performance measures to ensure that they satisfy these
criteria. The Performance measurement record sheet (Table II) (Neely et al.,
Table II.
measurement record
Performance measurement record sheet
Relates to
Who measures?
Source of data
Who acts on the data?
What do they do?
Notes and comments
1996, 1997) lists the criteria which must be defined for each performance
measure that is used. Any of these criteria might become irrelevant as an
organisation’s circumstances change and, as such, each of the criteria should be
reviewed to ensure that a measure remains relevant.
Table III contains a number of further tests identified in the literature which
demonstrate whether individual measures are appropriate. Failure of any of
these tests would also suggest that modification of the measure is necessary to
ensure that it remains relevant.
Reflection on the set of performance measures
Reflection on the set of performance measures is intended to identify whether
the right things are being measured. Much has been written about the way in
which a set of performance measures should be selected. Many of the
performance measurement frameworks that have been proposed (Kennerley
and Neely, 2000) might support reflection on the relevance of the set of
measures used by the organisation. Furthermore, tools such as the performance
measurement questionnaire (Dixon et al., 1990) are specifically designed to help
an organisation to identify the appropriateness of their measurement system.
These tools should help the organisation to reflect on whether the set of
performance measures is balanced; aligned to strategies, philosophies, and
incentive schemes; comprehensive and consistent.
Table III.
Tests of relevance of
individual performance
truth test
focus test
consistency test
access test
clarity test
so what test
timeliness test
cost test
gaming test
Is the measure definitely measuring what it’s meant to measure?
Is the measure only measuring what it’s meant to measure?
Is the measure consistent whenever or whoever measures?
Can the data be readily communicated and easily understood?
Is any ambiguity possible in interpretation of the results?
Can, and will, the data be acted upon?
Can the data be analysed soon enough so that action can be taken?
Is it worth the cost of collecting and analysing the data?
Does the measure encourage any undesirable behaviours?
Reflection on the supporting infrastructure
Reflection on the supporting infrastructure is intended to identify whether the
processes and systems are in place to ensure that data are collected and
disseminated effectively and efficiently. This is the area of performance
measurement systems which has received least attention. Neely (1998) suggests
that the infrastructure to support the use of performance measures should
include data acquisition; collation; sorting; analysis; interpretation; and
dissemination processes. This suggests that reflection requires assessment of
the effectiveness and efficiency of these processes, i.e.:
(1) Data acquisition – how are the raw data gathered?
(2) Data collation – how are the data collated into a single data set?
(3) Data sorting – how are the raw data assigned to meaningful categories
so that the data can be analysed?
(4) Data analysis – how are patterns which exist in the sorted data set
(5) Data interpretation – how are the implications of any patterns which
have been identified in the sorted data set explained?
(6) Data dissemination – how are the implications of any patterns which
have been identified in the sorted data set communicated?
The tools described above are proposed in the academic and practitioner
literature as tools for use by managers to help them reflect on the
appropriateness of their current performance measurement system. It is
suggested that use of such tools should allow managers to identify when the
measurement system needs to be changed in order to reflect current
circumstances, and hence help to answer the question – how can organisations
manage their measurement systems so that they continually remain relevant?
Despite the availability of these tools, the research in this field would suggest
that organisations still have difficulty managing the evolution of their
measurement systems (Meyer and Gupta, 1994; Kennerley and Neely, 2002).
The first phase of this research shows that to manage evolution of their
measurement systems organisations must have the appropriate evolutionary
capabilities, and that these capabilities fall into four categories, processes,
people, culture and systems. Furthermore, it shows that, given the existence
and use of a measurement system, these evolutionary capabilities should
support three key stages of evolution, i.e. reflection, modification and
deployment, although systems do little to support the reflection and
modification of measurement systems. The remainder of this paper discusses
the application of these capabilities at each of these stages.
Audit framework of evolutionary capabilities
In order to investigate the application of the evolutionary capabilities
throughout the stages of evolution presented in Figure 1, the data from phase 1
of the research were used to develop an audit framework. For each stage of
evolution the relevant capabilities are identified. The framework is presented in
Figures 2-4.
The evidence presented thus far would suggest that representation of the
capabilities in this form should enable an organisation to evaluate its
evolutionary capabilities and identify the actions it needs to take to effectively
manage the evolution of their measurement system. The following section of
the paper presents a case study that tests the framework and assesses whether
it helps organisations identify how to manage their measurement systems.
Case study – Electrical plc
The Electrical plc case study provides a longitudinal evaluation of the
evolution of a performance measurement system. The case study examines an
electrical wholesale company with 100 homogeneous branches located
throughout the UK. It investigates the way in which its performance
measurement system has changed over time, and applies the audit of
evolutionary capabilities to assess the company’s capabilities. The case study
aims to investigate the validity of the findings of phase 1 of the research and to
test the audit framework. Data were collected in semi-structured interviews,
undertaken with the managers involved in the management of the performance
measurement system. These interviews included use of the audit framework
presented in Figures 2-4.
The data collected demonstrated that there were two distinct phases in the
evolution of the performance measurement system in Electrical plc.
