Test 4 a - University of New Mexico

Soc 213 (001)
Deviant Behavior
Test 4a 12/11/2001
Part 1: Old Text Items
Ch. 12: Drinking and Alcoholism
1. Which of the following was NOT listed by Thio as a determinant of intoxication? A. an individual's physical
size determines how much alcohol must be consumed in order to become intoxicated, B. the higher percentage
of alcohol in a beverage, the quicker the intoxicating effect, C. individuals that smoke have a higher tolerance to
alcohol, D. individuals that drink heavier or more frequently have a higher tolerance to alcohol, E. drinking on
an empty stomach can result in quicker alcohol absorption.
2. Drinking is a characteristically _____ activity (best answer). A.
female; B. male; C. gender neutral; D. middle aged person's; E.
Southern Baptist
3. _____ stage of alcoholism where the individual drinks beyond their tolerance level
and suffers a blackout. A. physical addiction, B. psychological addiction, C. hitting bottom, D. social drinker,
E. none of the above.
4. Alcohol is a often thought of as a _____, but is actually a _____.
A. stimulant, hallucinogen B. depressant; stimulant C. narcotic,
anti-depressant D. stimulant, depressant E. depressant,
.5. A _____ is an attack of amnesia or memory loss. A. blackout B.
passing out C. alanon D. delirium tremens episode E. psychological
blanking episode
6. According to one classic sociological theory, _____ causes
alcoholism by producing acute inner tensions in people, encouraging
them to view drinking as a way of relieving tension, and failing to
provide suitable substitutes for alcohol for reducing stress. A.
cultural factors B. being anti-social C. vulnerable personality
features D. genetic predispositions E. intense dependency needs.
7. According to Glassner (1991) which religious group makes conscious attempts to avoid excessive drinking?
A. Catholics, B. Baptists, C. Orthodox Jews, D. Protestants, E. none of the above. (p. 307)
8. Which of the following have been found to be a characteristic of a binge drinker? A. being white, B. being
male, C. business major, D. college educated parents, E. all of the above.
Ch. 13: White Collar and Governmental Deviance
9. According to Ermann and Lundham (1996, 1982) what is a reason that corporations neglect their employees
health and safety? A. profit maximization, B. corporate structure, C. government reluctance to take action
against offending corporations, D. shortage of governmental enforcement personnel, E. all of the above.
10. Embezzelers are usually _____. A. white males, B. low-paid, C. unmarried, D. near retirement age, E. none
of the above.
11. GMs executives refused to recall some 5 million dangerous GM
pickups after 300 people had been killed in collisions involving
exploding gas tanks. This is could involve all BUT which of the
following? A. white-collar deviance B. corporate deviance C.
deviance against customers D. unsafe products E. antitrust
12. The _____ program got off to a shaky start because the EPA was soft
on environmental offenses. A. congressional B. antitrust C.
Superfund D. securities law enforcement D. OSHA
13. According to Lieberman, _____ includes denying the obvious,
ignoring the deviance, accusing the accuser and promising to take
action (best answer) A. election improprieties B. neutralization
C. official violence D. embezzlement E. abusing the frank (p.
14. According to Hollinger and Clark (1983), Altheide et al. (1978) and Conklin (1977), which of the following
is most likely NOT a reason for employee theft? A. supplement existing income, B. non-criminal self image, C.
boring jobs, D. union-management conflict E. large and impersonal corporations. (p. 335)
15. According to Thio, which of the following is NOT a cause of white collar deviance? A. fear of loss, B.
benefit of high position, C. greed for gain, D. strong social control, E. weak law enforcement. (pp. 344)
Ch. 14: Disreputable Economic Deviance
16. A "strong-armed" robbery involves A. threat of force, B. a weapon, C. no weapon, D. a strong robber, D.
multiple victims.
17. According to Haran and Martin (1984) and Conklin (1972), which robber type is most
likely to form a gang in order to overpower the victim? A. professional robber, B. addict robber, C. opportunist
robber, D. alcoholic robber, E. thrill seeking robber. (p. 359)
18.Social-psychological motivations for shoplifting include all EXCEPT
which of the following? A. sense of thrill B. desire for social
acceptance C. trying to be frugal D. deny injury to the victim
E. being high
19. The _____ seem to have taken over drug trafficking and other
traditional street crime activities in their own communities. A.
nonethnic motorcycle gangs B. new ethnic gangs C. mafiya D.
