Senior Exit Presentation

The Senior Experience
The Senior Experience is one of three parts to your Senior
Culminating Project.
This experience is intended to expand your view of work and activities
outside of high school programs.
Volunteer Experience Packet
Ephrata High School Senior Culminating Project
What You Need to Complete the Senior Culminating Project
- Cover page Name __________________________________________________ Date ________________
Expected Graduation Date ______________________________________________________
Advisory Teacher Name ________________________________________________________
Senior Culminating Project Components
Must Be
Your Completion
Initials of
1. Senior Experience (Select One: A, B or C)
Completed By
2. Portfolio
3. Presentation
A. Job Shadow
B. Volunteer Experience
C. Performance-Based or
Skill-Related Project
Portfolio (Electronic or Paper)
Senior Exit Presentation
Your senior experience packet is due ___________________. The following items must be completed
and attached for your experience to count toward your final graduation requirement:
Cover page “What you need to complete the senior culminating project”
Signed approval form with all attached documents (i.e. career research information sheet,
supervisor letter, etc)
Service log form
Student evaluation form
Four paragraph reflection paper.
Turn final packet in to your advisory by ________________ (date) to meet the senior experience portion
of your graduation requirement.
Use as the cover page.
Turn final project in to your advisor by __________________(date)
Revised 10/2010
Ephrata High School Senior Culminating Project
Planning Your Volunteer Experience
Student Name: _______________________________ _________________________________________________
Name of Program/Agency:_______________________________________________________________________
Contact Name: __________________________________________________ Phone:________________________
Dates of service: ________________________________________________ Total Service Hours:_____________
_____ Submit “Prior Approval Form” to approval committee with typed rationale and supervisor letter
_____ Review appropriate dress list
_____ Review/identify potential questions for supervisor
_____ Parent Permission Slip- complete parent permission slip and turn into the office PRIOR to job shadow start
_____ Pre-Arranged Absence Request Form- turned into the office PRIOR to start date if school will be missed.
_____ Fill out Service Log Form and obtain supervisor signature
_____ Complete Student Evaluation form
_____ Give Supervisor Evaluation form to supervisor along with a pre-addressed and stamped envelope to be sent
to EHS
_____ Send a thank you letter to your service supervisor if appropriate
_____ Complete your Reflection Paper
As a volunteer participant, you are expected to fulfill the requirements listed above. You are also
reminded that you are representing Ephrata High School out in the community; therefore, you are
expected to act and dress accordingly. We hope that this opportunity will assist you in preparing and
planning for your future educational and career goals.
Revised 10/2010
Ephrata High School Senior Culminating Project
Prior Approval Information Form
- Volunteer Experience To be submitted before the actual experience
Student Name _________________________________________________________________________
Career Interest ________________________________________________________________________
Name of Program/Agency _______________________________________________________________
Address & Phone Number _______________________________________________________________
Supervisor’s Name * ___________________________________________________________________
Expected Date(s) of Volunteer Experience __________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Name ________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Signature ____________________________________________ Date ____________
Advisory Teacher’s Signature ___________________________________________ Date ____________
*Please attach a signed letter of prior approval from the volunteer supervisor
Attach a second sheet (Career Research Information) with basic information that you have researched
on WOIS or Occupational Outlook Handbook sites. Use the term “volunteer” or look at “Social &
Community Service Managers” in WOIS. Please answer the following questions using a bullet format.
What is your current career interest?
How does the volunteer experience relate to this career or to your future?
What post-secondary schooling or training will you need to enter this career?
Please include this information:
The name and the location of a school or program
The cost of the program
How volunteerism or service can assist you in this career (if at all)
What is the job outlook for this career?
What is the average salary or wage level for beginners in this career?
What possibilities are there for advancing or improving in the career?
To turn in to your advisor by _____________________________________________(date)
1. This completed form 2. Supervisor’s letter 3. Career Research Information sheet
Revised 10/2010
Ephrata High School Senior Culminating Project
Project Status as of ____________________________________________ (date)
_______________ Approved
______________ Please re-apply or appeal
Approval Committee Signatures
Approval Committee Comments or Recommendations:
To turn in to your advisor by _____________________________________________(date)
1. This completed form 2. Supervisor’s letter 3. Career Research Information sheet
Revised 10/2010
Ephrata High School Senior Culminating Project
Career Research Information Sheet
- Volunteer Experience Sample –
My career interest is in education or child care.
Working as a volunteer in a daycare will give me an idea of what the day-to-day job
looks like and will give me a chance to ask questions about the pressures and
satisfactions of working with small children.
Postsecondary schooling or training
o On WOIS I found that I could get childcare assisting training at Big Bend
Community College, Wenatchee Valley College and Walla Walla Community
o Tuition for the community colleges is about $3200 a year plus books and supplies.
o Prerequisites are to be a high school graduate. Good classes to take include child
development, foods & nutrition, safety and first aid.