Electrical plc performance measurement system phase 1
The initial measurement system used to assess the performance of the
company was designed to meet its requirements in the early 1990s. At that time
the company had fewer branches than it currently has and therefore had a
strategy of increasing market share and branch coverage whilst increasing
Figure 2.
capabilities – reflect
Figure 3.
capabilities – modify
Figure 4.
capabilities – deploy
profits in the short-term. To support this strategy a branch profit and loss
measurement system was implemented. Each branch manager was responsible
for the net profit of their branch and was awarded a bonus based on the level of
profit achieved. This measurement system was entirely appropriate for the
company at that time. It significantly contributed to the development of an
entrepreneurial culture, with branches seeking to maximise sales whilst
minimising purchasing spend. This measurement system remained unchanged
throughout the 1990s, reflecting a traditional profit and loss approach.
Electrical plc performance measurement system phase 2
By the late 1990s the company had increased its market share and branch
coverage and, to a considerable degree, had satisfied its objectives of the early
1990s. However, the company identified that the entrepreneurial culture that
had been established also resulted in competition between branches, prompting
sub-optimal behaviour. As a result, the company’s strategy was changed to
focus on inter-branch co-operation, the sharing of knowledge and acting as one
company with a network of branches rather than as independent branches
competing with each other. They identified the need to change the performance
measurement and bonus systems in line with this new strategy. As a result, a
company-wide balanced scorecard was implemented. It balanced measurement
of company profitability with other dimensions of performance, focused on
customer service and satisfaction; internal processes to deliver customer
service and satisfaction; and employee skills and satisfaction. In total, 18
measures were designed and implemented within these categories. The
measures were explicitly linked through cause and effect relationships
identified by senior management, and drawn together in a success map which
illustrated the drivers of performance and ensured that each branch used a
consistent set of measures and understood how all of the measures related to
one another. The balanced scorecard was designed and implemented using an
external facilitator, and the branch bonus system was aligned to it.
The revised measurement system contributed to a change in culture within
the organisation. Branches gave greater focus to customer service, increased
inter-branch co-operation and information sharing. It also helped branch staff
focus on the issues of importance to the company as a whole, increasing their
commitment and motivation and aligning activities to the company’s strategy.
The change in behaviour to which the new measurement system contributed
has given the company a competitive advantage in the industry as it focuses on
customer service, enabling increased profit margins rather than just focussing
on sales volume, which is the norm within the industry. It is generally
recognised, at corporate and branch level, that changing the performance
measurement system, and the associated alignment of the bonus system, has
made a fundamental contribution to changing behaviour within the company
in line with the company’s strategy. The case study data were collected once
the balanced scorecard had been implemented and was being used to manage
the performance of the company.
Evolutionary capabilities
The changes in Electrical plc’s performance measurement system demonstrate
the importance of ensuring that measurement systems remain appropriate to
the company’s environment and strategy. The initial measurement system
(phase 1) was a static system. The culture within the organisation was closely
aligned to the existing profit and loss based measurement system. As a result
there was little realisation of the need for the measurement system to change
over time and there was no process in place to ensure that evolution occurred.
The change of performance measurement system in phase 2 was prompted
by a realisation by the managing director that the organisation was losing
competitiveness and that significant action was required to address this. As a
result, the managing director brought in a external facilitator to manage the
design and implementation of the new process. The facilitator brought in the
process and skills required. Effectively, the organisation had brought in the
capabilities required to execute the necessary step change required to align the
performance measurement system to the revised business strategy.
Having changed its measurement system to reflect its revised strategy,
Electrical’s concern turned to how it could ensure that the measurement and
bonus systems remain aligned to the company’s environment and strategy.
The company recognised that it trades in a highly competitive environment
and that strategies and measures will have to change more frequently in the
future if competitiveness is to be maintained. It recognised that this would
require more frequent modification of its performance measurement system to
ensure that its relevance be maintained. Furthermore, the company recognised
that effective management of the measurement system could reduce the need
for a significant overhaul of the system again in the future. The audit
framework of evolutionary capabilities presented above was discussed with
each of the interviewees in order to compare Electrical’s capabilities with the
capabilities identified in the first phase of the research. Table IV summarises
the Electrical’s evolutionary capabilities in comparison to this audit.
Discussion of the evolutionary capabilities in this way focuses attention on
how Electrical has achieved the significant change in its performance
measurement system and the actions required to ensure that the measurement
system continues to change, enabling it to maintain relevance as the company’s
circumstances change.
Process. An external agent facilitated the process of changing the initial
measurement system to implement the balanced scorecard. This agent brought
in a process for designing a new performance measurement system – no such
process for review, modification (design) or deployment already existed within
the organisation. Recognition of the need for an evolutionary measurement
system led Electrical plc to implement a process to review the measures and the
mechanisms by which data were collected and reported. Quarterly review
Emerging/managed Basic
Table IV.
