Revolutionary American Review
I. OUTLINE two of the following, including a thesis statement, topic sentences, and three
bullet points per paragraph.
1. Analyze the extent to which the American Revolution represented a radical alteration
in American political ideas and institutions. Confine your answer to the period 1775
to 1800.
2. Evaluate the relative importance of the following as factors prompting Americans to
rebel in 1776:
Parliamentary taxation
British military measures
Restriction of civil liberties The legacy of colonial religious and political ideas
3. Between 1783 and 1800, the new government of the United States faced the same
political, economic, and constitutional issues that troubled the British
government’s relations with the colonies prior to the Revolution. Assess the
validity of this generalization.
II. Terms: Define the following terms, being sure to answer who, what, when, where, and
why important.
1. French and Indian War
2. Stamp Act Congress
3. Coercive Acts
4. Tom Paine
5. Dunmore’s Proclamation
6. Adams Republicanism vs. Hamiltonian Republicanism
7. Articles of Confederation
8. Northwest Ordinance
9. Shays’s Rebellion
10. Hamilton’s Report on Public Credit and Report on Manufactures
11. Whiskey Rebellion
12. Democratic-Republican Societies
13. Quasi-War
14. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions