Zombie Research Paper.doc

Zombie Research Paper
Your Task:
Zombies have attacked! You need to write a paper on how you would survive the zombie apocalypse. This is a
research based paper worth 100 points. You need to include facts, evidence and citations.
The first thing that you need to do is determine what type of zombies you have been attacked by. There is more
than one “species” of zombie, so be sure you describe your zombies. The next thing that you need to do is pick a place OR
weapon that you would go to/use to survive. You need to make an argument that will convince me that your plan is the
best plan for survival.
Zombie Species:
What kills your zombies?
How do they survive?
What can they infect? (people, animals…?)
How do they infect others? (Bites, bodily fluids…?)
How were they created? (you do not NEED this explanation, but it would be helpful to your paper to include it)
Why is your choice the best defense?
How would it help you and/or others? Would you help others?
If a place:
o How would you defend against the zombie attack?
o How would you get there?
o How would you get food in your hide-out?
o How long could you survive there?
If a weapon:
o How would you “replenish” your weapon?
o How long could you last?
o How would you get food? Shelter?
o What happens if you are one on one with a zombie? Or stuck in a group of them?
2 FULL pages
4 sources (these need to be cited in your paper, not JUST sources in your works cited page)
Research based (this is NOT an “I think…” paper)
You must use REAL places of refuge or REAL weapons (for instance, a home in the clouds or a lightsaber would
be fantastic ideas, but they don’t actually exist).
The Zombie Rubric
Organization15- The structure of my paper is fortified. The paragraphs close like well-built fences: No zombies here!!
Word Choice15-The words chosen in my paper complement the topic well. The words flow together to create a picture for the reader. If
my words were a map, they would safely direct my friends and family to the safe zone.
Ideas15- The paper is clear, focused, and interesting. It holds the reader’s attention and has details that support the main idea. If
my ideas were to be used against fighting zombies, they would be innovative enough to triumph over the walking dead so
that I would see another day.
Sentence Fluency15- The paper has an easy flow and rhythm. A variation of sentence length is used. If my sentence fluency were to be
compared to running, it easily masters cardio (rule #1 of surviving zombies), and is able to jog and sprint throughout its
work out.
Voice15- The writer has written the paper to be read, not just as an assignment. The writer cares about the topic. The paper feels
genuine. This survivor cares about making it! They will do anything to survive.
Conventions15- Very few errors in grammar, spelling, and capitalization. Paragraphing is obvious and the paper is easy to read. If you
were in the zombie apocalypse, you would survive!
MLA Format10- You either survive with the tools… (12 pt Times New Roman font, double-spaced, exactly 2 pages of text, Work
Cited page, etc.)