Electrical plc’s
workshops, designed to reflect on whether the measures and targets prompt the
behaviour that is required and to provide a forum to suggest new or modified
measures, have been introduced. A feedback process is also planned to
encourage and facilitate feedback from all levels of the organisation as
measures are used.
Interviews with Electrical plc’s managers show that the lack of effective
processes had been a barrier to the evolution of its original performance
measurement system (phase 1) and that bringing in an externally facilitated
process enabled that system to be changed (phase 2). Management have now
taken clear action to ensure that processes are in place to manage evolution in
the future. Comparison of new processes with the audit framework would
suggest that they will help ongoing management of the measurement system.
People. The external facilitator brought many of the skills required to modify
and deploy the balanced scorecard measurement system. During phase 1 of
Electrical plc’s measurement system there was little evidence of the skills
necessary to consistently review and modify the measurement system. Following
the balanced scorecard implementation, a steering committee of three directors has
been set up to oversee the system and a dedicated balanced scorecard manager
has been employed to ensure that sufficient attention is paid to maintaining the
system’s effectiveness. This ensures that the skills required to manage and modify
all elements of the measurement system are maintained within the organisation,
reducing the need for external support. An internal education programme is
planned to ensure that employees throughout the organisation can use the
measurement system effectively and can contribute to its evolution.
Culture. During phase 1 of its measurement system the culture within
Electrical plc was closely aligned to the existing measurement system and
there was little appreciation of the need to change the system over time. Since
the implementation of the balanced scorecard system effort has been put into
developing a favourable culture for using the performance measurement
system. Considerable resources have been applied to communication
throughout the organisation to obtain buy-in at all levels. Furthermore,
considerable attention has been placed on demonstrating that action is based
on the data collected and that feedback regarding the use and relevance of the
measures is actively sought. These actions are intended to encourage the
participation of employees in the measurement process and demonstrate that
their feedback and input would be acted upon.
Systems. New information systems to collect, analyse and disseminate the
performance measurement data for the balanced scorecard system were
developed internally and the skills and resources that would enable
maintenance and further development of these systems were retained within
the organisation. Previously these skills had not been considered necessary as
the need to modify measurement systems was not recognised.
The evolution of performance measurement systems in Electrical plc shows
the way in which the relevance of measurement systems change as an
organisation changes. The original branch profit and loss system was entirely
appropriate at the time of its introduction but lost relevance as the
organisation’s circumstances changed. The company recognises that the
relevance of the measurement system must be maintained and that effectively
managing its evolution is essential. Collection of data during the case study,
using the audit framework of evolutionary capabilities, has enabled
comparison of the capabilities available to Electrical plc during the different
phases through which its performance measurement system has evolved. The
data show that the company did not have the process, people, culture or
systems necessary to change its original measurement system to reflect its
changing circumstances. The necessary process and people were brought in to
make a step change in its measurement system. The company has recognised
the capabilities required to ensure the necessary evolution in the future.
The data collected during the case study show that the managers within
Electrical plc now recognise the process, people, culture and systems capabilities
necessary to manage a measurement system over time. They recognise that these
capabilities did not exist within the organisation during the first phase of their
measurement systems evolution, and action has been taken to ensure that the
capabilities are in place to ensure that the evolution is effective in the future. The
interviewees recognised that addressing the issues raised by the audit framework
of evolutionary capabilities and closing the gap between current capabilities and
``excellence’’ in the audit framework would assist future management in the
evolution of their measurement system. As such, the case study data supports the
use of the audit framework to demonstrate capabilities gaps.
Performance measurement systems are the focus of considerable attention in
academic and practitioner communities. They clearly have a considerable
contribution to make the management of performance of organisations. However,
for this contribution to be realised, it is essential that the measurement systems
used are relevant and appropriate for the environment and strategies of the
organisation. Given the dynamic and rapidly changing environment in which
most organisations compete, it is important that organisations effectively
manage their measurement system so that it remains appropriate and provides
information that is relevant to the issues that are of current importance.
The research reported in this paper provides an understanding of how
measurement systems can be managed so that a dynamic and relevant set of
performance measures can be maintained, reflecting an organisation’s
changing requirements. It does so by answering two key research questions:
(1) What factors affect (facilitate and inhibit) the way in which
measurement systems change over time?
(2) How can organisations manage their measurement systems so that they
continually remain relevant?
It demonstrates that a complex range of factors can facilitate or inhibit this
evolution and presents a framework that provides an understanding of how
evolution can be managed. The research demonstrates that the existence of
capabilities broadly grouped under the categories of process, people, systems
and culture enables organisations to cope with the changing environment and
modify their performance measurement system accordingly.
The paper discusses many issues of relevance to the growing literature in
the field of performance measurement whilst providing organisations with a
practical tool to help them establish an effective performance measurement
system. Ensuring that evolution of measurement systems is effectively
managed over time is vital if another measurement crisis and revolution is to be
1. The data collected and findings of this phase of the research are presented in more depth in
Kennerley and Neely (2002).
2. Based on work of Michael Hammer and Professor Bob Johnston.
Bititci, U.S., Turner, T. and Begemann, C. (2000), ``Dynamics of performance measurement
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