Herreras E. Irish
20. According to your text, Italian dominance of organized crime has
continued to this day largely because of _____. (best answer) A.
prohibition B. extreme poverty of Italian immigrants C. political
corruption D. bank-robbery E. drug trafficking
Part 2: Old Video Items
Video 13A: How to Steal a Million Dollars
21. Monus tended to hire _____ to run his new business empire. A. young,
inexperienced men; B. men who were older and retired; C. family members (realtives) whose loyalty could be
counted on; D. men who had had run-ins with the law for shady business practices but who wanted another
chance; E. mob members known to the police as criminals.
22. Who picks up the cost of an expensive dress (half a million dollars) for the bride when Monus decides to get
married (at a point when PharMor is losing lots of money)? A. Parents of the bride, B. Coca-Cola, C. Gerber's
baby food, D. Absolut Vokda, E. Nabisco (Phillip-Morris).
23. Which of the following business qualities were attributed to Mickey Monus by Pat Finn? A. ability to
create jobs B. ability to make money C. ability to motivate everyone D. ability to boost his home town E. all of
the above. (p. 1)
24. As a business executive how did Mickey Monus focus his interests? A. exclusively on Phar-Mor B. PharMor, sports league, tv production, and other businesses C. expanding from the Midwest to the east coast D.
radio broadcasting, buying a major league baseball team E. bringing more consumer products into the Ohio
valley. (p. 2)
25. What happens at the real estate convention held in Las Vegas each year? A. mortgage interest rates are set
B. deals are made for new store locations C. inventory content is negotiated D. distribution of saleerritories are
negotiated E. new areas for market expansion are evaluated. (p. 5 )
26. How did Pat Finn explain a real financial report accidentally faxed to the CEO, Pat Shapira? A. they were
just preliminary numbers requiring adjustment, B. it was a computer error in compiling financial reports from
different stores, C. the estimates on exclusivity money were low and needed adjustment, D. the three new stores
in Las Vegas were showing only marginal profits, E. all of the above. (p. 4)
27. How did Phar-Mor use the $200 million investment from Corporate Partners? A. for cash to continue its
aggressive growth plan, B. for covering the fraud, C. to cover the World Basketball League losses, D. to
pay off angry vendors, E. Monus paid off the account department buying their silence. (p. 6)
28. How did Frontline explain the hung jury in Monus first trial? A. there was no evidence presented that
Monus was behind the fraud, B. Finns testimony was unsubstantiated, C. Monus bribed an employee to refute
testimony, D. one juror and a friend of Monus were indicted for jury tampering, E. David Shapira bribed the
judge. (p. 8)
V13C: High Crimes and Misdemeanors
29. In the U. S., the power to declare war rests with the _____. A. President B. Joint Chiefs of Staff C.
Congress D. the President's National Security Advisor E. the Secretary of State
30. Throughout his testimony about Iran-Contra, President Reagan frequently cited _____. A. the Constitution
B. the Boland Amendment C. the previous testimony of his advisors D. his presidential oath of office E. his
faulty memory
31. Looking back on Iran-Contra after assuming the office of the presidency in 1989, George Bush maintained
that _____. A. the Constitution was circumvented B. Oliver North was a scapegoat C. the Boland
Amendment was a "necessary evil" D. there was no "quid pro quo" E. he was unaware of the hostage situation
32. In the video, High Crimes & Misdemeanors, all of the following statements would be considered TRUE
EXCEPT _____. A. Israel wanted to sell arms to Iran. B. the Contra war in Nicaraqua had begun as a covert
CIA operation. C. Congress agreed to support the Contra effort with funds. D. Iranian fanatics had seized the
American Embassy. E. Americans agents had mined harbors in Nicaragua in 1984.
33. According to the video, High Crimes & Misdemeanors, the United States involvement in the Contra war in
Nicaragua was only discovered when _____. A. Nicaraguan Sandanistan troops caught CIA agents in a
Contra camp. B. a Honduran ship carrying United States arms was seized in the Persian Gulf. C. the parents of
an American killed in Nicaragua asked their Congressman to investigate his death. D. Contra agents were
apprehended in the United States while trying to buy arms. E. an Argentinian aircraft chartered by the Israelis
crashed with a load of United States arms on board.
