An approach to answering the question about Elizabeth Bishop[1]

An approach to answering the question about Elizabeth Bishop.
Past examination questions
Bishop was examined in 2006, 2002 and 2001.
2006 Q. – “Reading the poetry of Elizabeth Bishop.”
Write out the talk that you would give to your class in response to the above
- Your reaction to her themes or subject matter.
- What you personally find interesting in her style of writing.
2002 Q. – “The poetry of Elizabeth Bishop appeals to the modern reader for
many reasons.”
2001 Q. – “Introducing Elizabeth Bishop.”
Write out the text of a short presentation you would make to your friends or
class group under the above title.
Guidelines to answering this question.
Introduction – The poetry of Elizabeth Bishop appeals to me because she
writes about things which are relevant, in a remarkably vivid and vital way.
Her themes are universal and the experiences which she describes are
timeless, concerned as they are with the individual’s sense of place in the
world and drawing on the poet’s experience of childhood. Nevertheless,
Bishop deals with complex emotional and psychological issues and makes
them accessible to the reader through the rich layers of comparisons, the
palpable atmosphere and the minute attention to detail which define her style
of writing.
Paragraph 2 – Attention to detail, the painter’s point of view,
comparisons and domestic imagery in “The Fish”.
Paragraphs 3 and 4 – Communing with nature, finding a sense of place,
home in “At the Fishouses”, “The Bight”, “In the Waiting Room”.
Paragraph 5 – Coming to terms with growing up, death and grief in “
In the Waiting Room”, “First death in Nova Scotia”, “Sestina”.
Conclusion – She allowed me to find hope and celebration in despair.