The job outlook is good since the number of jobs is expected to stay steady or increase.
Washington state has over 1600 job openings a year for child care workers.
Wages in Washington range from $9 to $12 an hour depending upon experience and
location. Self-employed child care workers may earn more or less depending upon the
number of children and the length of time they care for them.
Advancement opportunities are limited. Large daycares run by businesses or private
daycares are two options. With more schooling, a child care worker can become a
certified Early Childhood Educator and work in the public schools.
Revised 10/2010
Ephrata High School Senior Culminating Project
Questions List
- Volunteer Experience –
If you are volunteering your time at a business/corporation in which you would like to have a career. The
following List of Sample Questions will allow you to get the most from your volunteer experience. It is
recommended that you prepare a few questions ahead of time for your host so that you get the type of
information that you are interested in as well as show a high level of engagement in this experience.
1. What is the main purpose of this organization?
2. What are the responsibilities of your department?
3. What are your job responsibilities?
4. What people, equipment and type of data do you work closely with?
5. What type of education or training have you had?
6. What type of education or training do I need to have in order to do this job?
7. Is there any type of certification needed to do this type of work?
8. How did you decide to do this type of work?
9. What do you like most about your job?
10. What do you like least about your job?
11. What is the most challenging part of your job?
12. What kind of benefits comes with working for your company and/or in a job like yours?
13. What kind of hours do you work?
14. What is an estimate of a wage that a person in your position might make?
15. What type of high school classes would you recommend a student take to prepare for a job like
Other Questions:
Revised 10/2010
Ephrata High School Senior Culminating Project
Conduct Guide
- Volunteer Experience –
Impressions are important… so be prepared! This conduct guide will vary considerably depending on the
type of service volunteer for. Use this as a guideline, not a rule.
Show up on time. Plan to arrive 10-15 minutes early.
Professional Conduct:
Smile, make eye contact
Use a firm handshake
Use a friendly greeting, “nice to meet you”
Speak clearly; be pleasant, no slang, no swearing
Follow ALL directions given
Professional Dress:
Slacks or dress pants (no jeans if possible)
Shirts with collar or buttons (tucked in please)
Clean shoes, laces tied
No tee shirts with logos, No hats, No shorts
Skirts, dresses, or slacks
Clean shoes, hosiery if appropriate
Modest jewelry
No tight pants or short skirts
No shirts with revealing necklines, make sure shirts are long enough to cover pant line,
no see-through shirts
Revised 10/2010
Ephrata High School Senior Culminating Project
Experience Log Form
- Volunteer Experience Information:
Student Name: _______________________________ _________________________________________________
Name of Program/Agency:_______________________________________________________________________
Contact Name: __________________________________________________ Phone:________________________
Dates of service: _______________________________________________________________________________
Time Log:
Supervisor Signature:
Total Hours Completed:_______________
Attach to final packet. Turn in to your advisor by ___________________________(date)
Always keep a copy for your records
Revised 10/2010
Ephrata High School Senior Culminating Project
Student Evaluation Form
- Volunteer Experience Information:
Student Name: _______________________________ _________________________________________________
Name of Program/Agency:_______________________________________________________________________
Contact Name: __________________________________________________ Phone:________________________
Dates of service: _______________________________________________________________________________
List three items of new information you learned from your job shadow experience.
What appealed to you the most about this career? Why?
What appealed to you the least about this career? Why?
How would you rate your job shadow experience overall in terms of gaining information about your
career interest area and learning about educational requirements necessary to become employable in this
area? (Circle one).
___________________________________________________________ ________________________
(Student Signature)
Attach to final packet. Turn in to your advisor by ___________________________(date)
Always keep a copy for your records
Revised 10/2010
Ephrata High School Senior Culminating Project
Supervisor Evaluation Form
- Volunteer Experience Information:
Student Name: _______________________________ _________________________________________________
Name of Program/Agency:_______________________________________________________________________
Contact Name: __________________________________________________ Phone:________________________
Dates of service: _________________________________________________ Total Volunteer Hours:________
While under your supervision, how did the student perform?
Is there anything Ephrata High School could do in the future to improve this experience for you as a
____________________________________________________ ______________________
(Supervisor Signature)
Please return the evaluation form in the envelope provided to the following address:
Counseling Center
Ephrata High School
333 Fourth Avenue NW
Ephrata, Washington 98823
Revised 10/2010
Ephrata High School Senior Culminating Project
Senior Culminating Project Reflection Paper
- Volunteer Experience All students will be expected to reflect on their experiences (job shadow, volunteer, performance
or skill related project) by writing a four paragraph reflection paper. It is to be typed, double
spaced, and 12 pt font.
The reflection paper needs to include:
□ How did you plan/prepare for your project?
□ What did you learn during the experience?
□ How is this related to your future plans?
□ How have your classes prepared you for your next step in life?
Attach to final packet. Turn in to your advisor by ___________________________(date)
Always keep a copy for your records
Revised 10/2010