34.The video, High Crimes & Misdemeanors, indicated that the Reagan Administration encountered another
crisis in 1985 when _____. A. seven Americans were held hostage in Beirut. B. 247 people died after a
terrorist bomb blew up a Boeing 747 over Ireland. C. Iraq made its first aggressive attacks against Kuwait. D.
the Israeli Embassy in Bonn, Germany was bombed. E. Nicaraguan Sandanista troops attacked Honduras
thereby threatening to destabilize the entire region.
35. To whom is the Marine's oath of loyalty given? A. the President of the U.S.A. B. the Commandant of the
Marines C. The Bill of Rights D. The Constitution of the U.S. E. the people of the United States (p. 1)
36. What contributed to the seriousness of the ongoing conflict between the White House and the Congress? A.
political personalities B. going underground C.news leaks D. partisanship E. political polls. (p. 1)
37. According to Warren Rudman, what was being subverted by the White House? A.
the will of the American people B. Congress's absolute power to fund foreign policy C. Presidential control of
the military D. Congress's power to raise taxes for war E. campaign funds for pro White House candidates (p. 1)
38. The event which let the secret out regarding covert arms sales to foreign nations occurred when? A. After a
Nicaraguan ship was seized in the Gulf of Mexico with both U.S. and Iranian made arms on board, B. After an
Argentinean ship was intercepted in route to Nicaragua with a load of U.S. arms aboard, C. Shortly after the
assisination attempt was made on President Reagan's life, D. After an Iranian military defector broke the silence
about the arms deal being made, E. After an Argentinean aircraft chartered by Israel crashed with U.S. made
arms on board.
39. One precipitating event which led to the arranging of covert arms deals by the White House staff was what?
A. The support of terrorists by Libya leading to the World Trade Center bombing, B. The terrorist bombing
and subsequent crash of a U.S. 747 jumbo jet over Scotland, C. taking of the United States Embassy and
hostages by Iranian terrorists, D. evidence obtained showing Contra insurgents supporting Colombian drug
lords, E. taking of United States citizens as hostages by Syrian terrorists.
40. Congress used which amendment to prevent the executive branch from spending
money to support the Contras in Nicaragua? A. Johnson, B. Hamilton, C. Baker, D. Bowlin, E. Ford.
41. When it became public that the Reagan Administration was illegally funding the Contra effort with money
from arms for hostages deals, what happened? A. Lt. Col. Oliver North initiated damage control efforts by
destroy evidence in his office, B. Reagan sent his National Security Advisor to Capitol Hill to brief the Senate
Foreign Affairs Committee on what was happening, C. CIA Director Casey instructed agents in Iran to destroy
all evidence tying the United States to Contra support. D. the Israelis were secretly advised to hide all
outstanding shipments of arms in their country, E. the Contra leaders were secretly transported back to the
United States.
42. According to Ambassador Veliotes what did the Israelis do prior to the 1980 elections? A. purchase arms
from Russia B. establish new armed sites on the Palestinian border C. identified new layers in the National
Security area in the Reagan Administration D. give campaign contributions to U.S. congressman E. hold
negotiations with Iran at Camp David. (p. 2)
V13D: Waco -- The Untold Story
43. Members of the FBI Hostage Rescue Team (HRT) are also known as _____. A. the frontline B. Ninjas C.
the negotiators D. Hooverites E. Commandos
44. What was the bargaining chip between the ATF negotiators and David Koresh in exchange for the release
of the children in the compound? A. a face-to-face meeting between Koresh and Janet Reno B. withdrawal of
HRT from the compound C. air time for Koresh's sermons D. medical care for the children E. withdrawal of
tanks from the compound
45. After the 2 minute broadcasts what did the FBI negotiate to get the Davidians to come out? A. a broadcast
with Ted Koppel B. a broadcast on CBN C. removal of the HRT D. medical treatment for Koresh's wounds E.
an interview with Koresh on MSNBC (p. 3)
46. Which of these events occurred after the children were lined up to leave and Koresh refused to come out?
A. God told Koresh to wait B. Sage said he was embarrassed and devastated C. Sage had to tell the other
commander she had been duped D. Jamar said he had to get control of the situation E. All of the above. (p. 4)
47. According to the video, Waco - The Inside Story, the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms)
confrontation at Waco was _____, A. originally planned as the first stage of a multiagency operation to
confiscate illegal weapons and explosives. B. a disaster due to lack of cooperation from the FBI. C. a success
resulting in the surrender of illegal arms dealers. D. the result of a clue discovered in the
investigation of the World Trade Center bombing. E. the longest shootout in law enforcement history.
48. According to the video, Waco - The Inside Story, after the FBI took over surveillance at the Waco complex,
Special Agent _____ was put in charge of the whole operation onsite. A. Steve Snyder B. Byron Sage
C. Clive Doyle D. Jeff Jamar E. Barry Higginbotham
49. According to the video, Waco - The Inside Story, there was a split in the way the onsite negotiators and the
HRT (hostage rescue team) agents felt the FBI operation should be conducted. With regard to the
HRT's more action-oriented approach, the negotiators were really concerned that agents could not deal with a
_____ in the same way that you would deal with _____. A. commune; a terrorist group B. madman;
kidnappers C. cohesive group; bank robbers D. splintered; organized hitmen E. heavily armed group; drug
50. The video, Waco - The Inside Story, shows that the FBI used all of the following tactics EXCEPT _____.
A. putting tiny listening devices into milk cartons. B. negotiating directly face-to-face with David
Koresh. C. analyzing a video of Koresh made inside the complex with the kids. D. turning off electricity and
playing weird music. E. using the sheriff as the good guy.
New Text Items
Ch. 12: Drinking and Alcoholism
51. The popular belief that drinking causes immoral behavior A. leads many people
away from drinking. B. affects old people only. C. tends to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. D. causes people
to drink wine only.
52. Which of the following is a social consequence of alcohol abuse? A. higher death rates B. alcoholic
myopathy C. a loss of sexual performance D. higher rates of crimes
53. Italians A. drink a lot and therefore have one of the highest rates of alcoholism. B. have one of the lowest
rates of alcoholism. C. compete with the Irish for the heaviest drinking. D. use drinking as a means to drown
their sorrows and problems of life.
54. Which of the following statements about the definition of alcoholism is false? A. There is no universally
accepted definition of alcoholism. B. Alcoholics can be identified on the basis of certain problems that they
have as a result of drinking. C. Alcoholism is a clearly defined and understood disease. D. Alcoholism
involves a compulsion to drink, causing damage to self and others.
55. Which of the following is not one of the recent biological and genetic discoveries that might link
alcoholism to preexisting genetic factors? A. The absence of a flushing response among alcoholics. B. Persons
with the A! gene might be more vulnerable to alcoholism. C. If an identical twin is alcoholic, the chances of the
other identical twin becoming alcoholic are relatively high. D. If a fraternal twin is alcoholic, the chances of
the other fraternal twin becoming alcoholic are significantly higher.
56. In coping with culturally induced stress, Jews are likely to turn to eating and Muslims to strong coffee or
hashish instead of drinking. This is because they A. lack experience with using alcohol to deal with stress. B.
have been provided with culturally approved alternatives to the use of alcohol. C. have no genetic
predispositions toward drinking in their culture. D. follow religions that prohibit all forms of drinking.
57. Which of the following is part of the treatment program of Alcoholics Ananymous? A. requiring members
to admit that they are alcoholics and powerless over liquor B. encouraging members to develop a rugged
individualist approach to drinking. C. encouraging members to maintain a moderte drinking pattern. D. urging
members to seek psychotherapy.
58. The two types of white-collar deviance are white-collar occupational deviance, and A. street-based
deviance. B. government deviance. C. corporate deviance. D. individual deviance.
59. Which of the following statements about deviance against the government is false? A. The Internal
Revenue Service is reluctant to investigate corporations for illegal evasion of taxes. B. The veneer of corporate
respectability often discourages suspicion of criminality. C. Most corporations are honest and only rarely
commit this type of white-collar deviance. D. Corporations bribe politicians and government officials to
influence legislation.
