Shakespeare`s Hamlet Study Guide

Shakespeare’s Hamlet Study Guide
I. Characterization of Hamlet
A. Thoughts/Feelings
B. Personality Traits
C. Other Characters’ Points of View
D. Conflicts—External and Internal
E. Events that lead to his downfall
F. Hamlet’s foils (characters whose personalities contrast
with his own)
II. Characterization of Male Characters: Claudius, Ghost,
Polonius, Laertes, Horatio, Rosencrantz & Guildenstern
A. Portrayals (personality strengths & flaws)
B. Thoughts/Feelings
C. Conflicts—External and Internal
D. Influences on the Events of the Play
E. Relationship with Hamlet
III. Female Characters: Gertrude and Ophelia
A. Portrayals (personality strengths and flaws)
B. Thoughts/Feelings
C. Conflicts—External and Internal
D. Influences on the Events of the Play
E. Relationship with Hamlet
IV. Plot Development & Significance
A. Initial Incident/Exposition
B. Rising Action (events leading to climax)
C. Climax
D. Resolution
Literary Terms in the Play
A. Foreshadowing
B. Double Entendre
C. Symbolism
D. Metaphor & Simile
E. Hyperbole
F. Soliloquy
VI. Language
A. Religious Connotation
B. Sexual Connotation
C. Misogyny
D. Shakespeare’s Times
E. Shakespeare’s Theater
VII. Famous Quotes (
A. Interpretation
B. Character Portrayals
C. Emphasis on Acts III, IV, and V
D. Universal Messages/Lessons of Hamlet