Art History – Citing your Sources in MLA

Art History – Citing your Sources in MLA
Author(s)/Editor. Title. Edition (if available). Publication City: Publisher, publication year. Print.
Scherman, Tony and David Dalton. Pop: the Genius of Andy Warhol. New York: Harper, 2009. Print.
Article in a journal
Author(s). “Article Title.” Journal Title Volume.Issue (Year of Publication): Page Info. Print.
Stimson, B. "Andy Warhol’s Red Beard." Art Bulletin 83.3 (2001): 527-47. Print.
Article in a weekly or monthly magazine
Author(s). “Article Title.” Magazine Title Date of Publication: Page Info. Print.
Alexander, Paul. "The Question of Warhol’s Photographs." ARTnews February 1995: 100. Print.
Book found in an online collection the Library pays for (e.g., ebrary, Netlibrary, etc.)
Author(s)/Editor(s). Title. Edition (if available). Publication City: Publisher, publication year. Collection
name. Web. Access Date.
Harrison, Sylvia. Pop Art and the Origins of Post-modernism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2001. ebrary. Web. 26 Jan. 2015.
Article from an online database (e.g., JSTOR, Academic Search Premier)
Author(s). “Article Title.” Journal Title Volume.Issue (Publication Year): page(s). Database
Name. Web. Access Date.
Nettleton, Taro. “White-on-White: The Overbearing Whiteness of Warhol Being.” Art Journal
62.1 (2003):14-23. Academic Search Premier. Web. 24 Jan. 2015.
Article from an online reference work (e.g., Grove Art Online)
Author(s). “Article Title.” Encyclopedia Title. Publication Year (use N.d. when none is available).
Database Name. Web. Access Date.
Livingstone, Marco. "Pop Art." Grove Art Online. N.d. Oxford Art Online. Web. 24 Jan. 2015.
last revised: Jan 2015
Images from ArtSTOR
Artist. Title. Year Created. Institution Housing the Work. Database Name. Web. Access Date.
Warhol, Andy. Chicken Noodle, from Campbell’s Soup I. 1968. Minneapolis Institute of Arts.
ARTstor. Web. 24 Jan. 2015.
Images available for free on the Web
Artist. Title. Year Created. Institution Housing the Work. Title of Web Site. Web. Access
Date. <insert URL in angle brackets if your instructor requires it>.
Warhol, Andy. Gold Marilyn Monroe. 1962. Museum of Modern Art. MoMA: the Collection.
Web. 24 Jan. 2015. <>.
Short video clip
Author(s). “Video Title”. Title of Website. Sponsor. Publication Date. Medium. Date Accessed.
Zucker, Steven and Sal Khan. “Why is This Art? Andy Warhol, Campbell’s Soup Cans.” Smarthistory.
Kahn Academy. 31 Aug. 2012. Web. 26 Jan. 2015.
Whole Web site
Title of Web Site. Publisher/Sponsor, Publication Date (use n.d. when none is available).
Web. Date Accessed. <insert URL in angle brackets if your instructor requires it>.
Andy Warhol Museum. Carneige Museums of Pittsburgh, n.d. Web. 24 Jan. 2015.
Documents available for free on the Web
Author (if available). Title. Title of Web Site. Publisher/Sponsor, Publication Date (use n.d.
when none is available). Web. Date Accessed. <insert URL in angle brackets if your
instructor requires it>.
Mann, Ted. Self-Portrait in Drag. Guggenheim New York. Guggenheim Museum, n.d.
Web. 24 Jan. 2015. <>.
Exhibition wall text or blurb
Author of the panel (if available). "Title of Work." Exhibition Title (if applicable). Museum. Date of
Exhibition (if applicable). Type of object (e.g. panel, wall text).
"Portrait of Emperor Qianlong in Ceremonial Robe." The Forbidden City: Inside the Court of China's
Emperors. Vancouver Art Gallery. Oct. 18-Jan. 11, 2014. Panel.
last revised: Jan 2015
According to Koestenbaum, Warhol….(10).
Warhol has been described as…. (Koestenbaum 12).
Warhol’s work, as part of the Pop Art movement…..(Scherman and Dalton 35).
Use page numbers if specifically provided by the document (e.g., as with a PDF file). Do not
use the page numbers of a printout as this pagination varies depending on settings such as
font size. Use paragraph (par./pars) or section numbers (sec./secs.) if no page numbers are
Nettleton, in her article, suggests that „whiteness‟ in Warhol‟s work is a reflection of
Hollywood‟s .....(pars. 7-10).
Warhol‟s preoccupation with celebrities ..... (Chan sec. 2).
Exhibition Panel or Wall Texts
There is no prescribed format from MLA. Use author or title of work and type of object.
(Portrait of Emperor Qianlong, Panel)
(Lu, Wall Text)
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Last revised: Jan. 2015 Joyce Wong
last revised: Jan 2015