Skit Two

2014 MPI-Broshar/Vandehaar-BA150MPI
Skit Two: Hot Idea or Hogwash?
Your hometown of Swilldale has always been known for its clean air and clean living. But a
pungent cloud is wafting on the horizon: Some local entrepreneurs have decided to develop
a hog manure processing plant on the outskirts of town. Some call it economic
development; others call it an aromatic disaster. The Swilldale city council is meeting to
decide whether to support or oppose the venture.
Your group will role play the board meeting. The characters include:
Lonnie Levity (newly-elected MAYOR). Lonnie is a successful businesswoman who is an
effective, task-oriented leader. However, she has her hands full with this cast of characters
at this, her first council meeting.
Bo Bunk (COUNCILMAN). Bo has never heard an idea with merit. He puts down any and
all suggestions, pointing out why they won’t work. Keep objecting to new ideas. Questions
why Porkbarrel wants to locate this new plant on the opposite end of town from where he
(Porkbarrel) lives.
Sean Snit (COUNCILMAN). Sean never says anything and tends to arrive at meetings late,
slump back in his chair, look bored and cast negative glances at others.
Frankie Fretmore (COUNCILWOMAN). Frankie is scared to death of controversy and
will ask a question or change the subject when she detects disagreement.
Stacy Straymore (COUNCILWOMAN). Stacy constantly wanders off the subject and tells
stories. This issue reminds her of a pet pig her grandfather taught to bob for apples.
Andy Upstage (COUNCILWOMAN). Andy always feels her ideas are the best and is quick
to offer a better suggestion. She is happy to tell you about her great ideas, again, and again.
Jackass Jamie (an “interested” citizen in the audience). Jake is a joker and prankster who
loves to wisecrack. Also carries on a lot of low volume “sidebar” conversations with folks
nearby (talk to those next to you). Suggests that the proposed manure plant contract with
the Department of Defense to develop toxic chemical warheads. (Sit at one end of the front
Porkbarrel Pat. Porkbarrel has requested a slot on the agenda to address the council. He is
a large-scale pork producer who is looking for a way to dispose of his hog manure and make
money at the same time. While he likes the proposal, he wants it to be located on the
southeast edge of town – far from his own farm to the northwest. (Sit at the opposite end of
the front table from Jackass Jamie)
2014 MPI-Broshar/Vandehaar-BA150MPI
Skit Two: Hot Idea or Hogwash?
INSTRUCTIONS: Assign members of your group to role-play the characters in the skit.
In order for this to be a useful exercise, use your imagination, and “ham it up.”
Actors/actresses, as the skit unfolds feel free to invent your own remarks, but stay true to
your character’s defined traits.
Also, make sure that all characters have some time in the spotlight.
During the role play, it is CRITICAL that you SPEAK UP so all can hear your part in this
Your group will have 10 minutes to assign roles and “strategize” for the skit. You will
have another 10 minutes to perform the skit.
1. The instructor will serve as narrator, introducing the skit situation and characters
(announcing that Sean Snit is absent, since he will be arriving on the scene 5 minutes late).
2. Mayor Lonnie Levity begins the meeting by explaining the issue facing the council.
After that, have at it!
Obviously, the purpose of the skit is to highlight some of the roles that people play in
meetings, not to come up with a solution.