Study Guide AP European History First Semester

Study Guide AP European History First Semester Be sure to study your notes/notecards for all chapters covered in this year. Chapters 12­19 will be included on your exam. Be sure to re­write any parts of your notes that you have had problems with. Look at all of your returned quizzes and assignments. Look over any old tests or other items. The Crisis of the Later Middle Ages Great Famine Black Death Little Ice age Babylonia Captivity; papcy in Avignon Hundred Years War Jacquerie Peasant Uprising In France Great Schism English Peasants Revolt Pathology of the Black Death Holy Roman Empire Artwork Pre Renaissance Giovanni Boccaccio Flagellants Charlies IV of France Agincourt Joan of Arc Charles VII Confraternaties Concillarists Christine de Pizan Renaissance Petrarch Patronage Humanism Guttenberg Press Wars of the Roses Isabella and Ferdinand Communes Popolo Louis XI Spanish Inquisition Reconquista Machiavelli Renaissance art and architecture Italian City States Castiglione ​
The Courtier Christian Humanism Northern Renaissance David Boticelli Women’s roles in the Renaissance Tax Collections and the growth of the nation state Medici Reformation Ulrich Zwingli Martin Luther Diet of Worms Habsburg­Valois War Peasants War in Germany Henry the VIII John Calvin Council of Trent Pope Paul III Edict of Nantes England’s Defeat of the Spanish Armada 1588 Indulgence Pluralism anticlericalism Tetzel Radical Reformation The Reformation and German Politics Rist of the Habsburgs Switzerland Religious Wars Tudor Dynasty in England Predestination Holy Office Jesuits Huguenots Great European Witch Hunt Age of Exploration Trading States of Africa Dutch East India Company Pizarro Conquest of Inca’s Cortes conquers the Mexica Empire Magellan’s expediton Circumnavigates the World The Trade world of the Indian Ocean Middlemen Ottoman and Persian Empire Conquistadors Ptolemy’s Geography Caravel Prince Henry the Navigator Christopher Columbus Amerigo Vespucci Treaty of Tordesillas Montezuma Viceroyalities Encomiendas Columbian Exchange Bartolomoe De Las Casas Spanish Silver and Inflation Michel de Montaigne Shakespeare Absolutism and Constitutionalism Louis the 14th. Jean­Baptiste Colbert and Mercantilism Henry the IV of France Oliver Cromwell Baroque Palaces Peter the Great in Russia Revocation of the Edict of Nantes Glorious Revolution War of Spanish Succession Restoration of Charles II in England Ivan The Terrible in Russia Serfdom in Eastern Europe Peace of Westphalia Three Phases of the 30 years war Significance of the 30 years war Growth of Professional armies Versailles Habsburgs Prussia in 17th Century Junkers Prussian Absolutism Peter the Great St. Basil’s Cathedral Janissary Corps Sultan Millet System Constitutionalism Republicanism Puritanism Stadholder Baroque Art, Architecture and Music Fronde Peace Of Utrecht Test Act Scientific Revolution/ The Enlightenment Natural Philsophy Copernican Hypothesis Brahe Kepler Galileo Law of Inertia Experimental Method Newton’s Synthesis Bacon Descartes Scientific Method Cartesian Dualism Empiricism Law of Universal Gravitation William Harvey Rene Descartes Robert Boyle Isaac Newton Philosophes Montesquieu Voltaire David Hume Jean Jacques Rousseau Denis Diderot Immanuel Kant Pierre Bayle reading Revolution Salons Rococo Public Sphere Enlightened Absolutism Frederick the Great of Prussia Catherine the Great Austrian Habsburgs Haskalah Cameralism The Expansion of Europe Seven Years War Agricultural Revolution British Navigation Acts Open Field System Enclosure movement in England Proletarianization Population Growth Putting Out System Cottage Industry Linen Industry Urban Guilds Industrious Revolution Adam Smith Economic Liberalism Mercantilism and Colonialism Treaty of Paris 1763 Treaty of Paris 1783 Debt Peonage Atlantic Slave Trade Olaudah Equiano Changing Life of the People Nuclear Families Community Controls Illegitmacy Explosion West Nursing. Spread of Elementary Schools Blood Sports Carnival Just Price Consumer Revolution Church Revival Methodists Pietism Jansenism Medical Practice Faith Healing Hospitals and Surgery Midwifery Conquest of Smallpox Edward Jenner 