Character essay - JPCEnglish(RT)

Describe at least ONE idea that was worth learning about in the text.
Explain how verbal and / or visual feature(s) were used to show you this idea was worth learning about.
Refer to at least ONE of the following:
Narrative point-of-view
Special effects
Sound effects
In the film Remember the Titans directed by Boaz Yakin, two ideas worth learning about were shown.
Racism was shown throughout the film between blacks and whites through the verbal features, dialogue in
particular. Towards the end of the film, the theme of acceptance was portrayed through the main
characters learning to accept one another.
Until the middle section of the film, Sheryl showed an openly racist dislike of Coach Boone. One of the
reasons for this is that Sheryl thought Boone had ‘stolen’ her father’s job. This is shown when Boone visits
Yoast’s house and was barred from entering by Sheryl. “…we’ve got no time for you.” At the football camp,
Sheryl openly criticises Coach Boone’s actions.
The idea of acceptance was shown when Sheryl Yoast accepted Coach Boone for his good work in coaching
the Titans. This was shown when the Titans had finished their training and were sharing a meal. Sheryl
states: “Coach Boone, you did a good job up here. You ran a pretty tough camp from what I can see.”
Acceptance is also shown when Coach Boone tells Coach Yoast “you can bring Sheryl round any time you
want. We would be happy to have her.” While Sheryl is at Boone’s house, she and Boone review tapes of
opposition teams, together, showing the bond that has developed between them. At the end, Sheryl shows
her belief in acceptance of others when she says in voiceover: “People say it can’t work, black and white…
but we make it work … every day.” This shows that she has understood the idea of acceptance not just of
Boone, but of everyone. This was an idea well worth learning about.
The Titans football team members initially have a similar attitude to one another as Sheryl displays towards
Coach Boone. They judge one another by the colour of their skin. This was depicted early on in the film
when they are standing in school car park, waiting to board the bus to camp. A pan shot shows whites and
blacks standing segregated from one another, showing the viewer that the two groups did not want to work
together as a team. Another occasion when this was shown was when Boone told each team member they
must learn things about their room mates (of a different race). This angered many of the football players
who did not wish to integrate. “I think you’re nothing, nothing but a pure waste of God given talent.” Gerry
speaks to Julius in such a way that it is clear he does not appreciate him as an excellent football player.
An important moment of acceptance is when the team is at night practice at Gettysburg camp. The field is
lit by car lights. ‘We will be out here all night” says Boone – until the team ‘gets it right’. Ray does not block
for Petey. Gerry finally says: “What was that Ray? Whatever it was it wasn’t blockin’.” This is when the
football team begins to come together. Gerry compliments Julius on a tackle and pushes him: “Left side”.
After a moment’s hesitation, Julius returns the push and says “Strong side”. This is the moment when the
team becomes one for the first time, indicating that acceptance of one another is developing.
The use of dialogue in Remember the Titans was powerful and memorable, this made the film
commendable and helped show two significant ideas that were worth learning about: racism and
Hazel, Shaun, Campbell, Pavee.
576 words