Paper Topics

Paper Topics. Due March 23, 2011.
Write a 1000 word essay on one of the following topics. If you elect to write the long,
2500 word paper on one of these topics, you must bring in an outside source in addition
to the readings for this course. Be sure to follow the paper guidelines as stated at the
philosophy paper link.
1. Aristotle’s Ethics continues the type of analysis he began in his Metaphysics
(especially his discussion of final cause). Compare the themes of the Ethics and
Metaphysics (to the extent that they are comparable) and then extend this discussion
to an elaboration of Aristotle’s ethical theory, showing along the way why, for
Aristotle, only the virtuous person can be happy.
2. Descartes’ theory of mind was to set the stage for a number of philosophical debates
in modern philosophy and science. One such debate in philosophy was the mind-body
problem; and in science this would become the problem of artificial intelligence.
What are the problems in each of these two debates and how does Descartes’
philosophy set the stage for them. Be detailed in your discussion and if at all possible
give examples.
3. Descartes is often pointed to as the first of the Modern Philosophers. By contrasting
Descartes with Aristotle, discuss what it is that Descartes is doing in his philosophy
that has led to the claim that there is a distinctively modern philosophy—that is, a
philosophy that has broken with the philosophy that went before it, such as Ancient
and Medieval philosophy—and to the claim that Descartes is the first clear
representative of this tradition.