
Conquest of Canaan: Joshua
Old Testament Survey
Hebrews (Jews) would view Joshua as the first book of the
Nevi’im (‫ )נביאים‬or ____________ (remember TANAK).
Three divisions of Hebrew Bible: T_______(Law), N___________(Prophets), K____________(Writings)
The Torah is made up of five books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy (aka the
‘Books of Moses’ as he is the author of the majority of the material).
The Nevi’im (Prophets) is made up of 19 (in our Bible 21) books divided into two sections.
Early/Former Prophets
Later/Latter Prophets
(the time of the establishment of Israel)
(pre-exilic, exilic, post-exilic)
4 books (Christian Bibles, six books)
15 books; or 3 Major Prophets + ‘The Twelve’
Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings
3 Major Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel
The Septuagint divides Samuel and Kings
‘The Twelve’ refers to the 12 books named for
into 1 & 2 Samuel and 1 & 2 Kings;
12 individual prophets (‘minor’ refers,
there are not additions or subtractions of the text
to the length of the books)
The Ketuvim (Writings) is made up of 11 (in our Bible 13) books divided into three sections.
Poetic Books
Five Scrolls
Other Books
Collectively known as “Truth”
or Hamesh Megillot
All exilic or post-exilic
Psalms, Proverbs, Job
Songs of Songs (Solomon),
Daniel, Ezra-Nehemiah,
Hebrew emphasis in poetry
Ruth, Lamentations,
Chronicles (1&2)
is often in parallelism
Ecclesiastes, Esther
(Daniel & Ezra, some
Many Christians view Joshua as the first book of the ___________ section of the Old Testament
39 Books in the Old Testament in the English Bible (5 divisions of the Old Testament)
5 books of _______
12 books of History
5 Major ____________
5 books of Poetry/Wisdom Literature
12 Minor ____________
The Book of Joshua begins “____________ of the Jordan” (Joshua 1:12-15) where the tribes of
_______________, ______________, and half the tribe of ______________ had been granted land.
Two spies were sent to spy on the land (Canaan) and especially the city of _______________ They
were hidden by ____________ who told them all the people were “melting in ____________” (2:1-7)
The Israelites crossed the Jordan River on ______ ground as the Priest held the _________ (ch 3 & 4)
The City whose walls fell was ____________. Israel lost their next battle, against ______, because of
the sin of ____________. The Covenant was renewed at _________ ______________ (chapters 6-8).
After being deceived by the ___________ (ch. 9), Israel defeated the central cities Canaan, then the
____________ cities (ch. 10), and finally the ___________ cities (ch 11-12).
As Moses had promised, the land east of the Jordan was given to ___________, ________, and the
half-tribe of ____________ (ch 13) and Hebron to ____________ (ch 14; see Numbers 14:24).
Joshua 15-19 contains the division of the land to the other tribes. In chapter 20 there are six Cities of
__________ designated in Israel (three on each side of the Jordan).
Instead of a land inheritance, members of the tribe of __________ live in cities scattered throughout all
of Israel (ch 21). After the land has been conquered, the __________ may return home (ch 22).
The renewal of the Covenant is recorded in chapter 24, where Joshua challenges the people and tells
them, “__________ for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the __________ your
forefathers served beyond the ____________, or the gods of the ___________, in whose land you are
living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD” (24:15).