60. The program designed to clean up serious areas of environmental pollution is called A. the EPA program
B. the Superfund C. National Environmental Recovery Program D. Environmental Trust Program
61. which of the following is not a reason why some employees steal from their employers? A. feeling
underpaid B. feeling old enough to deserve extra compensation C. feeling frustrated by a lack of promotional
opportunity D. not seeing the stealing as real theft
62. Which of the following is not a difference that distinguishes white-collar deviance from common crime? A.
white-collar crimes, when prosecuted, have stiffer penalties B. the white-collar criminal’s ability to maintain a
noncriminal self-image C. the unwitting cooperation of the victim D. society’s relative indifference toward the
63. White-collar deviance among corporations or their personnel exists because of strong criminal motivation
and A. a tendency toward violence. B. severe social strain caused by America’s social structure. C. weak
social controls. D. poor socialization experiences and negative self-images.
64. Which of the following is a type of election impropriety? A. abusing the frank B. political theft C.
receiving contributions in return for favors D. government violence
65. Political insiders call attempts to neutralize deviance A. types of power abuse. B. lies and distortions. C.
the ritual of wiggle. D. the delabeling of actions
66. The majority of robberies are A. carefully planned and executed. B. unsuccessful. C. entirely unplanned.
D. over-planned but unsuccessful.
67. Which of the following statements about the patterns of robbery is not true? A. Robbery occurs most
frequently in the cold winter months. B. Most robberies take place outdoors. C. Most robberies result in large
amounts of stolen money. D. most robberies today are armed.
68. The most significant property crime is A. shoplifting B. bank robbery. C. mugging. D. auto theft.
69. Which of the following times is the most likely for a burglary to occur? A. 9-11 a.m. B. 9-11 p.m. C.
weekends D. 2-5 a.m.
70. In Japan, the Yakuza gangs are A. all but eliminated from Japanese society B.
largely in control of the government C. legal organizations D. separated from the larger society.
Part 4: New Lecture Questions
71. Quinney's "social reality of crime" approach shares with Durkheim's functional theory the central thesis that
crime is A. an objective reality, B. detrimental to society, C. a sign of the health of a society, D. worse in
prosperous times, E. created.
72. In Quinney's "social reality of crime" approach, the central concern is _____ of crime which are most
clearly described as a function of _____. A. criminal definitions, power; B. fluctuations, poverty; C.
consequences, social facilitation; D. cultural contradictions, religion; E. latent functions, legitimacy.
73. According to Spitzer (1975), "Traditional theories of deviance are essentially _____ and _____.” A. racist,
sexist; B. unclear, untestable; C. obvious, unhelpful; D. non-structural, ahistorical; E. psychologically biased
and sociologically ignorant.
74. Spitzer (1975) offers the historical examples of mental retardation, the criminalization of drugs, and mental
illness as illustrations of the A. exploitation of labor, B. production of deviance, C. the marginalization of
economic production, D. false consciousness, E. key structural contradictions.
75. In the classical Marxist framework, everything else about a society derives from A. the role of the
intelligentsia, B. the superstructure, C. the mode and means of production, D. institutional imperatives, E. the
perversity of religion.
76. According to Spitzer (1975), "Simply stated, capitalism requires increased productivity to survive, and
increased productivity is only made possible by A. increasing the rate of unemployment, B. increasing the rate
of inflation, C. raising the ratio of machines to men. D. the obsolescence of production skills. E. greater
investment in public education.
77. According to Spitzer (1975), the high cost of of "segregative handling" in industrialized societies leads to a
crisis in the form of A. revolution, B. class inversion, C. loss of credibility, D. overproduction of deviance, E.
fatal conflict within the ruling class.
78. In Chambliss's (1974) summary of Marx, "the most fundamental feature of people's lives is their _____." A.
class consciousness, B. education level, C. institutional identification, D. sense of history, E. relationship to the
means of production.
79. As illustrated in Chambliss's (1974) summary of Marx, contradictions are best understand as resulting from
_____ in the capitalist system. A. inefficiencies, B. conflict, C. change, D. irrationality, E. social
80. According to Chambliss (1974), Erikson's analysis in "Wayward Puritans" paid insufficient attention to A.
social change, B. religious oppression, C. the role of the ruling class, D. structural strain, E. the economic
functions of incarceration.