Stony Hill United Methodist Church

***Special Welcome to our Guests! There is a place for you at Stony Hill! Please
register on the fellowship pads on the inside aisle of each pew***
Pastor: “Lanny” Lancaster
Ministers: The Whole Congregation
May 26, 2013
Trinity Sunday
Stewardship Scripture: EXODUS 23.19a: "Bring the best of the firstfruits of your
soil to the house of the LORD your God.”
Worship with Our Tithes & Offerings
*Doxology 95
Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow
Prelude and Lighting of the Candles
Choir Anthem
Choral Call to Worship: 171 There’s Something About that Name
Scripture: Luke 8.43-48
The Christian Greeting: L: The Lord be with you! P: And also with you!
Announcements and Passing of the Pew Pads
Hymn of Praise: 144 This is My Father’s World
Hymn of Praise: 158 Come Christians Join to Sing
The Mission of Stony Hill United Methodist Church is to: FOLLOW JESUS, MAKE
p. 743
Psalm 8
Drinda Hathcock – Stephen Eudy
Children’s Story
A Memorial Day Litany from The Book of Worship for United States Forces (1974)
L. Let us give thanks to God for the land of our birth with all its chartered liberties, for the
wonder of our country’s story:
P. We give you thanks, O God.
L. For leaders in nation and state, and for those who in days past and in these present times
have labored for the commonwealth:
P. We give you thanks, O God.
L. For those who in all times and places have been true and brave, and in the world’s common
ways have lived upright lives and ministered to their fellows:
P. We give you thanks, O God.
L. For those who served their country in its hour of need, and especially for those who gave
even their lives in that service:
P. We give you thanks O God.
L. O almighty God and most merciful Father, as we remember these your servants,
remembering with gratitude their courage and strength, we hold before you those who mourn
them. Look upon your bereaved servants with your mercy. As this day brings them memories
of those they have lost awhile, may it also bring your consolation and the assurance that their
loved ones are alive now and forever in your living presence.
The Lord’s Prayer, #895
John Henderson
*Hymn of Dedication: 593 Here I am Lord
*The altar is always open for prayer during the last hymn
Prayer for the Holy Spirit
Psalm Reading
*Choral Benediction: This Little Light of Mine
Greeter: 10:45 Mary & Hilton Butler Sound: Dink Hathcock, Spencer Peele
Ushers: 8:45 Guill Russell, Jim Cranford Projection: Drinda Hathcock, Chad Parsons
10:45 Hilton Butler, Paul Currie
Piano: Patty McCormick
Counters: Sid Fields, Kathy Johnson
Organ: Elaine Crawley
Pastor: Michael “Lanny” Lancaster
Acolytes: 8:45 Evan Hurley, Eli Hurley Assisted by: Emily Booth, Toby Smith
10:45 Eli Fields, Shyann Weeks
Assisted by: Marci Lemons
Every Week at Stony Hill
Sundays: 8:45am: Worship Service (traditional) 9:30am: Jesus and Java – Fellowship Hall
9:45am: Sunday School for all ages 10:45am: Worship Service (traditional)
5:00pm: Youth Group meeting
Mondays: 7:15pm: Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall
Wednesdays: 8:00am: Breakfast Bunch at Judy’s Restaurant 7:00pm: Choir
7pm: Bible Study
Thursdays: 6:30pm: Cub and Boy Scouts, Fellowship Hall
Food Pantry Collection for May: Toiletries—(shampoo, toothpaste, soap, deodorant,
personal hygiene) June: Soup & Crackers
Prayer Concerns: Our Nation, Jimmy Barfield, Jason Burleson family, Sheri Efird, Bryant
Fersner family, Daniel Hamilton, Gene Watkins, Ophelia Blalock, Valerie Putnam, Tony Furr,
Ruby Stoker, Bobby Johnson, Sylvia Burris, Family of Robbie Fesperman, Ellen Lancaster,
Mary Cain, David Eash, Harold Holt family, Debbie Wood, Family of Roy Still, Brian Byrd,
Family of Joe Byrd, Family of Seth Pope, Justin Dunn, Brenda Baker, Pat Mills, Bill Randle,
Mike & Martha O’Neill, Sandy Horne, Doris Dufour, Keith Auman, Carolyn Terry, Patty
McCormick, Bob Wagoner, Pastor Lanny, Janet and family
Shut-ins: Ron & Loretta Allred, Alberta Boggan, Leona Goodman, Jean Holt, Gene and
Carolyn Helms, Ruby Murray, Kate Swaringen
*If you have a prayer concern that you would like added or deleted from the list, please call or
email Pastor Lanny at the parsonage.
*Jesus & Java Host for April: May 5 William & Laura Fields, 12 -Mother’s Day,
19 -Patty McCormick & Tari Parson, 26 -David & Pat Mills June 2 - Sid & Margaret
Special thanks to Pat Mills and John Henderson for leading the services today!
Next Sunday is graduate recognition Sunday. Covered dish luncheon after the later service!
*Check out our church website: and like us on Facebook! Check them for
upcoming worship experiences and activities at the Church!
*Did you know that you could set up an electronic payment or bank draft to manage your giving to
the church? For more information, contact your bank.
Special Thanks to all who donated items, volunteered, and attended the youth spaghetti supper and silent
auction. We raised about $500 for youth missions and projects!
Pastor Lanny has been reappointed to serve as the pastor of Stony Hill. Pastor Lanny, Janet, Noah, and
Jacob count it a joy and privilege to serve the Lord together with you at Stony Hill!
The Sunshine Seniors Group will meet Tuesday, May 28, 10:30 AM at Morrow Mountain State Park's
lower picnic area, just below the pool. However, if you are uncomfortable driving to the park, please be
in the Badin Baptist Church's parking lot at 10:00 AM for a ride to the park. Park Personnel will be on
hand to give us some facts about the park. The newly renovated museum is available for a walk though.
Bring your favorite covered dishes, $1.00, a guest, and of course, yourself, for a time of good fellowship,
and wonderful food.
TRANSFORM: a youth local missions camp will be the week of Sunday, July 7. More information to
come. Please be in prayer as we prepare to Transform the World starting here in Stanly County!
Care Team: The Care team is a group of church members who visit the sick, shut-ins, visitors, and the
grieving. They also provide acts of love and compassion such as taking food to others. If you are
interested in being a part of this great ministry, contact Pastor Lanny.
“I was hungry and you gave me food”: These are the words of Jesus. If you have extra vegetables
from your garden this summer, you can donate them to food drives for the needy taking place at Mt. Zion
Lutheran Church in Richfield on June 27, July 11, 23 and Aug. 1. For more information, contact Rev.
Eileen Ayuso at 704.463.1706
*Oklahoma Relief: UMCOR, the United Methodist Committee Relief is already in Oklahoma, helping
the victims of the recent tornados. To donate to the relief effort, you can send a check made out to
“UMCOR” P.O. Box 9068, New York, NY, 10087 and mark it for Oklahoma Disaster Relief. You can
also give online by going to and clicking on “Tornado Response.”